Ping An Biography

Chapter 24 Who Poisoned My Rice

It was exceptionally clear in the afternoon, the cloudless sky was extremely blue and clean, and the brick floor between the red palace wall and the yellow double eaves below was also cleaned very clean.Hu Ying, who was dressed in a neat red robe, walked seriously on the white marble stone bridge. This situation gave him an illusion, as if he was the only one in the world, and the silence was as quiet. The big Han generals on the roadside were like stone statues. Statues generally stand.But Hu Ying's nerves are still taut, to avoid omissions in behavior, because this is already a forbidden city.

The place where they met was Qianqing Palace, the place where the emperor usually dealt with government affairs, and also lived here, which nominally belonged to the harem.It is a privilege in itself to be called to the Qianqing Palace, and it is very rare to be interviewed alone.

Hu Ying had already predicted the content of the interview: Mongolia was newly defeated, and there were no major events in the country. The purpose of the urgent summoning was nothing more than the recent assassination case.

After the accident, many people were arrested, but there was still no result.There were also many people involved, and Hu Ying seemed to be mostly muddying the waters, and then the two censors who secretly voted for the East Palace took the opportunity to participate in the impeachment of the King of Han, but there was no evidence.At this time, the Jinyiwei of the East Factory is also tied up. If Ji Gang was the commander of the Jinyiwei a few years ago, it might not be so troublesome, and there is nothing wrong with Hu Ying.

Even if Ji Gang is a ruthless character, he still has the emperor's trust, who dare not move?The famous Xie Jin was thrown into the snow and froze to death.But the civil servants were not vegetarians, and in the end they seized his weakness and let the emperor execute him, which was regarded as revenge for those killed scholar-bureaucrats.After Ji Gang, the chiefs of the factory guards have learned a lot of wisdom. They know what to be bold and when to be stubborn, especially the cases involving the issue of concubines. Now everyone in Dongchang Jinyiwei Don't dare to move... If you don't pay attention, the next emperor will die immediately without a place to bury him.The factory guards are beyond the government and the judiciary, but they are not lawless. After all, it is much easier for the emperor to deal with the factory guards than the civil officials and courtiers.

Walking up the stone steps step by step, Hu Ying straightened her hat first, stood outside for a while, and waited until an eunuch screamed: "Heaven, Hu Ying, Minister of the Ministry of Propaganda, will see you." He walked towards the palace with his head held high. go up.

The outside is bright sunshine, just entering Qianqing Palace feels the light is a bit dark, only the elegant throne in the middle with blue, green, red and yellow is extraordinarily gorgeous, its brilliance is like sunshine.The emperor was not sitting on the throne, but was pacing in front of him with his hands behind his back.

The eunuch Wang Gou'er, who was standing by the side, saw Hu Ying coming in, and knew that he wanted to worship, so he hurriedly backed away... Hu Ying is also a member of the court, if Wang Gou'er stood beside the emperor, wouldn't even he We also worshiped together?

"My subject Hu Ying kowtowed to the emperor, long live my emperor!" Hu Ying's voice came from a distance.

Zhu Di turned around, stretched out his hand from behind and said lightly: "Pingshen." Zhu Di, the supreme authority of the Ming Dynasty, was already over 60 years old at this time, and the crown of golden silk wings could not cover his temples and gray hair all over his mouth. , but he still looks tough, and he just returned from the Northern Expedition with an army of hundreds of thousands.When he spoke, he had a strong local accent and a thick voice, with a beard on his face, which didn't seem to go well with the elegantly designed robes on his body. He looked like a pig-killing scholar pretending to be a scholar... Zhu Di is indeed a martial artist, and at the same time, the dynasty under his rule has also reached the pinnacle of martial arts, dominating land and sea, and looking around the world, there are no qualified enemies.

Hu Ying got up from the ground, bowed and stood at His Royal Highness, the emperor didn't ask any questions, so he didn't say anything extra, because he wasn't here to report the matter today.

Zhu Di didn't put on too much air, and said bluntly: "There was a court lady who poisoned my food, and Wang Gou'er found out. Later, many people were arrested, and some of them were killed by themselves. The court lady who committed the crime was still alive. She My parents and the registered county magistrate were also arrested, but they still didn't find out. I didn't kill innocent people, as long as I asked who was the chief envoy and why I was killed, other irrelevant things can be released. But the trial Gao Xu was also implicated in the interrogation, I leave it to you to ask today, is it possible that Gao Xu did this?"

"Reporting to the emperor, the factory guard and the three judiciaries are in charge of the case. The old minister didn't read the files and is not very clear, but I personally think that the king of Han should not do such a thing." Hu Ying replied simply and naturally.

But his mind is far more than that simple. It would be great if he could just say a few words here... Just like the sentence in Hu Ying's words, "The case is handled by the factory guard and the third judicial department." It doesn't matter, the emperor is looking for him instead of others, why; at the same time, Hu Ying is not only the minister of the Ministry of Rites, he accepted the secret decree many years ago and began to secretly investigate the whereabouts of Jianwen and the rest of the party, and reorganized the monkhood from the fifth year of Yongle The roster checked the monks, and later went to the rivers and lakes to visit Zhang Zhenren several times, all for this purpose.Due to the above two factors, it is not difficult for Hu Ying to guess that the emperor came to him today because he suspected that Jianwen's subordinates were behind the assassination.

Hu Ying has no choice but to tell the truth, otherwise, if the emperor finds out that she has two minds, it will be very mysterious whether she can die well in this dynasty.He served as an official in the Yongle Dynasty for 20 years. Except for the secret investigation of Jianwen, he had some hard work and was lackluster in government affairs, but he achieved the position of Minister. At this time, the cabinet had no real power, and the highest position of real power in the bureaucracy was the six ministers. , he can be said to be an extremely human minister, relying on nothing but the emperor's trust.Taking a step back does not necessarily mean that the sea and the sky are bright, maybe there is a cliff behind you.

Sure enough, Zhu Di relaxed after hearing this, and asked again: "Do you think those old people are behind the scenes?"

Hu Ying said: "The old minister thinks that there is such a possibility. The emperor's arts and martial arts, all the barbarians will be attached to him, and everyone in the world will live and work in peace. All people want the emperor to live forever, and few people have evil daggers in their hearts."

"I'll ask you to investigate this matter. Select a few people from the Sanju Judiciary and a few from the Ministry of Rites that you can use easily. You must find out whether those people have not been cleaned up. I will ask Cao Shen to pass the decree. You want What file to read, who to interrogate, let them make it easier for you."

Hu Ying replied simply: "I would like to obey the imperial decree."

Zhu Di mentioned that Jianwen’s former ministers did not use such titles as rebels against the party. Although success is the iron law, he himself does not know how to give Jianwen an excuse for rebellion. After all, his position is Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang On the contrary, Zhu Di himself is the rebellious minister. This shadow of injustice and injustice has been entangled in his heart for more than [-] years, and has become his heart disease.For this reason, he did many things, such as deleting Jianwen's year number in the history books, trying to eliminate those years; the original purpose of sending the Daming Fleet to expedition also had this factor.It seems that everyone has a heart disease, even the mighty Zhu Di is not immune.

Not long after the secret conversation, Hu Ying walked out of the Qianqing Palace. The bright sun shone on him again, but he didn't feel spacious and comfortable. On the contrary, he felt that his steps were getting heavier.

The content of the conversation summoned this time was only known to the eunuch Wang Gou'er and a few other internal servants, but outsiders did not know what was discussed.There were not many times when the emperor had secret talks with foreign ministers. Most of the business affairs should be aboveboard, and at least one circle involved in decision-making should know about it; and Hu Ying is one of the few people. Every time he returns to Beijing, he will be secretly summoned by the emperor. Even the valet didn't know.

But this matter cannot be concealed, because he wants to find someone to assist in handling affairs, and to interfere in the judiciary, obviously following the emperor's order.

Was it the intention of the prince himself or his close ministers to frame the King of Han?If it is true, Hu Ying feels a lot of pressure, and the matter will become a situation where the head and the tail cannot be taken care of; if only a few people went to those memorials for the sake of expressing themselves, and the prince did not give up keeping a low profile, then this matter will be easy to handle Too much, but it is inevitable to leave a bad impression on the people on the side of the prince.One day, the prince's own senses are one thing, but the trusted officials around him are another thing, and the influence is also very important.

When Hu Ying returned to the yamen of the Ministry of Rites, she didn't care about the trade-offs, and started to get things done in a hurry. Since she had promised the emperor, it was not easy to slow down.He first found his deputy Wang Qinian in the Ministry of Rites. This person is an annotator. Because when he was promoted to be a member of the Ministry of Rites, there was already someone in that position, so he annotated a position. He rarely took care of the affairs of the Ministry of Rites. In the beginning, he was in charge of contacting the Senglu Department for investigation work, and later became Hu Ying's assistant; the Minister of Rites is his deputy, but the Minister can't control the secret visit to "Zhen Zhenren", and Wang Qinian is here. a character.

Wang Qinian first sent people from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Dali Temple, and then Hu Ying formed a joint trial team.Hu Ying felt that only Wang Qinian was not enough officials on her side, so she wanted to find another one from the Ministry of Rites. ...Thinking around, Hu Ying suddenly thought of a person: Yu Qian.

Thinking of Yu Qian, he suddenly had an inspiration, feeling that this matter is not yet over and cannot be taken care of, and there is still a solution.The method is to arrange for an inconspicuous official from the East Palace to come in.

At this time, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Hu Ying's mouth.

He's never been one to get things done.Back then, when Emperor Yong Le found a reason to send him to Nanjing to monitor the crown prince, it was a matter of offending others, he went to court every day like other officials, but people said to his face that Mr. Hu's errands were over and he left as soon as possible.Hu Ying still put on a good show, and then returned to the emperor's side and told the prince's diligence and diligence; after the emperor returned to Nanjing that time, it was rare that no one in the East Palace scolded anyone.For a while, Hu Ying took care of both ends without showing any trace.

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