peerless angel

Chapter 43: The day after tomorrow mid-term! 【Part 2】

() Tianmai is divided into six layers.

The first layer is that the mind is divided into two purposes, and the left hand can draw a circle and the right hand can draw a square.

The second level is to enter meditation, stimulate the brain, and temper the spiritual power.

When you reach the third level, you can release your thoughts and control objects from the air, which is equivalent to the magic weapon of innate powerhouse control!

On the fourth level, thought power is divided into thousands of strands, which is difficult even for the innately strong.As for the fifth and sixth floors behind, they are even more mysterious and powerful.

According to Wu Feng's speculation, the charming woman should have barely reached the third level, and could only release weak spiritual power to communicate with insects and other animals with only weak spiritual power.

If this girl hadn't died in his hands, she would be the No. 1 existence in the Acquired Realm after two years, and only the innately strong could suppress her.

With this secret method, Wu Feng immediately began to practice. When he was resting every day, he sat cross-legged to exercise his mental strength. He kept drawing circles with his left hand and squares with his right every day. Writing different characters, this process is very difficult, if you can be completely proficient, it means that the first level has been practiced!

Half a month passed.

On the edge of Jiulong Mountain, at the foot of a secluded hill.


A black figure suddenly appeared in the jungle, dressed in a brown animal suit, and his sturdy body was full of powerful aura. He swept his eyes and saw a purple-red grass growing on a rock, "It turned out to be Hydrangea, judging from the number of leaves, it should be 600 years old."

The boy murmured, and didn't pick it up right away, but quietly backed away. After several hours passed, he carefully picked up a stone and threw it towards the purple-red grass.

The stone hit the rock and rolled down without touching any mechanisms. The young man was relieved when he saw this scene, and quickly came to the rock, picked off the grass, and then left quickly.

"This Ziyang Grass is the main material for refining Liuyang Powder. This Liuyang Powder is a second-level elixir. Even a dying person can be cured immediately, as long as the heart is not broken. It is definitely a life-saving magic medicine!" the young man said. With the purple-red grass in his arms, he quickly took out a small, slender black box from the package, and put the grass in it.

This box is made of agarwood wood, which can preserve the medicinal properties. If it is an ordinary wooden box, it will destroy this herb in vain.

"There are indeed medicinal materials in this trial battlefield. After all, this is the first medicinal material that I have seen here that is more than 500 years old." The young man is Wu Feng. Compared with half a month ago, the immature aura on his face Gradually gone, replaced by a calm and decisive.

In the past half a month in the Jiulong Mountains, he has seen many medicinal materials, all of which are very precious, but only two or three hundred years old. To others, it may be very precious, but he is not satisfied, only medicinal materials that are 300 years old , can make him somewhat interested.

After all, the packages on his body are limited, if he carries too many things, it will be too eye-catching.

In the past half month, he killed a large number of second-tier monsters, and he didn't take the precious materials from some monsters.

On the contrary, after fighting monsters, his combat experience has been tempered very richly, and his muscles and bones have been exercised even tighter, faintly showing signs of breaking through to the middle of the day after tomorrow.

There are different changes in the front, middle and back stages of the acquired realm.It should be known that the symbol of reaching the acquired state, the bones of the whole body will be tempered like fine iron, and the bones in the body will be reshaped, and the flexibility and hardness are far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

In the mid-term, the bones in the body will change again, and it will be slightly itchy. This process is very difficult, but after passing through, the strength will increase greatly and the physique will be more robust.

In the later stage, it will transform for the third time, and the bones will enter the mature stage. At this time, if the brain is opened up, the spiritual power will be stimulated, and one will become a strong person!

"Unfortunately, if you break through here to the middle stage of the day after tomorrow, you will have to bear the great itching of bone transformation. If you are in the outside world, you can refine the 'Bone Covering Pill', so that you can directly transform yourself and avoid this huge pain." Wu Feng thought sigh.

Bone Fusion Pill is a first-order elixir, which is useless to ordinary people, but for people whose bones are transforming, it can allow you to transform directly without suffering.

"When the breakthrough is in the middle of the day after tomorrow, go to the red dot to have a look." Wu Feng made up his mind and continued to move forward.

time flies.

It took a whole month for Wu Feng to feel that his bones were showing signs of deterioration. From the beginning at night, he would feel itching unbearably, and in the next two or three days, he would itch almost all the time.

Fortunately, Wu Feng was mentally prepared and made the preparations well in advance. He first searched for a secluded place, dug a small cave, and then hunted down a monster the size of a wild boar, grilled it, cut it into pieces and hung it in the cave with grass roots middle.

Then the cave was sealed off, leaving only a few vents, and a piece of light incense was sprinkled outside the cave to eliminate their own smell.

In addition, he also put the small silver sword in front of him, in case he used it to kill the enemy when he was in danger.

After finishing this, he put on the gold silk inner armor, and tied his hands tightly with a tendon of a hunted bull python monster to prevent himself from scratching his body when it was too itchy.

Some acquired strong people just didn't prepare properly when they transformed, and in the end they scratched their flesh and blood, and died of blood loss.

This flash is seven days.

During these seven days, the bones all over his body were extremely itchy all the time, causing his face to bleed, and he was gritting his teeth. Fortunately, he bound his hands in advance, otherwise he would definitely not be able to resist scratching.

Fortunately, in the past few days, no monsters and other sect disciples have come over, so that he can make a transformation breakthrough with peace of mind.

After seven days, Wu Feng felt the giant itching on his body gradually disappear, replaced by a kind of coolness and comfort, and when he opened his eyes, he immediately felt his eyesight greatly increased, and his body was filled with explosive power .

With a thought of Wu Feng, Cao controlled the small silver sword to cut off the tendons of the cow and python. Looking at the two bloodstains on his wrist, he secretly rejoiced.

"I didn't expect the pain of transformation to be so uncomfortable." Wu Feng felt his heart palpitate unceasingly. During the transformation, he couldn't help but use the flying sword to cut off the tendons of the bovine python several times, but finally he gritted his teeth and held back.

The ability to have such concentration is thanks to the merits of reciting the meridians on the day of his cultivation. After a month and a half of training, he has basically mastered the first level, and his consciousness is much stronger than ordinary people.

He lowered his head to check his body, and saw a large amount of light black liquid seeping from the animal clothes, with a somewhat foul smell of meat, which was very unpleasant.

Wu Feng shook his head and smiled, ignored it, first took down the hanging barbecue, and ate it hungrily.

During these seven days, he could only eat these barbecues with his mouth, which was very inconvenient. He ate very little each time, barely maintaining the energy needed for transformation. barbecue.

"It's time to go to the red dot." Wu Feng stood up, took the package, and kicked away the stone outside the cave.


Ask for a recommendation ticket, there will be more later, today I wanted to go to the fifth watch today, but I was too sleepy in the afternoon, I slept a bit, and overslept, today I have three watches, and I still owe two watches, so tomorrow I will do the fourth watch.

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