"My lord Yang loves Miss Luo very much, but he sent you to do this extremely dangerous matter. Then Minister Lu must have a good relationship with your father." Zhang Ning took the opportunity to inquire about some connections in the court in a casual tone. Chao's cognition is limited to the things in the streets and alleys of Nanjing in his memory, which is not much different from blank.

Downwind came the voice of Luo Yaoniang who was driving ahead: "What do you think of my father? Does everyone only help people who have a good relationship with me? My father and Lu Shilang have no relationship in private except for business. Firstly, saving him is for the sake of justice, and secondly, because Lu Shilang is a loyal minister and good official. A good official for the country and the people has suffered unfair injustice, how can he stand by and do nothing! My father sent me here for no other reason, because I can handle this matter And there are not many people who can be trusted. How much power do you think Zuo Yude has? The errand is only for the prince to teach the scriptures and accompany him to study, where can he find someone?"

After hearing this, Zhang Ning thought to himself: He has never been in contact with each other before, so why can Qiu Qian, a subordinate of Lu Zhen, the minister of rites, say with certainty that "Luo Yaoniang is the daughter of Master Yang, you can trust her"?It is also said that Yu Qian is the head of the Ministry of Rites, and Lu Zhen, who committed the crime, is the minister of the Ministry of Rites. How did you get involved?

Zhang Ning doesn't know much about their relationship, but he can make a rough guess based on the information he has learned, but Luo Yaoniang, who is Yang Shiqi's family, doesn't know at all, and Zhang Ning doesn't know whether she is tight-lipped or not. Really naive.

Since she answered like that, it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions.Anyway, Zhang Ning's feeling about the situation now is: his eyes are full of fog, and he is crossing the river by feeling the stones.

In the afternoon, when he stopped to change horses and stirrups again, Zhang Ning noticed a ragged man looming in the grass, but the man didn't move at all, so he didn't make a sound, just kept paying attention.When Luo Yaoniang took off the stirrup, she saw Zhang Ning's gaze, and said, "Don't look, it must be a dead person, starved to death...Look at the nearby trees, the bark has been peeled off, this county has either suffered a disaster or Officials are ineffective."

As soon as Zhang Ning was reminded by her, he was stunned to see that the lower half of many trees had no bark.Luo Yaoniang said relaxedly: "You have always only stayed in the wind, flowers, moon and snow of Jinling. If you often go out to travel, this situation will not be surprising."

"But why do you speak in such a tone?" Zhang Ning frowned.

Luo Yaoniang sneered, "Are you angry?"

Zhang Ning's expression returned to normal, and he didn't want to argue with her about such things at this time.Luo Yaoniang said: "My father said that the world is not in order because there are few officials with good character and ability. Do you still say that we should not risk our lives to rescue a person who is neither relative nor relative?"

"It's impossible for people to be so simple, otherwise why would there be so many moral books, criminal laws and regulations?" Zhang Ning couldn't help but sigh.

Luo Yaoniang patted the horse's back and turned back: "It's on the road. Why are there so many emotions, first do the things that can be done, and what's the use of sighing about the things you can't manage?"

The two rode on the same horse and continued on their way. Now Zhang Ning's mental pressure has dropped a lot.Sure enough, Huoyun Cthulhu's famous saying "The only thing that can't be broken in martial arts in the world is speed" is very reasonable. No matter how many moves Ren Zhouna and his gang have, they lose at the same speed. It always takes time to transmit information and react?It's just that his body doesn't feel very good. It feels like his bones are about to be broken. He has never been tossing on horseback like this. It's been almost a whole day. In addition, he didn't sleep well in the previous two nights, and he was groggy and exhausted.It is estimated that Luo Yaoniang is not much better, she has to control the horse all the time, and it takes a long time and it is quite exhausting. As a girl, she can have such good physical strength and energy, and she can do things as well as a man. Zhang Ning admires her very much.

The surrounding houses and vegetation are flying in the wind, just like watching flowers on a horse, and like time passing by, everything suddenly seems like a dream.Zhang Ning became happy again amidst a little melancholy, no matter what, he has made money in this life, and people who have died once are more open to everything.The sun was setting slowly, the night was opening on time, and the running was still going on.

Drowsiness struck in exhaustion, but he couldn't fall asleep.It is said that nomadic cavalry can march for many days in a row and sleep on horseback. Zhang Ning thinks this legend is incredible.

He could only suffer like this, with blurred consciousness and listless spirit.Suddenly came Luo Yaoniang's voice: "Your package has been lost." He realized that he was stuck on her back again somehow, and the clothes package stuffed in the middle disappeared.The light was dim, and it was impossible to turn the horse back to find a package of dirty clothes, so he let out an "oh" without saying anything.

It’s okay if Luo Yaoniang didn’t remind him, but when he reminded him, his sanity became clearer, and his attention was immediately attracted by the tactile sensation on her back. The area around the bone suddenly climbed up, forming a very elastic buttocks... He even became hard immediately, and directly stuck to her buttocks.He moved back away from her back, but this could neither solve the problem nor persist. Once he relaxed, the two had to stick together or he would fall down sooner or later.

What's worse is that with the passage of time, his work kept rubbing against Luo Yaoniang's buttocks in the bumps. Although the clothes of the two were separated, it was enough for Zhang Ning, and he couldn't help it in his mind. fantasy.After a while, he only felt his scalp numb, his leg muscles tensed, his hands suddenly reached out and grabbed Luo Yaoniang's buttocks, and then there was a "buzz" in his head, and he felt a certain heat...

"Hiss!" The horse screamed and was stopped, Zhang Ning's body also slammed into Luo Yaoniang's body.She immediately jumped off the horse and pulled Zhang Ning down.Zhang Ning fell directly on the post road with a pain in his body, and when he got up and looked up, he saw Luo Yaoniang staring at him angrily.But he stayed there like a wooden chicken, unable to speak, wishing he could find a hole to get in.

"When this matter is over, I will kill you with my own hands!" Luo Yaoniang said through gritted teeth, her voice became choked up, and two lines of tears gushed out of her eyes as soon as she opened her mouth.Zhang Ning stood there in a daze, his mind was blank, only one idea came up|The man's body is really not easy to control.He realized the seriousness of the matter, and after a while he calmed down a bit, thinking: Although your family is powerful, at least there must be a reason for killing people. Are you ashamed to tell what happened tonight?This is in the Ming Dynasty.

He thought about it and said, "If you want to kill or cut, you can only listen to your will."

Luo Yaoniang said: "You kowtow to me and confess your guilt now!" Zhang Ning blushed and said, "I only kneel to the heaven, earth, father, and mother."

"You scoundrel, kneel down for me!" Luo Yaoniang grabbed Zhang Ning's arm and pressed it down. Zhang Ning held onto Zhang Ning's arm and didn't kneel. Whether he has the strength of a man or not, Luo Yaoniang wanted to push him down like this It is more difficult to go down.Suddenly his left knee numb and he knelt down on one knee. The kick that had been received was not light or heavy, but it accurately hit his soft spot.Nima is good at martial arts. It is impossible for Zhang Ning to stand up at this time. He probably has to kneel down immediately. He suddenly opened his arms and threw forward to push her down. He fell to the ground and gnawed a mouthful of mud.

He hurriedly sat up and spat a few times, "Bah bah" and cursed: "Your sister, is it over yet? Why don't you just kill me here, to save so much trouble!"

Luo Yaoniang finally calmed down, and said coldly: "Come here! Get on the horse!"

The two began to fight coldly, Luo Yaoniang remained silent, and Zhang Ning had nothing to say.But then he broke the can and smashed it, and he stopped pretending to be a gentleman, and stuck to Luo Yaoniang the whole time on the horse.

When it was close to noon the next day, they arrived at the Huaiyin Post along the post road to change horses, receive dry food and drink water.Luo Yaoniang asked for a stack of rice paper in the supplies, and the post station actually signed it for her. Zhang Ning didn't know what she used it for, so let's assume that this girl wants to practice calligraphy and painting on horseback.

While waiting for Luo Yaoniang to sign the mortgage, Zhang Ning took a basin of water and washed the silk scarf in his cuff. The pink silk was quite thick, and it was handed to him by the girl after the fire that night. What he bandages the wound with.Later, he and Wang Jian left Aunt Li's house without even saying goodbye, and they never saw the girl again.The silk is silky and easy to clean. Zhang Ning wiped off the blood stains on the silk by grabbing the saponins on a washing stone in the post station, making it look like new again.After finishing this matter, go home and see the girl, and return it to her.

"What are you fussing about, hurry up and hit the road!" Luo Yaoniang shouted as he led the horse, and Zhang Ning hurriedly picked up a wooden stick and left.

After more than a day and a night of continuous horse riding exercises, Zhang Ning has mastered the balance on the horse, and he can't fall off even if he lets go of his hands on the cushion.He had nothing to do, so he tied one end of the silk that had just been washed to a wooden stick and held it. When the horse was galloping, the wind was strong, and he estimated that it would be dry in less than half a day.

When Luo Yaoniang noticed the pink color, she turned her head and immediately cursed: "You shameless thing!"

Zhang Ning couldn't help but said, "You have to be reserved to be a woman, how can anyone curse like you?"

"Using a woman's tube top as a flag, you are quite reserved!" Luo Yaoniang said angrily.

"Ah?" Zhang Ning was ashamed immediately, no wonder many passers-by had strange expressions, he really didn't realize that this piece of cut silk was a corset, if it was a bra|bra, he would definitely be able to recognize it at a glance... Dare to love That night in Aunt Li's yard, the girl couldn't find the cloth, so she just pulled out her underwear to bandage her wound?This, this she is too willing.

Zhang Ning hurriedly untied the pink tube top from the wooden stick, and put it into his arms.He was in a complicated mood, and he was thinking about it for a while, that pure and beautiful face seemed to be in front of his eyes, and his soft and fragrant body seemed to just break free from his embrace.

"Take it out!" Luo Yaoniang sternly shouted.

Zhang Ning said: "Why?"

"Hand it over to me, what kind of shameless woman would give you this kind of thing!" Luo Yaoniang turned her upper body sideways and stretched out her hands in a frantic look.Zhang Ning heard her call her a shameless woman, and said angrily, "None of your business! Hold on to the reins, do you want to die?"

Tick, tick, tick... The sound of the horse's hooves didn't stop for a moment. Luo Yaoniang was very good at riding, twisting her body and still sitting on the horse's back, but Zhang Ning couldn't do it. It was very dangerous when he scuffled with her.Luo Yaoniang took advantage of the position and found a trace of pink in his collar, she quickly reached out and grabbed the silk and pulled it out.She grabbed it in her hand and tore it open with a "wow", but she didn't tear it, so she gritted her teeth and pulled it hard, "It's none of my business, I just want to take care of it." Her voice was strange, only I saw tears rolling in my eyes.Seeing this, Zhang Ning stopped entangled with her, letting her vent her anger.She crumpled the things into a ball and threw them to the side of the road before turning around.

The two fell silent very quickly, and Zhang Ning noticed that her shoulders were trembling|shaking, and she couldn't see her face.He thought for a while and said: "This is my sister's belongings. I was attacked by unknown people at home that night. When I escaped, my palm was injured. Then there was a fire next door. My family came out to see me, and my sister bandaged my wound." I couldn’t find the gauze for a while, so I took that piece to make do with it, and I didn’t realize it was a corset. Later, I thought that it was made of silk, so I didn’t want to throw it away, and I was going to return it to my sister when I went home. Our family It's not easy for my sister to have a silk handkerchief, since she's not a wealthy family. That's all it is, what are you thinking?"

"It's really your sister, my own sister?" Luo Yaoniang's voice was still a little choked up.

Zhang Ning said: "Why should I make up a lie to deceive you?"

Luo Yaoniang said angrily: "The people in your family are really... How can there be such a sister!"

Zhang Ning said: "Okay, I will discipline her well after returning home. This is our family's business, and it's not your concern."

"I wish I hadn't said it earlier!" Luo Yaoniang shouted loudly, tilted her head slightly and said, "Why didn't you say it sooner?"

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