There are few people and horses on the ancient streets of Cili County, and occasionally a group of soldiers in full dress ran past.A while ago, there was no martial law in the county seat, so many people in the city went to the countryside to avoid disaster.For thousands of years, people have formed the habit of migratory birds in the face of reality. Migratory birds fly south in autumn and return in spring; while people live in the city during times of peace and go to the countryside when disasters occur.At this time, many well-to-do families in the city had land in the countryside.

But even if they don't live in the city, they are still within the jurisdiction of the county government, and the situation has not yet reached the point where they have to abandon their homes and flee famine.Some strong men have been recruited and are repairing the damaged city walls.

Zhang Ning rode his horse around the construction site. It seemed that the construction of the city wall was mainly made of slabs and rammed earth, and then covered with bricks.The material of the city wall bricks is glutinous rice juice, plant ash, tung oil, etc. mixed together and boiled in water. The disadvantage is that the cost is high, but the bonding effect is still good.Everything is still under control, at least the officials and civilians are still willing to help build fortifications, and there is no too fierce resistance.

The war is imminent and the troops are insufficient. The day before yesterday, someone proposed to recruit soldiers publicly, but this suggestion was unanimously rejected by Zhang Ning and the "Senate Department".There is not enough time for training, and ordinary people are even less willing to work for the "rebels". They are afraid that they will collapse too easily before the battle, not to mention that it will not enhance the combat power, but will affect the morale of the army.

He thought of the group of prisoners released from various places. There were more than 100 people in total, and they were temporarily organized into the second brigade of the right wing.The second team had more than 140 prisoners, divided into ten teams; the other two teams were veterans who had been placed there.In this case, prisoners are more useful than good people: at least the released prisoners are definitely not willing to surrender to the government again, there is no way out for escape, and the end is very likely to be recaptured. President b deeply loves bbhttp:mnxub

Zhang Ning asked his subordinates and learned that they were temporarily training in the empty field outside the west gate, so he went over with his followers to have a look.

When we got there, we saw more than 100 people lined up there.It is conceivable that the hasty practice can only be the content of the queue, and this group of people cannot be crowded into a group to fight when they go into battle.The swarming method is okay in street fighting, but it must be vulnerable in battle.

The prisoners received the uniforms of the Suzaku Army, with one color of field gray clothes and helmets at the head, and the horizontal and vertical rows are also acceptable. At first glance, the military appearance is not as bad as imagined.Humans are social animals after all, and it's much easier to organize.

The person in charge of the roster of convicts was Wang Yu, the former magistrate of Shimen County, and Zhang Chengzong was the person who compiled them.Zhang Chengzong is also by Zhang Ning's side now, he explained: "Your Highness, please rest assured, I have placed more than 20 people in, from small flags to hundreds of households, all of them are from us, I guarantee that the gang of prisoners can't let their own temper mess."

While speaking, the hundreds of household officials of the "swimming team" ran over and raised his left arm to salute.According to Zhang Ning's request, the soldiers in the army don't need to kneel, but only need this special etiquette, and only those who belong to him use this etiquette.The Hundred Household Officer's name is Kong Wuyang, and he was originally a military commander. Only those who have experience in leading troops can manage this group of people well.

Zhang Ning also returned the gift while riding a horse, and boasted casually: "You have trained well, you must train hard these few days, and the soldiers' food and military pay cannot be deducted from the shortage."

"The last will obey."

Zhang Ning looked back at Chengzong again, recalled what he said just now, and said again: "One of the prisoners has to be selected as deputy."

This idea came to him on the spur of the moment. As for the reason: after the Ming army captured a large area of ​​Vietnam, they did not rely entirely on the Han people to directly manage the place, but spent a lot of effort to train and gather the local aborigines; the collection of prisoners is probably the same reason. .

After finishing speaking, he and the others came to the front of the swimming team. Kong Wuyang shouted to the soldiers: "This is the third prince, the tallest man in the Zhuque Army! The clothes you wear, the weapons you carry, the food you eat, The salaries received are all given by His Highness; so brothers have to work hard for His Highness, it is only right and proper, remember it all!"

"Yes!" A group of people yelled loudly for a while.

Zhang Ning glanced across the crowd, and suddenly someone caught his attention.Being noticed in a crowd of 100+ people is usually someone who looks a little special, and this one was no exception.He was tall, so it was easy for Zhang Ning to see him, and then his face was pale and blue, and his face was terrifying; Zhang Ning only glanced at it, and immediately turned back to look at him again.

This person is very special, but his face is not good, on the contrary, he is a bit scary, with a bloodless and cold look.Zhang Ning was curious for a moment, so he patted the horse over, pointed at the man with a whip, and said, "You, come out and answer."

The man froze for a moment, then walked out, and after a moment of hesitation, he raised his arm as a newly learned etiquette.Zhang Ning nodded and asked, "What crime did you commit?"

"My lord, I am not guilty!" the man said quickly.

Wang Yu on the side immediately scolded: "How can you be locked up in the government's big prison if you are not guilty? What is your name? I can find out what the three generations of your ancestors have done!" Kong Wuyang, a hundred households, laughed. : "Don't blame your Highness and Lord Wang, many people here say that they have not violated the law. Let me ask him... Li Zhen, what is your name, first report to Your Highness truthfully!"

The generals and officials next to him couldn't help laughing, and Zhang Ning also smiled. Let's take it as a kind of "humor" by Kong Baihu?The man named Li Zhen still had a bloodless face, and said: "As Master Baihu said, the villain's surname is Li Mingzhen, from Cili County."

Zhang Ning turned to Kong Baihu and said, "There are more than 100 people here, and you can recognize them in just a few days?"

"The general's memory is not so good. He can only call out the names of a few people. Li Zhen is one of them. Because he is the head of the prison, many people are afraid of him." Kong Wuyang said. President b deeply loves bbhttp:mnxub

After Zhang Ning heard this, he was immediately interested. He thought that this kind of person was the most suitable person to be recruited to manage the prisoners. He might be more effective than generals and officials.Immediately he asked, "Li Zhen, just now you said you were innocent, why did you get put into the government prison again?"

Li Zhendao: "In the past, the villain's family opened a restaurant in the city to do business. They met a group of green skins who didn't give money for their meals. They wanted to extort property instead. The villain reasoned with them, but unexpectedly he started to fight. My brother was beaten. He was wounded, and lost his life after a while. Reported to the police, but still did not catch those people. The villain's shop was smashed to pieces at the time, and he accompanied the businessman again, so the business could not continue. Righteousness', I accidentally killed a rich and unkind person, it was because that person bullied others first, I was at fault, but I was caught in prison..."

Wang Yu sneered and said, "What is the difference between your actions and those green skins that injured your brother?"

Li Zhen said calmly: "The difference lies only in whether there is morality or not. People are right and wrong, and many things are beyond the government's control. Someone has to eat this bowl of rice."

"Tai Shigong said that people have priorities, and knights are in a hurry." Zhang Ning said, "But chivalrous people use martial arts to break the ban. You hurt lives again, and the government did not make a mistake in arresting you."

After saying a few words on the school field, Zhang Ning didn't stay long, and asked Kong Baihu to hurry up and train.When they walked into the city gate, Zhang Ning said to Zhang Chengzong: "Go to Kong Wuyang tonight and ask him to come forward and appoint Li Zhen as deputy."

The dozen or so people who voluntarily voted in a few days ago, Zhang Ning organized into the Chinese army guards, let them stay in Wei Bin's camp first, and learn some rules along with them.

In the afternoon, the scout team came to report that the forward of the official army had arrived on the east side of Tianmen Mountain.Tianmen Mountain is not far from the south of Yongding Weicheng. Zhu Yong's men arrived there, and he was even more sure that his first target was Yongdingwei.

The generals in Zhang Ning's army discussed that after Zhu Yong's army gained a foothold in Yongdingwei, they would definitely attack along the Lishui River.From Lishui River to Cili County downstream, it will be easier to transport food and grass.Today, the opportunity to retreat and fight Yongdingwei has been lost.The military generals Zhou Mengxiong and Wei Bin who came from Jianwen's side also go to the Senate Office in the county government to discuss matters every day. How to meet the enemy?Many people still pin their hopes on the Miao people to support them. Many people are still in the dark about the extent of their relationship with the Miao people.

At noon the next day, a group of people who claimed to be Miao envoys were suddenly reported asking for an interview.Before that, I hadn’t seen Chen Maocai’s letter, and the guard on duty at the city gate also reported that there was no Chen Maocai’s seal; They will be notified in advance.

Zhang Ning immediately ordered the guards to keep the people in charge, and only let envoy Miao and his deputy come to the county yamen to meet; he also asked Hou Mao and a group of county officials to come out of the yamen to greet them. Considerate etiquette, let's talk about the situation after figuring it out.

The envoys were first welcomed to the residence to settle down and rest, and sent servants to take care of them and guards to protect their safety.Hou Mao, who soon finished welcoming the envoys, returned to the signing room to report, saying that there were four envoys staying in the hotel, two men and two women.

Zhang Ning hurriedly asked, "Where's Chen Maocai?"

Hou Maodao: "I didn't see Chen Maocai, but one of the Miao envoys is Bai Yu who came back from the previous one. It seems that he is indeed the Miao envoy, not a fake."

"Bai Yu is Miao envoy, and the other three deputy envoys?" Zhang Ning asked in wonder.What he cared about most in his heart was Chen Maocai, as the envoy sent there, why didn't he return with envoy Miao?

Hou Mao replied: "Bai Yu is not the official envoy this time, but the deputy; the other Miao woman is the official envoy, and she is also the maid next to Bai Fengjiao, the daughter of King Miao. They said that because Princess Miao is a woman, they used a lot of Ma'am, by the way, they also handed over a letter, please read it Your Highness."

As Zhang Ning took the letter, he was about to ask Hou Mao what Zhengshi looked like, but he felt that it was not too serious to ask Miao girl's appearance in front of Hou Mao, so he gave up immediately and looked down at the letter. It reads: To His Royal Highness the Third Prince Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty.The handwriting is more delicate, and it doesn't seem to be written by a man. It is possible that this letter in the name of the old man was written by Bai Fengjiao or one of her women.

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