After just a few months of the current situation in the east, Zhu Gaoxu has lost Huai'an, Yangzhou, and Luzhou. All the areas on the north bank of the Dajiang (Yangtze River) have been taken back by the imperial court. Trying to stop the attack of the Beijing camp by virtue of the natural danger of the river.But in this knockout match, just as Zhang Ning believes, there is no hope of winning just by defending.

Xuande and Zhu Zhanji have moved the six "Xingzai" agencies and Xingyuan to Yangzhou, and are actively preparing to fight across the river.

But when the main battlefield was in good condition, Huguang's memorial and several secret memorials cast a shadow on Zhu Zhanji's heart.He thought that Zhu Yong would be better than ordinary generals, and he was a nobleman with status, so Zhu Yong was very respectful of Zhang Ning to put down the rebellion; looking at it now, he didn't know whether he still underestimated Zhang Ning or Zhu Yong.Zhu Zhanji has just ascended the throne for more than a year, and the impression of Zhu Yong and other veterans really only exists on paper and other people's mouths, and there are not many opportunities to personally screen them.

Regarding Zhu Yong's disposal, Zhu Zhanji thought that it should not be too heavy, and mainly focused on beating.In addition to being a meritorious official, Zhu Zhanji was also very satisfied with the post-war memorial. Although he failed, the rhetoric did not contain much content to deliberately deceive the new king.According to the secret memorial of the eunuch and Jin Yiwei, it is basically consistent with Zhu Yong's official memorial, but the wording is different.

Zhu Zhanji summed up the information in his hand, and believed that the reason for Zhu Yong's failure was firstly that he could not employ people, and his own mistakes were the main ones; the other was that he underestimated the enemy and did not understand the opponent.Zhu Zhanji himself did not expect that the gang of remnants recruited by a criminal official after he ran away would be so powerful.

In the past few days, a censor has begun to impeach Zhu Yong. The words are not the fact that he was defeated in the war, but that he persecuted the family members of Shimen magistrate without a decision from the judicial department.Zhu Zhanji believed that those censors had never met the magistrate of Shimen, but there were still many people who stood up against the hero Xungui.These people seem to have gained a reputation for integrity and fairness, but in Zhu Zhanji's view, the main reason is that they belong to the same line of imperial examination literati.Civil servants have shown a very strong potential, and they will be twisted together under an invisible thing.Zhu Zhanji was helpless, and only said that there was no real evidence to prove that Zhu Yong persecuted the family members of the magistrate of Shimen, and then sent someone to investigate randomly, but he didn't want to follow the wishes of those censors.

The emperor dealt with the seemingly complicated internal disputes with a clear mind, and now he had to reconsider how to deal with the new important rebel Zhang Ning.

Zhang Ning's threat was not as great as Hanwang Zhu Gaoxu's, and his foundation for raising troops was even more different.But Zhu Zhanji can't ignore it now, and he won't wait until the King of Han is pacified before dealing with Zhang Ning with all his strength. He must attack now.The current Zhang Ning is fundamentally different from the situation a few months ago; before he was just a rogue, but now he owns a prefecture and several counties, so he has a foundation.

As an emperor, the general way to deal with problems is to use the right person.Zhu Zhanji thinks that military generals such as Zhu Yong have great limitations in being responsible for one party's major affairs. In order to prevent the formation of warlords, military generals should not have too much military power; the people who preside over the overall situation should preferably be civilian officials.Although Zhu Zhanji was alert to the expansion of the power of civil servants, he began to reuse the strategy of eunuch checks and balances during the continuation of the Yongle period, but civil servants still played the most important role in imperial affairs and had to be reused, with little room for choice.

Xuande has many civil servants who are good, but he has found a talent with a keen eye: Yu Qian.Yu Qian is currently the inspector censor of Nanzhili. Although his rank is low, it is very in line with official rules to promote the inspector censor.Zhu Zhanji not only believes that Yu Qian is capable of doing good things, but also gives him an opportunity to experience and experience, to cultivate a group of talent reserves for the future pillars of the imperial court, and not to rely too much on veterans with deep roots.

Yu Qian, a Jinshi in the 19th year of Yongle, belongs to Yang Shiqi's lineage.At the end of the Yongle period, Zhu Zhanji entered Zhu Zhanji's sight. During the Battle of Huai'an, he went to the enemy camp to persuade him to surrender. Zhu Zhanji admired his courage and momentum; In Zhu Zhanji's view, he published ten memorials with substantial content, which are very useful for the policy of restoring the rule of the north bank of the river.

A person's ability cannot be replaced by qualifications. Some people, even if they have experienced countless storms and waves, are still mediocre.Emperor Xuande felt that there was nothing wrong with his mind of employing people.Of course, by chance, I thought too modestly and Zhang Ning seemed to have a little friendship, even Yang Shiqi and Zhang Ning had an unusual friendship; but Zhu Zhanji was soon relieved, Yang Shiqi and Yu Qian could no longer have any collusion with Zhang Ning, the dignified court If the ministers don't do it, what reason do they have to collude with someone who has already rebelled?

Emperor Xuande summoned Yu Qian by the Beicheng River (later Slender West Lake) in Yangzhou.

"On a moonlit night at the 24th bridge, where can the jade man teach you how to play the flute?" Yu Qian had just walked outside the water pavilion when he heard the emperor's poems chanted by his predecessors.When the emperor was identifying Yu Qian as a talent, Yu Qian was also examining the emperor's father in his heart.This emperor was by no means simple. He was well read in poetry and books, and was taught by great Confucians, but he had his own thoughts and was not limited to the thoughts of literati.

Yu Qian knelt on the ground outside the pavilion lined with great Han generals at five steps and one whistle, and said loudly: "My minister, Yu Qian, the patrol censor of Nanzhili, kowtowed to see the emperor's long live."

"Yu Yushi came to talk." Zhu Zhanji said leisurely while sitting on a chair.There are tea and exquisite snacks on the stone table, surrounded by birds and flowers, and beautiful mountains and rivers.In any case, it cannot be seen that this is the center of the movement of hundreds of thousands of troops.

When Yu Qian came forward, he said, "Give me a seat."

"My humble minister thanked the emperor Long En." Yu Qian said hastily, he already felt that he was going to be reused again.Generally, those who can sit in front of the emperor are very old veterans. Zhu Zhanji said that it is an extraordinary courtesy to give him a modest seat.Yu Qian could only sit lightly on a corner of the stone bench, with his buttocks touching slightly, and he didn't dare to sit still. This posture is really more tiring than standing, but it feels very comfortable in his heart.

Zhu Zhanji's temperament has always been straightforward, no matter how complicated problems people think, he can always solve them quickly.He immediately said directly: "In the past two years, there have been precedents for the right servant of various ministries to serve as the local governor. If I let you be the right servant of the Ministry of War to patrol Huguang, what do you think?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yu Qian immediately understood that the main task of this errand was to counter the rebellion; as Yang Shiqi's protégé and a powerful Beijing official, he knew all the current affairs in the world, and it was impossible for Yu Qian not to know about Zhu Yong's defeat in Huguang.He immediately said: "Reporting to the emperor, I think that if the post of governor-general is temporarily set up in Huguang, we should send a good general and a general Jinyiwei to calm down the situation."

Zhu Zhanji nodded, very satisfied with Qian's words.The governor-general is not the military and political head of the separatist region, but an institution that needs to be set up temporarily. Sometimes there is a time to withdraw, and the incumbents are all Beijing officials. Yu Qian expressed his desire to share the emperor's worries and do practical things, rather than liking power.Zhu Zhanji motioned for him to continue talking.

Yu Qian said again: "The criminal official and traitor Zhang Ning killed our officers and soldiers. Putting down the rebellion should be the top priority of Huguang, and a good general is needed; at the same time, Huguang should also take precautions against the King of Han. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a governor, who can coordinate All parties. However, I have read Cheng Guogong's memorial, which said that the rebels used new firearms and tactics, so I thought that I should try my best to find out the opponent. It should be safe for Jin Yiwei to handle this matter."

Zhu Zhanji said: "You recommend a good general for me, who is the best?"

"My minister recommends Marquis Wuyang." Yu Qian said bluntly.

Xue Lu, Marquis of Wuyang, was a military general who followed Zhu Di to raise troops during the "Battle of Jingnan". During the Yongle Dynasty, he was granted the title of Marquis, with a salary of [-] shi.In the battle of Zhending, Li Jian, the deputy general of the left, was stabbed with a spear and captured alive; in the battle of Yongping, he quickly attacked Lianke Daning, Fuyu, Huizhou, Kuanhe and other places; Daming, Zhangde, Xishuizhai, and all captured alive commanded Huaying, and then took advantage of the victory to attack Dong'e, Dongping, and Wenshang; the Battle of Feihe, Xiaohe, and Lingbi...

This man is a bit worse than the British Duke Zhang Fu. There was a joke in the army a while ago, which said that when the King of Han was in Le'an, he heard Wuyang Marquis Xue Lu came to suppress the rebellion and laughed. Later, he heard that it was the British Duke. Zhang Fu was so frightened that he ran to Nanjing; but it was impossible for Zhang Fu to leave the battle of Nanjing and go to Huguang.Compared with Xue Lu and Zhu Neng, Xue Lu is also much inferior, so Zhu Neng and his descendants can be named Dukes, he is just a marquis; the difference is that Cheng Guogong Zhu Yong's high position is only because of his father, and Xue Lu's title is real It was done on the battlefield with real swords and guns in the Battle of Jingnan...Of course, the one who made more contributions in the Battle of Jingnan and had higher prestige in the army was Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu.

So Yu Qian didn't care about the rumored chuckle towards Xue Lu, and he didn't hesitate to recommend him.

Zhu Zhanji was also straightforward, nodded immediately and said: "Let Xue Lu go to the army of Huguang. Who do you recommend in Jinyiwei?"

Yu Qian hurriedly said: "Weichen and the general (Jinyiwei also belongs to the general) have no relationship at all. The recommendation of Marquis Wuyang is just to hear about his affairs. But in Jinyiwei, the Weichen is not very clear, and the emperor has to personally decide .”

There is only one emperor, but there are countless people who maintain the operation and rule of the state machine. If the emperor wants to control these people, checks and balances are inevitable.Yu Qian can't say that he is married to eunuch Jin Yiwei internally and famous general externally, what do you want to do?

Zhu Zhanji pondered for a moment: "Lu Shangshu happens to be in the palace, and he is from Nanzhen Fusi. You can call him to ask now, and someone will come to Xuannan Town Fusi, Lu Shangshu."

That Lu Shangshu's name is Lu Shangshu, not a real Shangshu, this guy is a martial artist, but he took this ridiculous name.

Lu Chen's affairs can be caught in the eyes of the emperor, and he is not an idle person. He always talks in a set way: "Sneak into the enemy's army to find out the military situation, and I have done it in Mongolia. This is the first; second, I dare to speak out, Since it is said that the rebels have powerful firearms, where did he get them? Could it be that in a short period of time, a person who reads sage books and takes a test for his fame knows astronomy and geography? I think we have to find out this matter."

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