Ping An Biography

Chapter 105 Unsolvable Constraints

The most important thing before Zhu Zhanji's regime is the threat of the king of Han and other vassals. Now the power center is adopting the strategy of "trying to get hard". Increased to [-] stone.The king of Han congratulated his nephew on his enthronement, and took the opportunity to make more demands. Zhu Zhanji satisfied him all, and said to the court: "The emperor's grandfather once said to his father that the second uncle has the intention of seizing the throne, so he should be careful. But my father treated him very generously, and judging from the memorials given by the King of Han, if it was really sincere, then he had changed his past and changed his ways, so we had to obey him."


However, Zhang Ning was completely excluded from these major events. Issues that had nothing to do with rank, for example, Yu Qian was only a seventh rank and he participated to some extent.The current situation is completely different from when he was allowed to make suggestions when he was driving in Nanjing. Zhang Ning seemed to have returned to the state of doing idle work in obscurity, and the above matters had almost nothing to do with him.

In fact, Zhu Zhanji has not forgotten him, but he is not willing to let him participate in state secrets anymore, and has other considerations.

The last time the emperor sent the eunuch Haitao to discuss the matter, it was to make it impossible for Hu and Zhang to become one.Because of Zhang Ning's life experience and the relationship between Jianwen's survivors, Hu Ying's secret memorial re-evokes the new emperor's wariness of Jianwen's survivors, which is very unfavorable to Zhang Ning; therefore, it is impossible for Zhang Ning to get close to Hu Ying He formed an alliance and made up nonsense together. Out of self-interest considerations, he obviously preferred to see that Taizong's death had nothing to do with the conspiracy of Jianwen Xizuo.When the time comes to use Zhang Ning to review the suspicious case, the authenticity will be much more reliable... Hu Ying will also automatically assume the role of monitoring and balancing Zhang Ning, because once Zhang Ning reported that the "fragrance ash" was nothing, Hu Ying It is necessary to bear the risk of being charged with deceiving the king.Besides, Zhu Zhanji knew that Zhang Ning had made some progress in this line of work before, and this kind of thing couldn't be asked by novices who had never been in contact with it.

This is a game of mutual checks and balances that Zhu Zhanji set up casually, and there is no solution. The natural conflict of pros and cons between the two leaves them no choice.

... A few days later, Wang Zhen came to the private meeting again. Zhang Ning had already considered it clearly, and truthfully disclosed the matter of "Xiang Ash" to Wang Zhen.If Wang Zhen found a treasure, he hurried back to the palace to report it secretly.For him, this is another credit in front of Wang Gou'er.

Sure enough, Wang Gou'er's expression changed as soon as he heard it. It seems that the news is very important.

In Wang Gou'er's heart, there has been uncertain speculation and doubts, because this news has been solved.The eunuch Haitao imprisoned Wang Meiren to test whether the "incense ash" was poisonous, but she died; and the ashes should have been sent up by Hu Ying. What did Hu Ying do before?That is to say, Taizong Zhu Di was poisoned to death by the secret work of Jianwen's survivor, and this secret work was by Taizong's side at that time to have a chance.

Who is most suspected?Wang Gou'er was under a lot of pressure immediately.

Wang Gou'er couldn't calm down anymore, he couldn't even sit still, he kept walking up and down in front of the door, looking very anxious. "Godfather..." Wang Zhen bowed aside and called out.Wang Gou'er glanced at him and said, "You've done a good job, go down first."

"Yes, godfather." Wang Zhen had no choice but to back down.

Wang Gou'er can't even trust any godson in this matter. There are tens of thousands of eunuchs in this huge palace, and he is the boss of the eunuchs, but sometimes there is only one person who can trust it.Because that person has the same identity as himself.

After nightfall, Wang Gou'er quietly came to a door and knocked lightly.A voice inside said: "Who is it? Our family just fell asleep!" Then he blew twice and the room was slightly bright.Wang Gou'er said, "Me."

The light in the room went out immediately, the door opened slightly, and Wang Gou'er walked in sideways.It was pitch black inside, and there was only the shadow outline of a head in front of Wang Gou'er, and the other party's face was completely unclear, and there was a vague outline of a bun on the head of the man who was not wearing a hat.

Wang Gou'er said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow you will leave the palace to make purchases, so you have to leave quickly."

"What's the matter?" the voice said, and the tone also sounded sharp.

Wang Gou'er fumbled and brought his mouth to the man's ear: "I won't let you go until I have to. Taizong's death was discovered by Hu Ying, and it has already been stabbed in front of Emperor Xuande. I'm afraid it will happen sooner or later." You must see the light. Hurry up and go back and report the letter... One more thing, last time the death of the maid surnamed Zhou was caused by me, but I couldn't help it. The way they did it is full of loopholes; you can explain it after you go back , Even if I didn't point out her at the time, what she did would not be accomplished, and if I point it out, I can still accumulate the trust of the higher authorities, and later on, didn't I succeed in completing the unfinished business for her?"

"Don't worry, Wang Gonggong, I will explain myself." The voice said.

Wang Gou'er squeezed his wrist hard: "It's all up to you, don't make any mistakes. I shouldn't stay here for a long time, and the words will come."

"There will be a period later."

On the second day, a young man dressed in hemp appeared on the post road. He had handsome facial features and no beard on his mouth. He looked very young, and his lack of masculinity was not due to women disguised as men. Women can be easily recognized no matter how they dress.He took Zhang Shengyuan's guide, passed the customs and said he was going to a funeral, and went straight to the direction of Huguang Chief Envoy along the main road.

When he arrived in the countryside of Changde Mansion, he was soon taken to a quarry in the boundary of Yongshun by the people there, where he rested overnight, and then someone came to pick him up in a carriage.When he got into the carriage, someone covered his head with a black cloth, and he couldn't tell the direction.

It took a few days for the carriage to stop and bump before he was brought down from it.With the cloth still covering his head, he heard a voice asking, "Huang An?" The young man was about to answer, and someone beside him answered first.

When the cloth on Huang An's head was taken off, his eyes narrowed immediately, and he gradually adjusted to the light before opening them.The place where I was located was not an open place, I saw thatched huts blocking my view on all sides, and I could only see a piece of blue sky above my head, the weather was fine.There were two or three people standing around, and there was a middle-aged scribe sitting on a wicker chair under the eaves.Huang An immediately bowed, "Master Zheng."

The person sitting was Zheng Qia, and Zheng Qia greeted him kindly: "Come and sit, drink a cup of tea if you're thirsty on the way."

Huang An walked under the eaves according to his words, and sat down gently with his body bent.Zheng Qia said again: "Don't worry, drink some water to moisten your throat, and what happened in the palace?"

"Yes..." Huang An took a sip, and suddenly thought that the simple tea served in this place is actually good, then he coughed carefully and said, "It's true that something happened, the prince told me to leave the palace as soon as possible. It is said that Hu Ying found a kind of 'incense ash' related to the death of the false emperor (Taizong), and mentioned it in front of the current emperor of the false dynasty. The prince thought that the matter was exposed, so he hurriedly sent me back to report."

At this moment, Huang An remembered another matter that Wang Gou'er ordered, and just when he felt that it was not easy to explain it abruptly, and no one else asked, Zheng Qia immediately asked another sentence: "Why doesn't Wang Gou'er talk to you?" Go together?"

Huang An was taken aback for a moment, and said in embarrassment: "At that time, Eunuch Wang came here at night, and he was in a hurry. He left without saying a few words, and asked me to leave quickly the next day when I was out of the palace to make purchases. I left together, and I didn't even think about asking."

Zheng Qia nodded and said: "You are tired from the journey, wash and change your clothes today and rest for a while, let's talk later. This is General Zhou's house, you can talk to him if you need anything."

"General Zhou is a great general named Meng Xiong?" Huang An asked casually.

"Exactly." Zheng Qia pretended to joke lightly, "It is said that his mother dreamed of a bear on the night he was born, so he took this name." But Zheng Qia's joke couldn't hide his eyebrows Anxiety in between.

"I'll take my leave first." Zheng Qia stood up.

Zheng Qia came out of the thatched-roofed courtyard, and behind him was a huge mountain. He and a follower walked the mountain road for nearly half a day before they vaguely saw a Taoist temple in the mountain forest.Zheng Qia went straight into the Taoist temple and worshiped devoutly in front of the statue of Taishang Laojun.At this time, a fat Taoist priest appeared at the side door and said, "If the benefactor wants to do good deeds, please come inside."

Zheng Qia made a salute, left his entourage behind, and followed the fat Taoist priest into the door alone, passed through several buildings, and came to a hall.At this time, a strong Taoist priest about [-] years old walked in and said, "Xianjun is meditating, why are you here?"

"Your Highness..." Zheng Qia knelt down and saluted, and then told the story.

At this time, a voice from behind the gauze cabinet said: "Xueshi Zheng came forward to speak."

"My minister obeys the order." Zheng Qia hurried forward a few steps, and stood in the hall with the young man beside him.Zheng Qia was conferred titles such as Prince Shaofu, Wenyuange University Bachelor, etc., anyway, it doesn't have much effect at this time.At this time he said: "After Wang Gou'er accomplished his work the year before last, the minister secretly made people wait for Huang An and ordered Huang An to call Wang Gou'er back, but he didn't leave; this time the matter was about to be exposed, so he brought Huang An An Du sent away, but he still stayed in the palace. This matter makes people feel uneasy."

"Wang Gou'er knows too many things. If he betrays, we will be in a very dangerous situation." The "Prince" Zhu Wenkui on the side hurriedly said.Zhu Wenkui is not tall, but he has a square face, a strong figure, and a very energetic person, which is completely opposite to the literary and Confucian Zheng Qiazhan.

Zheng Qia frowned and said, "It stands to reason that Wang Gou'er would not easily defect to the enemy. If the false emperor Xuande found out that Wang Gou'er murdered his grandfather, he would definitely not let him go."

"If he doesn't leave, he must be greedy for the power and wealth of the palace!" Zhu Wenkui said unhappily, "So he himself knows that the danger is very dangerous, and he is still lucky."

Zheng Qia hurriedly echoed: "What Your Highness said is very true, and it should be for this reason. According to what I saw, the reason why Wang Gou'er dared to stay is that the false Emperor Xuande may not be able to confirm the fact that his grandfather was assassinated; Although Ying found the key clues, she couldn't confirm it to the false emperor Xuande, so Wang Gou'er thought there was still a chance."

Zhu Wenkui said: "Anyway, this eunuch has already had a different heart, and he is a disaster."

At this time, "Xianjun" said: "Wang Gou'er served me when he was young, and he is still very loyal."

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