Lu Zhen, the chief examiner of the Nanjing Gongyuan Township Examination, was the key person in this incident, and Zhang Ning finally met him.The teacher was very indifferent, but he accepted the ginseng without any excuse, and gave a book "Kesu Poetry Collection" when he left.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, and Lu Zhen did not show much enthusiasm, but there are signs that he regards Zhang Ning as his own. Zhang Ning didn't know how the "Keshu Poetry Collection" was written, but he knew that when a court official sent his own book, he meant to be a disciple; after all, he was in the same camp when he was in trouble.

Coming out of Lu Mansion, Zhang Ning saw Luo Yaoniang's maid again, and then met Luo Yaoniang.She rented a yard for Zhang Ning, but he didn't accept it, Luo Yaoniang seemed very unhappy.

Zhang Ning didn't explain it: in the future, he will have to rely on people from Yang Shiqi's side, and now accepting her benefits with Luo Yaoniang without a name, will Yang Shiqi be disgusted?And the current situation is not impossible, first make do with the inn for a while, and when the official position is filled, there will be a settling allowance, why bother to take advantage of the Yang family?Surrounded by Minister of Rites Hu Ying and teacher Lu Zhen, Zhang Ning is very optimistic about the replacement of his official position.

Stayed in the inn for some days, the weather is getting colder and colder, and it will be November in a blink of an eye. Zhang Ning has also wandered around many places in the capital, and he is familiar with the ground.The hottest news these days is that the emperor returned from his fourth northern expedition to Mongolia.The Arutai tribe and the Tatar princes surrendered one after another, and the Ming army won a complete victory.In this era, China dominates the entire East Asian region, and no one in the universe can defeat it.

Zhang Ning went to Deshengmen to watch the excitement for a while. From a distance, he could see pennants like clouds and iron armor. Both officials and common people on both sides of the avenue fell to the ground, and guns fired from Deshengmen. The emperor's guard of honor was set off to an extremely lofty position.He had seen the battles of ancient emperors, and remembered Liu Bang's exclamation when he saw Qin Shihuang's team: a man should be like this!No wonder so.

With this knowledge, Zhang Ning has further recognized the reality: only being an official and a member of the ruling class is guaranteed.Otherwise, with the power of the imperial bureaucracy, it would be easy to take away everything from you.


Once Emperor Yongle returned to the palace, the [-] people in the Forbidden City all revolved around him, and every detail of the emperor's basic necessities of life would make people attach great importance to it, as if the meaning of everyone's life was to make the emperor live a better life.If the emperor said that he wanted the stars in the sky, someone would rack his brains to figure out how to build a ladder to the sky, or come up with all kinds of crazy ideas.

In the morning, the emperor held a grand celebration ceremony in Fengxian Hall, accepted the congratulations of the officials, and named the prince of Tatar as Zhongyong King, named him Jin Zhong, and rewarded the meritorious soldiers. extraordinary.But at the end of the evening, the emperor might be a little tired. When he returned to the Longevity Palace, he would not see anyone else. He only let his trusted eunuch Wang Gouer serve him, and ordered the imperial dining room to make dinner for himself.

The dishes are quite rich, but the meat and vegetables are all the ingredients that can be seen in the market, such as fresh shrimps with pepper and vinegar, roast goose, fried pork with yellow vegetables, three delicacies soup, bean soup, etc. Of course, such a meal costs a lot of money. Vegetable rice is very luxurious for the daily meals of ordinary people.

Originally the eunuch who was in charge of meals was Li Shun, but in order to please Emperor Yong Le, Wang Gou'er showed his dedication and hard work, so he personally took care of the dishes and meals presented by Jin.

When the dishes were served, Wang Gou'er called the eunuchs and maids to come up, pointing to a dish: "Taste this, you, roast goose." Everyone followed the order and carefully stretched out their chopsticks to pick up a piece of food and put it in their mouths, all carefully You can't "chirp" and chew like you're enjoying the emperor's dinner, and you can't look like you're drinking medicine with a sad face, just bend over and chew twice and swallow it properly.

After quietly tasting it, Wang Gou'er asked the eunuch and maid to open her mouth to check carefully whether she had swallowed it all.This procedure is very common, and it is always like this. Don't be too nervous, and of course you have to go through it carefully.

Nothing unusual, Wang Gouer nodded, and everyone lifted the scarves around their necks to cover their mouths and noses, so as not to breathe|stain the dishes.At this time, Wang Gou'er suddenly remembered that a maid's mouth was not wide enough, so she turned her head and said, "You, take off the scarf and open your mouth."

Unexpectedly, the maid's expression suddenly became a little strange. When she slowly stretched out her hand to pull the scarf, her neck squirmed as if she was swallowing something.Wang Gou'er immediately woke up and shouted: "Don't move! Someone, quickly pull her out, dig out the contents of her stomach, don't let her die!" The little eunuch next to him hurried up to grab the maid, the maid She glared at Wang Gou'er angrily, gave up her resistance, and just dragged her to the gate of the palace when she saw that her lips were pale and her face was blue, showing signs of poisoning.

Wang Gou'er was startled and shouted: "Shut the Longevity Palace, and no one is allowed to enter or leave!"

At this moment, Emperor Yong Le's voice came from inside the door: "What happened?"

Wang Gou'er ran towards the door, knelt down without stopping as soon as he entered the door, his knees slid forward on the floor, he knocked his forehead on the ground with a "boom", and said tremblingly: "My lord, Yu Shan There is someone who kills the gods poisoning here!"

The smoke from the incense tripod made the whole palace fragrant, without any peculiar smell, but Wang Gou'er clearly smelled the smell of blood. Just two years ago, the emperor slaughtered thousands of concubines and maids with one word, and the emperor started to kill people. Without blinking an eye!I'm afraid many people will die again this time, Wang Gou'er has only one thought: quickly clear himself of the suspicion!

Soon the emperor's cold voice sounded in his ear: "Send the supervisor of ceremonies to let Cao Shen come over, and arrest and interrogate anyone who has disturbed my food, and find out who poisoned me and who is the mastermind!"

"Slave obeys the order." Wang Gou'er didn't dare to say a word, and stepped back after bowing down.Wang Gou'er felt a little relieved when he heard the emperor call the supervisor of ceremonies to admiral Cao Shen, because Cao Shen was his "godfather".

Cao Shen quickly ran to the Longevity Palace to face the saint, and arrested more than 800 people that night after he came out.Wang Gou'er followed his godfather on the saddle and worked hard, and was appreciated by his godfather: "If you hadn't personally taken care of the meal, maybe the dinner would have been sent to the emperor, and the consequences would be disastrous; Zhou, a court lady who took poison, also handled it very well. , Immediately dig out the poison in the stomach and leave a living."

Wang Gou'er hastily called his godfather a thousand thanks, Cao Shen sighed and said, "But Li Shun, our family can't protect him anymore."

Li Shun, the eunuch who was supposed to be serving meals at the Longevity Palace that night, had a good relationship with Wang Gou'er, but now Wang Gou'er dared not say a word for him.If Li Shun had checked the meals that night, what would have happened?Thinking about it this way, who would dare to protect Li Shun?

Li Shun was sent to Dongchang Prison immediately, and the court lady Zhou, who had a living clue, was also handed over to Dongchang. Jin Yiwei of Dongchang jointly sent people to guard him. If this survivor died, no one could tell.In order to share the responsibility, the head of Jinyiwei in Dongchang even asked the Sanju Juyuan, Dali Temple, and the Ministry of Punishment to send people to jointly guard it. As a result, the influence of the poisoning case spread from the inner court to the outer court.

Now the involvement is complicated. Why did someone want to assassinate the emperor? What is the motive?There is a lot to do here.

Nothing has been found out yet, but a group of officials and civilians have been implicated and sent to prison just based on the identity of the palace maids and the handlers selected into the palace.Not long ago, Yushi Zhou Na was trusted by the emperor and sent to patrol Nanzhili. At this time, he was directly taken off his black hat and sent to prison.

Why did Zhou Na go to jail?It was probably because he had the same surname as Zhou, the most suspected court lady, and of course there were other complicated relationships. Zhou Na didn't know the court lady at all when he complained in prison, but no one cared about him.Those who knew the inside story guessed why it was Zhou Na's unlucky reason: he offended too many people and didn't follow the rules.It just so happens that this investigation has something to do with him, when will the people who are inclined to the Eastern Palace not take the opportunity to put him to death?

When Lu Zhen entered the imperial prison, he was locked up for a few months and came out well. Zhou Na was not treated so well. He was tortured half to death as soon as he entered.

...Soon there was a statement in the royal history, pointing the finger at Zhu Gaoxu, the king of the Han Dynasty, saying that he had resentment in his heart, so he colluded with the courtiers inside and outside to plot wrongdoing, and he said it clearly.Dongchang Jinyiwei didn't do much, because they all knew that these censors were ordered by the people in the East Palace to take advantage of the situation to fight back against the King of Han; whether it was the eunuch or the head of Jinyiwei, they all understood one truth: the prince will one day Will ascend to the top, go to bad people's house now, and die in the future without knowing how to die.

Zhu Gaoxu, the king of the Han Dynasty in Yong'an, Shandong, couldn't speak clearly, and was in a hurry.At this time the prince spoke, and he pleaded in front of the emperor with an honest and honest look, saying that there was insufficient evidence that this matter had something to do with the king of Han, and hoped that the emperor would not blame his younger brother.

Of course, the King of Han didn't appreciate the brother's kindness. In the palace, he yelled at the crown prince's hypocrisy, and mentioned the old things to his staff: "What was the king's contribution during the Jingnan battle?" I like the prince, do a good job!

Father's earnest words are still ringing in my ears, why send me to Yong'an now, let the gang in Chaoli keep pouring dirty water on my head? !

At this time, there was a new development in the case.Zhou Na was tortured several times and asked him to confess. He really didn't know what to confess. When he couldn't stand the hellish pain, he only hated that he didn't really participate in the poisoning. In a hurry, he remembered the bad thing about the private salt dealer on the Grand Canal. Peach Blossom Fairy.These people have been protected by Lao Tzu, but they don't listen to them, and now they have to drag them into the water together to vent their anger.So he confessed that he knew a group of desperadoes, and they might have done it.

So a large number of Jinyiwei and secret agents went to arrest Peach Blossom Fairy, but the person who wanted to be arrested was not caught, and a group of Jianghu people who lived on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal were unlucky. , This time many people were arrested; the only harvest was to catch one of Peach Blossom Fairy's subordinates.

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