online game war lord

Chapter 59 you come and I go

() Accompanied by the familiar feeling of nausea, the whole world fell into darkness, the scorching sun was instantly covered by dark clouds, and the scorching air was quietly suppressed by humidity.

The cloud layer was lowered, the electric light flickered inside, and a strong force was brewing in it. The whole land was filled with dark clouds, and thunder echoed.

At the same time, Wu Han felt as if a whirlwind had grown in his heart, and all his energy and spirit were concentrated in the whirlwind, slowly forming a beautiful invisible butterfly lingering with silver light in the whirl.

Yin clouds cover the sky, and the cyclone's heart, two unknown and inexplicable forces quietly formed, and then almost at the same instant, they burst out from the bottom of Wu Han's heart and from the thunder cloud respectively, drawing two invisible and dazzling arcs in the air, Like two trajectories, intertwined and overlapped together, emitting a dazzling glare.

This time, Wu Han didn't see who they were intertwined with. He only saw a bolt of lightning descending from the sky and landed between the Yellow Turban Army and Cao Army. It disappeared inexplicably without causing any real damage.

System: Due to the effect of your talent butterfly effect, the Yellow Turban Army and Cao Jun were affected, and they gained 'excitement' (the overall combat power increased by 100%) and 'thriller' (the overall combat power decreased by 50%) respectively. The Yellow Turban Army is making positive progress. Cao Jun's situation is negative.

This is what Wu Han can do, promote the Yellow Turban Army and weaken the Cao Army.

Soon, with the stalemate between the two armies in the battle, the influence of Wu Han's talent effect on the battle situation also quietly appeared. As the strength of the Yellow Turban Army increased and the strength of Cao Army declined, the original front-line fight and confrontation, no one can help the other The two armies have undergone subtle changes unknowingly.

The yellow turban soldiers were as brave as chicken blood, and fiercely suppressed the withered Cao Jun.

Armed with simple weapons, yellow scarves wrapped around their heads, and dark and thin bodies, the Yellow Turban Army forcibly refined its equipment and was fully armed to the teeth.

This level of change is astonishing. If it lasts for a while, I am afraid that the entire Cao army's front line will collapse, and it will be unstoppable and cause a huge defeat.

Of course, Wu Han knew that it was obviously impossible, because someone in Cao Jun would not sit idly by, so after he finished what he should and could do, he focused his mind on his Gufeng Wolf King, and Always pay attention to several plot characters in Cao Jun who have the ability to change the situation, and keep an eye on their actions.

Wu Han, who has two lifetimes of experience, naturally understands the danger and horror of the characters in the plot.

Whether it is military generals, advisers, or monarchs, they all play a pivotal role in war.

The horror of Xiahou Dun, Li Dian, and Le Jin is naturally needless to say. Huangfusong and Zhu Jun also saw clues in the previous siege battle, and Wu Han can basically see through their strength and influence.

Only Cao Cao, whose existence made Wu Han extremely fearful, perhaps he did not have the earth-shattering personal force of Xiahou Dun and other plot characters, but he also had outstanding military and leadership skills, and as a future monarch, he possessed special abilities. Ability, Wu Han believes that he can do everything that his butterfly effect talent can do, and improve the morale and strength of the entire army.

Needless to say in terms of morale, Cao Cao was able to forcibly overwhelm the entire labor force's expeditionary army repeatedly.

In terms of strength, Wu Han has never seen it before, but he dare not underestimate it, and he believes that he will soon see it.


Sure enough, when Wu Han's innate ability greatly increased the power of the Yellow Turban Army, forcing Cao Jun to retreat steadily, and the soldiers fighting on the front line suffered heavy losses, Cao Cao really used his ability to turn the tide of the battle.

Wu Han, who had been paying attention to him all the time, found that he didn't know what ability he had used. He waved the Yitian saber in his hand, roared and rode his horse to behead two yellow scarf soldiers, and suddenly a strong aura fluctuated from his body. .

Even if he was standing on the tower, Wu Han could feel the fluctuation clearly. It was an extremely strong oppression, suffocating, and a huge gravity impact that made it difficult for the body to move.

It was like a gravitational magnetic field, pulling the bodies of all the Yellow Turban soldiers and restricting their offensive.

This is Cao Cao's ability, not an attack with astonishing destructive power, but the ability to affect the entire army of one's own or the enemy's army. Although its influence on the Yellow Turban Army is only a few seconds, it is like a tide, wave after wave .

In such a situation where it is often difficult to move, although the yellow turban soldiers are stronger than Cao Jun, they can't exert their due strength at all.

Not only Cao Cao, but Wu Han discovered that Huangfusong and Zhu Jun on the two wings were also using their abilities as the main generals, such as galloping fire, or turbulent clouds, to bless the soldiers' weapons and armor, improving Cao Jun's attack and defense.

This is the role that plot characters can play in war. The general type can turn the tide when the enemy is outnumbered, while the commander type can turn the tide when the enemy is evenly matched.

Under their action, the effect of Wu Han's butterfly effect was quickly canceled out, and the two armies returned to the situation of being evenly matched. The swords and spears stabbed out from behind the shields, the soldiers at the front of the two armies, it can be said that there is no possibility of surviving at all. Even with the protection of the shields, it is just to avoid being chopped into pieces. I don’t know how many weapons have been stabbed into the body.

After the soldiers at the front of the formation died, the soldiers in the back row immediately replaced them, and then continued to collide with the opposite side on the front line.

Death can be said to be happening every minute and every second. In front of the meat grinder of war, no ordinary soldier can guarantee that he can survive. Elite soldiers or officers must also be lucky enough.

"This is the real war. Even if it's me, what I can do is very limited..."

Looking at the two armies fighting together, it was difficult to distinguish the outcome for a while, Wu Han could only sigh in his heart, trying to control the Gufeng Wolf King to kill, destroying Cao's formation, and the same enemy general Xiahou Dun They also led the army separately, cut into the Yellow Turban Army, and killed wantonly. In terms of efficiency, the Gufeng Wolf King also had advantages in size and destructive power, while Xiahou Dun and others had an advantage in numbers, which was basically the same.

As a player, what Wu Han can do is limited, and other players are even worse than him. Even Hu Wen is the same. He is a strategist, but he can't make much progress in the war. In the beginning, tens of thousands of cavalry players attacked the city. It was the limit of what he could do.

As for ordinary players, all they can do is exchange their lives for heavy damage from the enemy. If they are lucky, they can harvest one person, but if they are unlucky, they will do nothing.

At the beginning of the war, it was already very tragic. The two sides refused to retreat, or they had no way out. Cao Jun, who had no extra food and grass, had to take down Changsha in one fell swoop, while the Yellow Turban Army, who did not want to be wiped out, had to resist the enemy's suppression. The loser The only end is death, so they can only fight frantically in desperation, using their lives to win that victory and the chance of survival.

In war, the competition is the endurance of both sides, whoever can't bear it first will lose first!

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