Ping An Biography

Chapter 236 Right and wrong

A large group of people under the city were receding westward like a tide, and the retreating people looked very chaotic.The people around Zhang Ning were excited, and they obviously won the first confrontation.Zhu Yong lost because he didn't know his opponent well. This was a war different from the previous ones, otherwise there would be no generals who would let the infantry charge into the musket line;

However, Zhu Yong was only defeated by 2000 people; while he had a total of 6000 troops.Even if the defeated soldiers who are currently disintegrating will suffer some casualties, some will flee, and the rest can be reorganized under the rear camp.It's still far from the time to decide the winner.

As Zhang Ning thought before, just defending won't win.

"Order to fire, to fire at Zhu Yongjun's camp in the distance!" At this time, Zhang Ning gave the order decisively.

Matchlock guns and mortars are things Zhu Yongjun doesn't understand, and the first blow has the best effect.Previously, Zhou Mengxiong suggested to use artillery to catch Zhu Yong by surprise in the opening game and give Zhu Yong a blow to their morale, but Zhang Ning did not accept it.Now he realizes that the time has come: the rout that is surging westward can be gradually organized when they reach the camp of Zhu Yong's central army; It is not so easy to restore order and combat effectiveness.It is very likely that the Chinese camp that was shelled will be affected by the rout of the troops and will be disbanded; not the other way around.

To attack is to attack the enemy, not just try to be defeated by the attack.Zhang Ning must use the only cards in his hand to attack; even if he is weak, if he only thinks about defense, he will not be able to win.And this war obviously has no option for a peace negotiation.

A cannon that had already been loaded and prepared made a loud "boom", and the sound of the cannon was almost shaking.Zhang Ning clearly felt that the city wall was trembling, and the chairs under him also made a "cracking" sound on the brick floor.He saw that the bricks on the wall had been shaken off, and they fell down the top of the city one after another.The recoil of the artillery is a bit surprising. Before the war, no one thought about preventing it. Will the eleven artillery fire on the walls of the small city damage the walls.The military general who had been killed for a long time couldn't help but lose his face at this time, but Zhang Ning, who was known as a literati, sat there without changing his face.

There was a scream in the air, which could make people feel the force of the shell tearing through the air.Unsurprisingly, the huge explosive shell missed any target, so the gunners began to work hard to readjust the angle.

The rhythm of war in this era is actually relatively slow. The defeated soldiers below retreat to their own army, and it will take a long time to return one mile.But correspondingly, the reaction of the army and weapons was not fast, just like Zhang Ning's artillery, which was already loaded, but in order to hit the target with more artillery, it still needs a process of adjustment and experimentation; before the war, no one knew Zhu Yong's army Where will it be arrayed.

So when Zhang Ning made judgments and decisions, he couldn't slow down. He had to make judgments in advance.In order to achieve the goal of bombarding the official camp when the rout is close to the camp, the only way to start action is in advance, and the tactics themselves also need a process.If you wait until the rout has entered the camp before making the decision to bombard, you will have to watch the fighter plane lose.

The fighter plane is fleeting.As a party with a weak force, Zhang Ning's tactical error tolerance rate is too low.As long as one mistake is made, the whole game will be lost; just like the infantry battle under the city just now, if the Suzaku army made a mistake, the weak camp would be completely defeated or even wiped out under the trampling of the army.But Zhu Yong's conditions were much better. He made a mistake with the infantry assault musket formation once, but he still had a chance, because one mistake was not enough to destroy the entire army.

Zhang Ning told himself that he must make the most correct decision at every moment, and all opportunities are only once.

There are many processes and steps in a battle, each step cannot be wrong, and the correct rate of each step is a mathematical rule, so Zhang Ning realized from the beginning that his winning rate was very low.

Therefore, he must maintain the best state anytime, anywhere, keep his mind clear and emotionally stable, and not ignore everything in a large amount of complicated information.

The roar of the artillery started again one after another. He still sat firmly on the chair, and he said to himself silently in his heart: I slept well last night, my body was in good condition, my whole body was relaxed, and I was in a good mood. I didn’t have much joy but nor grieve; my mind is clear, my mind quick...

At this moment, smoke rose from the crowd of officers and soldiers camp in sight with an explosion, and a shell successfully hit their queue.

In fact, the explosive bomb fired by the mortar is completely different from the modern scene where grenades hit the crowd and blow people to pieces. What is used is black powder, and the fuze is installed in a long reed tube. After firing, the fuze detonates the gunpowder inside and explodes, and then the shell fragments that exploded hurt people.The power of black powder sealed detonation is really limited, and the number of fragments is not many, and the soldiers of the army are protected by armor, even if they fall into the crowd, not many people can be killed.Zhang Ning also had no choice. He only had a mortar with a very low velocity of shells in his hand. Otherwise, it would be better to use a long-barreled artillery to shoot solid bullets flat in the field.

However, the psychological deterrent effect achieved by the explosive bomb in the crowd is far more meaningful than the actual killing. I saw panic among the officers and soldiers in the distance, and chaos appeared in the queue near the shell explosion.

After a while, the rout had already approached the official camp.The second loading of the mortars on the city wall of the Suzaku army was finally completed, and the angle was also tested. Suddenly, the group of artillery roared, and eleven mortars fired a round of salvo.

After the thunder, shells screamed in the air, and most of them fell into Zhu Yong's camp. The mud, stone, soil and smoke from the explosion seemed to swallow the entire army formation.The crowd of officers and soldiers began to be faintly turbulent and chaotic.

At this time, if there is a fast and maneuverable cavalry suddenly rushing in from the side and rear flanks, it can be imagined that it will be very easy to break the formation.But Zhang Ning has almost no cavalry. Having more than 400 horses does not mean that there is a group of cavalry capable of fighting in groups.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mengxiong couldn't help but said: "Your Highness is brilliant, I am convinced. In this situation, it may take some time for Zhu Yong to attack again."

"We still need to carry out a truly effective offensive strike." Zhang Ning said calmly.The function of firearms is only to dismantle the attack of the officers and soldiers, but the killing is only superficial. It is really meaningless to achieve such a battle result.

There was no hesitant expression on Zhang Ning's face, but it took him a while to speak, revealing the balance in his heart. He said: "Order Wei Bin to take the main force of the left whistle and the right whistle to attack forward!"

Zhou Mengxiong, who had expressed his admiration just now, hastily reminded at this time: "Our army is weak, and the attack has lost its barrier, and it may be encircled. Even if the army camp is chaotic at this time... there is still a horse team that has not shown up, so we have to guard against it. Your Highness, please think twice!"

After hearing this, Zhang Ning reorganized his thoughts again: No matter how strong or weak, since this battle is going to be fought in Gaodu County, the purpose is very clear to defeat Zhu Yong's army; This battle?Besides, without completely defeating Zhu Yong's army, can this battle end?If you want to win, the army is in chaos, and nearly half of the infantry has just been defeated from the front. This is the best opportunity to attack; if you don't try to attack and defeat it now, how can you win in the future?

Thinking can't be limited to risks, and you can't just think that you will be attacked by cavalry when you attack, and you may be defeated... because such a big risk is doomed from the beginning.If you don't experience the risk, you can only sit and wait.

Maybe some choices have no correct answer at all, and when there is no way out, everything is wrong.Then you can only choose an option that seems to have a chance.

He tried to maintain a stable emotional tone, called a guard, took out a token from the shelf, and handed over the sword in his hand: "Go down to Commander Wei and pass on my orders. You can lead the main force to attack, If the attack goes well, don't rush forward lightly, and aim to defeat the main force of Zhu Yong's army one mile away; if the cavalry of the official army appears, you should form a four-circle formation to fight. The above goals do not need to be forced, and you can retreat to the city depending on the opportunity."

After the guard listened intently, he repeated it again. After getting Zhang Ning's nod, he ordered someone to put the hanging basket down to the city to pass the order.

Seeing this, Zhou Mengxiong fell silent. He once again understood his identity as a "consultant" and had no right to influence the decision-making of the Suzaku Army.

The Zhuque Army under the city has a total of about 1000 people, and the main force is concentrated there.Wei Bin rectified a bit, and arranged all the horses into four square formations, which were also shaped like Tian characters like the army infantry, and then ran westward along the river.Thousands of people, fancy formation tricks are not used, the formation is to maintain order.Fortunately, the Suzaku Army usually has a lot of queue training. There is no problem with running in unison, and it will not disrupt the team. It is still useful for short-distance dashes.

Almost all of Zhang Ning's troops were below to participate in the attack. The troops were not very spectacular, and it was clear at a glance, but it was him who gave all his strength.

The attack distance is one mile away, and the soldiers armed with armor trot forward, and the time it takes is about one stick of incense (about 5 minutes, three sticks of incense is one moment), which is neither short nor long.

Zhu Yong, who was in the army camp, couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the people on the other side of the city advancing head-on.

Cannonballs still fell into the formation and exploded from time to time. His team was a bit chaotic, and the group of rout soldiers in front of the formation and on the flanks was even more dragging at this time. Some took off their armor and jumped into the river trying to escape on the spot.Just now, the general suggested to retreat a mile and re-arrange to avoid the threat of artillery; but the rebels actually attacked at this time. If they try to retreat now, they will easily be defeated by taking advantage of the situation, and the retreat will turn into a rout.

"The thieves are going to attack us?" Zhu Yong blurted out a surprised sentence.

The general looked ahead, and echoed solemnly: "They seem to have such a plan."

"Send someone to order Feng Youxian's cavalry to attack immediately!" Zhu Yong said without hesitation.

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