online game war lord

Chapter 46 Countermeasures

() As the sky gradually darkened, killings also followed. A large number of assassins suddenly appeared in the Yellow Turban Barracks in Changshe City that night. The Yellow Turban soldiers of the Bocai Department were in a state of panic, and everyone was in danger.

Even if those assassins are weak and can't pose a threat to the attack target at all, the advantage is that they are numerous and continuous, and the deterrent effect they produce is quite terrifying.

After all, the largest assassination in history was only dozens of people, and it only targeted a certain person.

But now the assassination in the game is hundreds of people at a time, and it continues one after another, I don't know how many times.

Such npc forces will definitely not do such crazy things, because npcs are really dead after death, and only player forces can do this. After all, after players die, although there is a risk of reincarnation, even if there is no reincarnation The punishment is quite heavy, but when the benefits are too great to resist, there are definitely not a few players who take risks.

The interests are touching, even in reality there are countless high-risk occupations, let alone in the game.

Therefore, even Wu Han was raided several times by player assassins after being attacked by npc assassins, but compared with npc assassins, most of them didn't even break into the gate, and they were directly discovered and killed. Even though there were fish that slipped through the net, they did not pose any threat. Wu Han calmly defeated them with only his own strength, without the need for mechanism beasts.

"No, if this continues, the top brass of the Yellow Turban Army will be overwhelmed and tense. At that time, the morale of the entire Yellow Turban Army will inevitably be affected. I have to do something, and I can't let it go!"

The assassination of the players lasted for several hours. At least tens of thousands of people participated in the operation. Although they did not achieve any real results, they also made the entire Yellow Turban Army go crazy. Dangerous Xinzi, if allowed to develop, may directly affect the next battle with Cao Cao's coalition forces.

"Since your hero guild dares to act without a bottom line like this, don't blame me, Wu Han, for breaking the rules. Although I don't know how to assassinate, it is still possible to blatantly sabotage."

As the saying goes, if the Heroes Guild only assassinates Wu Han alone, he will bear it, but now it has spread the scope to the entire Yellow Turban Army, how can Wu Han bear it, and it is not without countermeasures means.

After tidying up his embarrassing body after several assassinations, Wu Han walked out of the house alone and headed towards the city gate.

"Look, that Wu Zheng has gone out, and he is still going to the city gate, what is he going to do in the middle of the night?"

Wu Han had just left the gate, and before he had walked a few steps on the street, he was discovered by the sentry. It can be seen how eye-catching he is, and there are people watching his every move all the time. It can be said that if it is not because of the Yellow Turban soldiers guarding him In the courtyard, Wu Han probably won't have any desires to speak of.

"It should be related to the assassination tonight. I heard that he was also assassinated several times."

"You said, he wouldn't want to retaliate?"

"Revenge? To whom?"

"Han army, they are already in the territory of Changsha. With Wu Zheng's ability of the mechanism beast, they will be there in a while."

"We don't understand the world of gods and men, but I personally agree with this guess."

"Stop talking nonsense, people are gone."

A group of spies were talking nonsense to each other. Due to the distance, and it was dark night, there were no pedestrians. The words of the spies came to Wu Han's ears indistinctly. He couldn't help but smile in his heart. Wisdom should not be underestimated. The gap between ordinary players and great gods is only in terms of chance, strength and knowledge, so even a group of ordinary spies can figure out Wu Han's intentions.

That's right, Wu Han went to retaliate, and the target was the Cao Cao coalition army that was already close at hand, and he relied on the four-star organ beast Gufeng Wolf King he owned!

Wu Han wanted to make the entire coalition army fly like crazy and fight back, and he could still do it with his Gufeng Wolf King.

After a while, Wu Han came to the city gate. The yellow scarf guards who were still stationed saw him and immediately stepped forward to inquire. Wu Han signaled that he was going out of the city. The guards opened the gate and sent Wu Han out without hesitation.

In ignoring the curfew and going out of the city in the middle of the night, Wu Han relied on his status and power in the Yellow Turban Army, and in return, he disturbed the Cao Cao coalition army alone today.

"Shit! That bastard really left the city, but unfortunately we can only follow here."

Watching Wu Han's figure gradually disappear on the other side of the city gate, the sentry who secretly followed him couldn't help but have the same thought in his heart, looking at the city gate full of resentment.

Although the sentries were able to secretly ignore the curfew without being discovered by the patrolling Yellow Turban Army by virtue of their professional ability, they couldn't do it like Wu Han when they left the city in the middle of the night, but this didn't mean that they had no choice. Wrong, but it doesn't mean that there are no players outside the city. Just upload the information back, and other spies will naturally take over their work, but they can't see a big event happen with their own eyes, which makes them sad.

Of course, Wu Han couldn't feel the remnants of the scouts, and even if he felt it, he would at most smile knowingly, and after he left the city, he only moved a little away, and directly used the organ technique.

Accompanied by Wu Han's call, his right arm suddenly emitted a strong blue light, and the pattern of the Gufeng Wolf King burst out with huge energy, and then condensed into a solid body, turning into a huge mechanism beast and appearing in front of Wu Han.


After appearing, the gufeng wolf king with self-awareness bent down humanly, and assisted Wu Han to jump onto its back, and sat on the back that was as smooth as a fish scale. Facing the faint breeze, he suddenly roared in high spirits.

The existence of the Gufeng Wolf King gave Wu Han a sense of security and confidence, and in the final analysis it was naturally because of the Gufeng Wolf King's powerful strength.

After a wolf howl, Gufeng Wolf King immediately ran like a gust of wind, and the target was the direction of Cao Cao's coalition army.

Under normal circumstances, Wu Han, who is on the side of the Yellow Turbans, naturally has no way of knowing the location of Cao Cao, but as a player, he has a special place where he can learn everything he wants. The protagonist of the eastern theater, the movements of Cao Cao's coalition forces are naturally followed by countless players, and there are naturally people who record and release news on the forum, and Wu Han can naturally know their positions through this.

In less than half an hour, under Wu Han's guidance, Gufeng Wolf King ran all the way, and soon Wu Han saw the place where Cao Cao's allied forces camped.

In Wu Han's eyes, the huge camp, brightly lit and crowded with people, looks like a messy refugee camp in later generations, chaotic and crowded.Of course, Wu Han could also understand. After all, Cao Jun was going to march in a hurry, and it was not a confrontation between the two armies. Naturally, he would not pay too much attention to camping, and this just happened to provide good convenience for Wu Han's surprise attack.

"Haha, there was Monkey King making trouble in the sky in ancient times, but now I, Wu Han, ride into Cao Ying alone!"

Looking at Cao Jun's camp, which was close at hand, Wu Han laughed loudly, and then rushed over brazenly. Although the Gufeng Wolf King was huge, he seemed extremely small in front of hundreds of thousands of people. The impact of the camp is like a mayfly shaking a tree, it's overpowering!

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