() Zhou Li's mother and daughter saw a man walking into the hall, and probably guessed Zhang Ning's identity, they stood up from their chairs one after another.Zhang Ning first stepped forward to greet Yao Ji and asked his mother and concubine how she was.After Yao Ji introduced the two female guests, Zhou Li hurriedly bowed his knees and saluted.

Zhang Ning pondered: Although he is a member of the "royal family" in terms of identity, the emperor is the only person in the world who can ignore his seniority in many cases?He was not a person who asked for big things, so he immediately replied: "I have met my aunt." That week, Mrs. Li laughed so hard when she heard that. It's like relatives.

He turned his head to look at the Zhou family's sister again, wanting to nod to show his acquaintance, after all, they are only of the same generation, men are superior to women, and the status of the Zhou family is lower than that of the royal family.Unexpectedly, that Tuesday Niang turned a blind eye, just bent her knees and made a blessing, her eyes lowered to avoid.Many young ladies are shy when they look at the ground and avoid men's eyes, but she is not. It seems that it is just a kind of courtesy. Sure enough, Peach Blossom Fairy did not talk nonsense. This week, the young lady of the Zhou family really feels cold.

Then Zhang Ning took his seat, and several people chatted for a while, mainly Yao Ji and Zhou Lishi talking, because they are elders, Tuesday Niang didn't say a word, Zhang Ning just responded with a few words from time to time.As soon as Zhou Lishi opened his mouth to gossip, he exposed his vulgar inner nature. It was nothing more than clothes, jewelry, and gossip at home. Zhang Ning was not interested at all, but smiled politely.

But Zhang Ning catches Tuesday's Niang's eyes intentionally or unintentionally, and accidentally looks at each other, but she immediately avoids it but can't hide the fact.

Sure enough, she was still very interested in Zhang Ning.Many things can be concreted. For two men and women who have never met each other before, what the girl cares about is nothing more than a few specific things, such as rich and poor, high and low, appearance, appearance and etiquette.They are all things that can be seen with the eyes, that's all there is to it, and you can't blame others.

When you already have something, you can naturally feel confident.This kind of self-confidence experience was something that Zhang Ning in his previous life could not feel, so it turned out to be nothing more than that.

Zhang Ning sat in the hall for a while, then said goodbye and left.Blind dates in this era don’t intentionally leave space for men and women to get along alone, just look for opportunities to glance at each other; if it’s among the people, many people still cover it up, such as inviting the man’s family to have a cup of tea first, and the young lady doesn’t care about it in order to be reserved. He will come forward and hide for a few glances, and then find a time for the girl to show up a little so that the man can also take a look, and that's it.

The next day, Zhang Ning went to the Imperial Concubine's Garden to meet Yao Ji again, but this time Zhou Li's mother and daughter were not present.Yao Ji basically wanted to ask Zhang Ning if he was satisfied.

He only said: "Everything is decided by the concubine mother."

Yao Ji nodded and said: "Then I will write a letter to your father first, and then I will offer the Zhou family a dowry... Can you handle the affairs of the yamen?"

Zhang Ning said with a smile: "Daily affairs are nothing but practice makes perfect. We are surrounded by the same group of people, and the way of handling things is similar. There is not much difference between managing a prefecture and a county. Except for important matters, there are only three ways to deal with them on weekdays." Zheng: First, promulgate laws and regulations; second, describe the intention to the staff and council, and let them come up with detailed rules to achieve the goal; They do what they do.”

Yao Ji sighed slightly: "You have not had your parents to discipline you since you were young, but you have learned a lot."

This time for Zhang Ningcao to hold the marriage, she found the feeling of being an elder again, but it disappeared soon.She also investigated the reason, maybe Zhang Ning has grown up, and his ability and mind are no less than that of his elders, so Yao Ji can no longer discipline him; there is another important thing, although she is unwilling to admit it, in the general altar of the evil spirit cult. That secret, like a ghost, could not be dispelled, and made her lose the majesty of being an elder from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, Zhang Ning said again: "There is news recently, and the mother and concubine should also know about it. The imperial court sent several people to preside over Huguang affairs. The first is Yu Qian, the second is Wuyang Hou Xuelu, and Jin Yiwei Yu Qian is the governor of Huguang, and based on his rank, it can be concluded that the scale of the next counter-insurgency prepared by the government must be much larger than that of Zhu Yong, and we must make preparations as soon as possible."

Yao Ji asked, "How do you plan to deal with it?"

"Army expansion and preparations have never stopped. Father's entrustment of mother, concubine and me this time, as well as the marriage with the Zhou family, will allow more descendants of Yu Chen to join the Suzaku Army. We are also screening and recruiting from Chenzhou Prefecture. Expand the army bravely. But these conventional means are far from enough, and I am considering a more substantive policy strategy.” Zhang Ning said, “At present, we have occupied the entire territory of Chenzhou, Changde Gaodu County, Yuezhou Cili, Shimen and Lizhou. Governance of various places The most important thing is not political clarity and making people live and work in peace and contentment, but how to use these resources to maximize the transformation into armed strength, the only way is how to realize militarism according to local conditions..." He realized that his words were somewhat out of this era Description, after reacting, he was stunned and said, "Isn't it too boring for me to tell you about military affairs?"

Yao Ji shook her head and said, "Isn't what you said about Western Rome last time very good? You see, I still remember it very clearly. Although I found it strange to hear your words, I really like this tone, calm and serious; I can understand it too, this feeling is very good, very close..." Yao Ji's face blushed a little while she was talking, and she stopped speaking pretending to be calm when she came back to her senses.

Zhang Ning's eyes caressed her face, and he said again: "In the past, I considered the importance of occupying righteousness and being recognized. Public opinion is in the hands of landlords and scholars, so after occupying a place, they issued mediocre but effective laws and regulations. Recognized decrees, such as not disturbing the people, being kind to attracting scholars, etc. But the situation is increasingly making this kind of thinking go to a dead end, especially the deteriorating situation of the King of Han in Nanjing, making hope more and more slim. Force in this situation It is particularly important, and the king of Yan proved this truth back then."

"The so-called military state is to use all possible potential to carry out war. Whether it was the battle of Yongdingwei or the battle of Gaodu, our confrontation with Zhu Yong was just a comparison of the army. Huguang obviously has a population of tens of millions, but Zhu Yong It can only control a few thousand people; the same is true for us. There are tens of thousands of people in Gaodu County alone, but only a thousand people from the Suzaku Army can be used for combat. What did the others do in the war? Except that it is not easy The land was pulled to a small number of strong men to repair the city for transportation, and most of the food and supplies came from the government treasury. The huge resources could not be used in the war. The vast majority of people did not make any contribution after the war, whether it was for the government or the army. Or the Suzaku Army."

Yao Ji asked with great interest: "Since the people are unwilling to participate in the civil war for the army, let alone die for us, what can you do? Do you want to force the Latin husband?"

Zhang Ning said: "combat is not just fighting with soldiers and horses on the battlefield. There are many restrictions, such as logistics and military supplies, morale boosting, etc. In my opinion, the easiest source of morale is to benefit soldiers. No one can exploit military households. At the same time, prevent them from escaping on the battlefield... The war is life and death. For the people in power at this time, why should the nobles and gentry occupy and waste a lot of resources just for a good reputation? My idea is first of all. Leaning towards the military, those who are most beneficial to the battlefield will get the most benefits and status..."

... After careful consideration, he is eager to implement this reform.It is said to be "careful thinking", but in fact it only takes a few days, and there is a lack of field investigations and fixed-point experiments, but it is too impatient to make a decision that has shaken the core of governance for thousands of years.However, Zhang Ning has a bold basis. With his current situation and territory, he doesn't have to bear the mission of the rise and fall of the whole world. Why doesn't he dare to toss about?

The strategic intention is to "distribute resources to those who are beneficial to the war." Productivity and wealth (cake) are so big, if someone occupies a large piece, then some people will always spit it out.Who are the people who are good for the war?At present, there are no more than two kinds of people in power in the Zhuque Army's territory: the first is Zhang Ning's official staff, the people from the Senate, and the civilian officials stationed in various places; He is a man who can speak.

Those who participated in the decision-making, either made plans for the war, or led the troops, were all "people who were beneficial to the war."People do not kill for themselves, and the group of people involved in the decision-making has no reason to veto Zhang Ning's proposal; why should I sweat and sweat, and hold the power of life and death, but watch the gang of gentry and gentry enjoy the wealth and honor?If this kind of thing happens in a larger regime, there will of course be some civil officials who stand up for the "people" and "the country" to gain fame; but it is impossible for such people to appear within the Zhang Ning Group. Most of them are military generals. The cultural level of civil servants is not too high, the highest is precisely Zhang Ning himself, and the magistrate of Wang County is just a supervisor.

The Senate quickly came up with several specific means. "Expropriate" the fertile and flat cultivated land in the Chengxiang area, and distribute it to the officials and soldiers. The reason is that they can not only gather troops in the city fortress, but also can farm. The value is different. Sure enough, those people still can't escape the circle of farming thinking. The first benefit they think of is land, and the land in densely populated areas can be rented out by tenants to enjoy the benefits, and become landlords overnight; Serving as a local governor is a way to improve the political status of generals. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a rule of exchanging generals and entering prime ministers. Later, those in power realized the horror of warlord separatism, Song and Ming completely abolished it, and the second strategy of the Senate was also expected. Among them, the Ming society was based on officials, and after everyone wanted land, they wanted officials, that's all.

Many proposals made Zhang Ning quickly realize the side effect of this matter: the possibility of warlord separatism.In fact, it was hard to avoid this kind of situation when he proposed the strategy of militarism at the beginning. Isn’t it just the rhythm of warlords to let the soldiers get enough wealth and political status?From the perspective of social progress, doing so is completely backwards.

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