What if the person who failed to raise troops under the banner of Prince Jianwen in a certain county in Jiangxi was really that prince?

Yang Rongzheng calmly talked about the old affairs in the officialdom, and gradually realized this assumption.Perhaps Si Hai found this detail in the numerous and confusing information, and immediately thought of this question... But it took a long time for Yang Rong to realize it.Of course, this is only a possibility and has not yet been confirmed, but don't many incidents in the world start from assumptions.

At this time, Yang Rong suddenly had an intuition that Si Hai, who seemed to be humble, actually held a kind of contempt from the bottom of his heart for the boastful staff around him.After Si Hai came here, he behaved decently and did not speak ill of anyone, but suddenly Yang Rong realized that this was a kind of aloof mentality that looked down on others; it was like a person standing outside a cage and watching a group of monkeys jumping up and down.

Yang Rong felt bad for him, but he had to admit that people's aptitudes are different. Some people can figure out problems in a flash that others can't understand for days. This is the difference.

"Why would Four Seas guess that this news is indeed the work of Prince Jianwen?" Yang Rong asked calmly. [

Si Hai also replied in a calm tone: "If the news came from Jin Yiwei, it wouldn't be too special. Maybe I wouldn't think too much after seeing it, but it comes from Hu Shilang alone. Jin Yiwei's surveillance involves a lot, but Hu Shilang He doesn't care about irrelevant things. Since he deliberately mentioned this matter to Yang Gong's friends, there must be something unusual. The student suggested that Yang Gong can meet Hu Shilang again and ask about this matter in detail, maybe he can get More credentials."

"You're right!" Yang Rong said with a little surprise in his tone, "The imperial court has a very detailed grasp of all aspects of the bandit leader, but most of the information is useless, and the world can find useful information from the clues in a short period of time. The things that come out are very extraordinary, and it is not in vain that the old man intends to cultivate you."

Yang Sihai bowed and said: "Mr. Yang is too famous, and students really don't dare to be him."

"Send someone to send a name card, and make an appointment with Hu Shilang for the old man." Yang Rong said bluntly, and then turned around and said to everyone, "These days, you come to the old man's house after you go down every day. That's all for today. Wait until I see Hu Shilang."

Everyone bowed and saluted, first let Yang Rong leave the living room, and then stepped out across the threshold.

After Yang Rong left, a young man wearing a gray cloth headband had a thoughtful expression on his face: "I'm still a little confused, even if Prince Jianwen really raised an army in Jiangxi, wouldn't he already be defeated? What's the use?" ? Why is Duke Yang so concerned?"

A bystander said: "What's the use of asking us, why not just ask Brother Sihai?"

An old man with gray hair touched the beard of his chin and pondered: "Prince Jianwen raised an army in Jiangxi, and he was defeated. How could the rebels who were able to defeat the Shenji Camp be so vulnerable... Could it be that Prince Jianwen and the puppet The king of Xiang didn't go all the way, and there were ulterior motives in the middle, that's why Prince Jianwen took the risk of raising troops alone?"

Just now the "Grey Cloth Futou" nodded frequently and said: "It makes sense, it makes sense. Hey, brother Si Hai, tell me, is that the reason?"

Seeing that Yang Sihai didn't answer, "Grey Cloth Futou" was not angry, and said with a flattering smile: "Brother Sihai is quick-witted, and in the future he must be the first-class celebrity by Yang Gong's side. Today we already have friendship. , I can’t say that I don’t know you when I meet you on the street.” As he spoke, he put his hand on Yang Sihai’s shoulder to show his kindness.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Yang Sihai suddenly turned his head and gave him a cold look, and said in a cold tone: "Take it away!"

The "grey cloth Futou" stood there for a while, and then obediently took his hand away involuntarily after a while.In an instant, what he first felt was not the embarrassment of being beaten with a smiling face, but fear. The person wearing the Futou was probably a fifth- or sixth-rank Beijing official, and he could be on the same level as Yang Sihai in terms of status, and he was taller than Sihai. He shook his head, but was suddenly overwhelmed by the man's aura. (The update is the fastest and most stable,)

The people around fell silent, turning their heads to watch the situation quietly.It is not uncommon for a little quarrel to turn into a fight, and there are also fights between literati.But "Grey Cloth Futou" didn't mean to regain face at all, just stood there in a daze; as if it was natural to be inferior to others, or as if a dog saw a tiger and didn't have the courage to challenge it at all.

At this time, the menacing gaze in Yang Sihai's eyes gradually disappeared, and he said calmly: "I'm not used to hooking up with people, Brother Li, forgive me."

There was not much apology in the words, but fortunately, it was smoothed over and the embarrassment was relieved a little.Yang Sihai said again: "I still have something important to do, let's go ahead and leave."

When the person left, the "grey hat" gradually came back to his senses, and finally he felt ashamed and annoyed. He felt that he was too embarrassing just now... I didn't reach out to hit the smiling person, and according to the common sense of communication, I smiled and said flattering words Well, even if you are not courteous, you have no reason to put a pen on the wall instead. This kind of thing is obviously the most intuitive public humiliation.He regretted in his heart: Why didn't I insult him face to face just now, it's just a quarrel.The more I think about it, the more I regret it, and I feel that I am really ashamed.

"Mother|damn, what's so great, you just wait and see!" He pointed at the direction Yang Sihai left and cursed harshly.

The elders in the company persuaded: "Forget it, it's a small matter. Brother Li must have some capacity. Everyone enters Yang's mansion and sees you without looking up. Don't worry about it. Maybe Sihai just doesn't want to get along with others. Too close, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water, think broadly."

This person is like this, the more people persuade him, the angrier he gets, "Grey Hat" still said angrily: "The Ministry of War is responsible for cleaning up officials, hehe, my cousin happens to be in that yamen, I don't believe I can't catch his filth... …Also, how long has he only known Yang Gong, and how long have I been with Yang Gong? Want to enjoy the shade under a big tree? Hmph... I left my words here today, and told him to regret what happened today!” [


In the Beicheng River Palace not far from the Xingyuan of the Yang Mansion, Emperor Xuande was also worried.He was reading a memorial while pacing back and forth in the pavilion.When people do copywriting in ordinary times, of course they sit quietly, but he is constantly pacing, and there is naturally uneasiness in his heart.

"The boats are limited. Even if soldiers and horses cross the river to occupy the beachhead, it must take a lot of time to get hundreds of thousands of people across the river?" Zhu Zhanji asked without thinking.

The eunuch serving next to him is Wang Gou'er, as the chief eunuch, because he is always by the emperor's side, he can be regarded as a consultant to a certain extent, and he often has to return to the emperor's questions... Of course, it is mostly just this kind of It is a serious topic that really involves military decision-making. The emperor has cabinet ministers as advisors, and his level is higher.

Wang Gou'er opened his mouth hastily, but he spoke slowly, in order to respond positively, and at the same time pondering while talking, "Returning to the emperor, slaves have never led soldiers to fight, so it is really impossible to cross the river and set up an army. But if you think about it Li, there are many flat-bottomed sand boats going up the river. An ordinary sand boat can only carry dozens of people, and two or three hundred boats are used at a time to transport only ten thousand people; Weapons, firearms and fodder are heavier than people. The place where the riverside ferry can go ashore is not necessarily wide. It may not be easy to dock a hundred or two hundred ships at once, so we have to line up to go ashore one after another. Thinking about it this way, an army of more than 10 people It will take many days to cross the river."

Zhu Zhanji didn't comment on Wang Gou'er's reasoning, he just talked casually when he was thinking about his own problems.

When the court discusses the national strategy, the courtiers will put forward many big arguments, and they have to explain their major principles in length, and they also need to use some evidence from field investigations as evidence, which is a very serious matter.But Zhu Zhanji, who is as high as an emperor, will also have many subjective and direct fantasies when he pays attention to one thing and thinks about it.

He was thinking that the rebel army only occupied more than half of the province, and their strength must be limited. If he could mobilize hundreds of thousands of elite troops to cross the river and put them down with absolute superiority, then it would be very in line with his preferences... But the Shenji Battalion The defeat of Zuoye and Zuoye in Jiujiang hindered the implementation of this strategy.I have never won a battle, so how can I further implement it strategically?Chaowu no longer agrees with the approach of underestimating the enemy.

The defeat of the Shenji Battalion really shocked the emperor for a long time. He never expected that the elite Ming army would be defeated in a battlefield like the mainland.It’s fine if you fail in the rugged mountains and vast grasslands and deserts. After all, the geography is not good for the elite soldiers of the Central Plains; but the Yangtze River Basin is different. There is neither shortage of water nor food. The water, soil and people are also familiar. Very suitable for infantry regiment combat.This can also defeat the battle, which made Zhu Zhanji himself feel that it is a very risky behavior to continue to consume the limited elite left by the emperor's grandfather and lose too much.

The only thing that is gratifying is that until now, the Beijing imperial court still has an absolute advantage politically.This kind of politics should be a kind of conflict between people's hearts, but it is about benevolence and violence, and it has little to do with righteousness and fame; it is about a kind of strength and the recognition of the world... That is to say, Zhu Zhanji believes that people in the world are the most popular now. The recognized regime is Beijing, and the Xuande Dynasty is also optimistic about the long-term.

This kind of thing is invisible and intangible, but it seems to be a general trend and a very powerful force.

When Zhu Zhanji hadn't ascended the throne, Han Wang was playing this way. He continued to create momentum in the capital and various places, making the world tend to favor him, so that many court officials dared not offend Han Wang at all, and spoke cautiously.However, it is clear that Zhu Zhanji is better at playing|politics|skills, controlling the situation step by step, and finally almost strangled Hanwang directly in a city in Shandong.

But now, he once again felt the general trend here, and felt that there should be no such incident as the defeat of the Beijing camp in Jiujiang, otherwise the politics would gradually tilt towards the remaining Jianwen party.But how do you get the situation under control like before?

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