God Bless Hackers

Chapter 0058 Hell Warrior

() Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the villa at the foot of the mountain, Xi Tianhao closed his cold eyes slightly, and issued an order in the communicator: "Attack!"

"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, the infiltration team flashed out from the darkness, the automatic rifles in their hands gushing out flames. What was originally an assault battle has now turned into a storm.

In this regard, Xi Tianhao didn't think there would be any problem. The wild wolf is a special force. If even the armed forces of a dozen people in the villa can't solve it, can they still be called a special force?

Of course, Xi Tianhao himself was not idle, he held up his sniper rifle, aimed at the window of the villa, and with a slight smile, he pulled the trigger.


The bullet whizzed away with blood-like rays of light, and directly hit the forehead of a head that had just emerged from the window of the villa.


There were screams, and no one in the villa dared to show their faces now. The sniper who was originally prepared to deal with an attack like today has now become their obstacle.

The firepower in the villa was suppressed, which made it relatively easier for the infiltration team.

Under the command of Hu Dongguang, the soldiers of the infiltration team climbed over the courtyard wall vigorously and rushed into the villa.

At this moment, suddenly a figure flashed out of the villa, holding a pistol in one hand and a dagger in the other.


Flames spewed out of the pistol, and in an instant, a soldier had already fallen down, headshot by a single shot.

At the same time, with a flash of cold light, the dagger in this man's hand cut the throat of another soldier.

The two actions were completed almost at the same time, obviously, this is a master.

Xi Tianhao didn't dare to neglect, and aimed his gun at this guy.


The bullet whizzed away, however, seeing the guy move his body, he threw his body out, rolled on the ground, and dodged the bullet, his movements were quite agile.

Hu Dongguang's face changed because of it, and he shouted: "Surround him!"

Then he shouted in the communicator: "The first and second groups fire to suppress the gunmen in the villa, and the other two groups prevent people from escaping."

The sudden change forced Hu Dongguang to change his strategy.

Xi Tianhao did not object to this, and made a decision on the fly, which is the quality a commander should have.

Xi Tianhao, who was standing on the top of the mountain, also pondered for a while, and said in a deep voice: "The third group of horses sent two snipers to the top of the mountain to replace me."

Now that a master appeared on the other side, Xi Tianhao vaguely felt that even Hu Dongguang was no match for that guy, so he decided to go down to meet this southern master himself.

Before Xi Tianhao arrived at the villa, the gun battle in the courtyard of the villa had turned into a close combat, and the gunmen in the villa did not shoot at Hu Dongguang's infiltration team.

On the one hand, it was because outside the courtyard wall, the first and second teams of the Wild Wolf Special Forces were suppressing them with firepower, and on the other hand, it seemed that they were full of incomparable confidence in this master.

Still on the mountainside, Xi Tianhao had already seen Hu Donglin fighting with this expert from the southern country.

In the blink of an eye, there was a sudden scream, blood was flying, and the dagger of the Nanguo master had already pierced Hu Dongguang's shoulder.

Fortunately, Hu Dongguang reacted fairly quickly. If he had been slower, the cold dagger might have pierced into his chest.

"Bang bang..."

The sound of broken bones continued to be heard, and the soldiers of the infiltration team all fell to the ground without exception, howling in pain.

It can be seen how fast this southern master's attack speed is.

At this time, the Nanguo master smiled coldly, raised the dagger in his hand, and stabbed Hu Dongguang who was lying on the ground with a cold light.

Now that the battle has begun, the experts from the southern kingdom also don't need to be merciful to the Chinese soldiers.


Sparks flew everywhere, and Xi Tianhao, who arrived in time, also used his dagger to block the dagger stabbed at Hu Dongguang by the master from the Southern Kingdom.

Hu Dongguang nodded gratefully to Xi Tianhao, but at this moment, Xi Tianhao suddenly kicked him several meters away.

Falling to the ground again, Hu Dongguang didn't complain about Xi Tianhao, he knew that Xi Tianhao was trying to save him, because the repelled dagger of the southern master stabbed at him again.

What's more, if he stood between Xi Tianhao and the experts from the Southern Kingdom, it would actually affect Xi Tianhao's opponent. In this case, kicking him off the battlefield was Xi Tianhao's only choice.

At this time, Xi Tianhao and the Nanguo master were already facing each other, and they jumped up at the same time, stabbing each other with their daggers at the same time.


The two daggers collided, sparks flew, and the two daggers shattered at the same time.

The two also looked at each other and backed away, throwing the dagger aside, both of them narrowed their eyes, obviously, they were both interested in the person in front of them.

"Haha..." Almost at the same time, both of them burst out laughing.

Immediately, the southern expert's eyes sank and he asked, "Who are you?"

"Xi Tianhao!"

"I didn't expect to meet a master in Huaxia. It's really unexpected."

"China has never lacked masters." Xi Tianhao smiled lightly, and did not ask what the master's name was.

In his opinion, the name is just a code name, not important.

For him, the most important thing is the aura of this southern master. Xi Tianhao could vaguely smell a medicine.

This reminded him of a term in later generations - Hell Warrior.

In later generations, Hell Warriors once swept the world, and they were the most troublesome existence for all countries, because they almost destroyed the world.

Later, it was the Hell Warrior who died by himself, and human beings escaped this catastrophe.

Because the southern authorities have developed a special drug, Hell Warrior uses this special drug to stimulate the body's functions, thus bursting out the ultimate strength of the human body, making the user of the drug instantly in a state of excitement.

Of course, there is a price to be paid for this kind of non-step-by-step increase in strength, that is, long-term use of this drug will cause changes in body functions, so hell fighters have never lived long, more can live for five or six years, and less can only live After two or three years, this is also one of the reasons for the demise of the Hell Warriors themselves.

Also because of the use of this conscience-stricken drug, there were fewer and fewer men in the southern country, and in the end there were almost no men. After decades, this also made the southern country gradually disappear in the long river of history.

This can be regarded as the southern country digging its own grave, destroying the country and species, no wonder others.

Of course, it will be 60 years after the end of the Southern Kingdom, which surprised Xi Tianhao. Hell Warriors actually appeared in this era.

However, the smell of medicine emanating from this Hell Warrior is not very strong. This Hell Warrior should be just a test product for the research of drugs in the southern kingdom.

This shows that the use of this drug in Nanguo has not yet reached its peak, and the power that can stimulate the body is not the strongest.

But even so, Xi Tianhao had to be careful with this Hell Warrior who was still a test product. After all, the history of blood and tears experienced by later generations still had an impact on him.

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