The shadow of the famous tree of people!

As soon as Wu Hanfu appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the entire Xiang Yu Group, and the players even let out a long sigh in their hearts.

In their hearts, Wu Han's invincible image, like Qin Shihuang, has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"The army of mercenaries..."

In the void, the candle dragon hovered, and Wu Han looked down at the two sides who were fighting fiercely on the ground, secretly startled.

Although Wu Han expected that Xiang Yu Group's entry into Xianyang would never be smooth sailing, but he never thought that it would be military servants who stopped Xiang Yu.

Moreover, it is an army of mercenaries led by 'Yu Feng'.

"It seems that that guy was once again plotted by Qin Shihuang's group, and his soul was imprisoned in his body as a medium to carry the original power of the army of mercenaries."

As a newcomer, Wu Han understood the whole situation, as well as the reality of the mercenary army and Yu Feng with just one glance.

"This power is not simple, and the explosiveness contained in it is no less than that of the Holy Spirit!"

With Wu Han's knowledge, he naturally knew what state Yu Feng was in.

"If the media is not lost, the army of mercenaries will never be wiped out. No wonder Xiang Yu Group will be in a hard fight."

Surprised in his heart, Wu Han's fear of Xu Fu also deepened again.

Being able to easily shape a saint's combat strength, and to see the leopard in the tube, shows how unfathomable Xu Fu is.

More importantly, if the Qin Shihuang Group owes Wu Han karma due to its recovery, it cannot be directly, then Xu Fu, who has lived until now and keeps making arrangements, will not be affected, because he does not owe Wu Han karma.

In other words, Xu Fu is free from any restrictions.Kill Wu Han!

"The Xiang Yu Group can check and balance the Qin Shihuang Group to a certain extent, and we cannot waste our combat power here!"

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Wu Han decided to take action himself.Defeat the army of mercenaries.

However, before making the move, Wu Han looked at Fan Zeng meaningfully, and then stared at him closely, the two looked at each other, each looking at each other.

Suddenly, Fan Zeng waved his feather fan lightly.A roll of quaint bamboo slips fell out of the sleeve and was thrown towards Wu Han.

This is obviously the Fenglin Huoshan chapter Fan Zeng promised to Wu Han.

Wu Han grabbed the bamboo slip that was rushing towards him, but didn't even look at the system prompt that came to his mind.Throw it directly into the backpack.

"Sure enough, you're so treacherous and cunning, you've reached this level, and you still want to use me as a shield to hide yourself, hmph!"

as smart people.Wu Han naturally understood the meaning of another wise man, Fan Zeng.Although very upset, Wu Han did not refuse.

Wu Han knew very well that Fan Zeng must have made adequate preparations just like himself in order to fight against Qin Shihuang.

At least Wu Han knew that Fan Zeng had the ability to temporarily make Xiang Yu break through the star shackles and become a six-star saint.

Once extraordinary and holy.The effect of the star seal will be weakened to the limit, and Xiang Yu will be in an unprecedented state.A mere [-] mercenary army and the false saints formed by their original power are not worth mentioning at all.

But that state can only last for 10 minutes, and the sequelae are huge. Fan Zeng will not use it until the moment of real life and death.

Fan Zeng could hold back even the disadvantage of the Battle of Julu, let alone the current situation.

Of course, Fan Zeng's abilities are not limited to this, but they all sacrifice potential and have huge side effects. Therefore, Fan Zeng will never use it before he has a real confrontation with the Qin Shihuang Group.

"I didn't use it before because of threats from King Huai of Chu, Liu Bang, Zhao Tuo, Liu Bang, and Maodun, and Fan Zeng was worried."

"Now, I'm deliberately wiping out all the threats in the world, in order to force Fan Zeng to play all his cards and fight Qin Shihuang to the death!"

"Forget it, leave those ultimate moves to Qin Shihuang!"

Fan Zeng plotted against Wu Han, and he was aboveboard, but Wu Han was pulling Fan Zeng into the water.

His many tosses in the Battle of Julu seemed like a lot of thunder and little rain, with only vested interests, but he was actually solving foreign troubles for Xiang Yu Group, stimulating or forcing Fan Zeng to make a decision.

When Qin Shihuang was the only threat to the whole world, and his own side had no worries, Fan Zengneng could only fight Qin Shihuang decisively, and tried his best to decide the world.

This is the confrontation!

Wu Han, Qin Shihuang Group, and Xiang Yu Group are like the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu.

Qin Shihuang is powerful, Wu Han can only join forces with Xiang Yu Group, and Xiang Yu Group looks weak, but also hides amazing power, the two sides join forces, there is hope to rival Qin Shihuang Group.

However, the general direction of the strategic level is the same, but the specific details are worth deliberating.

Wu Han and Xiang Yu Group each have their own interests, so they will inevitably use each other to minimize their losses and increase their profits.

Therefore, just like the Sun-Liu Alliance, Wu Han and Xiang Yu Group joined forces to fight against the enemy and plot against each other.

With this in mind, Wu Han slowly stretched out his left arm, and the image of the Jiuwu Divine Fire burst appeared in an instant, creating an astonishing wave, and then Wu Han suddenly threw it towards the battlefield below him.


It can be seen that the nine crows are entrenched in the formation, with the central core of the formation as the axis point, standing upside down, swallowing energy beads in their mouths, and connecting the central core with their tails, the overall shape is like a bell, and the nine golden crows each pull the energy swallowed in their mouths. The beads respectively released intertwined rays of light, mixed into an energy shield, forming an airtight golden bell.

At the moment when Wu Han threw it out, the golden bell suddenly erupted with astonishing power, generating an inexplicable magnetic field, and the nine golden crows in the formation instantly turned into entities, and the energy beads swallowed in its mouth immediately burst out huge Energy runs through their bodies, injecting strength into them.

With the injection of energy, the palm-sized formation suddenly dissipated, leaving only nine huge Golden Crows roaming in the sky.

Affected by them, the originally cloudy and rainy sky immediately hung high with scorching sun, the humidity in the entire area was instantly evaporated, and a scorching air flow spread from top to bottom.

The three-legged Golden Crow is the sun, so any area that their light and heat can affect is within the reach of the formation.

This is the Nine Crows Divine Fire Formation, and the Skyfall Golden Crow it simulates!

"Terracotta Warriors. Its essence is to psychicize the dead, and then shatter their intelligence. The body is corrupted and the soul exists in the form of fragments. It is immortal."

"Like the lowest level of zombies, they are already dead, but they can transcend the six realms and live forever with a bit of hard work and a single obsession."

"And the sustenance of these servants is the other half of their soul fragments that have been separated and integrated into Yu Feng's body!"

"As long as they can be evaporated, all the mercenaries will disappear in an instant."

"However, I'm afraid it may not be possible to do it with just the Nine Crow God Fire Formation!"

The strongest, but also the weakest, just like Fan Zeng.Wu Han is equally clear.The weakness of the entire mercenary army is Yu Feng.

The only difference is that without using ultimate moves, even if Fan Zeng knew the enemy's weakness, he couldn't do anything to Yu Feng, but Wu Han was different.

He has the Jiuwu Shenhuo Formation that directly attacks the soul of the target.

But Wu Han judged that the Jiuwu Shenhuo Formation might not be able to completely shake the [-] soldiers' soul fragments gathered in Yu Feng's body, so he made another decisive move.In the left arm, another formation appeared.

It is the three-legged Golden Crow Formation!

I see.At the moment when the power of the energy beads exploded in the array, a huge black crow emerged inside it. It released dazzling light and turned into sunspots, pulling the power of the sun in the universe, and instantly materialized, becoming the one between heaven and earth. big fireball.

Affected by it, the nine golden crows roaming the void actually took it as the center, assimilated its energy, and also turned into sunspots, turning into scorching fireballs.

In the blink of an eye, ten days appeared in the sky, scorching high temperature spread between the sky and the earth, the space was distorted, the earth was dry and cracked, and the vitality of all things was threatened like never before.

This is a combination of the three-legged Golden Crow Formation and the Nine Crow Divine Fire Formation—the ten-direction destruction formation, also known as the Golden Crow Shining World Formation!

The two formations are fused together, and the effects are superimposed, and the power will be several times that of the original.

"Nine Crow Divine Fire Formation and Three-legged Golden Crow Formation, these two formations can have such an effect when used at the same time!!"

Ten days of volleying, just Yu Wei, made the entire Xiang Yu Group feel shrouded in the shadow of death, even the army of mercenaries was affected, their movements slowed down, their bodies became stiff, and their breath was illusory, as if they were about to be evaporated.

This scene stimulated everyone's tolerance limit, making players, plot characters and countless soldiers feel like they were in a mythical scene.

Especially the players, who knew the transaction content of the day, naturally knew what kind of ability Wu Han had used.

And because they knew it, the players were shocked.

It was just two ordinary formations that fell into Wu Han's hands, and with a little modification, they possessed the power of uncanny craftsmanship, which is simply unbelievable.

"This is compatibility!"

"Between equipment, if they match, they can be fused; between abilities, if they match, they can resonate; between people, if they match, they will cherish each other!"

No need to guess, Wu Han also knows what the players are thinking, but the players can't guess. The reason for the great increase in the power of the two formations is actually the compatibility mentioned in the fusion system.

In fact, this system is implicitly reminding players of the role of compatibility.

Its effects affect but are not limited to equipment, props, skills, talents, star abilities, are all affected by it.

It's a pity that the player's eyes are only focused on the surface now, and they haven't been able to perceive the deeper things.

However, the plot characters are different. They have insights that players do not have, especially Fan Zeng, who can see through the essence at a glance.


Putting aside all kinds of distracting thoughts in his heart, Wu Han immediately launched an attack on the army of mercenaries after the formation of the ten-direction annihilation formation.

Driven by Wu Han's will, the ten big fireballs that appeared in the void immediately fell like meteors one by one, with their targets pointing directly at 'Yu Feng'.

During the fall, the flames emanating from the surface layers of the ten suns began to undergo their own changes.

They respectively turned into the ten real fires in the world, namely the fire of chaos, the poisonous flame of the earth, the mysterious fire of the black pole, the true fire of the sun, the mysterious fire of the nine heavens, the fire of Nanmingli, the mysterious fire of the nine utterances, the fire of hell, the ghost fire of the nether world, and the real fire of the Taiyin. fire.

Every kind of real fire has the power to burn the world, and when their effects are transformed from matter to spirit, their effects are comparable to those of the weak water in the Styx, and can directly devour all souls.

Perhaps the ten real fires evolved from the nine-crow divine fire formation and the three-legged golden crow formation are not as good as the real top ten real fires, and cannot burn everything, but they should not be underestimated, and they are definitely enough to threaten the existence of saints.

Boom! !

A huge real fire fell on 'Yu Feng' accurately.Although the latter reacted and slashed with their swords, it seemed to speed up their effects.Not only did they not kill them, but it seemed to detonate them, causing the ten real fires to bloom directly, releasing the endless power contained in the power.

The moment the real fire bloomed, it was like a nuclear bomb explosion, and the violent force spread around 'Yu Feng' as the center.The violent impact instantly took the lives of countless Chu soldiers, even soldiers.It was also shocked by life.

With 'Yu Feng' as the origin, within a radius of half a meter, there is no life, and everything will be destroyed.Including the earth and the void.

It can be said.This area is a vacuum zone, and these are still the top ten real fires. In order to concentrate their power to attack 'Yu Feng', they restrained the overflowing energy.

It is conceivable that if the ten real fires are unreserved, the large-scale bombing will cause terrible damage.Absolutely nothing like a nuclear bomb in reality.

And as their direct target, 'Yu Feng' is no longer as easy as before.The whole person is wrapped in flames.

The flame is invisible, it does not harm its body, but only destroys its soul.

Yu Feng, who was imprisoned in his physical body, actually felt that in his sea of ​​consciousness, he was already being fought by an overwhelming flame, which evaporated the souls attached to Yu Feng's surface.

The latter have no power to resist, and the servants only provided them with an invincible body, but did not give them an invincible soul.

Hit a snake and hit seven inches, catch the thief first and catch the king first!

These fragments were just a mess of scattered sand, not integrated like the Holy Spirit, so they were completely powerless to contend with Wu Han's attack, and could only be broken one by one as time went by.


Feeling the howls of ghosts and wolves coming from his soul, as well as the constant recovery of freedom, Yu Feng couldn't help but secretly startled.

Seeing Wu Han make a move again, and feeling the terror brought by Wu Han again, Yu Feng was not only envious, but also had the urge to gain power.

"This is the opportunity I've been waiting for! I want to control this power, even if I risk my life!"

Yu Feng, who slowly resumed his actions, made a move before the top ten real fires were completely overwhelmed.

The pulse of heaven and earth!

Without a compass, and without a sudden increase in momentum, Yu Feng still dragged the whole world into gray.

At this moment, space and time paused for a brief moment, and the whole world was divided into two by an inexplicable force. Students are separated.

At the same time, the endless soul fragments that were attached to the surface of his soul and were evaporated to perish by the ten real fires were immediately affected by a strong suction force and were forcibly infiltrated into Yu Feng's soul.

what! ! !

The soul fragments of [-] servants infiltrated into Yu Feng's soul, which is the same as Wu Han's impact from the soul fragments of a million Xiongnu army.

The only difference is that one is integration and the other is exclusion, but they are both dangerous.

Because, once Yu Feng's soul is lost, the end will be the same, the soul is forcibly mixed and assembled to reorganize the will.

"Hey, this guy actually has such courage!"

On the other hand, the ten real fires were repelled out of the body by Yu Feng's talent effect, and slowly evaporated in the void due to losing their targets.

This sudden change made Wu Han slightly astonished.

Although Wu Han could still continue to use the effects of the two formations to attack Yu Feng, he did not make a move because he sensed Yu Feng's abnormality, and combined with the changes just now, he immediately guessed the truth. ten.

"This is that guy's talent? Repulsion - to divide all energy, suction - to fuse all energy, what a talent!"

Wu Han had seen Yu Feng use his talent and understood some of its effects, so the current situation made him suspect that this should be another active effect of Yu Feng's talent.

That being the case, Wu Han no longer took action.

After all, if Yu Feng successfully backfired and fused those soul fragments, it would be equivalent to taking over an army of [-] mercenaries, which would be a good boost.

In particular, Yu Feng's goal is also Qin Shihuang.

In order to fight for any force that might contain Qin Shihuang, Wu Han decided to tolerate it, unless Yu Feng failed, otherwise he would not mind his comeback.

As for the others, when they saw that Wu Han seemed to have missed the attack and were stunned, they found that he no longer shot, but instead stared at the original target, as if expecting something.

Everyone was puzzled, including Xiang Yu and others, only Fan Zeng could see some clues.

"Is there anything special about this offering?"

Fan Zeng didn't understand the relationship between Wu Han and Yu Feng, nor the entanglement between Yu Feng and Qin Shihuang's group, but he could feel that there were two wills in his body that were constantly clashing.

After a few breaths, under Wu Han's expectation, in Fan Zeng's perception, and in the confusion of everyone, the soul confrontation in Yu Feng's body has reached the end.

During the soul fusions again and again, Yu Feng's will continued to collapse and reorganize, and then absorbed the power of the soul fragments of the soldiers.

Finally, with an extraordinary will, he forcibly absorbed the original power contained in the soul fragments of the soldiers, but this did not mean the end.

Those soul fragments that lost their power are still like residues, lingering in Yu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. If they cannot be resolved, they may still revive and regain their power.

More importantly, although they lost their strength, they still bound Yu Feng's freedom, so they had to be eliminated.

But this is not easy, this last step, close at hand, is extremely difficult.

With a little carelessness, those residues were like explosives, directly detonated in Yu Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, and then everything fell short.

"I have no choice but to forcefully use my talents!"

After thinking about it, Yu Feng found that he had no solution except to use his talent.

However, there is a limit to the use of talent, and if you want to use it forcefully, you have to pay a huge price, but the matter has come to this point, Yu Feng can't control so much anymore!

The pulse of heaven and earth!

Once again using his talent, Yu Feng had no choice but to make a sacrifice in order to complete this last step, forcing him to use his talent.

However, the effect was obvious. At the moment when the world turned gray, an unprecedented repulsion force wiped away all foreign things from his sea of ​​consciousness.

In the next second, Yu Feng, who regained his freedom in his soul and regained control of his body, regained the original look in his eyes.


There will be a chapter later, a new month, a new week, spare tires for support, subscriptions, monthly tickets and recommendations, all smashed here! (To be continued..)

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