The wooden pillars in the teahouse showed a dark red after the faded red paint, and the rustling of the wind blowing through the treetops sounded outside the window.Zhu Heng's expression was as gloomy as the environment, "People's hearts are sinister, I have to be paranoid."

The coquettish woman sneered and said: "I'm sorry, Zhu Butang is worried that we will come to 'fish'." Zhu Heng was noncommittal, but acquiesced, but he was a little surprised at the good sense of this female class.Seeing this, the woman said: "The King of Han lacks sincerity, so there are things like this. Perhaps it is wise for Zhu Butang to vote for the Ming Lord."

The woman took out a piece of paper while talking, "This is the document ordered by the superior. We have a single-line contact and only recognize one Shangfeng, so only handwriting is enough." "The chapters of the novel are updated the fastest. Zhu Butang The said seal is meiyou."

Zhu Heng's eyes were sharp, and he had already noticed that when the woman pulled out the paper, the lacquer seal on the envelope had traces of seals.He also heard the woman talking about the King of Han, and he felt that these people were probably not colleagues and political enemies; colleagues would not blame the King of Han in such a relaxed tone inadvertently.

"Okay, I believe you." Zhu Heng said decisively.He is not an overly cautious person, and often acts on his own judgment.Although he really felt that the political opponents were keneng using such indiscriminate means, but even if things had come to an end, the result would not be too bad.

The woman was surprisingly calm, and said after listening, "Very good. Zhu Butang has really decided?"

Zhu Heng asked back: "Does this old man seem to be procrastinating?"

"Without further delay, Mashang will start preparing, so that even the servants of Zhu Butang's family will not have time to know about it." The woman said, "Preparation means changing clothes for Zhu Butang's yidianshijian, don't bring anything else, including The money and things are delicate, and I believe that King Xiang will treat you well when you get there. The first step of the plan is to leave your mansion in a calm and peaceful manner, so I have to trouble Zhu Butang to change into the clothes of a servant, and pretend to be a jeweler in the dark Go out; and one of us will be left behind, so that there will be as many coming in as going out. When we have left the mansion in good order, those who remain will try to get out."

Zhu Heng nodded, thinking that this method is still feasible now. The people monitoring Zhu's residence are very loose, because he is in Nanjing, and he is a high-ranking official, and the nearby state capitals are all controlled by the King of Han. I'm afraid no one thinks He is going to run away now.

The woman pondered for a moment, and then said: "Zhu Butang can take one more person, at most one, if there are more, I'm afraid there will be problems and everyone will not be able to get away. You decide quickly, who to take away..."

Once Zhu Heng ran away, the King of Han Mansion might not be polite to the rest of the Zhu family, so of course Zhu Heng should bring the most important and closest people with him.

Peach Blossom Fairy expects him to say that he will take his wife away, the wife who has shared weal and woe with him for many years; if this is the case, Peach Blossom Fairy would rather Ziji stay and give Zhu Heng's wife the first place to go.

But Zhu Heng quickly replied: "Let the dog Zhu Sheng go with the old man." In fact, this is a reasonable thing, but Peach Blossom Fairy is slightly disappointed after hearing this.

Before Zhu Heng left, he explained to the butler of the house, and asked the butler to send them out. Peach Blossom Fairy said loudly on purpose: "If Madam thinks the things in our shop are good, please come to my shop again next time."

Sure enough, it went smoothly, and the few sergeants outside the door just watched from a distance, and didn't bother to ask.

Peach Blossom Fairy and Zhu Heng, who had put on a green robe and square scarf, got into the carriage. After the carriage and horses left the mansion, she breathed a sigh of relief: "The most important thing is to leave the border of Nanzhili as soon as possible. After we leave the city, Zhu Butang and Master Ling then changed to horses, and we drove all night."

Zhu Hengdao: "After sunset, the gates of all cities in Nanjing must be closed. Besides, the imperial soldiers and horses are in Jiangbei at this time, and the city is heavily guarded. How can we get out of the city now?"

Peach Blossom Fairy said: "Zhu Butang is in charge of the military affairs, but he didn't notice many flaws in the city defense, right? But it's no wonder Zhu Butang, you can't do everything yourself if you have a lot of troubles, you still have to rely on the people below."

At this moment, the man driving the car in front turned around and interjected: "Snakes have snake ways, rats have rat ways, Mr. Zhu just don't worry, I have my own ways."

When the carriage arrived near Xishui Pass, the group of people abandoned the cart for another week, rowed a black-covered boat without holding a lamp, and touched the front of the pass.The man who was driving the car stood on the deck and whispered a few words to a military general, and only heard a few sporadic words, "We have a batch of things to go, and we can't check..." "The limelight is getting tighter, your business It’s best to stop the business for a while and see the direction of the wind.” “What you eat is the food on the edge of the knife. If you are afraid of me, you won’t do this business. Don’t worry, even if you are caught, you won’t stab your brother out. Last time I fell. Brother, are you okay? There are rules and regulations, just keep your heart in your stomach..."

After a while, the awning boat passed the barrier quietly and easily, leaving Zhu Heng a little dumbfounded.

Going out of the city, a group of people had already stored a fast horse in a carriage and horse shop, and walked after taking things.The carriage and horse dealers and porters who help these stalls are also mixed with fish and snakes, and there are many people running the rivers and lakes.

At this time, Zhu Heng gradually felt more at ease. The accompanying people should indeed be from Jianwen's side. Ruguo is a trap, so there is no need to run so far.Zhu Heng started chatting with them on the road.

It turned out that the woman belonged to the King of Xiang, and the other four were the elaborations of the Jianwen Lord's people in Nanjing.The woman claimed that she was ordered by the king of Xiang, and she came to Nanjing to find an opportunity to arrange eyeliner. After inquiring about Zhu Butang from Jian Wenjun's people, she decided to participate temporarily.

Zhu Hengda understood the guanxi among them, and he couldn't help thinking: Could it be that Zhang Ning's letter was originally a trap set up by him, deliberately tipping off the letter to let the officials intercept it, so that he could lure Zhu Heng into his gang?

However, he felt that this kind of thing was not very keneng, it was too mysterious, so it was not true, but the words from the woman who was traveling with him were more reasonable. Zhang Ning, King of Hunan in Bijing, does not need to use this method to attract talents; Zhang Ning should not focus on Nanjing now, but on how to deal with Yu Qian, the governor of Huguang.

At this time, the woman suddenly said: "Zhu Butang should have a concubine room besides his wife?"

Zhu Heng stroked the thick beard of his chin, closed his mouth and made a meaningless sound as an answer. In his opinion, this kind of question is useless.

The woman said again: "Madam is staying in Nanjing, I'm afraid the situation is worrying now."

Zhu Heng sighed: "I really feel sorry for the old man. But there are thousands of families in the world, and the family affairs of the old man alone are just a drop in the ocean compared to the affairs of the world."

Unexpectedly, the woman snorted coldly.Zhu Heng also didn't want to argue with him. If his mind was exchanged for the insight of a scholar, he should naturally be appreciated.

As the distance from Nanjing got farther and farther away, Zhu Heng gradually felt that he had escaped a catastrophe for the time being.Thinking back to what happened not long ago, he couldn't help sighing; thinking about the future, he didn't know what the road ahead would be.But right now, it is really embarrassing, fleeing with the eldest son, almost alone, and the management in the officialdom in the past has disappeared, like a bereaved dog.

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