Ping An Biography

Chapter 185 The Real Warrior

Even Zhang Ning didn't expect that the two main generals met and scolded each other before the battle broke out.The process was also quite fast. In less than half a day, the Xuzhou officers and soldiers were defeated like an avalanche out of control.Zhang Ning once again witnessed a one-sided battle, which can only happen in asymmetrical battles.

The reason for the one-sided battle when encircling and suppressing bandits in Fengxia Mountain was simple. Zhang Ning's troops had absolutely superior firepower, and the poorly equipped bandits were powerless against powerful long-range weapons.In today's battle situation, the King of Han's army does not have an advantage in equipment, especially in terms of firearms. Since his light soldiers went south without carrying heavy firearms at all, only some light firecrackers are not obvious.

The morale or momentum of this battle played a decisive role. Zhang Ning didn't see what kind of military tactics the King of Han used, so he charged with his troops, and it worked.In this era, the war is at the turn of hot and cold weapons, and the commander-in-chief is still very important, just like the ancient saying "a thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find".The general directly affects the confidence of the soldiers. The relatively loosely organized ancient army is prone to collapse when morale is low.

The King of Han followed the defeated soldiers and approached Xuzhou City, only to see the city gate opened, and the magistrate led the crowd to open the city and surrender.The army entered the city and quickly occupied all the important places in the city. This extremely important town located between the two capitals easily fell into the hands of the King of Han.

Xuzhou, an extremely important city in the eastern part of the Ming Dynasty, is not only because of its location as a water and land transportation hub, but also because it is the gateway to Fengyang.Where is Fengyang?Also known as Zhongdu, the hometown of Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang, where the imperial mausoleum is located, is the dragon vein of the Ming Dynasty.Fortunately, the king of Han was also surnamed Zhu, and Taizu was his own grandfather. He couldn't have done anything against Zhongdu, so he had to protect him... If another person invaded Zhongdu, it would be too serious.People in this era believe in mysterious things such as the aura of heaven, and their ancestral graves have been dug up, that is, their aura has been cut off. It is estimated that the people of the country will be shrouded in the haze of subjugation.

China is very big, and Zhang Ning has never been to a place as famous as Xuzhou in two eras, and this is the first time he has set foot here today.The city is in the center of the vast Jiangsu Plain, and there is almost no place to defend.Just as the King of Han's army entered the city to rest, Zhang Ning took a few people to wander around, and Zhu Heng sent a few soldiers to follow, which is necessary in times of chaos.

There are mostly hard-hipped mountain-style houses everywhere, old houses and tall trees, full of traces of ancient history.However, the greening in the city is really good. Some yards are not only planted with flowers and trees, but also vegetables.There is no industrialization in the central plains, and the air is relatively fresh. Only the low altitudes are covered with dust. It's bad, coal ash and exhaust gas cover the whole city with black ash, the sky is also gray and the pollution is heavy.

Zhang Ning and the others walked randomly for a while, left the main street and entered a stone-paved alley. There was no commoner on the road.It is estimated that when they heard that the army was entering the city, they closed their doors and hid.The road surface is very characteristic, it is paved with some irregular chaotic stone slabs, and the years have worn them smooth.

At this moment, a child's cry was suddenly heard, followed by a woman's scream.Zhang Ning was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said, "In front, go and have a look."

A group of people quickened their pace, followed the crying sound and rushed forward for a while, and saw a few-year-old child sitting on the road in front of a private house crying, and a few soldiers in solid clothes were loosely walking around. The gate dangled.Zhang Ning looked at an open shop next to it, which seemed to be a blacksmith's shop. Several people, old and young, were kneeling in it. There was a big man tied to a pillar and his mouth was gagged. Two soldiers next to him were cursing with horsewhips.

Zhang Ning and others walked over, but the sergeant at the door made no sound, but looked fiercely at Zhang Ning and the others, because Zhang Ning was looking at the closed courtyard door, and there was a woman screaming inside.

Walking quickly to the door, Zhang Ning stopped suddenly, pointed at the courtyard door and said, "Open it, call someone out to speak."

"What are your backgrounds?" A sergeant stood up and stared at Zhang Ning up and down.Several other sergeants also surrounded them, dragging long weapons and looking very unfriendly.A sergeant scolded: "These people are rebels, we can search for you? Just mind your own business, who are you?" The group glanced at the two soldiers behind Zhang Ning. Yijia didn't use any violence, just yelled a few words verbally.

Zhang Ning stopped talking nonsense, rushed up, kicked the courtyard door, but unfortunately it seemed to be locked inside, kicked the door with a "bang" and shook it but failed to open it.Seeing this, the sergeants rushed up angrily, pushed Zhang Ning away, and drew up their weapons one after another to force him forward.Lao Xu and others immediately drew their swords and stepped forward to protect Zhang Ning. The two followers at the back seemed unreliable, standing there shyly and pretending.

"Bang!" Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the young junior Jiang Hai suddenly kicked the courtyard door down. "Damn! Take it down and talk about it!" A sergeant cursed, drew out his knife, and the others surrounded him from left to right.

At this time, a young general appeared at the gate of the courtyard in disheveled clothes. Seeing the situation outside, he asked, "What's going on?"

Zhang Ning shouted: "Dare to move a finger of my father, and I guarantee that you will die without a place to bury!"

A sergeant Yin Yang said strangely: "The tone is so loud, let's report the name." The young general at the door was wearing his belt while staring at Zhang Ning and the others, making a gesture to stabilize his subordinates, then turned to Zhang Ning and said : "Seeing that you are also a member of the King of Han, don't be angry with your own people. People from Xuzhou dared to lead troops to resist the lord. We took our lives to fight it down. Brothers, what's the point of being happy? Hey! In this world, if you win, you will win." This, hero!" The young general held out a thumb.

Zhang Ning was angry, and couldn't help cursing: "Look at what you have done, it's just a bunch of rogues, who look like a little bit of a hero? A hero will bully unarmed people?! Get out of here! If you don't accept it, let's go!" Zhu Butang went to reason."

As soon as the young general heard Zhang Ning mention Zhu Butang, he also saw that he looked like a literati with his entourage, so he figured out what kind of official he should be.He didn't care about being competitive at the moment, he greeted his subordinates, and quickly slipped away.

Peach Blossom Fairy said: "It's cheap for them, just let them go, maybe they will go to other places to do evil."

Zhang Ning didn't explain, and thought that he couldn't fight a gang of soldiers if he was fighting an injustice. If he really wants to catch them, I'm afraid they won't be so easy to catch.He then said: "There are many soldiers under the King of Han who commit crimes. I am afraid that this group of people will not be the only ones who have been robbed by soldiers. We can't manage it like this. We have to go to the King of Han to speak and let the Chinese army promulgate Strict laws are useful."

At this time, the people kneeling in the blacksmith shop tremblingly untied the bound burly man, and they walked over together silently, and an old woman came in again and brought out the young daughter-in-law with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.The big man who had just been brought down glanced at the little daughter-in-law, and cursed angrily, "Mother, I'm so aggrieved!"

An old man among them pulled the woman next to him and knelt down in front of Zhang Ning, and the others followed suit.The old man bowed and said: "Benefactor's kindness in saving lives, our Zhao family will never forget it, please benefactor by the grassroots and others to kowtow."

"You kowtow to me at your age, how can you bear it?" Zhang Ning hastily helped the old man up, and called the others to get up.

The old man asked: "Do you dare to ask your benefactor Gao's name? Caomin and others will keep it in mind, and he will try his best to repay him every day."

"It's a little effort, don't mind. My surname is Zhang, and my name is Zhang Ning." Zhang Ning responded casually, looking at the burly man next to him.The big man was tied up just now, and he probably suffered that kind of treatment only if he resisted, and when the family was obedient and obedient, the big man even cursed "suffering", which left an impression on him.

Zhang Ning looked at the big man and said: "Those people who flaunt their power are actually cowards who bully the weak and fear the hard. A real warrior is not someone who bullies the weak, but dares to fight against the strong and protect the weak."

He speaks softly and doesn't try to attract attention.But Xu Wenjun was immediately attracted by this sentence, she couldn't help turning her head to look at Zhang Ning's face, and bit her lower lip lightly.

The burly man with thick eyebrows and big eyes saluted sincerely: "Sir, when you see injustice on the road, you dare to stand up and face the chaotic soldiers with weapons. You are a literati, but you are a real warrior. I sincerely admire you."

Hearing his clear and clear speech, Zhang Ning felt good about him, so he asked, "What is the name of the strong man?"

"My benefactor, my name is Zhao Erhu. This is my elder brother Zhao Dahu." The big man tore off his shirt, revealing his strong chest muscles, but there was a big scar on his chest. A few years ago, I followed Eunuch Zheng on a voyage to the West, and learned in Luzon Island that a local chieftain was killed by his brothers and lost his throne. Zheng Gong learned of this through Luzon, and thought that they murdered their brothers in order to seek the king. No way, so the warships were sent to the border of the country, and the soldiers pressed the border to force the rebel king to abdicate and give way to his brother's son. At that time, there was a battle, and my servant was injured accidentally, so he was allowed to return to his hometown."

"A true hero!" Zhang Ning was overjoyed and patted him on the shoulder, "Because of countless heroes like Zhao Erhu, our Ming Dynasty was able to look at the world. All unrighteous and disobedient people are all sincere and fearful of catastrophe... Two tigers are not in the pool, why don't you let me go out and make some achievements?"

Zhao Erhu looked hesitant, and the old man hurriedly said: "Our family is unable to repay your benefactor's great kindness, so the two tigers will follow Engong's saddle and horse to serve around, in order to repay the kindness of saving lives. There is still a big tiger at home, so you can rest assured , still not thank you?"

Zhang Ning said lightly: "I'm not from the King of Han, but I have a good friend in the army. I just came to visit my friend. I should leave soon."

After hearing this, Zhao Erhu said happily: "To tell the truth, I really don't want to risk my life with the King of Han. With what Engong said, I dare not follow the left and right without hesitation?"

Zhang Ning smiled, took off the jade with the name engraved on his body, and handed it over: "You first explain the family affairs, and then go to the Chinese army to find me when you are ready. This is a token, and it may be useful."

Zhao Erhu readily accepted it.

Zhang Ning glanced at the trembling little daughter-in-law beside him, and said to Zhao Erhu: "Don't blame the little lady, she is also a victim, please give some words of comfort."

Zhao Erhu said: "I would like to obey the orders of my benefactor."

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