online game war lord

Chapter 143 Five Colored Flowing Cloud Fan and Soul Imprint

() Through the strengthening of the power of the stars, the effect of capturing the thief first and capturing the king has been raised to the limit at this stage.

Next, the one that can boost it again is the two-star star ability—Feng Lin Huo!

But that Wu Han has no clue for the time being, so the strengthening of capturing the thief first and capturing the king will stop here for the time being.

After solving the problem of skills, Wu Han turned his attention to equipment.

Now, with the lifting of the system-related seals, the equipment system is officially opened, but this is not for players, but for characters in the plot.

Its function is to make all the characters in the official state now have their own exclusive magic weapons, as well as the pet and mount system, all to enhance the strength of the characters.

Therefore, the impact of Wu Han's star breakthrough is extremely huge. What the drama character unblocks is not only a level of star power, but also equipment, props, pets, mounts and many other aspects. This is called a drama character. The overall strength has been greatly improved.

Otherwise, if the unilateral star ability is unblocked, Wu Han, who owns a genuine four-star organ beast Suanni, doesn't have to worry about it.

Of course, this chain reaction will be triggered sooner or later.

But the timing must be grasped well, after all, after breaking through the star rating, the strength of all the characters in the drama will be greatly improved, which will make the player group who are already at a disadvantage even worse.

Even Wu Han is bound to face many variables and troubles due to the release of related seals, and even he is not absolutely sure how to deal with them.

Therefore, if they want to fight against the characters in the next stage and win the upper hand, players must also break through the star line to improve in an all-round way. Therefore, in order to reduce the difficulty for players to enter the star level, the system launched a secret realm.

As Wu Han, who has already broken through the stars, now he needs to strengthen his body, and the equipment is the most important.

Not to mention being on top of the characters in the drama, at least it can't be worse than the characters in the drama.

Fortunately, Wu Han was well prepared. He obtained the Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and the Five Fire God Flame Fan from the Mausoleum of Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, as well as the Dragon Scale Armor from Emperor Han Ling, which greatly made up for Wu Han's shortcomings in this aspect. .

Needless to say, the dragon scale armor can be used by Wu Han now, just add its subsequent two effects.

It's just that Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and Wuhuo Shenyan Fan need a little more trouble.

"I hope it's what I want..."

The equipment system is officially opened, and a hidden phase attribute is also activated, and the function of this attribute is to fuse two equipment with the same phase, that is, to combine them into one.

Self-made equipment derived from smelting can be regarded as the only advantage among countless disadvantages of bringing a player after the equipment system is officially opened.

As for the Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and the Wuhuo Shenyan Fan, according to Wu Han's prediction, they should be the same, and there is a possibility of smelting.

System: Consistent with each other, do you want to melt?

Note: You can add extra ingredients to aid in melting.

Warning: The attributes after smelting are specified by the player in the attributes before smelting. After the smelting is completed, the smelting equipment or materials will disappear.


When Wu Han took out the two fans from his backpack and stacked them together, the two fans, which were originally incompatible, suddenly had strange fluctuations, like magnets, and were firmly attracted together. The situation, the tense nerves in Wu Han's heart also relaxed.

Same sex attracts each other, opposite sex repels each other.

What is completely unreasonable in reality is the rule of equipment refining in the game.


Wu Han resolutely carried out the melting without adding any auxiliary materials, because in his opinion, the Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and the Wuhuo Shenyan Fan are a perfect fit, and adding anything is superfluous.

System: Please specify the fusion model.

Note: Once the model is confirmed, if you use this equipment as a blueprint for fusion in the future, you cannot choose it again, please be careful.

Following Wu Han's confirmation, light curtains suddenly appeared around him, and various fans of different styles appeared on them, such as folding fans, feather fans, silk fans, or sunflower fans, with various materials, such as bamboo, or Wood, or iron, or silk, or feathers, or even leaves.

"That's it!"

In the end, Wu Han's eyes fell on a lupine fan, the front and back of which was a Taiji diagram, a complete yin and yang fish with colorful colors, and the gold-threaded tail was like a cloud. The curved sharp claws filled the entire edge of the fan, and the whole was like a cloud floating in the wind, shining brightly when shaking, and flowing like clouds and water when attacking!

Wu Han liked this model very much, so he chose it directly.

System: Model confirmation, melting begins.

When the system prompt fell, the light curtain around Wu Han suddenly dissipated, and the two overlapping fans in his hands also suddenly collapsed, turning into fragments and flying in the air, and then slowly pulled by an inexplicable force. regrouped.

With the passage of time, the model that was originally only shown in the light curtain slowly and truly appeared in front of Wu Han.

System: Melting is complete, Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and Wuhuo Shenyan Fan disappear, and you have obtained the Five Colors Flowing Cloud Fan!

System: Please specify three fixed attributes for the Five Colors Flowing Cloud Fan among the original attributes of Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and Wuhuo Shenyan Fan.

This Wu Han did not hesitate, because as early as the moment he bought the two fans and was about to use them for melting, Wu Han had already decided on the attributes to keep, so he quickly completed the designation, a brand new fan The equipment is also completed by this.

Five-Color Flowing Cloud Fan: It is made by fusion of Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and Wuhuo Shenyan Fan. It is positive for Yang and opposite for Yin. It gathers the aura of heaven and earth and integrates the five elements of Yin and Yang.

Equipment Rarity: Perfect

Effect 1: attributes, attack +150, intelligence +75.

Effect 2: Skill, Sky Fire (with fire attribute, additional damage of 100 points, and has a certain chance of causing the target to enter a burning state when attacking) ice (with frost attribute, additional damage of 100 points, and has a certain chance of attacking Make the target enter the frozen state) Chaos (after activation, the attack power will increase by 500% within ten seconds)

Effect 3: Special, yin and yang (the power of Tai Chi will affect all enemies, within [-] meters around, all enemies will fall into a gossip state, and any attack will be lost.)

Effect 4: You can add it yourself.

Effect 5: You can add it yourself.

Requirements: Star Advisor.


After refining, Wu Han gave a relatively fair evaluation after reading the specific attributes of the equipment.

Of course, this is evaluated from the perspective of Wu Han's second generation. If other strategists see such equipment, their eyes will probably glow green. If Wu Han puts it up for auction, countless people will flock to it.

"Even if it is the only equipment above exquisite, there are only five effects. The first three remain unchanged, all of which are attributes, skills, and special. The latter two are added by yourself. In the perfect grade, the five-color cloud fan's The attributes can be considered outstanding, at least above the Tiangang Splitting Water Fan and the Five Fire God Flame Fan."

Others didn't open their eyes, but Wu Han was different. For him, the attributes of the colorful cloud fan can only be regarded as mediocre.

But he doesn't care, the number of times of refining is unlimited, as long as you can get the equipment that matches it, you can use it to refine and improve the attributes, and the role of the refining system is also here, it allows players to To forge equipment with one's own mind, to make up for one's weaknesses, so that players can self-made magic weapons that belong to and suit them through continuous refining.

Wearing the five-color cloud fan, and taking out the dragon scale armor from the backpack to put on, Wu Han barely solved the problem of equipment.

And the next step is the more important soul possession.

As the name suggests, it is to add the power of the soul. This thing is like the power of the stars, but its main function is to obtain the ability of dramatic characters, just like the fate of fate. The player is theoretically a soul imprint, just because Wu Han was It's not star strength, so I compromised it and turned it into a special skill scroll.

It is the same as the inheritance of the characters in the play, but there are also huge differences.

The power of the stars is to strengthen one's own ability, while the imprint of the soul is to obtain the ability of dramatic creatures. As for its acquisition, it is easy to say, but difficult to say.

Because the power of the soul corresponds to each heroic creature, the player needs to hunt the heroic creatures in the state of activating the soul, obtain their souls, attach them to their body surface, and turn them into marks.

Of course, the state of Liu Xiu's soul does not count as possessing a soul. Wu Han just imprisoned it, and Wu Han would not use it as a possessing soul.

Because it is a very special existence!

Dramatic characters, no matter how strong they were in life, unless they have relevant abilities, once they are transformed into souls, their existence time is extremely limited, and they will dissipate in a moment, but the soul of Liu Xiu, who was imprisoned in the illusion, It can exist forever, which is special. Wu Han will need it in the future. In Wu Han's plan, he will need to use it to obtain an ability in the future.

In addition to Liu Xiu's soul, Wu Han also has a soul mark, which is his reward for participating in the Battle of Bowang.

"As long as it is the soul of a counselor!"

From the spirit body in the void state in the backpack, Wu Han knows that the souls that do not belong to the drama characters need to be activated by themselves and obtained randomly.

Wu Han doesn't expect to be able to randomize many people who are against the sky, and he doesn't think about whether to strengthen talents or skills or attributes. He only hopes to be a counselor. If not, he can only temporarily put aside the soul.


Staring at the empty gray spirit body in his hand, Wu Han took a deep breath, and activated it decisively.


The moment Wu Han activated the void spirit body in his hand, a strong fluctuation instantly appeared, and the void spirit body in his hand immediately distorted, and the gray body surface was slowly suppressed by the jet black. A blurred shadow slowly appeared. formed in a twist.

This person is...

Without blinking, Wu Han stared at the void soul in his hand. When he saw that its appearance was slowly fixed, before it was fully formed, the familiar feeling of nausea hit Wu Han again, and an invisible lightning fell in an instant, directly hitting Hit by the void soul that is being twisted and formed.

In an instant, the distorted fluctuations tended to calm down, and the appearance of the void soul in Wu Han's hands was clearly presented, causing Wu Han's eyes to involuntarily flash a gleam of jingle, and a gleam of joy flashed deep in his eyes.

System: The soul mark is used successfully, start searching for the target, build a related model, confirm the target and blueprint, start to absorb the power of the soul to form the mark... Affected by the player's talent, unknown factors appear, and there are slight deviations in the absorption of the power of the soul...

System: The luck ability you have has a certain impact on the formation of the soul imprint.

System: You have obtained the soul imprint. Jia Xu.

Soul Imprint. Jia Xu: After the death of Jia Xu, a ruthless and poisonous man in a chaotic world, the soul imprint was condensed by resentment.

Description: used for possessing souls.

Effect: After use, the star ability will be activated, Jia Xu's soul imprint will be added, and related abilities will be obtained. (To be continued.)

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