The more than 100 people led by the officials behaved like frightened birds. It is believed that they will disperse if they are frightened a little. Obviously, these people are not the opponents of the Musketeers at all.

The only one who showed a bit of backbone was the young magistrate in green robe, who made a generous statement and even scolded Zhang Ning in the face of violence.But if this is the case, it is wrong to think that he regards death as home. Zhang Ning saw the sword trembling in his hand, and the pale eyes staring... This man is obviously very scared.

"Raise the gun!" Wei Bin yelled, and the twelve matchlock guns were raised. The sergeant's calm movements seemed like the victor's contempt for the loser.

The more than 100 people on the opposite side arched their backs and retreated again. It is completely conceivable what happened after the gunfire.

The magistrate raised his right foot, and hesitantly put it back on the spot, still standing there.Zhang Ning watched him without saying a word, thinking: Did he want to retreat?In the end, I held back. It is true that people only need to take one step back when facing violence, and then they will take many steps back and then succumb.

He was terrified and desperate, and was at a loss for a while.

For some reason, Zhang Ning's heart was touched by this stranger... Maybe it wasn't a straight line that touched him, but the feeling in his heart.Zhang Ning seemed to be able to empathize with his despair at the moment. Maybe it was because he looked similar in age and had also been a civil servant?Once this civil servant succumbed to the invaders, his reputation and career would be almost ruined, at least he would think so.

So I want to break the jade, but don't want to tile it?He was forced... Zhang Ning felt an indescribable excitement in his heart when he saw others being cornered and losing everything.

Wei Bin turned his head to look at Zhang Ning, as long as he nodded slightly, the ruthless lead shot would take some lives.It’s not as powerful as the arquebus gun, it’s just a tool. In the Yellow Emperor’s era, people only had stone tools to carry out wars.

"Slow down." Zhang Ning said, raised his hand to stop the soldiers, and then got off his horse.He looked back at both sides of the confrontation, and said: "The battle is over... Wei Baihu, restrain the soldiers from burning, killing, and looting without authorization." He then said lightly, "If you grab one piece of cloth, you will lose ten pieces of wealth in the turmoil. not worth it."

"Yes." Wei Bin replied, and all the troops lowered their guns one after another.But soon Zhang Ning's actions made everyone courageous again. They saw that he was walking towards the opposite side, but the opponent's troops had not yet disarmed.

"My lord..." Someone wanted to persuade him, but they still shut up.

Lao Xu and other attendants hurriedly followed around, protecting him nervously.Zhixian stared at Zhang Ning with rounded eyes, holding the hilt of his sword tightly.

Zhang Ning walked up to him, looked down at the sword in his hand and said: "Put it down, this thing is just a symbolic thing." He looked at the officials behind him: "Put down the weapon, we will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. "

"Ding Ding Dang Dang" sounded, and everyone threw their weapons to the ground one after another.Old Xu rushed up suddenly, grabbed Nazhixian's wrist with one hand, and with a light force, he handed over the sword, and then kicked Nazhixian's knee, and Nazhixian fell to his knees on the ground because of his unsteady foot , and then struggled to get up, another kick was kicked on the back, and he fell to the ground again, his face covered in ashes.

All the troops rushed up and surrounded all the people at the door.

"Scholar...a soldier can be killed, but not humiliated..."

Zhang Ning said: "Zhang Zongqi, pick a few people in official uniforms and tie them up, escort them to other city gates, tell the rest of them to disarm and surrender, and tell them that the county government has been destroyed and all the officials have surrendered, so there is no need to resist any more. .”

"Decree!" Zhang Chengzong raised his arm to salute, and then led his troops to arrest people.

"Escort the captives to the lobby, tell them to open the prison, and invite Lord Hou to come out to meet in the lobby. All officers and men obey orders, abide by military discipline, and reward meritorious deeds."

... Above the lobby is a pattern of white sun on a red background, and a plaque above it has four big characters "Mirror Hanging High". It seems that many government halls like to use these four characters, representing integrity.Zhang Ning walked up step by step from the door and sat down on the public seat. Old Xu Songhu and others stood beside him, and some soldiers escorted the captured officials to the hall.

Zhang Ning took a look at the things on the public case. There were Wang Mingzi, official seals, ink brushes and other things. In theory, with these things, the county could issue government orders, but in the end it was rule of man.In his heart, he is ready to win over the original officials in the county government. These people are "industry insiders". H.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the tied magistrate still looked unyielding, but he no longer abused or overreacted.

At this time, a team came in, walked straight to the public seat, and whispered: "My lord, I found the family of the county magistrate in the backyard of the county government office, and I have sent people to watch it."

After a while, another sergeant came in to report: "Master Hou Tan and others were rescued from the county government prison, and they are outside."

"Quick, please." The silent Zhang Ning immediately said enthusiastically.He immediately left his seat and walked towards the gate. As soon as he got to the hall, he saw a dozen people in prison uniforms with disheveled hair walking from the gate.A stench could be smelled from a distance, and they didn't know how long they hadn't washed. They probably didn't wash their faces after they were arrested.

There was a broad-faced man with scars on his face. Zhang Ning guessed that it was Hou Mao, so he hurriedly greeted him and said, "We came too late and made Altar Master Hou suffer!"

The man didn't say anything, he knelt down on the ground first, and immediately kowtowed, and the people behind him also hurriedly fell down on the lobby.The man said: "His Royal Highness the third prince's kindness today, Hou will not forget it. From now on, as long as His Highness says a word, I will have nothing to say when I go up to the mountain and into the sea of ​​fire!"

The people behind said excitedly: "We all thought there was no chance of life, we just wanted to have a good time, but we were locked in the prison and there was someone to save us..."

"It's easy to talk about it." Zhang Ning hurriedly supported Hou Mao, no matter how smelly he was, he helped him up kindly, patted his shoulder and said, "One family does not talk about two families, the altar master is my family The old minister, I have been following you for more than 20 years, how can I bear to abandon it? Come, find some doctors to come and heal the wounds of Hou Tanzhu and others...Hou Tanzhu, please sit down for a while, I will order someone to find a few rooms and get some food."

Hou Mao limped along and walked over, turned his head to look at the trembling officials, and let out a "hum", and someone behind immediately spat at those officials, and one of them cursed: "You dog officer, wait for death!"

At this time Hou Mao asked: "Did your Highness catch Jin Yiwei?" Zhang Ning turned around and replied: "No." Hou Mao said: "There are at least two Jin Yiwei captains in Shimen County, and they torture us almost every day. They all gritted their teeth and said nothing, but it seems that they know a lot, and they have to find a way to hunt them down and kill them to avoid future troubles."

Zhang Ning thought: This altar master Hou was arrested for more than half a month and was tortured every day. He has survived until now, but he hasn't said anything yet?

He reckoned Hou Tanzhu and his group had almost shaken up the details, but they didn't intend to expose it...Jin Yiwei is specialized in doing this, and his methods are very good. Zhang Ning felt that if he was caught, he might have to confess. No wonder Hou Altar Master; can't everyone be required to be party members who were tortured by the enemy until death?

After thinking about it, Zhang Ning turned his eyes to those officials, glanced at the magistrate in green robe, ignored him, then looked at an old man in green robe and goatee next to him, pointed at him and said, "You, come out and answer."

The goatee came out in a hurry, and fell to his knees with a plop. Before he could ask him, he hurriedly said: "The imperial hawks and dogs are extremely vicious, we are all forced! My colleagues are dedicated to the people, and I didn't want to provoke the noble sect. But in desperation, he didn't dare to disobey his orders, so he offended the king, and begged the king to forgive him... Seeing that the defense of the city is not good, Yinggou ran away early. The whole family of officials in this county is in the city, so if they dared to run away, they had to suffer for them ..."

A prisoner immediately stood up: "This old Wang Ba, surnamed Wang, is the official history of the county government. He is on the same level as the eagles and dogs of the imperial court. He is very diligent in deceiving his superiors and inferiors! Your Highness, don't believe what he said. Now that it is in our hands, he will give in and listen to it." To put it bluntly, you can do anything with your back turned!"

Zhang Ning didn't speak, but Hou Mao immediately shouted: "Old Fan, sit down for me, here is your place to speak? How to deal with it, His Highness has his own discretion."

"There are quite a few rooms behind the county government office. Take Hou Tanzhu and others in, wash and rest first, and then check the injuries." Zhang Ning ordered calmly.

After Hou altar master waited for the prisoners to leave the hall, he said to the kneeling old man in green robe: "There are rules for being an official, and we have our own rules. Although Wang Dianshi calls me a great king, we wait for you." They are not mountain bandits who rob big households and loot houses, so why should we have any grudges against each other?"

"Your...Your Excellency is wise." Wang Dianshi bowed with admiration.

Zhang Ning said indifferently: "You are Dian Shi... It seems that his Buzi should be the county magistrate? The gentleman next to him is probably the boss. What kind of officials are you in the past, and you are still the same now. Leave a few officials later and take over the county magistrate. Take out the roster files, treasury accounts, etc. in the yamen, and help them do some things, so that others can go home and report safety. In this way, order can be restored in the city as soon as possible, so that the people can live and work in peace, wouldn’t it be great?"

The officials looked at each other and began to discuss quietly.Wang Dianshi hurriedly turned around to persuade his colleagues: "The people's livelihood is the most important thing. How can you bear to see the cities and villages fall into chaos and the people be displaced? The most important thing at the moment is to appease the people and prevent thieves from taking the opportunity to make trouble."

The trembling officials gradually became active, and they all nodded solemnly and said yes, "The ups and downs are the suffering of the people, so how can I bear it?" "Master Li is right, it is the job of the people..."

"Hahaha..." Suddenly the young magistrate raised his head and laughed.All the officials frowned and looked at him wonderingly.

Zhang Ning hurriedly said: "Please 'invite' the magistrate to the hall first...Don't worry, gentlemen, I will definitely persuade the magistrate to let him understand as soon as possible."

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