Ping An Biography

Chapter 224 Bai Fengjiao

The two guest rooms next to each other in the west wing of the county government house were given to Miao envoys, one for men and one for men.Night has fallen, the lampstands in various parts of the mansion have been lit, and lanterns are hung under the eaves for illumination; the sound of the clock is also sounded.At this time, a black and thin Miao man came out of a room, went to the door of the next room and knocked on the door a few times, but it opened easily, and then he walked in.

This person is the deputy envoy who talked to Mr. Liang during the day, although he is not good looking, he has some background.Long Dachong, the leader of the Miao people who responded to the old man's rebellion in Zhenxi Miaojiang, was the father of this "deputy envoy"; the "deputy envoy" was the second son of Long Dachong, named Long Erman.As for why the son of a Miao headman became the deputy of a maid Bai Ju, it is not known.

After Long Erman entered the house, the assistant envoy Bai Yu who opened the door for him stood guard at the door, listening to the movement outside.Long Erman went straight to meet Bai Ju. Although it was getting late, he didn't look tired at all, but his eyes were faintly red with excitement.Is it exciting to be in the same room with a woman at night?

"Miss met Zhu Ning (Zhang Ning) who claimed to be the prince today, but what happened to the conversation?" Long Erman asked in Hongmiao dialect, his voice lower than usual.In fact, even if it is heard by others, almost no one can understand it.

Bai Ju shook his head and said: "There is not much progress. I came to discuss with you because I want to talk about my plan first. I plan to see the third prince again tomorrow and propose that they go south and try to join forces with us. What do you think? ?”

Long Erman said almost without hesitation: "How can that be done... I mean, what good will it do us? The government's soldiers and horses are obviously coming here. You asked Zhu Ning's people to go to our side, not to attract Is it a disaster? I’m afraid it won’t make sense to the king when I go back.”

"I'm sure I can convince the king." Bai Ju said confidently, "The officers and soldiers are naturally coming here. There are 6000 officers and soldiers, and Zhu Ning will definitely not be able to resist. If people can restrain Zhu Yong, the officers and soldiers will immediately turn their heads against us, isn't it obvious?"

Long Erman said: "That's not necessarily the case. When we first came here, we saw their soldiers and horses on the streets of Cili County. They were all wearing iron armor, and their military appearance was neat. They looked stronger than the official army, but not weaker. Maybe they can Withstand the army of the official army, and the two sides will fight to the death; but once Zhu Ning gets to us, we can only fight the main force of the official army."

Bai Ju said: "If Zhu Ning can really defeat the official army, why did he try to form an alliance with us? They said that the number of troops is only one or two thousand, but the actual number may be even less; knowing that they are not the opponent of Duke Cheng of Ming Dynasty, they want to Forming an alliance with us is actually asking for help. What good is it if we don’t help? You have also seen that Zhu Ning’s army is strong and strong. At this time, instead of being defeated by the government one by one, why not join hands with them to strengthen our strength? strength?"

"These Han people are all in the same family, and Zhu Ning and the emperor of the court are the same ancestors, so they may not be trustworthy. The Han people are accustomed to treachery, and they may take advantage of us today, and turn on us tomorrow." Long Erman said.

Bai Ju said coldly: "Prejudice will only stand still. When it comes to Han people or people who are mature, there are always good and bad. Han people are not as bad as you said, and their books also clearly express contempt. Discriminate against people who break their promises."

Long Erman said angrily: "Miss has read too many Han Chinese books, so much so that she believes the nonsense they wrote to deceive ghosts!"

Seeing that Long Erman was getting emotional, Bai Ju was not angry, but instead said: "You are right, not to mention the Han people, even the Miao people have treacherous people. We don't have a deep friendship with the people in Zhu Ning, so we need to form an alliance." , the easiest way is to marry."

Long Erman's eyes widened, and his expression made him almost jump up: "Should we let the girl from Zhu's family marry him, or let the girl from Miaojiang marry him? don't want to marry that You just met Zhu Ning?! Or did he already know your identity and proposed marriage to you in a panic?"

Bai Ju looked at him calmly and sneered, but her face was hidden in the veiled hat, and her expression was perceptible. She said: "Since the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, the Han people no longer have the policy of sending the princess to get married. Zhu Ning wants to avoid the Han people all over the world." If you criticize me, I'm afraid I won't be willing to marry a wife into marriage; and I don't need to go to another way of marriage, there are so many people in the Bai family, and I am not the only one who has not left the cabinet."

This Miao girl claimed to be the daughter of the old man Miao Wang, but Chen Maocai found out last time that the old man had only one daughter and she was married; only Chen Maocai would know what happened.However, the daughters of the elderly are mostly unmarried, because the Miao people have strict control over wives who have already married, but they are looser with their daughters, thinking that sooner or later they will be from another family; .

At this time, Bai Ju said again: "Besides, I don't even know what Zhu Ning looks like."

"Didn't you see him today?" Long Erman said angrily.When it comes to appearance, he suddenly has no confidence at all.

Bai Ju smiled and said: "At that time, the gauze in front of the hat blocked his view, and he was sitting far away, so he couldn't see clearly. This man is a warlord, and it would be unpleasant if he had a tough face. You know Yes, my father has long wanted to marry me with the Shi family or your Long family, but the few heads of the two families are not good-looking... According to my temperament, I have to find someone who is pleasing to the eye. Do you want my father to always obey me? But some good-looking sons, because of their bad background, my father won’t obey me anymore.”

"But you can't even think about marrying a Han!" Long Erman's face turned green and pale.

Bai Ju said: "It's about the marriage. Who said I would go? Why are you acting like this? Of course, my father would not approve of my marriage with the Han people. He still wants to keep me by his side so that we can get closer to the Shi family. close."

The Shi family is also a large tribe in the Miaojiang area of ​​the Wuzhai Division. The former head had adopted some adopted sons and daughters because he had not been able to have any children, including Bai Fengjiao.Bai Ju is Bai Fengjiao. She is the old man's biological daughter and the adopted daughter of the head of the Shi family. She grew up in Shi's family since she was a child.At that time, after the old man had a son, he sent his eldest daughter who was a few years old to the Shi family as the adopted daughter of the headman, so as to get close.Bai Fengjiao received less control in the Shi family, so she had a good relationship with many people in the Shi family, and because she was favored by the head of the Shi family, she participated in a lot of family affairs.Later, after Bai Fengjiao returned to the old man's side after her adoptive father passed away, she still kept in touch with many people in the Shi family. As a result, the old man doted on her daughter even more, and naturally valued her reputation and connections in the Shi family.

Long Erman sighed: "Miss just wanted to take a look. Now that we've been here, we'd better go back sooner. As for things like marriage, you'd better not make any claims. Go back and discuss it with the King."

"That's right. I really can't decide this matter. It's just that when I met Zhu Ning today, he hinted something, so I figured it out. If there is a marriage, there are advantages and disadvantages..." Bai Fengjiao said, "I still want my father to marry me." The king himself weighs and decides."

As far as she knows, Zhu Ning raised troops to fight under the banner of Jianwen's former dynasty. The imperial court wanted to kill all the old officials of the former dynasty, and the conflicts and hatreds were deep. If the Bai family Miao people were related to Jianwen's old officials, I am afraid that they would be even more intolerable to the Central Plains regime. It's just that many Miao leaders are not very clear about such issues on the Han side, and only Bai Fengjiao, who is more familiar with Han customs, understands better.In Bai Fengjiao's view, the benefits of marriage are also obvious: Not only can the joining of the Zhu Ning army strengthen their strength against the government, but more importantly, the organized Han people have more knowledge and skills than the Miao people in many aspects, which can help them open mines, Manufacturing weapons, etc., can easily help the Miao people get rid of their backwardness.

She thought about it and said, "But allowing Zhu Ning's people to vote for us, this matter has more advantages than disadvantages, and I can make the decision. I will propose it to Zhu Ning tomorrow and see what he says."

The two argued and discussed in the guest room, but it was already late, so Bai Fengjiao urged Long Erman to go back to the room to rest.

At this moment, only Bai Fengjiao and her maid, Bai Yan, were left in the guest room, and the two had to whisper for a while.This Bai Yu has been with her since she was a child. When she was a child, the embryo was fine, but when she grows up, she grows up and becomes weirder. Fortunately, Bai Fengjiao will not dislike her.

In front of close people, she can speak more freely.In front of her close servants, Bai Fengjiao didn't care about marriage, status and other issues, she had to gossip; just like men chatting about the appearance of a certain young lady, Bai Fengjiao unabashedly grabbed Bai Yan and asked: "Then Is Zhu Ning really as handsome as you said? How old is he, and he hasn't married yet? Why didn't he get married..." She asked a series of questions.

Bai Yan giggled and said, "I told Miss a long time ago, you have to cover your eyes to see her."

"The old man named Liang Yan suddenly invited me to drink tea in the study. He didn't think too much about it in a hurry. The old man's nonsense is really annoying, but it's not good to be sarcastic in person. I have to talk to Zhu Ning tomorrow, so I finally have something Get ready, I can see it with my own eyes..." Bai Fengjiao said with a frown, "But I have always covered my face and pretended to be reserved, and suddenly I took it off, will they gossip?"

Bai Yan's eyeballs moved in a circle: "Isn't this simple? Change the curtain to a thin and see-through one."

"By the way, you might as well change your clothes." Bai Fengjiao squeezed her palm and said with a smile, "Your good idea didn't hurt you in vain."

"Miss loves me, how can I not be devoted to you?" Bai Yan smiled, paused, and immediately eloquently said, "I have already pretended to ask Chen Maocai intentionally, and I heard that Zhu Ning I used to be an official in the imperial court, and I was attracted by the daughter of the 'Prime Minister' of the court. I believe in this, even if the daughter of a high official has eyes on the top of her head, it is not surprising that she fell in love with him..."

"Then why... I see, he rebelled later, and the prime minister would definitely not like to have anything to do with him."

Bai Yu said: "Miss really understands people, you can guess it without saying anything."

Bai Fengjiao sighed: "The prime minister's daughter is also ruthless and ungrateful."

"That's what I said, but it really fell on me. No one wants to follow a precarious person into a bandit." Bai Yan said disapprovingly.

Bai Fengjiao tilted her head and thought for a while, but in the end she remained silent, noncommittal.

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