This chapter is hand-made by a madman) But this kind of low-end inn is actually very dirty, and the cost of the bed can be associated with many smells at any time as long as you get close to it That ji|girl still has dirt left by other men in her body, and she doesn't have time to wash it.What's more, it is possible to have slept with two men, and many people like this.If you look carefully, you may see faint blood stains in the corners of the sheets, who knows where.

But Peach Blossom Fairy feels very good, no matter how uncomfortable it is here, as long as there are two is enough.First of all, like the experience of traveling to the world many times, staying in an inn allows you to take a bath and at least change your underwear.And the most important thing now, she remembered a similar scene: In Changde City, she and Zhang Ning tracked down Wu Yong's whereabouts, and that night was also in such an inn, facing the street.

She opened a corner of the bamboo curtain with her fingers and looked at the alley on the other side of the river.A ray of sunlight dazzles the eye, eyelashes tremble slightly in the light, a pair of eyes are like windows, nothing special... But there may be many unknown thoughts hidden in each window.

She saw dust flying in the light, old grime on the walls.There is an illusion that I can see a familiar figure as soon as I turn around. His voice is very low, and his speech is smooth and gentle. He seems to be saying: What's unusual?

On the stool next to it was an inkstone and a broken brush, which I got from the inn.Peach Blossom Fairy picked up the pen and wrote and drew on the booklet in her hand for a while.After staying here all day, she found that there were only a few people going in and out of that alley, and almost no one went in from other places.

I sent someone to inquire, and there are only residential houses and no shops in the alley, and the road is narrow and winding, so it is inconvenient to pass. No wonder the people who enter and exit are only a few people who live in it.The other exit of the alley was at Shiyong Street behind Liren Street, and Peach Blossom Fairy also placed a man there.But here is more important. Liren Street is on the bank of Qingxi River, next to a bridge, which is a connection point between other places and this area; if outsiders come from other places, they usually take this road, Peach Blossom Fairy and others The person who went to Zhang's family yesterday also entered through this entrance.

There was nothing unusual, Peach Blossom Fairy remembered almost all the people who came in and out.She jotted it down on the paper, as a mark so as not to forget, gender, approximate age, height, shortness, fatness, characteristics, etc.

At this moment, a young man as thin as a pole came in, wearing a gray cloth robe, and he looked like a literate person.He clasped his fists and said, "Fairy, the people in that family are still unwilling. I asked, and Zhang Yuanwai (Jiu Jin) had someone verify the authenticity of the handwriting, but he found another excuse for delay. He said that since the matter is very serious , why Erlang (Zhang Ning) didn't come back in person, but sent a few strangers? The subordinates couldn't answer, so they asked the master to visit them again."

Peach Blossom Fairy turned around, thought deeply and didn't speak right away.She pondered along the contents of the report. Before she left, Zhang Ning said that she was going to the capital, and that the way she was going was to take a detour to Nanjing. At this time, she sent someone to drive back along the road, and maybe she would meet him on the way. .However, she was unwilling to reveal the purpose of Zhang Ning's whereabouts to her followers, so naturally she did not express her thoughts.

After a long time, she said, "Even if Mr. Zhang came in person, it would be troublesome. The members of the Zhang family have never left Nanzhili for generations. Even if they were to wait at home to die, they would not be willing to flee."

The thin man said, "Then how should we handle this matter?"

Yeah, what should I do?Peach Blossom Fairy wondered, Zhang Ning might have considered this difficulty when he sent her here, but he didn't elaborate, maybe he didn't forget, but just handed over the hot potato to him, and let her figure out a solution by herself?

Peach Blossom Fairy has been in the rivers and lakes since she was a child, and has dealt with many critical and troublesome things. There should be a way for this matter.She also thinks the same way, she is not a puppet, she has to figure out something on her own.

"There are five people in the Zhang family, men, women, old and young. I don't see any shop assistants living there." Peach Blossom Fairy said in a cold voice, "Tomorrow morning and early morning, we will knock on the door again and go in, hiding the rope with us. Enter the door and listen to my orders, hurry up Chance subdued them all and took them away forcibly!"

The entourage looked at each other: "We are doing things for Mr. Zhang, and those people are his family members. Will we be blamed for doing this?"

"That's what I mean, I'll take it on, what are you worried about?" Peach Blossom Fairy showed a smile, "Today I have to prepare a few carriages, and you can do it later... You used to do fine work under Xu Guangzhi's hands ? How do you avoid paying attention to this kind of thing, and where to find it, without me telling you?"

The thin man said: "We understand that it's better to find a carriage dealer on the canal pier."

Peach Blossom Fairy nodded: "We will do it tomorrow morning. If we get someone, we can leave the city immediately. Even if there is some disturbance, the neighbors will report to the official store, and they will not be able to chase us in time."

While discussing, a man by the window said anxiously: "It's not quite right, fairy, take a look."

Peach Blossom Fairy rushed to the window without saying a word, opened a corner of the curtain, and saw a group of people running on Liren Street, and pedestrians gave way one after another.This kind of momentum must have something to do with the government. Except for Bai Dao, most people on the ground in Nanjing are not so arrogant.Several men on horseback were wearing common clothes, but their postures looked like martial arts; one man in long robes was riding unsteadily and might be a literati, the key is that he was followed by a group of government servants with weapons!This guy may be led by the magistrate, and Jin Yiwei went to the local government to pick up people. If there is an official document, he can ask the magistrate for assistance.

Peach Blossom Fairy held her breath, seeing those people going straight into that alley, she immediately stopped looking, turned around and said, "You, immediately go to the other end and call the people there, then immediately leave the city and go west."

The person pointed at had a nervous expression on his face, and he left as ordered.

Peach Blossom Fairy looked back at the remaining three people, and said to the skinny man, "Stay here, and when you understand the situation, find a chance to go out of the city and meet up...don't stay in this inn anymore. The others follow me and leave the city immediately."

The people under him haven't fully come to terms with it, but it's not chaotic, because someone clearly told them what to do.A group of people took their things and immediately went downstairs quickly.

…The people who approached the alley slowed down, the road was winding and narrow, the rider controlled his speed, and the runners following him also turned into walking.There are more than a dozen of them, all of them are men, carrying weapons, ropes and other things.

They went straight to the gate of Zhang's courtyard, and a yamen servant ran up from behind, making gestures to knock on the door.A bearded man immediately shouted coldly: "Stop." The yamen servant hurriedly stopped and bent over to stand aside.

The bearded man looked back to the left and right: "Immediately capture people after entering, regardless of whether men or women are captured, and none of them can escape!"

"Yes, General."

The bearded man jumped off the horse, lifted the hem of his jacket, rushed forward, kicked the door with a "bang", the door opened immediately, and a few wisps of dust fell down, he " "Bah", spat out, waved his hand, and everyone rushed in.

Zhang Jiujin and his family seemed to be discussing something in the main room, and they all looked around the door when they heard the movement, only Zhang Jiujin came down from the stone steps, came up to him and stared, "What are you doing?"

After seeing this, the civil servant who came in reached into his pocket and was about to take something like a ticket, but the bearded man said: "Anyway, he is a death row prisoner, so he doesn't need anything."

At this time, the servants had already rushed in front of Zhang Jiujin, and two of them pushed him to the ground and gnawed a mouthful of mud, then turned his arms around and tied them with a rope.The other yamen servants separated, and most of them rushed into the main room to take people, because there were several people in the main room visible to the eyes; the rest rushed into the surrounding rooms, and soon heard the sound of things smashing .Screams and cries from the women in the hall ensued.

"We are ordinary people, what crime did we commit?" Zhang Jiujin asked in fear and surprise as he knelt on the ground with his back tied behind his back.

No one answered his question, and after a while the official said, "Zhang Ning is a rebel, and you are accomplices."

The bearded officer asked coldly, "Has Zhang Ning been back?"

Zhang Jiujin couldn't help shaking his head.

A person who looked like a Jinyiwei officer at the side said, "Why don't you send someone to search around the houses?"

The civil official hurriedly said: "It's not good for the public opinion that the official sent to the house lightly, and the neighbors have little relationship with the Zhang family."

The Jinyiwei officer immediately yelled in a stern voice: "The imperial case ordered by the emperor Jinkou is not effective in handling the case. You should pick off the black yarn on the top as soon as possible!" People avoid him, but Jin Yiwei is most afraid of officials.

Unexpectedly, the civil official straightened his back and said: "The emperor loves the people like his own son, and will never disturb the people when handling imperial cases. If you think that the old man has interpreted the emperor's will wrongly, let's write a letter and ask the emperor!"

"Cao!" the Jinyiwei officer scolded, "You've said it well, but we don't know what you are?"

Another officer interjected, "Brother, save your tongue, that reputation is what other people want, and he's glad you're bothering him."

The bearded beard said: "Lizhi County, the person who sent you to each house to ask, be more polite, have you seen Zhang Ning come back, is it okay?"

The civil servant then ordered the staff to go out and ask.During the waiting time, the five people in the courtyard were all tied up and thrown into the courtyard to kneel. The women trembled and choked up, the father and son bowed their heads in silence, the little girl burst into tears, and her mother burst into tears. He whispered something to his daughter, but couldn't move his hands.

After waiting for a long time, a yamen servant came in with an old man in short clothes. The yamen servant asked the old man to speak, but he knelt down and his limbs trembled, unable to speak.The yamen servant had no choice but to bow and say, "This man saw a few strangers enter Zhang's yard yesterday."

The bearded man immediately turned around and asked Zhang Jiujin, "Who is here?"

Zhang Jiujin didn't speak for a while, but suddenly the beard raised the whip and beat him. With a "snap", a thick blood-red welt appeared on the side of Zhang Jiujin's face, his ear was broken, and blood dripped to the ground in an instant.Zhang Jiujin screamed and fell to the ground rolling around.

"Stop beating him, my God..." Crinkle cried loudly.Zhang Shicai took a few steps forward on his knees, and hurriedly said: "Master Jun asked Cao Min to let my father go."

The bearded man looked at Zhang Shicai coldly, walked over, stepped on his palm, and crushed it hard.Sweat dripped from Zhang Shicai's forehead immediately, veins bulged out in his temples, and his teeth clucked loudly.

"You're still a man, so let me forgive you." The bearded man sneered, "Remember! If I didn't ask you something, you have to kneel down properly and don't talk nonsense."

Zhang Shicai said: "Cao Min is ignorant, but adults have a lot of them. If my father offends you, if you want to give a whip, you can give Cao Min two lashes."

The other Jin Yiwei laughed and said, "This guy is a little bit filial, and in good conscience he's not really hated by others."

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