Wang Zhen bowed his head and talked in Wang Gou'er's ear for a while, then put down a piece of paper in his hand, then stepped back two steps and bowed to stand.Suddenly, a gust of cold wind came in through the crack of the door, and the piece of paper fluttered off the table. Wang Gou'er's expression immediately became tense, and he stood up from the chair suddenly, and hurriedly bent over to pick up the paper.Then he looked at it and couldn't wait to bring the paper closer to the lampstand, and watched it burn to ashes before looking away.

But simply burning the paper helped.

Wang Gou'er looked back at Wang Zhen: "If any news about this matter leaks out, if this old man doesn't kill you, no one else will spare you!"

"Godfather, my son has always followed the horse's head and will never miss a word." Wang Zhen said hastily.

Wang Gou'er seemed a bit verbose today, and he emphasized again: "If the old man falls, the first emperor will not spare those involved in this matter lightly, and the second person who is most likely to come back to power is Haitao. Do you think Haitao will let him go?" Do you have a way out?" [

His "son" is only submissive.

Wang Gou'er paced back and forth on the floor several times quickly, feeling that he could not get rid of these gangsters to annoy the other party; the gangsters who came to threaten him this time were like copies of a letter that had just been burned, even if they were destroyed, it would not help.

After a while, he suddenly asked, "Where are those people?"

Wang Zhen hurriedly replied: "In an inn in the city, they are waiting for their godfather to reply."

The only way to compromise is to give in to the other party first, Wang Gou'er is very aware of this... But Wang Gou'er has always had secret contacts with people from the Jianwen Party, and has sent important news many times; Zhang Ning, as the prince of Jianwen Why are you threatening again?It seems unnecessary.After thinking about it for a while, he felt that the only explanation was that Zhang Ning and his father, Emperor Jianwen, were not in the same boat.Therefore, the inside story of his compromise with Zhang Ning should not only not be exposed on the emperor's side, nor should the Jianwen Party know about it.

At this time, Wang Gou'er remembered the news that he was about to disclose to the Jianwen Party recently, about the prince's killing.Fortunately, the news has not been sent out in time, otherwise it will be very bad for Zhang Ning, and he will soon have a grudge with him.Wang Gou'er planned to tell Zhang Ning's people this information first, and stabilize the other party first as a meeting ceremony.


The important news revealed by Wang Gou'er and Peach Blossom Fairy after they met was immediately rushed to Wuchang.

Because the entourage around Peach Blossom Fairy were all selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the report was first seen when Yao Ji arrived, and then when Yao Ji summoned Zhang Ning, Zhang Ning only saw the report.The news was completely beyond his imagination.When he sent someone to blackmail Wang Gou'er, it was entirely out of an overall arrangement to expand the scope of his eyes and ears, but unexpectedly he got a crucial piece of information right away, which was a false attack.

"Unexpectedly, the bureaucrats in the imperial court could come to the conclusion that the prince was killed so quickly, and therefore arranged countermeasures..." Zhang Ning looked a little ugly, "If we hadn't decided to send Peach Blossom Fairy to Yangzhou, Wang Gou'er would have sent the prince to Yangzhou. The person who secretly informed Lord Jianwen about the matter. Then the responsibility for this matter must be on our shoulders, and we will never shirk it."

The man was indeed killed by Yao Ji. She thought she was doing the right thing when she ordered the assassination of the prince Zhu Wenkui, but now she faintly felt that Zhang Ning was complaining about this, so she blurted out and asked, "If the matter is confirmed by Jian Wenjun, what will happen? What consequences?"

Zhang Ning almost didn't even have to think about it, and immediately said seriously: "The consequences are very serious! If we want to further expand our strength, the necessary strategy is to legalize the Huguang separatist regime; only in this way can we mobilize the material resources on the site as much as possible and manpower, taxation and conscription. Huguang Shiliufu has a vast area (two provinces in later generations, equivalent to two large kingdoms in Europe), with a population of nearly 4 million; There is still a long-term shortage. This is the result of our promulgation of a series of policies that are conducive to the expansion of the army and the improvement of the treatment of soldiers... The problem lies in this, the Suzaku Army has no way to use the resources in hand.

We try to establish a regime that allows the people to take on the corresponding obligations. We first need a monarch who can be justified in terms of righteousness. The current choice is only Emperor Jianwen.At this time, the hearts of the people in the world are peaceful, and the civil war is unpopular. Only by relying on the superiority of force to make people reluctantly accept the reality, a legitimate monarch is essential.Secondly, it is necessary to win the hearts of Jianwen Yuchen, local gentry, and court bureaucrats, and give them the benefits of sharing power and interests, and then they can effectively control various places.

If the matter of our assassination of the prince is will be known by Mr. Jianwen and the world.Mr. Jianwen has lost his most reliable and trustworthy eldest son, is he willing to form an alliance with us?They have two minds, and there may be some troubles in the future; once Yu Chen under Jianwen spreads it a little bit, let me bear the reputation of murdering brothers, a person with a bad reputation in such things will not be supported by the people, plus A civil war that is already unpopular... All rough steps may be realized from now on, and the prospect is unimaginable. "

He spoke quickly and said a lot of what was in his heart, and seeing Yao Ji's complexion getting worse and worse, he took a breath and hurriedly said: "Back then, my concubine had other considerations, I knew it. Now that the matter has come to an end, the son-in-law does not mean to criticize, we should think of ways to cover up and resolve this matter."

Yao Ji raised her arm, stroked the thin and long sleeves, and said in a deep voice, "Empress Ma is going to Wuchang in just two days... I should burn the crown prince's head stored in the ice cellar, just in case. "

Zhang Ning immediately agreed: "What the concubine mother said is very true. It is one thing to say something in words, but it is one thing to have evidence that seeing is believing. Keeping the head can only be a hidden danger. There is no benefit at all. In addition, Ma After the queen arrived in Wuchang, you have an explanation. You found her because Mother Tuesday revealed the news; and you want to show that we are not malicious. The hatred has passed for more than 20 years, hasn't it..."

"I know what to do." Yao Ji said coldly.Her face at this moment suddenly made Zhang Ning feel heartbroken.

Shouldn't people become emotionless after participating in political games?Care, attachment and loathing, humiliation, and hatred should all give way to actual benefits, a benefit that can be maximized after calculation like a calculation?Just like the marriages and marriages of ancient monarchs, there are also those who really send their favorite princesses away for the benefit of the country's diplomacy. [

Yao Ji's ashen-like expression flashed for a moment, making Zhang Ning seem to intuitively feel the resentment hidden deep in her heart.She is like a rose that has experienced wind and frost. It is still bright and beautiful on the outside, but thorns are already growing on the inside.

Zhang Ning's mind was full of thoughts, like a mess.Many thoughts popped up.

One of the clues was that he suddenly remembered a detail, such as the news brought by the eunuch Wang Gou'er, he had to learn from Yao Ji first before he could know it.He tried his best to check and balance within Xiangwang Group, but after all, there were still many loopholes.This kind of thing is not a matter of trust, but a completely rational theory: If the Yao Ji family wants to seize their own power, and even abolish those who are in power in the future, it is simply a piece of cake... Both inside and outside have certain control rights, and even the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All kinds of classified intelligence agencies are in her hands.Perhaps all of this was inevitable, since Zhang Ning's family was funded by Yao Ji.

He put aside some useful thoughts, calmed down and said: "The first thing that can be done now is to send a few more people there immediately, bring enough money, and establish a stronghold in Yangzhou, so as to form a more reliable contact with Wang Gou'er." .Then we can rely on Wang Gouer to set up a situation to resolve this crisis."

"Who do you have?" Yao Ji's tone was still a little cold.

Zhang Ning thought for a while: "I remember that there are uncles and nephews surnamed Jiang in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. By the way, Jiang Youde and Jiang Hai, these two people have traveled with me several times before. They are safe and reliable. Let them go."

Yao Ji said: "Then according to your words, I will give an order to Qiu Changshi later, and Er Jiang will be in her charge."

Zhang Ning wanted to comfort her a few more words, such as hatred and anger are never good, and it is easy to make people lose their due IQ, but he has never experienced Yao Ji's pain, so what's the use of talking about these truths?As for other preaching, it is even more superfluous in front of Yao Ji.

So the two people in the room fell silent without any preparation.I don't know if Yao Ji did it on purpose, she seemed to have something to say, but Zhang Ning really didn't know what to say.

But she didn't intend to end the meeting, because she was pouring boiling water into a purple sand pot to make tea.Such an action made it inconvenient for Zhang Ning to say goodbye, otherwise he would feel a little rude.

He just sat on the stool blankly, rubbing his fingers under his cheek unconsciously.There are still countless threads in my mind, and everything seems to be entangled.He picked up the letters on the table again and read them carefully.Peach Blossom Fairy's handwritten words reminded him not only of Peach Blossom Fairy, but also of Luo Yaoniang, because it was mentioned in the letter.

My thoughts seemed to gradually open up in my mind.Zhang Ning couldn't control his thoughts, and had a strong feeling to clear out the clues.

He saw a qin case in the east, and there was a pen and paper next to the zither on the qin case, so he got up and walked over. There were some scribbled music scores on the paper, which were probably composed by Yao Ji before.At this time, he was not interested in the piano score, only the white paper on which he could write, so he put the piano score aside.

"What are you doing?" Yao Ji turned her head and finally said a word.

Zhang Ning said without raising his head: "The imperial court is investigating the whereabouts of Prince Wenkui, and will spread rumors; and Wang Gou'er can influence the judgment of Jian Wenjun and the rest of his officials, we may do something targeted to further strengthen Wang Gou'er. Er's influence on Lord Jianwen... Fairy Peach Blossom mentioned that Yang Shiqi's family was under surveillance, which already aroused doubts from the emperor's courtiers; by the way, the news revealed by Jianwen last time, the court suspected that there were spies, and the eunuch Zheng He almost suffered , is there such a thing? Can we draw a line between these few things..."

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