Ping An Biography

Chapter 350 The Test of Courage

About [-] to [-] steps away was a white smoke, and the soldiers of the Suzaku Army could hear the noise of the officers and soldiers in the distance. Maybe behind the white smoke, they were changing their muskets and preparing to shoot again, because the three-stage attack of the Shenji Battalion was such a tactic.After shooting in the front row, hand over the muskets to the back row in exchange for loaded weapons, so as to ensure the shooting speed in turn. Those who are arranged in the first row are all soldiers who are best at shooting.

"Hold on! Hold on!" Commander Huang of the First Army's left post shouted loudly, boosting morale. The general's face was dark and rough, but he should be no older than 30 years old. Most of the officers in the Suzaku Army are very young.Everyone stood there waiting, the wounded soldiers who fell down were groaning in pain, and some of the survivors couldn't help turning over their shields to see the marks on them.

The white smoke gradually blew away in the wind, and looking around, I saw the officers and soldiers set up the brackets again and lined up the firearms.At this moment, the soldiers of Suzaku can only pray, but they don't know which god to pray to.Commander Huang said solemnly to a general next to him: "The second round." It seemed that everyone had become unable to count, maybe he was just emphasizing it, because every count has the price of death and injury.As soon as the words fell, the flames flashed into one piece, and the "cracking" gunpowder explosion sounded over.

Some of the soldiers of the Suzaku Army in the front row died again. Amidst the shouts of the generals, the soldiers behind stepped forward to pick up their shields and filled the gap left.The camp remained motionless.

The battle line was very noisy, not only people were heard screaming for help, but when there were too many people talking loudly, it became as noisy as a market, and there were many people who ordered to fill the vacancies and asked for fire.Then came the third shot. The left post of the First Army stood at a distance of more than eighty steps and received three salvos. [

After the rain had passed, the commander finally shouted: "The whole army obeys the order and marches together!" The generals all around blew their wooden whistles, and the people left a lot of wounded people and corpses on the ground and started to move forward again.The sound of the gunfire had ceased, only the occasional roar of cannon from afar.Marching in an extremely wide linear formation is not very orderly, but it is advancing like a wave, and the momentum is still very spectacular.

Sure enough, Shenji Battalion's muskets were reloading extremely slowly, and after three rounds of volleys were fired, Ban Tianfa was ready to attack again.By the time they loaded the muskets after the first salvo and teleported to the front, the left post of the First Army of the Yongding Camp had already approached within forty paces.

The gunpowder smoke on the open space in the middle has dissipated after a while, and even the face and expression of the other party can be seen clearly at such a close distance.More than forty steps are neither far nor close, and the use of long spears as weapons on the battlefield is only to increase the attack distance of a few steps, which is probably the case when it can be seen but not touched.

A whole row of matchlock guns was calmly raised amidst shouts, and it was time for the officers and soldiers on the opposite side to panic.Thousands of people stood densely in a small area, and it was difficult to even move. Once the weapons were not ready, the situation was disadvantageous, and there was nothing they could do if they saw guns pointed at them.

"Bang bang bang..." The fire seemed to shoot out in front of him, and the white smoke rose together on the horizontal plane two arrows away, the scene was very grand.The people in the Shenji camp fell like mowing grass. With such a close-range salvo, the dense lead would wipe out life like harvesting.At least half of the first platoon of the Shenji Battalion suffered casualties, and the death rate was extremely high.The rage that explodes with gunpowder, if a person who has been suppressed by hatred for many years finally erupts, approaching a salvo is like a devastating trial.

Human will and courage were greatly tested in the face of the instant destructive power of gunpowder weapons.When a person at the back of the line who feels safe for the time being suddenly finds that almost all the brothers in front have died in an instant, one can imagine the feeling in his heart.

As soon as a round of volleys was over, the formation of the Suzaku army immediately began to move, and the soldiers exchanged positions under the order of the generals.The left post was not attacked after marching to the combat position, the team was well-organized and the organization remained perfect, and the action at this time was still very efficient.

When the second row of the Suzaku Army's muskets were raised horizontally and the spears were stabbing, the formation of the Shenji Battalion was already in turmoil, and the ranks were in chaos.Most of their front row were killed, the firearms they had just reloaded were thrown everywhere, and the people behind were still busy preparing medicine, so they had no strength to fight back.

As a human being, is it really possible to regard death as home and overcome the basic desire to survive?If it is possible to not be afraid of death, I am afraid that no one is willing to die like this... Like criminals, gathered together to be slaughtered like cattle, there is no such thing as a blood-boiling grandeur, no matter if you are a hero or a coward, you will be finished when the lead flies. "Kill!" "Kill!" Suddenly, someone shouted twice, as if dying, and then heard someone shouting: "Brothers, fight, go!"

The Shenji Battalion is indeed an elite team, and they can still intend to fight back at this time, but elite soldiers are also composed of people.The charge attack is only easy to succeed when the advantage is gained. It was already chaotic, and with the temporary order, the command and coordination could not be coordinated. The battle formation with a width of more than 200 steps was noisy, and many people heard the shouts. not see.So some people really rushed up with their swords drawn, while some stood there not knowing what happened.

The counterattack only attracted the second round of salvo from the Suzaku Army. The rain poured down amidst the smoke and fire, and a large number of living people fell down like sacks. Flesh and blood splattered, and the red blood line formed a line of blood in the air. Fog, weapons and debris were thrown everywhere, and the battlefield was a mess.Those who survived were no longer willing to stand at the entrance of hell and wait stupidly. The officers and soldiers of the Shenji Battalion fled back one after another, and the whole army collapsed.

The left post of the First Army was ordered, but did not charge to pursue. People were busy reloading the gun barrels with cleaning rods.There was a muffled sound of "rumbling" on the ground. Commander Huang looked back and saw a mass of black horse soldiers jogging from the left flank, and the horse herd was spreading like a flood.It was the cavalry regiment of the Suzaku Army, because it ran from west to east, and it was known before the battle that the Shenji Battalion that came across the river did not have an organized cavalry.

Not long after, three messengers with command flags on their backs galloped up on horseback in the shape of a character. The messengers did not dismount when they saw the officer. According to the military order, the left post of the First Army will move forward, and after receiving the enemy, it will defeat the main force of the enemy on the left."

Many officers and soldiers present heard the general content of the military order. At this time, people's confidence was slowly growing. One had just won a battle for a while, and the other had cavalry who could see their own people had already dispatched, and they were no longer alone against the enemy.

More than 2000 soldiers from the cavalry regiment led by Feng Youxian moved out with such a great momentum that everyone within a radius of one or two miles could see them, and the sound of horseshoes spread farther.Facing the threat of the cavalry, the left-wing officers and troops could only gather together to form a dense square formation to fight; if it was still the long and flat linear formation against infantry firearms, it would definitely be a living target for the cavalry to sprint and chop.

The left-wing officers and troops were being mobilized, and people were gathering everywhere, and the various ministries gradually gathered to form a large square, with an estimated number of 5000 people.The gunners also ran into the phalanx, many artillery pieces were thrown on the ground, and there was no one around.

Although the scene was turbulent, the cavalry was not that scary. The regular army of the Ming Dynasty fought against the nomads in the north for a long time. They have long been used to facing cavalry. When encountering cavalry assaults on flat ground, it is undoubtedly more effective for infantry to resist the enemy with dense spears. tactics.

A large number of cavalry rushed from the left wing to the phalanx of Shenji Battalion. When they reached two or three hundred steps, there was a sudden "thunder" in the sky, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. After a while, the roaring cannons roared into one piece, and the ground began to tremble shake.Suddenly many iron balls flew to the front of the phalanx and into the crowd, and the flying cannons jumped and pierced through the depth of the phalanx.Flesh and blood were flying in the crowd, yelling was endless, there were dead, wounded, fallen and frightened overturned people everywhere, the sea of ​​people like a forest of swords and guns was like a wheat field, many holes were torn apart by the "gale wind", and the team became chaotic .

At this time, the cavalry group on the front has accelerated and entered the charge stage.The iron armor reflecting the sun, the yellow flag fluttering in the wind, the lance like a sharp arrow, the shouts were earth-shattering, and the galloping horseshoes rushed to the enemy camp at a high speed of several feet per second, less than two hundred steps The distance is only ten seconds.In such a short period of time, the internally torn formation has not reacted, and there is no time to reorganize. [

"Kill!" An angry man in the front shouted, before the words fell, the horses had already gotten used to the chaotic position caused by the cannon.The cavalry spear quickly pierced a soldier's chest, and the screams were quickly thrown behind him. The cavalry penetrated directly into the depths of the crowd, and the angry man immediately pulled out his slender knife and slashed sideways.More cavalry rushed in after them, swords and swords in the sea of ​​people, gleaming cold weapons in the sun, like fish jumping on the water surface, showing their snow-white belly.

The impact of most of the cavalry was deeply reduced by the crowd, and they fell into a melee, but the phalanx of the Shenji Battalion had been disturbed like a mess, and it was like civilians in the market without order.One of the larger cavalry tore a big bloody road. After a burst of killing, the huge phalanx was divided from the middle, and some cavalry directly penetrated behind the phalanx.

At this moment, the left sentry infantry of the first army of the Zhuque army rushed to the front of the formation, followed by Zhang Chengzong's third army.The linearly deployed muskets fired a salvo at the fragmented phalanx.

The infantry of the Shenji Battalion in the phalanx had pikemen in front, and people with muskets behind them, but the formation was chaotic. They couldn't immediately organize a counterattack, and suffered heavy casualties in the rain.The army in the front position had already collapsed, and the cavalry divided in the center made them worse.A large number of officers and soldiers on the periphery lost their formation and were in disarray. They could only fight back with muskets and knives, but most of them could not find where their opponents were.

At this time, another group of cavalry took the opportunity to attack the flanks of the square, and the progress was very smooth. The crowded and chaotic crowd could not resist the violent attack of the cavalry.The elite army of 5000 people fell apart in a short period of time. The army that seemed to be battling a camp turned into a sand-like fortress, collapsing and collapsing, surrounded by scattered and fleeing people.Corpses can be seen everywhere on the ground, and blood flows like rivers.

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