peerless angel

Chapter 407: The Second Devil Body

At the same time, within the body of the demon monster.

Wu Feng flew in the intestinal wall passage, and when he entered the body of the monster in the demon world, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the effect of the forbidden spell disappeared, and he could cast mana at will here!Having mana means that spiritual consciousness can also be used. Although his eyesight is amazing, it is completely incomparable with the effect of spiritual consciousness.

After releasing his consciousness, Wu Feng's time on the road was greatly increased immediately, and he avoided some straight-through dead intestines along the way.

Not long after, Wu Feng suddenly sensed that when the spiritual consciousness spread to the front, it was blocked, as if there was an invisible wall, blocking the exploration of the spiritual consciousness.

Wu Feng was surprised. The aura of this monster from the demon world was at most the peak of the earth immortal. Although he was a monster from the demon world, he could step up the challenge, but his consciousness was a genuine divine realm. After so many battles, and the peerless magic tablet After a lot of training, the consciousness has a faint tendency to break through to the medium level. If this monster can resist the invasion of the medium level of consciousness, it would be too terrifying!


Wu Feng pondered for a while, and immediately rushed towards a nearby place that cut off his consciousness. Since he came in, he naturally had to take a closer look.


Wu Feng stopped suddenly. In front of him was a pitch-black wall, monopolizing the entire space. It was a defensive wall condensed with devilish energy, but he didn't know what was behind this wall?

A gleam flashed in Wu Feng's eyes. Humans have yang energy as a fetish, monsters have demon pills as treasures, and demons should have the same secondary treasures in their bodies.

Without hesitation, he raised his hand and pointed out, the sharp sword energy shot out on the magic wall, and immediately disappeared like a cow in a quagmire.

"Swallow spiritual energy?" The corner of Wu Feng's mouth raised slightly, and a ripple suddenly appeared around his body, enveloping his body like water waves, his body gradually became transparent, whoosh!The body suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, behind the magic wall, a ripple appeared, Wu Feng stepped out of it, looked up, and immediately his pupils shrank.


What a big heart!

Plopping, plopping heartbeat echoed in this narrow ** lair, which was isolated by the magic wall before, but it was so close at hand at this moment, it was a little shocking to hear.

The heart was as red as blood, and the whole body was surrounded by black aura, covered with streaks of blood as thick as earthworms, very ferocious and terrifying.What really shocked Wu Feng was...on the membrane of his heart, there was actually a human face attached!

The heart was like an egg membrane, and the human face was wrapped in the heart. At this moment, he was staring at Wu Feng. There was a hint of ferocity in his handsome and monstrous face, as if his heart would jump out of his heart at any time and pounce on Wu Feng.

Wu Feng felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet. He had never seen such a strange creature. Judging from his years of fighting instincts, the human face was by no means a decoration, but a real life!A monster hiding in the heart!

Wu Feng took a deep breath, and split the third golden vertical pupil between his brows. The bright pupil was like a god, staring coldly at the face. Through the third pupil, Wu Feng immediately saw a group of people behind the face. Bloated flesh and blood, and there are several blood vessels at the end of the flesh and blood, connected to the heart, like a cub parasitic in the heart!

"The second demon body!"

Through the eyes of detectives, combined with the mysterious memory in his mind, Wu Feng immediately knew the origin of the face. The demons are extraterrestrial creatures, and there is no distinction between the realms of cultivators. Each demon can evolve seven times. Among them, the demon emperor Or, it is rumored that it can evolve nine times!

But that is just a legend, illusory.

The demon race that has evolved seven times is very rare, and it is difficult for even a fairy to fight against it.When the demon race evolves for the third time, a second demon body will be born, which is equivalent to the incarnation outside the body, but different from the incarnation outside the body, the second demon body is an independent life, capable of practicing different secret methods, and Can cultivate stronger than the body!

The incarnation outside the body can only inherit a certain degree of power from the deity. Although compared with the demon body, it can be used infinitely, and there is no loss after being killed. Unlike the demon body, once killed, it is completely lost and cannot be conceived again!

Unless you evolve to the seventh level, you will have the chance to transform into the third demon body!

There is no doubt that the human face in front of me is the second demon body that is still being conceived. Once it grows up, it will break the heart and come to the outside world!

According to the mysterious memory description, the life gate of the demons is not the heart, but the soul. Only by killing the demon soul is the real death, otherwise even if the body is beaten to pieces, it will be reborn!

There was a flash of light in Wu Feng's eyes, and he raised his hand to grab it suddenly. The six avenues of wind, water, fire, wood, earth, and gold came out in an instant, turning into a pitch-black swirling nest, covering the entire heart, and then pulled hard!


The blood vessels connected to the heart suddenly ruptured, and countless stinky blood surged into the sky, carrying strong devilish energy, and fell on the flesh and blood, making a hissing and corrosive sound.

Wu Feng was startled in his heart, quickly propped up a shield, and threw the heart together with the second demon body into the spirit beast storage ring, and put it together with the dragon egg, and then his figure flashed and teleported away from the demon wall , to return to the other side.

This magic wall can isolate all spiritual energy, and any magic attack is invalid, but it is a pity that it encounters teleportation.Wu Feng didn't stop, his consciousness extended in all directions like tentacles, and he immediately found the excrement opening of this demon monster, and also found several magic walls.

But he ignored it. The demons are not a heart. He was very lucky. He found a heart at random, which was the heart that gave birth to the second demon body. Now that the second demon body has been taken away, this monster must be mad and must leave as soon as possible.

Moreover, he also wanted to see earlier what the use of this second demon body would be.

Just teleporting more than ten times, Wu Feng saw the whole body surging, at the same time, an earth-shattering roar sounded, full of anger, but the roar seemed to be cut off, it sounded like he covered his ears.


Wu Feng flew faster.

Looking from a distance, countless monster corpses piled up, but these corpses were all corroded and turned into residues, filled with a foul smell, and there were countless white flesh worms crawling among the meat residues, each of which was as thick as a thigh and looked like a scalp. Numb.

To pass through the excrement, it is necessary to shuttle these corpses.

Wu Feng's face was ugly, and he bit the tip of his tongue suddenly, arousing the spiritual energy in his whole body, and his body disappeared like a ghost.


Outside the excretion port, Wu Feng's body appeared out of thin air, and as soon as it appeared, it fell vertically.

As soon as he left the body of the monster in the demon world, the forbidden domain covered his body. Wu Feng heaved a sigh of relief and finally teleported out. He looked around, and it was pitch black, but there were countless red stars. To be precise, there were countless red stars. Blood red pupils!

Wu Feng felt his scalp go numb, and with a cursory scan, there were dozens of god-level auras here, as vast and unfathomable as an abyss!

Not to mention being in the state of forbidden law at the moment, even in its heyday, Wu Feng was not sure of defeating any fourth-evolution monsters. After all, the combat power of monsters was different from that of monsters.

roar~ roar~

At this time, red pupils shook, and countless monsters roared, as if they were startled by the monster just now.

Wu Feng retracted his neck, cast out the heavy pendant, and fell down quickly, otherwise he would be hit by a paw, and he would have nowhere to use his strength and could only be beaten.

The monster who lost the second demon body soon saw Wu Feng's foreign breath, the strong breath of life, shining like fireflies in the darkness, and countless red pupils around him fell on his falling body.

Wu Feng's face was ugly, and he could only speed up his fall. Once he stepped on the ground, he had the ability to escape!


A group of monsters surged immediately, roaring and grabbed Wu Feng.

Wu Feng could only harden his skin and prepare to resist, but a funny scene appeared, a few monsters in the front line were about to grab him, but the other one bumped into the claw, as if afraid of being caught first.

For a while, Wu Feng became a treasure to be scrambled for.

I don’t know how long these demon monsters have been here, and they rarely see foreign creatures. When they are hungry, they even eat their own kind. At this moment, with Wu Feng’s foreign aura, they immediately fell into a frenzied competition, especially the life tree on Wu Feng’s body. Breath, it's really great for monsters.

Wu Feng saw the claws dangling back and forth in front of him, making loud noises one after another, and he was still falling quickly, but the luck was not long, and soon a slippery tentacle shot out, entangled Wu Feng's body.


Wu Feng was pulled and flew towards the monster hiding in the darkness.


At the same time, there was a sound of flesh and blood exploding. Before Wu Feng could struggle, he felt his tentacles loosen, and there was a sharp scream.

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