Peach Blossom Fairy returned a few days later, and the news she brought back indicated that Zhan Zhuli most likely did not go to the capital, but turned back halfway. : After reading the novel, she first went to Fuhe Station, the starting point of the post road in Changde Mansion, and found out that Zhan Zhuli had led the horse there, and then she went straight to Jingnan Station, the big post station in Jingzhou, and also found the record of changing horses; In order to record and record, there was no trace of Zhan Zhuli in the large and small post stations that continued north.

After Peach Blossom Fairy found this place, there was no way to track her down.Zhan Zhuli set off a few days ago, there is no record written on paper, the world is so big and Peach Blossom Fairy has very few people, where can I find a person's whereabouts in the vast urban and rural areas?

But as long as there is such a little information, Zhang Ning can already make a judgment.Since Zhan Zhuli took the post road when he set off, if he was indeed going north to deliver the letter, why would he need to erase his record halfway?He gave up the post road, and the only possible explanation is that he changed the road in Jingzhou.

Why did Zhan Zhuli change his way halfway? Where is he going?Zhang Ning could easily assume his purpose, pretending to go north to the capital, find a reasonable reason for people to disappear from the Changde mansion, and then turn back to Changde mansion Yongshun Division to secretly monitor Zhang Ning's activities.

As an interview envoy who often directs orders directly to Yuanshui Tea Garden, Wu Yong and others have already been squeezed out of their hands. If this continues, they will obviously have no achievements and effects; Zhan Zhuli left the line of sight. a path of surveillance.

But Zhan Zhuli is only one person, he can do very little, and he can't monitor Zhang Ning's people in all aspects.Where is the breakthrough point?Zhang Ning thought about it, and then thought of the "ghost temple" that was the main altar of the cult.

Since he went to Yongshun Division to secretly investigate the incense ash case last year, that suspicious place has become a breakthrough exposed to the sight of the government. Zhang Ning didn't understand why Yao Ji didn't move to the main altar, and she still stayed there after a few months.The ghost temple has built a defense line through terrifying rumors and extremely dangerous terrain, but these things may be effective for ordinary people, but not necessarily effective for government officials.When people in the officialdom are forced to rise up, they do not believe in evil at all, and it is not an exaggeration to be extremely vicious.

Escorting Fang Ling to the main altar of the evil religion requires someone who can be trusted internally. Zhang Ning originally planned to send him there in person, and then he could meet Yao Ji.But at this moment, he dismissed the idea. With Zhan Zhuli in the dark who was out of control, he didn't want to take such unnecessary risks.

In the end, Zhang Ning explained the matter to Peach Blossom Fairy and Xu Wenjun.During this period of time, Peach Blossom Fairy ran back and forth, and she was really busy for a long time. Zhang Ning was also helpless. Only a limited number of people could use the secrets involved.

When sending Fang Ling to the main altar of the Pixie Sect, Zhang Ning wrote another letter, explaining the details of a person out of control here, and asked the Pixie Sect to pay attention to the precautions and secret arrests near the main altar.Then they arranged for two more people to "take care" of Wu Yong and keep Wu Yong in custody.

After a while, a secret envoy from Yao Ji came to Zhang Ning's residence with a letter from Yao Ji.

There wasn't much to say between the lines, only one serious matter was talked about.The "important person" who had planned to meet Zhang Ning a long time ago was Emperor Jianwen Zhu Yunqi. Now the plan has been agreed upon, and the meeting place will be at the main altar of the Demon Sect; I will go to the main altar in the next day to avoid accidents on the road.

Zhang Ning felt a little uneasy in his confidence after reading it. He felt faintly that the general altar was not a safe and reliable place, but the people at the top couldn't open any pots and carried which pots, so he had to choose such a place; Used, because Yao Ji mentioned that it has been "negotiated" above.

Perhaps Emperor Jianwen and his aides believed that the main altar of the Demonic Sect had more troops for defense, and the terrain was dangerous and easy to defend and difficult to attack, so it was more "safe"; There is no defense at all... But Zhang Ning thinks that this kind of approach that is too stable will make you very passive; it is better to choose a place temporarily, so that people can't even guess, and the initiative is completely in your hands.

If the situation of Emperor Jianwen were changed to Zhu Zhanji's today, what would Zhu Zhanji do?Zhang Ning remembered the incident when he went to Nanjing to greet him, and felt that if it was Zhu Zhanji, he would definitely not go to the general altar of the evil cult.After so many years, Emperor Jianwen's style of doing things still seems to be lacking in something. Maybe a person's fate is really doomed by birth?

... Why did Emperor Jianwen come to meet him in person instead of asking Zhang Ning to meet him? The reason is unknown.

In any case, since the "father" thought of family affection and condescended to meet each other, Zhang Ning would go anyway.He has an indescribable feeling. He lacks a little affection for this father who has never met. If Zhang Ning is still the original Zhang Ning, and there is no soul from another world in his memory, maybe he is thinking about his parents who are physically and mentally affected. , Blood is thicker than water, there will be a special feeling; but now Zhang Ning really doesn't feel it at all.On the contrary, because of Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunqi's historical reputation, this name made him more familiar.

But he can't show his true feelings, he must show gratitude, respect, filial piety, etc., otherwise he won't be able to stand in the world.Under the social rules where the concept of loyalty and filial piety becomes an axiom, an unfilial person will be spurned by everyone.Even the rebel Li Kui, who kills people like mowing grass in the play, has to be a filial son behind his mother's back. It's a rule that desperadoes can't provoke, let alone a person like Zhang Ning?

Zhang Ning made some preparations, and without informing Wu Yong, he took his two confidants out of Changde Mansion and entered the Yongshun Division.Considering that there were many hidden dangers in this trip, he waited until midnight before quietly marching towards the main altar of the evil cult.

The road to the west is not as smooth as Changde Mansion, the mountains are getting higher and higher, and the road is getting more and more rugged.Don't drive in the middle of the night, even in broad daylight.Zhang Ning, Xu Wenjun, the Peach Blossom Fairy, and the three of them had no choice but to lead the horse and walk slowly.On the way, they met believers who came to meet them, so they joined together and let the believers act as guides to continue walking.

But after walking for a long time, Zhang Ning felt that the road seemed wrong.Although it was in the middle of the night that I couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, and it was a few months ago that Zhang Ning went to the ghost temple, but I was more or less impressed by the road conditions and the like. .

The temperature at night was relatively low at this time, and it felt gloomy and windy. Perhaps the atmosphere was too gloomy, so Zhang Ning became a little worried: Could these two believers be fake?But after thinking about it, there were not many people who knew about this matter, and the questions and answers with those two people when they first met were also correct, so it should not be fake; besides, in Changde Mansion, no one would think of anyone who would plot against him like this.

At this moment, the two women in blue homespun clothes said: "There will be no way in a while, and we have to pass through a forest. Everyone, be careful not to slip on your feet."

Zhang Ning asked, "Didn't we go in from the secret path of the ancient temple on the cliff?"

A woman who led the way said: "The main entrance is too wide to see, and it is easy to be exposed. Let's go another way. This is where the supplies are transported into the mountain every month. It should be more secretive."

"So that's how it is." Zhang Ning's doubts were slightly resolved, at least this person's explanation made sense.

Passing through a hole along the road, the leader in front said: "Follow closely, we are entering the mountain." Then he left the path and walked into the nearby bushes.The weeds are deep in the forest, and the trees are not very tall.One of the two believers walked ahead with a branch to open the way, and the other walked behind to cover up the traces slightly; it could be seen that they were very cautious, originally this kind of mountain road was inaccessible, even if there were occasional passers-by, I am afraid that they would not run into the woods for no reason .

After a while, Zhang Ning's robes were completely wet with dew, and the clothes were torn several times by thorns, and the lower garments were torn like strips of cloth.The clothes on his body are made of high-quality cotton and silk fabrics, which are good for normal wear, but they are not as strong as the Tujia cloth of the believers when walking this way.The back of the hand where the sleeve was exposed was also scratched several times by some unknown thorn, and it was itchy and painful.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, I finally came to the end, only to see a stone wall blocking the way, and there is a simple earth temple vaguely among the weeds, which seems to be deserted.A group of people entered the earth temple, and the two believers worked together to remove the clay bodhisattva. It turned out that there was a cave hidden behind.

After everyone entered the cave and closed the entrance again, the believers took a lantern at the entrance and lit it, and began to walk through the cave.Like the secret passage below the ancient temple, the cave was dark and damp, with water dripping from the top of the head and water flowing under the feet, and everyone's shoes were already wet with their deep feet and shallow feet.

After walking a long and winding black road, it finally came to an end.The oppressive air was refreshed. Zhang Ning looked around and found that he was standing in a valley surrounded by many big trees, and the soft and thick fallen leaves were quite comfortable under his feet.There was a sound of "squeaking" water in his ears, and he looked up following the sound, only to see a waterfall appearing on the high mountain.He suddenly realized that with the reference object, he finally knew where he was. It turned out that this place was the valley below the main altar of the evil spirit sect, and the altar was located on the mountainside above.

A believer who brought them in cupped his hands and made a gesture. The two thumbs were put together to expose the small hole, and the other fingers and palms formed a urn-like shape. , Baogu..." There were several loud voices.Then someone answered and asked for the password, and then the believers led Zhang Ning up the plank road.

"There is also a rope frame next to it. It is usually used to transport things, and it can also pull people. But it is scary to sit on that kind of frame. Let's walk up." The believers who led the way talked while walking. Maybe they felt relaxed when they arrived at their own land. The conversation seems to have gradually increased, and they talked about irrelevant topics.It could be heard that the two guides did not know Zhang Ning and the others, let alone their identities.


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