Ping An Biography

Chapter 257 Responsibilities

In the second hall of the government office, Xue Lu still asked for the second time in a questioning tone: "Zhang Yu's cavalry was defeated? He is in...the place called..." An aide next to him reminded: "Shichang Bay. "

This was not because Xue Lu was negligent, he knew the location of his cavalry, but the place where he was stationed last night was such an ordinary place that most people didn't pay attention to the name.If it wasn't for Zhang Yu's cavalry force of more than 3000 people collapsing overnight in Shichang Bay with heavy casualties, the place might never be lucky enough to appear in the mouth of government officials.

Yu Qian seemed to be a lot tired in one morning, and his face also looked a little yellow.What made him feel uncomfortable at this time was not only the news of the defeat, but also the intoxicating atmosphere.Suddenly lost a large group of cavalry, but everyone in the government was silent.

Yu Qian suddenly felt that the place was like a pool of stagnant water, without any vitality.The old carved windows in the government office, the mahogany chairs, and the civil servants and military generals sitting on them are all like old people.Everyone has a serious face, all of them seem to be very smart, and their words and deeds are decent and prudent. It is difficult for you to find a flaw in it, but it is very difficult to use it.

It has been nearly sixty years since the founding of the Ming Empire, and she is still very young in the unified Central Plains dynasty.However, since the Yongle period, the military system of the guard has shown a tendency to solidify. The generals on each floor are like a few chairs in this room. There are always those people sitting on them. Occasionally someone will be replaced by a new one when they are crowded out face.

This inexplicable feeling made Yu Qian feel a little tired and bored.Maybe he himself is not much different from everyone else. Although he is not yet 30 years old, his sitting posture is more stable than others, and he is full of official air. Even officials with gray hair and beard no one dares to underestimate his bearing; Walking the same path, he sought his background through the imperial examination, joined forces with important officials of the court, and always observed the wind direction in the officialdom.Some of the dreams I had when I was young seem to have been forgotten for several years.

After a while, Yu Qian finally recovered from this depressed mood gradually.The reality is simple: in the Ming Dynasty, those who were superior to ordinary people in terms of intellectual talent were willing to be officials. This road can not only get wealth, but also social status and fame, etc. There is always one thing you want.

"In the view of Marquis Wuyang, is it impossible to repel the rebels without cavalry?" Yu Qian asked cautiously.

Xue Lu frowned and said, "Without both artillery and cavalry, it would be extremely disadvantageous to fight with infantry alone. Anyone who has led soldiers knows that using the infantry's head to form a formation is usually the way to defeat the enemy. Formation is the key; the bottom line is to engage the two armies to kill and injure the enemy's soldiers and horses, forcing them to lose their morale and collapse, and take advantage of the situation to cover up the killing. Now the rebel infantry are waiting with sharp firearms, and they can wear iron armor within a hundred steps. We are at a disadvantage before we even meet the enemy, and this kind of tactics is really difficult to win."

Yu Qian nodded slightly in agreement. Although he is not a general, he can also imagine the situation on the battlefield.It should also be credible for the power of the rebel firearms to penetrate armor in one hundred steps.Not only Xue Lu and Zhu Yong confirmed it with actual combat, but even the news that Jin Yiwei had.

Gradually, some people began to propose some methods. Some people said that the main force should be withdrawn to Changde, Wuling and other cities, relying on fortifications to defend first, and then order Changsha to send more horsemen to help; Under the attack, the city defense can hold out until the reinforcements arrive, and Changsha is not controlled by the officers and generals present, and there is no guarantee that they will rush to rescue in time; it is even more difficult to guarantee that the rebels will be defeated.

War mobilization in this era is slow, especially in farming nations.Theoretically, the province of Huguang can gather an army of [-]. However, it is difficult for any major town to maintain such a large number of people. Most of them are scattered in the military fields of various guards or even among civilian military households. It takes a certain amount of time to gather to form a large army. time.Governor Yu and Marquis Wuyang are not gods, and they have no way of getting an army to Changde for reinforcement within a few days, and they have to defeat the enemy with superior firepower.

On the surface, everyone keeps making suggestions, but the situation has become worse after World War I in Shichang Bay.

The discussion ended in vain, and the sound of cannons outside the city was still roaring. At this time, the six doors, which made ordinary people daunted, also trembled in the sound of cannons.Yu Qian looked dignified on the way from the government office to the governor's residence.

He privately said to Wang Jian who was accompanying him: "Perhaps we should be fully prepared before going to war with the rebels. The time is not yet ripe. The more than 1 soldiers in Changde Mansion are the main force of the western Huguang prefectures, so there is no need to be buried in this place. "

Wang Jian hurriedly persuaded: "Students think that the officers and generals in Changde have not lost their fighting spirit. If they retreat without a decisive battle, it seems that our dignified officers and soldiers are afraid of a wave of rebels, which will damage the prestige of the officers and soldiers... It's okay to say it. Not very nice."

Wang Jian claimed to be a student in front of Yu Qian, but in fact he didn't really teach him, but just followed him out of respect.

Yu Qian understood the kindness of Wang Jian's words. He was not really afraid of losing the reputation of the officer and army, but he was thinking about Yu Qian.Originally, losing the city and land was a great crime. If Yu Qian came to order the abandonment of a mansion, and there were as many as [-] defenders in the mansion... This kind of thing is really difficult to explain in the officialdom of the court.Simply like this, it is better to defend the city and lose the battle. In this way, there will be more people who should be responsible for not defending the emperor's city.

If the city was not guarded, the governor, as a senior official who controlled the important military and political affairs of a province, also had certain responsibilities, but Xue Lu, the commander-in-chief in charge of military affairs, could not escape the responsibility, and even the people of Wuchang Third Division could be fined and punished; The magistrate of Changde Mansion, as a prefect of the prefecture, has the greatest responsibility to take over his own jurisdiction, and he cannot escape the blame.If something goes wrong, if the governor has a dark heart, he can find a scapegoat to solve the problem, such as Zhao Zhifu who seems to have no backing in the court.

After Yu Qian temporarily returned to the hotel, he sat on a stone in the yard for a long time, sometimes meditating, sometimes raising his head and sighing.Wang Jian has been standing beside him respectfully, never leaving him.

The servant brewed a cup of tea and brought it up. He looked carefully at the lid for a chip.Last night, a girl accidentally bumped the teacup. At that time, she was busy talking about getting a new one, but Yu Qian said that it would not affect the use, so she asked the girl to stay.

After a long time, Yu Qian finally said calmly to Wang Jian: "Go and tell Marquis Wuyang, just pass on my order, let him prepare as soon as possible, and formulate a strategy for the withdrawal of the official army from Changde."

Wang Jian was stunned for a moment, knowing that Master Qing had already made up his mind, but he still couldn't help reminding again: "Is it really necessary to order like this? Maybe Mr. Xue and others want to seal the official document."

Yu Qian looked up at the endless sky, and said lightly: "Everyone knows that the best way right now is to retreat temporarily, so as to preserve the strength of the more than 1 soldiers for future encirclement and suppression, instead of being buried here needlessly. But there are always people who want to Bearing this responsibility, Yu Mou thinks that this responsibility is still acceptable. If someone wants to use this to say something in the future, then let others say it, I just want to have a clear conscience."

After hearing this, Wang Jian gave a deep bow and said respectfully, "Student obeys."

Soon Xue Lu, the prefect Zhao Min, the general Tan Yousheng Ma Dai and others all came to meet Yu Qian in the residence, and they didn't even have time for lunch.This group of people are not fools, whether they are civil or military, and they know that Yu Qian is taking the initiative to take the blame for them.

People's hearts are long, and Yu Qian really blocked the gun. Some generals were grateful and asked to lead the army as a forward to fight a battle to see the effect.But Yu Qian made up his mind, and said to everyone: "As the governor of Huguang, I am only concerned about Changde. Huguang is in troubled times, and Zhang Ning's rebels are not the only ones who are sick. The governors have their own arrangements. Generals Just follow orders."

Everyone saw that Yu Qian had no expression on his face, as if he was hiding a deep secret.Seeing this, one or two people wondered whether Wuchang was threatened by the King of Han, so all parts of Huguang should try their best to preserve their strength and so on.

Under such circumstances, Yu Qian insisted on ordering again, and everyone readily agreed to plan the withdrawal of the army from Changde Mansion.

But as soon as they came out, Wang Jian caught up and bowed to Xue Lu: "Just now when Lord Hou left, my mentor said a few words. I think I should tell Lord Hou. Xue Lu said: "Mr. Wang, please explain. "

"My teacher said, a man can bend and stretch. There are few people in the world who know how to give up, and even fewer people know how to advance and retreat." Wang Jian said.

When Xue Lu and others were thinking about this sentence, Wang Jian said again: "The governor is unwilling to let the soldiers die needlessly. He hopes that the generals will be brave after knowing their shame, and take the courage to make meritorious deeds in the future to avenge their shame."

After hearing this, Xue Lu looked solemn, glanced into the door of the hotel, and bowed respectfully to the door.The other officials and generals were much more exaggerated. Zhao Zhifu knelt down at the bottom of the steps and wept bitterly, choked up and said: "My lord Yu's face is like a stone, and his heart is like a Bodhisattva. I just wish I could be a school boy under his old man's door. Just in case of internal cultivation! Sir Yu is not only a role model for us as officials, but also like the reborn parents of officials and people..."

Zhao Min was born in a poor family and made it to the magistrate level. He is dressed in a red robe, so it is impossible not to understand what is going on right now; his excitement is partly due to his gratitude for his escape from death, and on the other hand, he also has a genuine respect for Qian in his heart. .

Some people say that if you want to know the truth of a friendship, you can try it with money; but in the officialdom, the pros and cons are more effective, and the instinct of seeking benefits and avoiding harm is more effective.Zhao Min had no choice but to accept.

Soon after, Xue Lu also gave a speech in the army to reprimand: From Gaodu to Chenzhou, and then to Changde, the officers and soldiers were defeated again and again. Only the battle of Lizhou won a small victory. The traitors and generals are all responsible. If the bandit army cannot be wiped out and the place is calmed down, everyone present should plead guilty to the emperor instead of shamelessly shirking responsibility.

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