Zhang Ning's right leg was splinted, and there was a slight fracture; the cheekbone on the right cheek was severely burned, and the gauze used to bandage the wound could only be tied to his head with thread, making him look like a wounded patient. It doesn't matter if there are a few skin traumas outside.Even if there is any hidden injury, the doctor may not be able to detect it. He really feels that it is a bit unreliable to diagnose the condition of human internal medicine only by taking the pulse.

The doctor said to take rest, but that is unrealistic.Zhang Ning entertained many people one after another at the Chu Palace, and Zhu Heng and other bureaucrats from the Senate Department came to investigate.  Desolation Yi trouble  籸uguo did not let them see it with their own eyes, which may cause some unnecessary speculation.Yao Ji, Zhou Zhouniang and others also came here one after another.

He also roughly figured out the ins and outs of the fire, and it was certain that someone set the fire, but there was no evidence to prove that it was instigated by someone.First of all, Zhang Ning instinctively suspected that Jianwen's people were out of revenge; but if there was a premeditated plan, arson would seem too absurd, and it would be child's play hastily for a major political counterattack.Therefore, in the absence of evidence for speculation, it is more reasonable to regard it as an accidental event.

When Yao Ji came to visit, he didn't say a word of blame. Out of an unspeakable state of mind, he was even willing to see her do this.But not long after Jianwen arrived in Wuchang, Yao Ji's sudden attack on the main hall was too hasty, which was not conducive to the stability of the situation... Perhaps the incident of arson has reminded Yao Ji that everything is self-evident, and some words may be superfluous, so they simply avoid it Talk about good.

In the afternoon, another person came to the room.The lady who came in changed into a light gray cross-collar gown. Zhang Ning thought for a while before realizing that it was Xin Wei, the sword servant in white who "met" in the teahouse the day before yesterday.If it wasn't for the short interval, Zhang Ning would not have recognized her all of a sudden. The woman's makeup changed as if her appearance was also different.The day before yesterday Xin Wei was dressed as a couple in a long red dress, but today she wears her hair in a bun and wears a square scarf. [

It was a little surprising that she was still alive, so Zhang Ning asked casually, "Why are you here?"

Xin Wei bowed and bowed, and replied: "Mrs. Yao asked me to come. From now on, I will belong to the prince, and I will be at your disposal. Mrs. Yao...she also said..." She was a little hesitant at this point, "She said, what the prince likes, she won't hurt easily."

Zhang Ning smiled, and understood Yao Ji's thoughts after a little thought.Did she send Xin Wei here to apologize to herself implicitly?After all, she was responsible for the fire that almost burned Xiaomei Zhang to death.

He asked again: "Madam Yao didn't kill you the day before yesterday, what did she say?"

Xin Wei was puzzled and said: "Madam promised that as long as I... serve the prince, she will spare my life."

"That's it..." Zhang Ning pretended to be contemplative, and paused for a while before saying, "It's true to say that, although you are no longer a sword servant in white, you probably won't tell the secrets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Xin Wei couldn't help asking: "Could it be that Mrs. Yao lied to me in the first place, and that the lord begged for me? Presumably... Even if Mrs. Yao still wants to kill me, there is nothing I can do."

Hearing this, Zhang Ning thought to himself, no wonder so many of Yao Ji's servants didn't commit capital crimes, it's just that Miss Xin Wei hit the knife edge, sometimes people want to die, it's no wonder others.Zhang Ning did intend to induce Xin Wei to say the wrong thing just now, of course he himself would not say anything clearly to make people grasp the ground, and he said verbally, "I won't mention this matter." With such words, in case Xin Wei later She slipped her mouth again, and she couldn't express exactly what Zhang Ning said, the so-called keeping nothing.

He thought for a while and then said: "I heard that Xiao He, Zhang Xiaomei's valet, was beaten up. I'm afraid she won't be able to work for a few days. You will take care of her for Xiao He first, would you like to?"

Xin Wei hurriedly said: "From now on, the prince asks me to do anything."

Zhang Ning mny said: "That's fine, Xiaohe's waiter may be okay, but she will be frightened when she encounters something, and she can't be trusted at all when something happens. I will rest assured that I will have you by my little girl's side from now on." gone."

Xin Wei knew that Zhang Ning didn't care to save his sister's life, obviously he valued her very much, so she hurriedly agreed, "Your subordinate will obey."

Zhang Ning nodded, and said in a casual tone: "By the way, since you are in the palace, if you find out what's going on with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you can tell me."


... After dinner, no one came to disturb Zhang Ning.Zhang Xiaomei ran over again with a cane, tired of being here, she hadn't pestered Zhang Ning like this for a long time.She hurt her leg, not from falling from the pavilion last night, she was injured in the room after the fire broke out; it is said that she was scratched by something, it was only a skin trauma, and she did not move her muscles and bones.

Sitting on the bed, Zhang Ning had just opened the official file that Zhu Heng had brought over, so he ignored her and went through things by himself.The little girl also knows how to play with folding things with white paper in front of the table.The two brothers and sisters stayed in the room silently, but they were relaxed.

Not long after, a middle-aged fat woman knocked on the door and came in, and said to Zhang Xiaomei cautiously: "Miss, the medicine on the wound should be changed, let's go first."

The little girl shook her head and said, "Bring me the medicine, I'll change it myself later, I'm fine and don't need someone to take care of me."

This fat woman is very unfamiliar, Zhang Ning has never seen it before, and it is estimated that she was temporarily sent to take care of Zhang Xiaomei.She didn't dare to talk too much against her orders, so she brought in a bamboo basket filled with odds and ends, told her to remember to change her medicine, and left. [

After a while, Miss Zhang came to Zhang Ning's bedside and whispered, "Brother, please apply the medicine for me."

Zhang Ning put down the things in his hands and asked casually, "Where is the wound, on the calf?"

The little girl lowered her eyebrows, and said quietly: "On the thigh...I'm embarrassed to lift up the skirt in front of you, it's better to ask brother to help."

Zhang Ning: "..."

He glanced at Zhang Xiaomei, only to see that her eyes were drooping, her cheeks were flushed, and she looked shy. It was obvious that she didn't know everything at this age, and Tuesday Niang and her had been married for a long time.He had to admit in his heart that girls like Zhang Xiaomei were his favorite type in his previous life. He liked her the first time he saw her a few years ago, with fair skin, beautiful eyes, small mouth, delicate face, silky black | Long straight hair.

And the truth is that he has no moral pressure on Zhang Xiaomei at all, and he is not close; he also likes her acting like a baby.Since the murder of Zhang's uncle and his family, the little girl has been very dignified in front of her, but she feels more and more alienated... Zhang Ning is very happy that she can be like before now.

It's just that I always feel a little bad, not because I don't want to accept it, but because I'm afraid that one day my little sister will suddenly realize it and look down on my own moral corruption.A teenage girl with the same thoughts as Mayday, who knows what will happen?

But is it really necessary for her to ask so harshly, which makes her feel ashamed and disappointed?At this time, Zhang Xiaomei looked up with a blushing face, and her eyes showed a hint of timidity. Maybe she was also worried about being rejected?A young lady at this age wants to save face the most.

"Go and lock the door, in case someone breaks it and there will be a misunderstanding." Zhang Ning said softly.

The little girl lowered her head and let out a "hmm", then slowly went to latch the door with a cane.After such a process, the atmosphere became more and more unnatural. She lowered her head, her hair that had not been carefully combed fell down and covered her face.When she sat back on the bed again, she casually brushed the hair on the temples with her fingers. The movement of brushing the temples with her fingertips was very gentle. This small movement made Zhang Ning's heart thump, a burst of pure warmth Warmth and throbbing surged into his heart.

She sat for a while, unable to say anything, and quietly lifted her long skirt from her ankles.The Ruqun women’s dresses of the Ming Dynasty were originally long, and the more conservative clothes covered the body tightly, and there was no skin exposed at all; but the more so, the more attractive when the legs are exposed... It’s like The women in swimsuits at the beach have most of their skin exposed, but seeing their bare|legs is not so mysterious.

Zhang Ning was stunned to see the jade-like white and slender thighs protruding from under the long skirt.At this time, Zhang Xiaomei reminded in a low voice: "Remove the gauze wrapped around the legs first, there are crushed herbs in the basket, like paste yyng..."

Zhang Ning held his breath, feeling a little nervous in his heart. Fortunately, his hands were more stable than before, and he was doing trivial things silently.He wiped the old medicine carefully with a towel, then found the "paste" in the basket, and rubbed it on her wound with his fingers.There was a long cut on the smooth skin of the thigh, which was stitched with needles and threads. This was probably one of the few surgical operations in ancient medicine, but it was unknown whether it would leave scars after healing. It was a pity that such a good skin.

Because he was afraid that the herbal medicine would stain her skirt, Zhang Ning casually pushed the skirt up again, and the little girl tremblingly said: "Pull it up a bit, and the little clothes (underpants) will be seen by my brother."

"I've already seen it, with lace...the one with the hollow side?" Zhang Ning said.

"Brother is good or bad!" Zhang Xiaomei whispered, "...I didn't know there was such a thing before, so I blamed the corset that my brother gave me. It was very beautiful. Later, I preferred obscene clothes made of this material."

After finally changing the external medicine, Zhang Ning unhurriedly pulled down her skirt to cover it.At this time, I heard the voice of the little girl again: "Is there something in the quilt, why is it arched?"

Zhang Ning was embarrassed, but saw the little girl looking at the quilt with curious eyes without any pressure, as if she really didn't understand, rather than teasing herself deliberately.Seeing this, he calmly stretched out his hand to the quilt, and pressed something on his lower abdomen, and the other outside hand naturally stretched out and pressed it lightly, "It's nothing, it seems to be a belt."

After a while, he asked calmly again: "Yao Erlang, have you met him before, are you really not that thoughtful?"

Zhang Xiaomei pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head without hesitation.

"Actually, I think Zhou Zhong of the Zhou family is more handsome, but unfortunately he seems to be engaged." Zhang Ning said.

The little girl leaned her head and whispered next to Zhang Ning: "Unless my brother can find someone who loves me more than you in this world." [

Zhang Ning was puzzled, and remembered that one of the words was said by himself, and it was learned by his younger sister more than once.

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