() I was delayed by something today. I just came back and I am in the middle of crazy codewords. Try to make it three times!


Since the end of the war with Cao Cao, Wu Han has not left home for two days and has been concentrating on engraving the attachment. During this period, Bo Cai sent someone to invite a banquet and reward him. Jing declined because of mental discomfort.

In the past two days, in the forum, things about Wu Han are still buzzing. Whether it is about his strength and ability, or the harvest of beheading Cao Cao, and the reward for leading the war, countless players have speculated. Han will hold another auction to display them, and even if there is a fee, he will have to pay his respects.

It's a pity that Wu Han's staying behind closed doors has frustrated the hopes of countless players, and because of his low profile, the heat of the matter has continued to decline, and the players' attention has also faded.

And with the occurrence of other major events in the game, the forgetful players quickly shifted their sights elsewhere.

This world is like this, no matter who is missing, it will still turn around.

Maybe the sensation caused by Wu Han can lead the trend for a while, but it will eventually be replaced by other things, and in "War", this speed is definitely comparable to the speed of light.

It's just that Wu Han didn't care, or even paid attention to it at all. All he cared about was the actual benefits, and he didn't value any false reputation.

And after two days of hard work, Wu Han finally completed all the large amount of materials hoarded in his hand and attached the text. After the last stroke was carved, his whole body was like a ball of soft clay, and he lay down on the table directly, feeling in his heart. He murmured in relief.

"It's finally done, Gufeng Wolf King can fix it..."

After a while, Wu Han braced his body and used mechanism to call out the Gufeng Wolf King in his arm, and then started repairing. Through the mechanism, he continuously combined the materials of the attached text with the missing parts. , Gufeng Wolf King's body produced a strong suction force, combined with mechanism techniques, and soon the newly added attachment materials were perfectly integrated with various parts of his body.


In an instant, with the consumption of the attached materials and Wu Han's mental power, the damaged Gufeng Wolf King was completely repaired under the action of mechanism techniques.

Looking at the majestic Lone Wind Wolf King, after Wu Han checked its attributes, his tense nerves could not help but relax, and he exhaled slowly, and just when he was too tired to move, a A familiar voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I don't know if the military master has ever forgotten the blood covenant?"

The voice was illusory and ethereal, and it was obviously a voice transmission, and the owner of the voice was Leng Ye, who once again started a dialogue with Wu Han through voice transmission.

"Are you ready?"

Wu Han was not surprised by Leng Ye's call. After all, Leng Ye would not postpone the appointment today, so Wu Han just asked a question.

"That's natural. The Jingzhou side has already made contact, and the Yellow Turban side has also found a suitable reason. The obstacles to the action have been cleared away. I have assembled the team outside the east gate."

Leng Ye briefly explained the situation, but didn't tell Wu Han exactly what they were going to do, what the details of the clan missions were, but Wu Han didn't care, and he didn't ask, because he knew about those things through sound transmission, but he couldn't tell. It needs to be discussed face to face. The reason why Leng Ye came over via voice transmission was only to inform him, so he disappeared immediately after speaking.

After finishing the conversation, Wu Han retracted the Gufeng Wolf King's arm, tidied up the messy room himself, then got up suddenly, took off the clothes that hadn't been changed for several days, put on a set of counselor equipment that Bocai later rewarded, and took Picking up the crane feather fan placed beside the bed, he walked out of the room.

After leaving the room, Wu Han stopped the servants who were waiting outside the door and tried to come up, walked out of the courtyard alone without any pause, and then ran straight outside the east gate.

"Look, that Wu Zheng has gone out, could it be that he has made a big move?"

Without any cover, Wu Han had just stepped out of the gate when he was discovered by a sentry stationed near his home.

In the past, although Wu Han's performance was astonishing, he was suspected of taking advantage of the situation. After leaving the Yellow Turban Army, he seemed vulnerable. Although he was strong, he might just be a shooting star.

With the development of the Anti-Cao War, Wu Han's performance before and after the war made the world see his strength. Not only can he turn the tide in the war, but even if he leaves the Yellow Turban Army, he can fight against thousands of troops alone and lose his body. His retreat proved that he was definitely not a fleeting meteor, but a shining star.

Therefore, the major guilds in reality have increased their attention and attention to him, and have sent people to the Yellow Turban Uprising world to keep an eye on his movements. Therefore, as soon as Wu Han appeared, countless eyes immediately focused on him. on him.

"Seeing that he didn't go to the county government but went in the direction of the city gate, that's the conclusion."

"What do you mean?"

"The leader of the Dark Night Guild, Leng Ye, gathered the elite players of the entire guild outside the city, and he went straight to the city gate. Don't you understand that?"

"No, if these two join forces, it will definitely be a big move. What do they want to do?"

"Who knows, but what I'm more curious about is how the Dark Night Guild got in touch with that Wu Zheng."

"Didn't the two meet last time? It should be that time the two made some agreement. It was only a few days before I forgot about it. How did you get sent as a spy?"

After the war, Changshe City has returned to its former prosperity. The streets are crowded with various players and npcs. There are a large number of stalls on the side of the street. Some of them are ordinary npcs, while others are players in disguise. sentry.As Wu Han moved, the player Sentinel followed, chatting and teasing each other secretly.

Wu Han could clearly perceive their existence, but he couldn't hear what they were talking about because of the noise in the street, but he didn't care, just smiled in his heart, and continued to walk towards the city gate.

Because of the crowded streets, it took Wu Han a little time to walk to the city gate, but it didn't take long. After arriving at the city gate, the yellow turban guards stationed at the city gate immediately spotted him with keen eyes, and hurried forward without asking any more questions. He personally led Wu Han out of the city gate.

After leaving the city, Wu Han stood on the spot and looked over for a while, and immediately saw hundreds of troops assembled not far away, all of them were dressed in yellow shirts and their heads were wrapped in yellow scarves, just like a yellow scarf army.

However, Wu Han was able to recognize them as players at a glance, not because of Leng Ye's prior announcement, but because they were only similar in appearance but not in spirit, and they did not have the aura of the Yellow Turban Army's thieves in troubled times at all.

Taking a careful look, Wu Han saw Leng Ye among them, and walked over directly.

"It seems that Wu Zheng's sudden departure and the movement of the Dark Night Guild are really not a coincidence, but an agreement between the two. But what is it that requires their cooperation?"

Seeing Wu Han's figure gradually walking towards the gathered hundreds of people, following him secretly, and also passing through the sentry who checked out the city gate, the same thought could not help but frowned in his mind.

They don't know why the two joined forces, but one thing is certain, that is, for other forces, this is not good news!


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