Ping An Biography

Chapter 285 Can't Have Fun

() Yao Ji's voice is so sweet, like a whisper, listening to her is like an analgesic, Zhang Ning seems to feel that the negative mood that bothers him is gradually fading away. <-> What's more, she seems to be whispering, a woman who has come from all kinds of sinister battles, is very scheming, and it is extremely difficult to open her heart to others, when she whispers those words intimately in her ear , Zhang Ning has been completely addicted, as if forgetting the world.

"In my room yesterday, I blamed you for looking forward and backward. I didn't mean it, but because I was moved in my heart, I didn't know why I had to say something to cover it up. In fact, I would rather see you as a person who loves you now. I was born in During the Hongwu period, I also saw Taizu once, and King Yan also saw it. There is more than one person in the world who can be called a hero, but I have never seen a real hero like Ping An. Women are like playthings, why should a woman bother to admire someone who despises her?"

"You once remembered that you said before that you want to conquer a large territory, let me live in a luxurious palace, have thousands of servants to serve, and enjoy the world. I look forward to the day before I grow old, as gorgeous as summer flowers , even if he dies immediately, he will have no regrets."

Zhang Ning didn't know when he sat up, but he raised his arm without any difficulty and shook it, and hurriedly said, "Well, it's good to hear, don't say hell, I'm still young, and you're not old either."

Yao Ji saw that Zhang Ning's gaze swept across her wet tube top intentionally or unintentionally, she did not cover it up artificially, but smiled and said: "Actually, my waist is better. Didn't you bother in the main arena?" Know how to appreciate it?"

On the contrary, Zhang Ning couldn't bear it anymore, and hurriedly avoided his gaze.

After a moment of silence, Yao Ji whispered again: "Are you a little curious about the usefulness of that jade pot that I broke yesterday? It should be as useful as you imagined, but my original intention was not yin |Evil thing. I got an ancient book. It is recorded in an ancient book that mixes several kinds of herbs with warm water, washes the stomach and intestines and pours them into it to drive away internal poison and prevent the growth of fat on the waist... But you don’t understand, once a woman reaches the middle Years are extremely difficult, if my figure changes because of this, I will really die. The greatest benefit God has given me is this appearance. I have been used to it for so many years, and it is hard to bear to lose it. "

Zhang Ning was well-informed during the consultation period, but most of them were hearsay, and he had never seen it with his own eyes; at this time, he was blushed by the very feudal Yao Ji.He glanced left and said: "Just now you said that you can't stay here for long, you are indeed right. You are not chaotic in the face of danger, and I am ashamed. Let's find a way to get out of here first."

"I'll help you, can you get up... You don't have to call yourself a son-in-law in the future, but it's awkward." Yao Ji stepped forward to help him, but her arms were a little weak, but Zhang Ning was wearing heavy armor and iron, so he couldn't help him. stand up.Her face was very close, and she exhaled like blue, Zhang Ning felt that his mind was very refreshing.

Zhang Ning said: "I have to take off the armor, it's useless now, and it will increase the trouble." Yao Ji then helped him, unfastening the buckles of the joints.He added: "As long as we get out of this ghostly place first, I have to quickly order Zhu Heng to mobilize the main force to Chenzhou. When we arrive in Chenzhou, it should last for a month or two; Chenzhou has weapons workshop tools left over from before, although they are not as new as Changde, and the raw materials are also scarce, but with technical experience, it is still possible to manufacture small-caliber field guns. Arrived. At that time, our strategic thinking is to find the main force of the enemy and fight to the death as soon as possible to avoid being dragged down. The chances are not completely gone..."

Yao Ji said softly: "I believe you can do it, and I will never lose you."

Zhang Ning took off the heavy iron armor on his body, and the helmet had already fallen somewhere.Seeing that Yao Ji's clothes were thin and bare, he took off his muddy military uniform and put it on for her, but she didn't refuse.Yao Ji is tall and tall, but Zhang Ning's clothes are still too big, probably because women show her figure better.

He examined the injuries on his body. Fortunately, his legs and feet were not seriously injured, and he was able to stand up and walk, but he might have some internal injuries and chest tightness after the heavy fall.The two supported each other and limped towards the bushes, deciding to stay away from the accident site first.

The trees in this area are mainly pine trees with needle-pointed leaves. There was no one in the forest, and Zhang Ning's legs and feet felt sharp after walking slowly all day.But his stomach became hungry, and he muttered casually: "I'm so hungry."

Yao Ji could only say that she was hungry, and there was nothing she could do. She had lived in the palace since she was a child, and she didn't have to worry about the source of food and clothing at all. < ren did earn a living in the city, but grew up in the countryside when he was a child, and he did things like catch crabs and fish.

Yao Ji sat on a piece of bluestone and watched him quietly. He rolled up his trousers and was very busy in the stream.Some things can't be forgotten for decades, such as catching crabs, most of them can be touched under rocks or in caves by the stream... Of course, the premise is that the stream is not polluted.The crab wants to pinch his fingers, but it doesn't matter, as long as he touches its back shell and grabs it out, and then puts it on the ground, it will naturally let go of the crab's legs if it wants to escape.

The aquatic products in the ancient creek were more abundant than expected, and Zhang Ning soon reaped a lot.With Yao Ji by his side, he became inexplicably in a good mood. For a while, he felt that such a simple happiness is also very good... But most of it can only be a dream. People have had this simple yearning since ancient times, but they can Very little is done.Human beings cannot survive like this, let alone be satisfied with it.

After that, a very simple question stumped Zhang Ning and the others, and there was no fire.Just after the light rain, the branches and fallen leaves were all wet, and there was no kindling, so there was no way to start a fire... I had to eat raw to satisfy my hunger.

Zhang Ning said casually: "The harvest is poor in Chenzhou, but there are more water nets here. During the famine, the common people catch some fish and shrimps and add wild vegetables and bark, so maybe fewer people will starve to death."

Yao Ji persuaded: "The famine in Chenzhou was mainly caused by the looting of the Miao Jiang rebellion, and it has nothing to do with you. After we occupied Changde, we did not see the scene of the leaves withering."

According to estimates, this place should already be the boundary of Chenzhou, at least close to Chenzhou.Thinking about it, it is still Zhang Ning's ruling area for the time being. He holds the power of life and death here, but what's the use now?Power also requires certain conditions to be realized.

"Although we are walking slowly, we have been walking for a whole day. The number of officers and soldiers is far away, and the number will not be too many. They cannot conduct a large-scale search in the non-controlled area." Zhang Ning said, "We still have to find the people To help, one is to ask for directions, and the other is to get some supplies, and it would be even better if you can get a horse."

Ordinary villagers are not in any danger. Most of the ordinary people are good people and dare not do any big things lightly.It is only really dangerous to meet an assassin like Peach Blossom Fairy on the way from Nanjing to escape from the capital.

But it's better to be careful in everything, Zhang Ning was afraid that his military uniform would cause some unexpected troubles, so he planned to steal two sets of clothes from someone who could buy them in the dark.He found a place on the mountain for Yao Ji to hide and wait for him. Yao Ji grabbed his hand and told him to be careful, with a panicked look on his face.In such a situation, she would not appear to be very fragile in anything, and her dependence on Zhang Ning was beyond words.

"I will definitely come back as soon as possible, wait for me." Zhang Ning said kindly.



Late autumn season ÿoc; during the day is fine ÿoc;Noo;ԣo; late Noa; ;wrapped in the body Noa; also o2a; odc; in ٞo; oo77;










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