Ping An Biography

Chapter 254 Rainy Day

() Wuchang Mansion, Huguang Sansi Administrative Office.This is an ancient city, and its vicissitudes are revealed everywhere, with mottled walls, moss-covered courtyards, and severely worn stone slabs on the ground.

As soon as Yu Qian came out of the mansion, his face suddenly turned cold. When he looked up at the sky, he saw the raindrops changed from sparse to dense, and gradually it began to rain heavily.He stood there in a daze, watching the rain curtain pull away for a long time, and the noise of "squeaking" sounded in his ears.The entourage hurriedly kicked the horse's belly, and said as he walked: "My lord, wait a moment, the little one will go back and get the umbrella." Another person persuaded: "Go to the eaves to shelter from the rain."

He still sat on the horse without moving, as if he had fallen into a trance.But he was not in a daze, suddenly everything around him became clearer than ever.

Some people in the streets and alleys raised their arms in vain to cover their heads, running in the rain. The sudden heavy rain made people panic, but it added a bit of vitality to this ancient and antiquated city.Perhaps this city will still look like this thousands of years later, people have forgotten the great events that happened in the past; even now, people only value the small profits in front of them, and how many people have asked about the rise and fall of the country?

At this moment, I saw two oil-paper umbrellas "walking" in the stone alley next to the main street. Under the umbrella in front, I saw a light skirt fluttering in the wet wind, and the hem had been splashed. Yuhua got wet.The old streets and alleys, the new skirts, the color contrast is bright and beautiful, just like a painting.

Only then did Yu Qian realize that it seemed that it was his wife Dong who came over.It happened that the back door of the mansion was through this alley.

Dong walked up to the horse, only to see Yu Qian thinking blankly in the rain, his face was a little gloomy, and she also felt a little sad for no reason.She said softly: "Husband, get off the horse, I brought you an umbrella."

But Yu Qian asked an irrelevant question: "When it rains in Wuchang Mansion, does it also rain in Changde at the same time?"

"Why don't my husband write a poem and think about her." Dong said slightly sarcastically.A long time ago, "Miss Fang" wrote a letter to Yu Qian, who came from Changde Mansion.

After hearing this, Yu Qian flicked his sleeves and said: "A woman's opinion!" After saying that, he didn't need an umbrella, kicked his horse and shuttled away in the rain.


Changde also rained.One day later, the rain outside the city was full of people and horses like ants, and it was no longer peaceful.The ground was extremely muddy, not to mention firearms and bows, even horse soldiers were as slow as infantry.The officers and soldiers wearing iron armor and holding iron tools trudged through the mud with heavy steps. The coldness of the iron armor penetrated through the drenched clothes and stuck to the human muscles.

The Suzaku army can only be forced to fight in such bad weather.It is impossible for Zhang Ning to order to temporarily avoid the enemy's attack. The artillery can't be transported away on such a muddy road. If you want to retreat, you can only discard the luggage. How can you effectively attack the city without artillery?Once the troops are withdrawn, it means losing the opportunity to attack the city.

In fact, Zhang Ning and the Senate had long been prepared for fighting in the rain, but they didn't expect that the officers and soldiers would attack at such an inconvenient time. While torturing their opponents, they were probably tormenting themselves.Not only are long-range weapons unusable, but the clothes and armor of soldiers are much heavier than usual after being soaked in water; moreover, there were no concrete roads in ancient times. When it rains, the roads are mud pits.

The subordinates still wanted to take something to shelter Zhang Ning from the rain, but Zhang Ning refused, and rode on the horse to accompany the soldiers in the rain, and everyone was already soaked.Only Peach Blossom Fairy took a bamboo hat but didn't wear it, and hugged it to her chest... Zhang Ning understood the reason. There were no bras in ancient times, and women would disappear when the clothes were wet and stuck to their bodies.

Generals around scolded Xue Lu, but Zhang Ning looked very optimistic. He said loudly: "We don't want to destroy the enemy army in this damn weather, and the enemy army doesn't want to destroy us either. I don't believe it. The rain It can be played continuously for half a month!"

Everyone laughed, just having fun while suffering.

At this time Zhang Ning shouted: "The army is ready for war, ready to meet the enemy!"

The horn blew in the rain, and the sound of the rain could not cover up the heavy footsteps of the soldiers.The Chinese army did not intend to attack, and all the soldiers and horses shrank near the camp. Two groups of people and horses formed square formations on the north and south sides, and some people stayed in the camp to stand ready as a reserve team.

Zhang Ning was patrolling the camp on horseback slowly. The rain kept dripping from the brim of his hat. He wiped his face with his hand, but he tasted a salty taste at the corner of his mouth. It is estimated that the sweat that had dried up on his head was washed down by the rain. up.Damn, I haven't showered for almost ten days on a hot day, and it happened to be raining when I took a shower.

At this time, people were vaguely seen in the rain curtain, countless black figures seemed to be wriggling, so many people suddenly came in the rain, those who didn't know it thought they were people rushing to rescue the flood.

Zhang Ning raised his sword and shouted: "Let the enemy see that our Suzaku army is still an iron army without firearms!"

"The Suzaku army must win, must win..." "Long live!" All the troops shouted in the rain, and the two armies were getting closer.After the armor was wet, it was so dark that it was impossible to distinguish its color. For a while, the ground was slowly covered with a large area of ​​dark color, like dark clouds in the sky.

The officers and soldiers attacked from the north and the south, but the muddy roads and blurred vision prevented the attacks from being synchronized, and the officers and soldiers from the north came first.Wei Bin, who commanded the battle, was afraid that a large group of troops would collapse due to an accident when they crowded together, so he ordered the front one to actively advance to fight after the officers and troops approached.

The difference in strength between the two sides is not very big, the horizontal width is quite wide, most of the long-range weapons are useless, and the cavalry attack is also effective. It is impossible to prevent human beings from killing each other. If one day suddenly everyone is not allowed to use weapons, there may be scenes of large-scale beatings with fists and teeth.

At this moment, the father and son of the military band led their apprentices to play the flute, which added a bit of embellishment to the lifeless fight.Hundreds of household officials in the front row drew out their sabers one after another and shouted: "Attack!" The wet|drenched Suzaku flag was slowly laid down, and then raised again and again in the air.After a while, a large group of soldiers picked up their weapons and slowly began to move forward.

The formation is really not as neat as usual, people's steps are heavy and crooked, barely maintaining the formation.Although the Third Highness and the generals were encouraging in the formation just now, everyone was shouting for joy, and there was music accompanying them as they marched; however, the soldiers were still full of tension, and no one dared to say that they were really not afraid at all .

The infantry on both sides moved forward very slowly, like two long waves, until they were close enough to hear heavy panting.As discussed before, the two sides are the front two rows of spearmen, and the back is mainly swordsmen and shields; because this is the best way, the main melee weapons in the East in this era are originally knives and guns, and the hedge and formation in the front are very dense. , You need a weapon that is more than ten feet long, otherwise Rulin's long weapon rushes over, there is nowhere to hide and it can't be blocked.

"Kill!" "Kill!" People yelled frantically in the mud, and the spears had already connected, and the "crack" sound of wooden poles colliding with each other could be heard in the shouts.After a while, the mutual stabbing began. The screams and metal clanging were mixed together, and the sound of the rain made the battlefield even more noisy.The melodious orchestral music in the camp was suddenly overshadowed by the brutal and savage killing sounds.

Both sides were unable to maintain the attack gradient and impact. After a while, the formation began to be chaotic. Each armed with weapons fought in mud and blood, and there were even scenes of some people scuffling in mud pits.Sure enough, this way of fighting is still too inefficient. You can't rush and run, you can't run, you are all stuck in the mud, and almost all the people who rush to the front are wearing armor. If you are hit by a knife and a gun, you may not be killed or seriously injured. The killing efficiency is also low.The two sides fought for a long time, and each retreated with casualties.

In the afternoon, the official army in the south launched another attack, which was still ineffective.

The next day, the rain was much lighter.The Suzaku army changed their tactics. They no longer arranged in a horizontal formation, but advanced forward with several square formations. The gap between the square formations was larger, but it had greater depth.

After the two armies met the enemy again, the Suzaku army was fighting in front, and the rear picked up short spears that were only a few feet away and threw them together.Now the Suzaku army has a great advantage, their lethality has been significantly enhanced because of the deep strike.

From the past, the infantry of the Suzaku Army was equipped with one or two short spears, except for preparations for fighting in humid weather; the biggest reason was that in hand-to-hand combat, long spears could only be used at the beginning. A spear that is half a meter long is useless. If you can't stab people nearby, you have to use a waist knife, but it is easy to break the armor with a knife.Considering the soldiers' load and military expenses, the Senate equipped the infantry with short guns with wooden handles.Unexpectedly, it played a great role in this battle.

The official army was repelled on the battlefield of cold weapons.

On the third day, the rain stopped and the weather turned fine.

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