What a person will see at the moment of death, no one can say clearly about this kind of thing, only after death will they know, but those who know will never have the opportunity to prove it to the world.Liu Jun has been thinking about this matter since he was seriously ill, with fear and curiosity.

Finally when that moment came, he felt chaotic, and there seemed to be a light in front of him, and he was running towards the light uncontrollably, and he couldn't feel his hands and feet, and he was evaporating like alcohol in the sun , melting into the dust... everything is gradually blurring, and consciousness and memory are gradually returning to nothingness, but two things suddenly become clear; It was blown away like dust and exposed.

He went back to the summer when he was ten years old, playing with his younger sister by the river, burying his head in the mud hole to touch crabs, and he could even feel the hot water surface heated by the sun, as well as the coldness and wetness in the mud hole| Run, and the cautious mood of anticipation.At this time, with a "plop", something fell into the water. He looked up and saw that his sister had fallen into the river!His mind went blank, and the voice of "brother, brother" echoed in his mind.

Why didn't I jump down to save her right away?Why? !But he went to call someone.Most people are still taking a nap in the hot afternoon, and there is no one on the road in the field.


A rebellious 14-year-old, the place is full of mezzo-sopranos from "The Seventh Broadcasting Station is now starting [-]", dusty roads, hustle and bustle in the game hall, and his buddy Zhou Qiang.Liu Jun is labeled by his teachers and parents as "poor grades", "disobedient", "ignorant", and "causing trouble". Teachers and parents don't like him, and he doesn't like all of this. Scolding, he felt that he was worthless in the eyes of others.Liu Jun is very courageous, and together with his best friend Zhou Qiangyi, he plans to run away from home, to make great achievements in the arena like the hero in the movie Young and Dangerous, and to be admired by thousands of people.The two swore to be brothers in the earth temple. They had the same blessings and the same hardships. They didn't want to be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but to die in the same year and the same month.Then they each stole the family's money and ran away from home, wandering around the train station.

Not long after, Zhou Qiang saw the missing person notice of the parents in a newspaper, and the anxiety and worry of the parents published on it were revealed between the lines, come back, we will not blame you!

Zhou Qiang cried bitterly at that time, and said that it is better to have a good school at home.So in a quiet early morning, Zhou Qiang left quietly.Then Liu Jun also went home, but Zhou Qiang's parents never allowed their son to have any contact with him.Many years later, Liu Jun completely forgave Zhou Qiang's betrayal, and it was completely right for him to quietly return to his parents.

In that year, Liu Jun suddenly understood the painstaking efforts of his parents and many things. The biggest realization is that the rules and morals of society are very strong. It is for his own good that parents nagging you every day about what to do and how to obey.

Liu Jun really changed his ways and turned to the right. He studied hard, then went to university and worked, and his life has been smooth since then.He himself has also grown into a person who is highly evaluated by people. He is responsible, ambitious, caring, filial to his parents, good-tempered and gentle. It can be said that he is a well-behaved and good person.He tries his best to be kind to everyone around him, and he thinks so in his heart.It's just that there is a devil in the human heart, and it will jump out if you relax your vigilance.

But at the moment when the dust flies away, benevolence and devils will all disappear in smoke.


In a trance.Another piece of real memory flooded in one after another, and Liu Jun felt that it was not a memory, but an inner dialogue with another person.He had never been so close to the depths of a person's heart.He understood everything about Zhang Ning, even the subtle bits and pieces, but he didn't know if Zhang Ning also understood himself. Zhang Ning's consciousness didn't respond, maybe there was no consciousness anymore, and this soul was dead.

Therefore, this inner communication cannot be called communication, but can only be regarded as "reading", as if reading a book that has no language but is more than a language description.He felt that some thoughts in the "book" were narrow-minded, but he sincerely admired his accomplishments in Chinese studies. The things in the "book" might be of a higher level than sinologists in modern times.Since the classics such as the Four Books and Five Classics are well-versed, how many people in modern times can memorize so many books verbatim?It is true that no word is wrong, and the meaning and allusion of each word has a note of memory.No wonder Zhang Ning is full of conceit in his heart. The "book" says: Lao Tzu's literary talent is the best in the world, and those who dance and write in temples and government are all half-baked, and the scholars of the same age are all idiots.

Is this a dream?

"Brother, brother..." A clear and eager voice sounded in my ear.Little girl... Zhang Ning called out in his heart, and the first thing he thought of was the regret and guilt awakened in his memory at the time of death.He raised his hand with all his strength, trying to touch the distant and blurred shadow, when a soft and cool hand grabbed him, and he hurriedly grabbed it.

Opening his eyes, "Zhang Ning" suddenly saw the face of a familiar but unfamiliar girl appearing in front of him. Those concerned and joyful eyes seemed to be looking at his heart instead of his face.He was inadvertently startled, why did this girl come into a dream again!ghost?It's hard to imagine that a dying person who has been in a coma for many days shrank quickly.He secretly pinched his thigh with his fingers, and the real pain came.Originally, his consciousness had long felt that he had become Zhang Ning, but his subconscious mind hadn't recognized this change, so he had such a "rejection reaction" all of a sudden.

The girl suddenly rushed over crying "woo woo", hugged his face to her heart and burst into tears.Zhang Ning's mouth and face were soft, and he seemed to have fallen into the cotton pile for a moment, and there was a light fragrance mixed with saponins in his nose, the legendary fragrance of virgin?

Zhang Ning was stunned, his mind was confused, he seemed to understand everything, but he didn't seem to understand his situation at all.The only thing that is clear is that the girl's pair of delicate ru | breasts are tightly covering his mouth and face, and no emotion can match the sudden and unexpected soft touch.He quickly spread his hands, thinking: I didn't do anything.And the girl is his younger sister, so she can't even think about it.

"My brother fell unconscious when he came back, and he hasn't moved at all until now. The doctor said yesterday that my brother..." Under Zhang Xiaomei's melodious and clear voice, Nanjing mandarin became very pleasant, as if it was full of thousands of attachments and tenderness. The bones must be crispy.She hugged her so tightly and so hard, Zhang Ning's chin felt her soft hair, he didn't even dare to breathe out.

He froze like this for a while, then gently pushed Xiaomei Zhang, and said, "Get up...ahem...get up and talk." The mandarin accent that came out of his mouth was also Xiaomei Zhang.

Only then did Zhang Xiaomei stop her unrequited narration, let him go quickly, held his face with her hand and looked closely, only to see Zhang Ning's blank eyes, but luckily the eyeballs were rolling. "Is my brother in pain, are you hungry..." Zhang Xiaomei's voice was filled with endless concern.

"I'm really a little hungry." Zhang Ning said calmly, leaning on the pillow, looking at Zhang Xiaomei. This is a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl. Her fair skin and healthy and soft black hair make her full of youthful vitality. She gave birth to a very pure oval face, the round forehead and clear eyes are the most beautiful, and the soft lips are still shining under the oil lamp.She was wiping away her tears with her sleeves, and then she smirked: "Wait, I'm going to the kitchen to serve rice porridge for my brother, and I'm going to announce the good news to my uncle, aunt, cousin, and sister-in-law!"

"Go ahead." Zhang Ning tried to move his body, but felt sore|pain all over, so he simply lay still. <The little white rabbit jumping out of the grass in the sky.At this time, she turned around and warned: "You have to keep your eyes open, and don't fall asleep again! I'm going to call someone."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Zhang Ning watched her every movement and every expression.

Zhang Xiaomei didn't seem to be at ease, she turned around and walked back with a dazed look, her face flushed slightly, she turned sideways slightly, and gently put her hand in through the neckline of her jacket, and after a while, she found a red spot two fingers wide. A lozenge-shaped silk bag came, and I put it in Zhang Ning's palm: "A few days ago, I went to the Qing Dynasty to observe the auspicious talisman. I was afraid that the gods would think that I was not devout enough, so I kept it on my heart and covered it."

Sure enough, Zhang Ning faintly felt the temperature in the palm of his hand, which was the body temperature of the little girl!He looked down at the things in his hand, then looked up at Zhang Xiaomei, he didn't know what to say, at this time he looked like a demented fool.

Zhang Xiaomei gently pointed to her breasts with her fingertips...the heart, a soft bulge sunken into a dimple under her fingertips, like ripples on the surface of water or dimples of a beauty, and then she put the thumbs of both hands , index finger, and little finger were three fingers together, and the other fingers were pinched in the palm of her hand. She made such a strange movement, and gently closed her eyes devoutly, as if she was praying for something.I saw the slightly trembling eyelashes, like a small brush brushing one's heart.

"Let's go, I'll be back soon." After she finished speaking, she turned and ran.

"Dong dong dong..." The sound of the wooden stairs being stepped on hurriedly sounded outside.Zhang Ning picked up the talisman with some difficulty, and looked carefully at the light source of the oil lamp.The surroundings returned to tranquility after the sound of the stairs, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance, which was very familiar, and finally remembered that it was the smell of sweet-scented osmanthus.Osmanthus fragrans in autumn, this Zhang Ning participated in the autumn imperial examination held in autumn before he crossed.

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