Ping An Biography

Chapter 10 Found the Organization

The water truck sent by Liren Street finally arrived, and more people from the Yamen came to put out the fire.The spread of the fire was effectively controlled, and finally it did not lead to a catastrophe.Houses in this era use a lot of wood, which is flammable and very afraid of fire. Especially in a densely populated city like Nanjing, fire prevention is a particularly important item in the administration of local officials.

After putting out the fire, we need to find out the cause. If Aunt Li's house was accidentally burned, they will be taken to the Yamen for punishment; if someone set the fire, the culprit must be found out.Anyway, a whole night of commotion on Liren Street won't end.

Everyone in the Zhang family sighed, but not because of the fire, but because of Zhang Ning's matter.Zhang Jiujin is an honest businessman. Recently, he has been involved in lawsuits with the government again and again. In the middle of the night, a terrible stranger appeared at home. Everyone in the common people would be terrified.

"Erlang was taken away by the government again, what will happen?" Zou's face was bloodless.

Zhang Jiujin threw the bucket he brought back into the courtyard heavily, and said with a straight face, "His family will drag our family down to death before giving up! They are so old, they should have been separated long ago!"

Mrs. Zou glanced at Zhang Xiaomei, and hurriedly said, "It's just that Erlang caused trouble, and it has nothing to do with Xiaomei."

Zhang Xiaomei opened her mouth to speak, but finally buried her head and said nothing.

Zhang Jiujin was full of anger, pointed at the door and said, "That kid is not a member of the Zhang family! If he can come back this time, we won't be greedy for his share or cause trouble. We will give him everything Zhang Jiuyin has! How do you feel sorry for others?"

Mrs. Zou took Zhang Xiaomei's hand and said: "Your uncle said something angry, the whole family should not be offended. Think of a way is the right thing to do."

"What do you want to do?" Zhang Jiujin said with a blushing face, "Are you going to the gate of the yamen to appeal for injustice? I don't think there is enough trouble! And Miss Zhang, you'd better behave yourself and don't make troubles on your own. One day you don't marry me, I will one day I can teach you a lesson!"

At this time, Zhang Xiaomei was really pitiful, her shoulders were trembling slightly, the tears in her big eyes rolled and rolled but did not fall, she looked at Zhang Jiujin like this but said nothing.


Suddenly coming out of the scene of the fire, Zhang Ning was quite cold in his obscene clothes and was blown by the night wind.A group of four people crossed the Dazhong Bridge, and the direction was not at all to the county government and the Ministry of Rites. The Yamen was on the west side of Liren Street, but the Dazhong Bridge was in the southeast.But Zhang Ning did not express any objection, and several people walked in silence.

When they came to an inn called "Yue Ke Lai" inside Tongji Gate, the two guards stopped.The young man in Yuebai shirt took out a few strings of copper coins from his sleeve pocket and handed them over: "Both brothers, have a cup of tea." The guard hurriedly waved his hands and said, "You are officials from Beijing. If you don't have such rules, don't dare to ask for it." Yue The young man in the white shirt couldn't help but put it in his hand: "Shoes and socks are worn out and you need money to buy them. What rules are there? I can't bring up such a small matter. You usually try not to talk about what happened tonight."

Separated from the guards, the young man in Yuebai shirt knocked on the door of the inn and took Zhang Ning in.When the two went upstairs, the young man said: "There are not enough people around Mr. Yu (the official is too young), I am the only one watching over there tonight, and it is too late to help when I find out that something happened. Later, I felt that the situation was too safe. It's dangerous, I want to ask you to avoid it temporarily but I don't know how to make you trust, after all, you and I don't know each other. I have to use this trick to wrong you for setting|fire, and I hope you don't blame it."

"It's expedient, understand." Zhang Ning replied calmly.A thought flashed in his mind, didn't this guy start the fire at Aunt Li's house next door?But after thinking about it for a while, I think it is not possible. If you smash a mouse, you are afraid of hitting the things next to it, let alone setting fire to ordinary people's homes.

After going upstairs, he still knocked on the door and entered a set of guest rooms.There were three people inside, all dressed neatly without any sign of sleeping.A young man in a green shirt and a square scarf, with a white face and sitting upright, about 25 or [-] years old, dressed like a scholar, but just by looking at him, he doesn't look like a scholar, and a scholar doesn't have that kind of bearing.The other two, a white and fat boy and an old man in his fifties, both wore gray cotton robes, hatless, and their hair was tied on top of their heads with a wooden hairpin that hadn't been dyed in any color.

When the person wearing the flat scarf saw Zhang Ning, he asked, "How did this happen?" The person who spoke should be Yu Qian.

Zhang Ning was not in a hurry to answer the question, and first cupped his fists to salute: "Zhang Ning, a small citizen of Shangyuan County, pay your respects to your lord."

"Okay, don't need so much red tape." Yu Qian still sat, raised his hand and made a gesture, "Find a suit to put on for Ping An, it's cold at night." Hearing this, the fat boy walked into another room up.And the old man in his [-]s has not spoken or moved, standing by the entrance door like a wooden sculpture.

The white-clothed young man who brought Zhang Ning over said: "They really came here to prostitute. The students were afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so they decided to find Ping An and bring him here. Ping An trusts you..."

Yu Qian interrupted the young man: "I've known since you came in. If Ping An doesn't believe you, can you take my paper stamped by the head of the Ministry of Rites and invite people over?" .”

Yu Qian looked at Zhang Ning again: "I don't really understand why Ping An trusts a stranger so easily."

Zhang Ning chanted unhurriedly: "Thousands of hammers and thousands of hammers have carved out a deep mountain, and the fire is burning like nothing. Don't be afraid of breaking your bones and breaking your body. You must stay innocent in the world."

"Haha..." Yu Qian suddenly laughed heartily, and looked at Zhang Ning face to face, and Zhang Ning also responded with a smiling gaze, saying nothing.

The young man in Yuebai shirt also laughed and said, "My lord wrote a poem in his early years, and brother Pingan dared to entrust his life and death. , Some things really don’t need to be said out, but I don’t feel that way when I say them out.

At this time, the fat boy came out with a piece of clothing, but Yu Qian said: "Whose clothes did you take, can you wear it for a safe person? Go and get the robe I usually wear, he should be about the same size."

Zhang Ning noticed that the young man in white shirt added "brother" to his address, meaning to be close to him. Of course, he wanted to vote for Li Baotao, so he turned around and cupped his fists and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't asked the person who helped me at the end of the school." My dear brother, your name is your name."

Yu Qian took over the words and said: "His name is Wang Jian, and he is also famous for raising people. You can just call his name "Cultivating Virtue." Zhang Ning hurriedly said: "Don't dare, brother Wang, please be respected by the last student."

"Don't wait for the details, I want to ask you something." Yu Qian said solemnly, "You made a confession statement in prison, and now you are in Beijing. I believe you can't help yourself. You don’t have to worry about it anymore. Now Mr. Zuo Yude and Yang Shiqi want you to go to the Beijing police to retract your confession and tell the truth about being tortured to extract a confession and being plotted against by others. Are you willing? There is nothing wrong with us if we stand upright, we just ask for one Truth and justice, so I don’t force you, just follow your choice.”

choose?Zhang Ning thought, do I have a choice now?Besides, as soon as I came to this world, I have already got into trouble in the power field. If I want to continue to mess around, I must have an organization. Visually, the prospects of this organization are not bad.Andy Lau said it well in the movie "Certificate of Fame": In this world, one cannot survive without brothers.

Zhang Ning didn't have to think about it at all, and said straightforwardly: "Whether I have bribed Mr. Lu, how can I not know? Mr. Lu is the examiner, and he is the teacher of the students. The king of heaven and earth, the master, the teacher is in prison because of me." , how can there be any reason to be a student and ignore things? I am willing to do my best to help Mr. Lu clear his grievances."

Yu Qian nodded solemnly and praised: "Ping An knows the righteousness and the general principles. If Mr. Lu hadn't had any accidents, and such a juror appeared in his hand, he would also be looking for a talented person for the court and society and for the father of the Ming Dynasty."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the window, his face was slightly pale, and he was going to toss like this all night tonight.Yu Qian said again: "I'm afraid that the night will be long and dreamy, so let's go through Tongji Gate at Maoshi. Wait for a while to write a new confession and give it to me first, just in case there is nothing wrong."

"Will the end of the school go north with the adults, will it hurt you?" Zhang Ning asked calmly, implying that he was worried about safety on the road.Just now Yu Qian asked himself to write a retracted confession overnight, obviously he might encounter trouble on the way, meaning that in case Zhang Ning died, there would still be a handwritten retracted confession, this is what Yu Qian meant by infallible?

Wang Jian said: "Your Excellency has already arranged it, Brother Pingan, you don't need to worry."

Yu Qian lowered his voice and said: "Now you can only go back to Beijing by grain ship or by land. Land vehicles and boats stop at the store, and the road is not easy to walk; The Salt Envoy of Dutransshipment has served in the past, and may have contacts with some people in the Jianghu, such as the Cao Gang of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and there are hidden dangers. Master Zuo Yu De Yang asked me to handle this matter, and it must be done well without any mistakes! So I came up with another method, which can be called 'clearing the plank road brightly, keeping the old warehouse in the dark'."

Zhang Ning kept silent the eight words "Mingxiu plank road and dark Chen Cang" in his heart, and immediately understood what Yu Qian's so-called clever plan was, so he reminded: "Brother Yangde (Wang Jian) ​​is walking with Mo Xue tonight, and Master Yu has already It's exposed, it's impossible not to keep an eye on Mr. Yu that week. You came from Beijing, and you brought a few people to check, and if you miss one or two, you may not be able to get rid of their eyeliner."

When Yu Qian heard Zhang Ning's words, he knew that he had already understood the meaning of the eight characters, and it was easy to deal with people who responded quickly, so he nodded in approval and said: "Ping An makes sense, but we have other arrangements."

He didn't say what the arrangement was, and it was inconvenient for Zhang Ning to ask more.

At this time, Yu Qian glanced at the pink thing that was bandaging the wound in his hand, and said, "Change a piece of gauze for Ping An, and let everyone rest for a while to refresh themselves."

Because the silk scarf belonged to Zhang Xiaomei, Zhang Ning didn't know when he would see her again when he left Nanjing, so he didn't want to throw it away and put it in his sleeve bag.

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