>Running and noisy, I heard someone yelling: "The dog|ri didn't stab us like a human..." Zhang Ning stretched out his hand and wiped his face. He only felt that the palm of his hand was a bit sticky, so he spread it out and looked at it. It looked like it was stained with blood.

Among the chaos of people and horses, Wei Bin's figure was faintly seen. He was riding on a horse, wielding a thin and long saber, slashing left and right... After the officers and soldiers were scattered, they had no power to fight back, and everyone was running. I don't want to stop and fight, lest I run behind.

The victory came so suddenly that Zhang Ning was almost unprepared, but an ecstasy burst out of his heart instinctively.The crazy scene on the battlefield is like people venting their emotions.

Suddenly, Zhang Ning glanced back, and saw a mess on the grass behind him, with corpses strewn all over the place, and some still alive crawling on the ground; the sounds of fighting continued in his ears, and his mind was filled with blank.

Many people surrendered along the way. The surrendered soldiers threw away their long weapons and squeezed into the crowd in panic with their hands spread out on their foreheads.A sergeant with a matchlock gun raised his gun and fired a shot. A few steps away, a surrendered soldier knelt down on the ground with his hands on his chest. The others became more panicked and knelt down on the ground.A general next to him cursed something, pointed and yelled back and forth for a while, and called some soldiers to watch over the surrendered soldiers.

After chasing for a while, the enemy soldiers had completely run away, and large areas were scattered in the field. It was not so easy to kill those behind.Except for dozens of people on horseback who were able to catch up, the infantry behind gradually fell behind; because most of the defeated soldiers lost their heavy weapons, and some threw away their armor and other things, and ran very fast.The cavalry team of more than [-] people and the military generals on horseback had long since run away.

After chasing and killing for ten miles along the road, when the Yongding Acropolis appeared in sight, it took only two quarters to estimate, which was faster than the speed of a hurried march.When Zhang Ning approached the city, he saw that the suspension bridge had been pulled up, the city gate was closed tightly, and officers and soldiers had gone up to defend the city.There are still a lot of rebels shouting by the moat, and they probably want to put a drawbridge in the city to let them enter the city.

Chief Qian Wei Bin was told that there might be catapults in the city and asked him to stop approaching the city wall.But for a while, there was no way to restrain the soldiers, and the drummer and trumpeter and others didn't know where they went, so they could only rely on the orderly to order the soldiers.

A group of officers and soldiers were chased to the river, and several of them jumped into the river in panic. The icy water made them scream wildly, and the part of the armor that they hadn't taken off made them unable to float up as if they were holding a rock. After a couple of glances, no one could be seen anymore.The rest of the people had no choice but to kneel down and beg for surrender.The generals and the messengers rode back and forth together, ordering the soldiers from all over the place to come back. After a long time, they gradually reorganized the formation at a place about [-] paces outside the urn city.

Zhou Mengxiong caught up with Zhang Ning on horseback from behind, clasped his fists and said, "His Highness He Xi defeated the official army with fewer victories and more, and won a complete victory. I admire you so much."

Zhang Ning returned a salute pretending to be calm.Zhou Mengxiong said again: "I have noticed that His Royal Highness's use of troops is based on the firearms team as the center of warfare. The firearms in the army are very usable, and His Highness must have masters in his hands."

"How to win this city?" Zhang Ning changed the subject.

Zhou Mengxiong looked back at the soldiers who were driven into a pile and said: "Since there are soldiers, let's build some bamboo rafts and go to the other side of the river to catch some civilians from military households, and drive them to the wall to dig corners... But it's not easy to get together. The method of siege is still ants, but we have too few people. Sun Bin said, ten will encircle them, five will attack them, double them will fight them, and the enemy will be divided. This method It is still practical to this day...Why does the Third Highness have to capture this city?"

Zhang Ning said: "The established strategy is to win Yongdingwei."

Zhou Mengxiong pointed to the front and persuaded: "Although the Acropolis is small and short, it is well-built and very strong. Attacking by force is definitely the worst strategy."

Zhang Ning asked humbly again: "What is ant possession?"

Zhou Mengxiong said: "It is to use the superior force to attack the city wall with ladders. Although the casualties will be heavy, it can also consume the strength of the defenders and finally capture the city. Defending the city already occupies the best location, so attacking the city has to pay a price."

"This method is too stupid." Zhang Ning said casually.He really didn't have that many soldiers to spend.

Zhou Mengxiong said disapprovingly: "Usually in combat, the principle is to win with the positive, to fight the few with the more, and to defeat the weak with the strong."

Zhang Ning turned his head to look at the Lishui River in the north of the Acropolis. Although the river is right next to the city, it seems unrealistic to intercept the water attack.This kind of large-scale water conservancy project requires a lot of effort. I only have a few hundred people, and I can't catch too many strong men to dig and repair water conservancy projects. Unless there are tens of thousands of people, it will be simple.

"Discuss with the generals first, if it doesn't work, poach a corner." He said.

After a while, Wei Bin and other generals came over after gathering their troops.Several people discussed together for a while, thinking that it would be a waste of energy to attack the city from the camp ten miles away, so they decided to move the camp to a place one mile away from the Acropolis.

Now Zhang Ning's army doesn't even have a ladder, no siege equipment, and is not ready, so there is a truce for the time being.The strength of the officers and soldiers has been greatly damaged, and it is estimated that it is unlikely to go out of the city to fight in the field again.So everyone started to deploy new jobs.

Some people managed the prisoners, and there were more than 400 soldiers. They were confiscated with all their weapons and forced to take off their armor. They became the spoils of the "Suzaku Army". Then the prisoners were escorted to the camp to carry logs. It is less troublesome to transport the wood from the camp directly than to re-cut trees for processing.There are also some people who go to clean the battlefield, mainly to pick up weapons and other things, and then pull out the iron armor. The iron armor of the officers and soldiers is obviously better than the bamboo armor worn by the soldiers of the Suzaku army; After they collapsed, they resisted very little, and their damage to the Suzaku Army was really limited.

Iron armor became a popular item among the soldiers, and it was quickly divided up. After tasting the rain of arrows flying from above, everyone still wouldn't dislike the armor being too heavy.

On the road, a general flag officer was swearing and admonishing the soldiers: "Seeing the end of the officers and soldiers, they die faster when they start a battle. It's like being slaughtered by someone. Whoever ran away before the battle just wanted to kill everyone. ..."

The people were busy carrying things and building a new camp, and they didn't make any meals at noon. Most of them ate some soaked rice and cold water from the water bag, and it was no use.The soldiers lost all their belongings, and they had nothing to eat but to drink the river water.

In the afternoon, dozens of wounded soldiers were picked up along the way and placed in the temporary open space.Those with broken arms and legs, those with bloodstained heads, and those who were stabbed without hurting their vitals were all lying on stretchers and screaming in pain, suffering unspeakably.The wounded soldiers of our own people naturally received better treatment and care. Most of them came from several villages in Fengxia Mountain, and there were more or less relatives in the army.

The big-headed Chen Gai suggested killing all the wounded enemy soldiers, "Firstly, it will save us from wasting food, and secondly, it will also let the brothers know that there is no good end after losing the battle."

Zhang Ning felt that it was a bit inhumane to do this. After thinking about it, he said: "Carry it over and put it next to the Acropolis. After leaving, let the officers and soldiers in the city come out to rescue them. These people have lost their combat effectiveness, and they can still be given to them if they are brought into the city." add to the burden."

Most of the generals agreed with Zhang Ning's idea. Although each other fought to the death on the battlefield, they were both Han Chinese, and they had no personal grudges against each other.When it was almost evening, a group of people escorted the wounded soldiers to the Acropolis to see them off.

The soldiers who surrendered were tied behind their backs to bamboo poles in rows and driven into a field.A deep moat was dug around, and many sharpened bamboos were inserted in it.Then send someone to take care of it.They can only sleep in the open in the wild, and set up some bonfires to keep out the cold. Of course, there are no tents and quilts... It is impossible to send out the things of the surrendered soldiers in the city.

The next morning, some surrendered soldiers were selected and told to go to the city to persuade them to surrender.Chen Gai scolded in front of him: "Give me a good persuasion. If you don't know what is good and bad and talk bad about us, you will have to be whipped when you come back!" But Zhang Chengzong shouted: "Everyone do as General Chen said, and persuade you to surrender. Well done, I have bacon to eat when I come back."

There was a slight commotion in the crowd, and many people turned their heads to look at the camp. Sure enough, there were some cured pork and sausages... The military households were already poorer than the common people, and since Yongle, the country has consumed a lot. The sergeant is probably really rare to be able to eat meat, and their expressions seem to have forgotten that they are surrendered soldiers.

Wei Bin assembled three teams and drove the surrendered soldiers westward. Along the way, the generals tried their best to teach them how to speak.

At the foot of the city, the drums and horns on the Acropolis sounded together, and the officers and soldiers took up their bows and crossbows and stood on the city wall.However, the soldiers and horses under the city did not carry any objects such as crash ladders, and they could not fly to the top of the city. It seems that they did not come to attack the city.

The arquebus soldiers loaded the ammunition with a rustle, and then yelled for a group of soldiers to descend to the edge of the moat.They approached chaotically and cautiously, and did not release arrows until the officers and soldiers on the top of the city saw clearly that the people approaching were surrendered soldiers.A military general on the top of the city was the first to yell, "You don't want to be a shameless thing, you just want to survive, and you still have to persuade the rebels to surrender?" Then another person shouted: "Go back!"

Zhang Chengzong from behind shouted: "Call out quickly, there will be meat and white rice to eat soon."

Finally, a surrendered soldier had the courage to shout to the top: "Brothers, the Third Highness of Emperor Jianwen said that as long as Kaesong surrenders, there is no danger of his life. His old man will treat brothers better than the generals of the Weisuo better……"

"The officials in the guards treat the brothers like slaves. They have to farm the land and sell their lives. Most of the income from farming is exploited. Death in the war is a death in vain. Don't be stupid..."

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