Ping An Biography

Chapter 353 Bitter ha ha


After the spn Wenkui rebels captured Anfu County, they didn't have cruel policies such as massacring the city, but the situation wasn't much better.They didn't do many bad things at the beginning, but soon everyone found that there were no government arrests here, let alone punishing them;Then there were people who "raped"|"prostitution"|"women" one after another, robbed their homes, and gradually murdered and set fires occasionally, but most of the criminals were fine; there were many pirates and green forest heroes in the army. Everyone was finally inspired to do whatever they wanted, and the crime of "rape" | "prostitution" and robbery began everywhere between urban and rural areas.

In Anfu County, which had already been occupied, armed resistance broke out again.The rebels didn't dare to go out of the city when there were few people, and they were easily attacked by mobs outside.

After the military has private property, the leaders of various ministries form a small circle, and will send people to guard their property day and night to prevent it from being stolen by their colleagues.As for going to the school to train troops, that is the long-term lack of attendance.

Prince Wenkui originally planned to expand his strength after occupying Anfu County, and then marched into Ji'an Prefecture.But the current situation is not very good, and they really don't have the strength to attack the big city; seeing that the food and grass are depleted, and they can't receive food from the village, many people think that they should continue to attack another county... After all, the success of attacking Anfu County gave them a taste The sweetness is that there are generally no regular troops in counties, and the force is relatively weak.

Unexpectedly, before they were ready to attack, there was news that the Ming army from Ji'an Mansion was dispatched to fight the rebellion northward along Lushui. [

At this time, the military and political situation of the Chief Secretary of Jiangxi was very decadent and depressed. However, due to the inertia and rules of the bureaucratic system, the various yamen were still operating, and a rebellion broke out in the local area. Basic practice.It is very difficult to organize a large army to fight in the whole of Jiangxi now, but it is very simple to mobilize hundreds of people from a military household in a government.

It is estimated that the Ming army who came from Ji'an Mansion was only 800 people at most.The rebels panicked when they heard the news, but Prince Wenkui decided to fight and defeat the army.

...A few days later, the Ming army dug ditches and spread thorns outside the city to build a simple camp, waiting for the trackers to pull the siege equipment carried by boats from the Ganjiang River to Lushui.Although this Ming army is called the official army, it is actually a very poor army. At this time, most of the military households in the government are unwilling to fight, and their morale is low. serf.

It's okay if the armor and armaments are not in order. The clothes and other items of the guards are self-prepared. Some people in the Ming army don't even have decent clothes. The clothes are ragged and look like beggars. In their eyes, the average owner farmers are wealthy families.

The commander is called Liu Shuhan, and he is also a down-on-the-wall honest man. He was only able to become a military officer because of hereditary generals. In fact, he did very poorly in officialdom, otherwise he would not have gotten this job.

His talents are also extremely limited. In the camp, he spoke to the soldiers to boost morale. The words he said were too simple, so he just yelled: "Master Zhifu Wang said, after winning the battle, everyone will receive one hundred catties of rice and fifty treasures. Ingots (at this time, the Daming banknotes are basically useless). Maybe the benevolent and righteous family in Ji'an Prefecture will pay for the villagers to buy some wine and meat to reward the army, and then we will go back and have a big meal!"

All the soldiers were very happy to hear that, a hundred catties of rice is not even worth a tael of silver, but it is much better than giving nothing to the military households instead.

Early the next morning, the Ming army discovered that the rebels had come out of the city, probably to fight outside the city.So the commander Liu Shuhan hurriedly ordered all the ministries to go out of the camp to fight against the enemy.A group of serfs and military households were farming all year round, but at least twice a year, special personnel from the capital of the province would come down to organize training. Everyone knew the basic marching and formation, and the organization also had a basic order.

In the conventional formation of the Ming army, the light soldiers with bows and crossbows are in the front, and the heavy infantry with spears, knives and shields are in the back.

After the two armies faced each other, all the serfs looked at each other in dismay when they saw each other's ostentation, and wished they could run away without fighting, but they were afraid of the general's violent military tactics, so they had to bite the bullet and stand there.

In front of the rebel formation, a group of Fran's machine guns were laid out, and the brand-new barrels glowed with a thick metal luster. This lineup is not without luxury.As for the Ming army in the local guards, artillery is very difficult to see, even in government offices, and it is only found in important towns such as Nanchang... That's all, look at the firecrackers in the hands of those rebel soldiers, It is also new, the Jingshi Shenji Battalion has such a high rate of firearms equipment, almost everyone has one.

Liu Shuhan couldn't help asking the staff next to him: "Could these people be the troops sent by the King of Xiang from Huguang? I'm ordered to rest today."

Who in the officialdom doesn't know about the Huguang stall?The imperial army lost at least 10,000+ troops in Huguang, and there were rumors not long ago that even the Shenji Battalion was destroyed.The staff frowned and looked at it for a long time, not daring to make a conclusion.Liu Shuhan scolded: "'Fuck'! It's my bad luck."

The staff hurriedly made a gesture, and when Liu Shuhan listened to him, he whispered in a low voice: "If the King of Xiang wants to attack Jiangxi, why don't the general withdraw his troops first, and then send secret envoys to talk to him. It is not necessarily a bad thing to take refuge in the past now."

"Isn't that good?" Liu Shuhan said in amazement, "Besides, the people in the government office have clearly stated that the "rebellious" soldiers in this county are a gang of bandits who gathered on the mountain before. We haven't figured it out yet. The situation, you have to obey Shangfeng's order."

At this moment, there was a sudden "boom" of a cannon. Liu Shuhan and others were taken aback and looked around hurriedly. Many soldiers were looking up at the sky, but there was no movement in the whole camp, and they didn't know where the cannon flew. went.

"This cannon..." Before Liu Shuhan could finish his sentence, suddenly "boom, boom, boom" rang out again, and many cannons were fired in succession.Finally, I saw some cannons falling on the ground in front of me. The Fran cannon was relatively small, and after a few jumps, it rolled around on the ground, and some flew to other places.Suddenly a cannon hit a soldier's head right in front of him, and the plasma on his head exploded, like a watermelon being smashed, the blood splashed all over the people around him, and there was a panic in the crowd .Before the cannon stopped, it hit another person. The person screamed in pain and cried, as if he was injured and survived.

The Fran's cavalry cannon is a dual-basket design, and its range and power are extremely limited, but it is a post-loading gun, and it has rotating "sub-guns". The advantage is that it has an extremely fast rate of fire.After the guns on the opposite side were fired one after another, they began to change the guns.

Unexpectedly, after a while, there was another loud "boom", and some people on the opposite side screamed miserably.Did it explode?It turned out that the gunner of one of the guns had forgotten the steps, and immediately replaced it with a gunpowder filled with gunpowder. The sparks inside unfortunately ignited the gunpowder of the gunpowder. If it is fixed, it will explode, and the direct recoil will injure the nearest neighbors.After blasting a door, all the gunners were frightened and ran away from the artillery in a hurry. [

No matter how stupid the commander of the Ming army was, seeing this scene with his own eyes felt that the opponent was not a very powerful character.

Commander Liu decided to test the attack, and immediately ordered the front army to advance, and after approaching, he used bows and arrows to shoot and shoot.Unexpectedly, a few arrows immediately attracted a "crackling" attack, and the firecrackers on the opposite side fired one after another.The distance between the two armies was more than 100 steps, and the random shots of the matchlock guns failed to hit anything, and the lead pellets flying back and forth had long since disappeared.However, the momentum was also spectacular, smoke billowed in front of the crowd, and the explosion frightened several horses to neigh and jump wildly.

"Kill, kill!" Suddenly a cry came from the smoke.Indistinctly, many people rushed over.

Commander Liu hastily ordered the release of arrows, the crossbowmen in front shot flatly, and the archers behind them threw arrows, and the arrows rained down all over the sky.The rebels who rushed over had no armor at all, and the arrows fell directly into the flesh. They screamed for a while, and the charge was repelled by a round of arrows.

The light soldiers of the Ming army immediately advanced dozens of steps, and then shot a few more arrows within the shooting range. Soon the rebels on the opposite side dispersed in a rush, and ran towards the gate of the city, throwing their firearms everywhere. yes.Commander Liu was overjoyed and immediately ordered a pursuit attack.The light soldiers of the Ming army put away their crossbows and rushed up with short weapons, followed by the heavy infantry with long soldiers.

A large group of people followed and rushed directly to the city gate. There was nothing to stop the Ming army's front, and they rushed in through the gate and entered the city.Seeing this, Commander Liu couldn't help pacing his feet and said, "If I knew this was the case, why did I ask the tracker to pull the luggage?!"

A group of fierce-looking rebels in the city, seeing the officers and soldiers pouring in like a flood, and their own people scattered, how dare they go up and fight those ragged officers and soldiers?Immediately turned around and ran away.

The officers and soldiers went all the way to Shizijie without encountering any decent resistance on the road.Suddenly some civilians appeared on the side of the street, and even ran out desperately amidst the turmoil. Some of the people shouted: "Kill the bandits, destroy their clan, god damn it!" Shouted: "Go to Xianqian Street quickly, the barracks of the bandits is there, I must go back to move the treasure..."

Wen Kui fled in with the rout. Seeing that his men and horses were scattered and out of control, knowing that the situation was going to go suddenly, he wanted to escape from the city.Fortunately, there were still a group of servants and cronies by his side, and Song He, the civil servant, never left or left by his side, so he rushed to the north gate with the rest.

Unexpectedly, when Fang arrived in Beicheng, he met a gentry and landlord who was blocking there with his relatives, friends and servants holding sticks and hatchets.A burly man beside Wen Kui didn't answer, he greeted the group and charged forward with weapons.This group of gangsters is useless to form an organized official army, but they have an advantage against the same civilian armed forces. They are fiercer than ordinary people. After a short fight, they dispersed the gang, Wen Kui and others Take the opportunity to ride out of the city.

Suddenly there were two horsemen chasing after them, and the people around Wen Kui were relieved to see that it was not an official army uniform. Song He asked them, "Which department are you from?"

One of them replied: "The villain is Ding Tou's subordinate, and he is dead." Song He rode his horse and looked back at the other person: "I seem to have seen you before..."

The other person immediately pointed to the person next to him and said, "The young one is a craftsman. I don't know him. I met him on the street, so he called the young one to come here."

Everyone didn't care much, so they went out of the city together and fled all the way.

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