peerless angel

Chapter 246: Fire

() After purchasing the Dao Sword, Wu Feng left Dongfeng City, came to a nearby hill, opened up a cave, and immediately began to retreat.

When fighting against the royal elders and others, Wu Feng felt his own weakness, not because of lack of aura, but because he did not have a treasure to bear.

Although he has the golden flying sword of Brother Huangpao, it is a semi-divine weapon, which can only be activated by the Dharma body, and the Dharma body can only be condensed after the baptism of the gods and strongmen.

The dharmakaya is immortal.

Those who have not reached the level of immortality will suffer from birth, old age, sickness and death, and their lifespan is limited, but after reaching the level of immortality, they will be as bright as the sun and the moon, unless they are killed, they will never die of old age.

Now with this dao sword, Wu Feng's strength has directly improved several levels. If he meets a top earth immortal master like the royal elder again, he will definitely not let him go away under his nose!

Wu Feng quickly practiced the Dao sword, recognized the master, and then put it into the storage ring, and began to practice in seclusion.

Brother Huangpao's storage ring has several large mountains, a total of [-] million spirit stones!

When Wu Feng practiced, the spirit stones were like flowing water, and he set up a large formation for gathering spirits. The speed of cultivation was frighteningly fast, faintly breaking through to the middle stage of the earth immortal.

Three days later.

Wu Feng stopped cultivating in the cave mansion. The aura in his body has reached saturation at this moment, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the middle stage of the earth immortal.

In his realm, as long as he had enough spiritual stones, he could advance unimpeded, but when his spiritual energy was saturated, the first disaster that the earth immortal faced came.

Fire, wind, and water!

The three disasters are what the earth immortals must face, and only through the three disasters and six calamities can one cultivate the dharma body.

Wu Feng felt that the aura in his body was like a flame, burning his internal organs and bones, and the severe pain almost corroded his yin spirit, making people want to go crazy.

At this moment, the full aura filled his body like billowing magma, wishing to squeeze it all out, Wu Feng smiled wryly in his heart, since he was the third layer of the Heavenly Phoenix Sutra body, he felt such severe pain, those immortal cultivators with ordinary bodies, Probably fainted already.

Wu Feng flipped his palm, and took out a pill from the storage ring. It was as red as blood, and it was the necessary pill for crossing the fire.

Wu Feng glanced at it twice, and finally gritted his teeth and held it back. If he swallowed the Huojie Pill, his severe pain would be suppressed immediately, and he would go through this disaster smoothly. However, if he du li endured it and got The benefits are definitely greater!

Wu Feng has already seen through the long road of cultivating immortals. If he wants to stand higher, it is not hard work, not talent, but who is more ruthless!

Be ruthless to the enemy, and even more ruthless to yourself!

Only in this way can we survive.

With a pinch of Wu Feng's palm, he crushed the Fire Tribulation Pill directly, cut off his thoughts, then clenched his teeth, and endured the severe pain of burning in his body.

At this moment, the aura that the body naturally breathes into the body also transforms into a rich hot breath, as if it wants to burn through the internal organs.

It hurts so bad I can't breathe!Wu Feng closed his eyes tightly and pursed his lips, like a stubborn and stubborn stone. If you look at it from the outside, you will find that his hair and skin have turned red, like boiled shrimp, red Thoroughly.

His hair was also as bright red as blood. As time passed, his hair suddenly burned. Not only his hair, but also his whole body's fine hair, burned. For a moment, his whole body burst into flames, including the pores, all of which shot out flames.

Wu Feng felt a little blurred in consciousness, his eyes were blood red, and he couldn't see anything, only the severe burning pain tormenting his body.


Wu Feng panted lightly, every time he took a breath, it was as if a flame was engulfed in his chest, and the pain was unbearable.

The days are like years, Wu Feng doesn't know how long it has passed, there is only one thought in his mind, and he keeps telling himself, hold on, hold on...

He didn't open his eyes again until the feeling of burning flames gradually disappeared, and quickly glanced at the hourglass in the storage ring... It turned out that six days have passed!

Wu Feng himself couldn't believe it, the severe pain was vivid in his memory, and he felt uncomfortable for a second, but at this moment, six days have passed without knowing it? !

Wu Feng released his spiritual thoughts, glanced at his whole body, and immediately saw that his skin was extremely fair, full of explosive power, his hair had all disappeared, and he became a bald head. Although the aura in his body hadn't increased, it was much stronger than before Times, this is a qualitative change in the true sense!

Although it was still in the early stage of Earth Immortal, Wu Feng's combat power at this moment far surpassed that before. With a move of his mind, the spiritual energy in his body rushed towards the middle stage of Earth Immortal.

When all the spiritual energy gathered, Wu Feng suddenly had an illusion... as if, something was missing?

This is a very strange feeling. After thinking about it, he still tried to attack the middle stage of the Earth Immortal. When his aura rushed towards the closed meridian, he immediately felt a huge force blocking it, blocking all the aura. outside.

Wu Feng frowned slightly. It stands to reason that he was only a little bit close to being able to break through to the middle stage of the Earth Immortal. With his realm, he was completely unimpeded. He was actually blocked by such a strong force at this moment. Could it be that he was really close to something?

"Could it be that we have to go through two catastrophes?" Wu Feng pondered, it seems that the promotion of the earth fairy realm is not only the Tao realm, but also disasters and catastrophes.

But, how did this catastrophe happen?

According to the interpretation of the mysterious memory, the so-called catastrophe is imposed by the operation of the law of heaven, and it is not something you can get through if you want to. Sometimes you inadvertently, the catastrophe will appear, such as inadvertently provoking a terrible enemy.

"To cross the catastrophe, you must first enter the world." Wu Feng sighed softly, got up and left the cave, and slapped the cave before leaving, shaking the cave to the ground and destroying all traces.


Wu Feng was flying in the wilderness, and suddenly his heart moved. There were still eight seals left in the ruins that he had explored in Luofeng Lake before. With his current strength, how many seals can he untie?

Thinking of this, he immediately rushed towards Luofeng Lake.

Luofeng Lake is located near Huayangzong. Half a day later, Wu Feng came to the sky above Luofeng Lake. He hid his figure. This is the sphere of influence of Huayangzong. .

Looking at the calm Luofeng Lake, Wu Feng's figure flashed, and he sank directly into the lake. His consciousness spread out and covered the entire lake.

At the beginning, he was only at the ninth level of Qi Yin Realm, but now he is an Earth Immortal. With his divine thoughts sweeping away, he can see the lake in full view, and there is actually a fish demon in the early stage of human immortality, sinking at the bottom of the lake, as if dormant.

Seeing this fish demon, Wu Feng secretly rejoiced in his heart, fortunately he didn't encounter this monster last time, otherwise, he would definitely die as scum!

The fish monster sensed Wu Feng's divine sense, and immediately woke up from hibernation, trembling and crawling on the bottom of the lake, its red eyes revealing the color of fear, it can feel that this terrifying divine sense is full of great majesty , can easily destroy it.

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