Ping An Biography

Chapter 387 Virtuous and Capable

There is a noodle shop at the corner in front of it, and a shed is built at the door, occupying the ground on the street, the stove and chopping boards are placed outside, and things are cooking in a steaming pot.The sedan chair went around the noodle shop, turned to the left, and immediately came to the blind spot of the meticulous work.

Peach Blossom Fairy didn't wait for the sedan chair to stop, she deftly opened the curtain and jumped down, and then said: "Pause for a while, and leave as soon as the person gets off. Miss Luo... Hurry up!"

Luo Yaoniang also hugged the child and got off the sedan chair quickly, and then turned around to support Yang Shiqi and jumped off, because the bearer didn't put down the sedan chair and still stood still.Seeing that they had all come out, Peach Blossom Fairy waved her hand and said, "Let's go, sedan chair!" After saying that, she turned around and rushed to the restaurant on the street, Luo Yaoniang and Yang Shiqi immediately followed behind and went in.

When Yang Shiqi was walking at the entrance of the restaurant, he turned his head and looked at the steward surnamed Wang. The steward bowed in the street, greeted the bearers and entourage, and left without looking back.Many years of friendship between master and servant, it is too late to say anything, I am afraid that a farewell today will become a farewell.

A group of three people and a child passed through several tables in the restaurant. Peach Blossom Fairy asked the waiter in the restaurant casually: "Is there a hut in the back?" [

Seeing two women, Xiao Er smiled and said, "Yes, go out and turn right into the alley."

They quickly went out through the back door. There was a small street outside, with no shops and people | flow, and a carriage was parked beside it.Immediately, Peach Blossom Fairy greeted Yang Shiqi and Luo Yaoniang to get on the carriage.


After several twists and turns, the group crossed the Yangtze River from Bailuji in the southeast of Wuchang, and entered the territory controlled by the Suzaku Army. It was truly safe.Then two civil servants came with soldiers and horses to escort them, but the civil servants arranged for Yang Shiqi and others to take a bath, change clothes and rest in a town. The delay was several days. Yang Shiqi felt strange but couldn't say anything.

In the past few days, Zhang Ning finally waited for another group of people from the capital, including Yang Shiqi's only son Yang Ji, Yu Qian's wife Dong and her youngest son Yu Mian.This is the kind of arrangement he wanted, and he wanted to draw a near-perfect and happy ending to this matter, which was also a surprise for Yang Shiqi.

Then he ordered Wang Yu, who was going to meet Yang Shiqi, to set off for Wuchang, and at the same time went to the place where Yu Qian was detained by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.Seeing Yu Qian, Zhang Ning didn't even exchange pleasantries. The first sentence was: "Tomorrow Ting Yi and this king will go to meet me, and then I will order you to be released from here. No one will restrict your freedom anymore. Where do you go? But According to Mr.'s intention."

I haven't seen Yu Qian for a long time, I saw that his face was a little withered and yellow, and there was a kind of frustration in his expression. Obviously, there is a kind of person who can't live a happy life by eating well and sleeping well.

When Yu Qian heard Zhang Ning's words, he was silent at first, and then showed a sneer.

Zhang Ning emphasized again: "I have no reason to come here to meet you just to make a joke. Ting Yi is a great talent, and it is my last resort to imprison you in this square inch. I sincerely apologize today." After saying that, he bowed and bowed I bowed.

"I can't stand being a prisoner." Yu Qian finally spoke.Seeing Zhang Ning's behavior, he became more and more confused, but suffering from not knowing the situation outside, he couldn't figure out the reason even if he tried his best.Yu Qian never expected that Yang Gong, whom he regarded as his mentor and father, would vote for Huguang.

Zhang Ning thought about it, and suddenly asked him: "I think of a question, Ting Yi thinks that the country appoints talented people, is it important to be talented or capable?"

"Naturally, talents come first." Yu Qian replied casually.

Zhang Ning shook his head and said, "This lord thinks that any dignitaries and bureaucrats in charge of power should first have enough ability to take on great responsibilities, and then judge the quality of morality. If the world is in power, the mediocre people will definitely be a disaster. The state|country and the whole world have accumulated so much that it is hard to return. Ordinary people can not be a sin, but occupying important positions with corpses and vegetarian meals, and forming a party to do nothing is a sinner.”

"Ping'an once said in the Nanzhili Township Examination that he would be number one. I thought you should be well-versed in reading, but today I think you may not be able to read the Four Books and Five Classics." Yu Qian said bluntly.

Zhang Ning didn't mind after hearing it, and thought about asking about tomorrow's arrangements, so he said, "Let's leave today, and we will meet tomorrow. Let's leave."

Zhu Heng had rushed back to the center from the Yongding Camp not long ago, and he wanted to work with Zhang Ning to raise the establishment of the Six Departments and Nine Ministers System.He is also in charge of the current etiquette arrangements. Zhang Ning saw him in the official office, first asked about the matter before him, and then invited him into the study and said a few words.

"I want Yang Shiqi to be the first chief assistant. I don't know what Mr. Zhu would like?" Zhang Ning asked.

Zhu Heng hurriedly said: "It's very appropriate. Yang Gong has gone through three dynasties, and the scholars in the world don't know his name. The prince must be the first assistant if he wants to help him."

"You're right, it's that Yang Shiqi's reputation and prestige are really rare." Zhang Ning put his hand on Zhu Heng's wrist affectionately, with a heart-to-heart expression, "But I let him be the chief assistant, mainly It is not for the sake of assistance, but for the sake of the hearts of the people. By reusing Yang Shiqi, we can win the hearts of scholars and bureaucrats. This is also the purpose of our painstaking efforts to raise the Six Departments and Nine Ministers System... The person who is really in trouble with me is Mr. Zhu, and no one can replace me .”[

Zhu Heng said movedly: "How can a humble minister, He De, be able to..."

"Okay, we don't need to say these words. The big thing is not done right now, and the overall situation is the most important thing in everything. When Kyushu is collected in the future, it will not be too late for me to share the world with my brothers." Zhang Ning said.

...The next day, when Yang Shiqi's chariots and horses descended to the south gate of Wuchang under the escort of cavalry, the scene was even more lively than the time when Jianwen entered the city.Because the chosen location is the south gate, which is the place with the largest number of civilians attached to the big city, with a population of hundreds of thousands, it is inevitable that there will automatically be a few people watching the excitement.

Yang Shiqi heard the commotion, and when he lifted the curtain to look, the first thing he saw were two big flags, which read: The important weapon of the country, the leader of the scholars; welcome the chief assistant of the four dynasties, Mr. Yang.

There are crowds of people on both sides of the avenue, but there is no one in the middle of the road. The five-step, one-post, ten-step, and one-post on both sides of the several-kilometer-long road have been martial law by the soldiers.

"Huh, huh, huh..." A group of guards of honor came trotting in unison. They were all tall and tall, and they were wearing brand-new blue military uniforms and white linings. The folded pattern after being flattened by the iron, the snow-like gloves holding the gun with metallic luster.

"Stop!" The young and handsome Zhou Zhong pressed his sword with his left hand, raised his right hand and shouted, and then heard two clanging footsteps, and all the soldiers of the guard of honor stood still.

At this time, a group of horses and sedan chairs came from behind, and the person in front who was also wearing a new gray military uniform and riding a horse was Zhang Ning.After Zhang Ning considered it, he deliberately wore a military uniform. He just used this etiquette to make a recruitment advertisement for the military, and downplayed the old concept of "a good man should not be a soldier" among the onlookers.

Behind Zhang Ning are not only ministers of civil and military affairs, but also family members such as Yang Ji, Yu Qian, and Dong's Yu Mian.

People got off their horses and sedan chairs one after another. Zhang Ning walked up to Yang Shiqi's carriage, bowed down and said in public: "Student Huguang Xiang Wang, welcome teacher Yang Gong." How he became Yang Shiqi's student is not important, as long as he recognizes it. That's fine, besides, Zhang Ning did work in Yang Shiqi's Ministry of Rites as an official in the imperial examination before, so it's okay to talk about the friendship between teachers and students.

Yang Shiqi soon found his son, as well as the proud student Yu Qian and others, with mixed feelings in his heart, he hurriedly got out of the car.But the one with the most mixed feelings belongs to Qian. Before he left the city, he had heard that Yang Shiqi was being greeted today, but now he saw it with his own eyes, and only he could understand what he felt. Yang Shiqi is obviously Yu Qian’s most respected teacher. And he is a talent who has been cultivated by Yang Shiqi with his heart.

Zhang Ning raised his head, his eyes swept over Luo Yaoniang, and at the same time he saw Peach Blossom Fairy smiling and waving to him.But at this time, under the watchful eyes of thousands of eyes, Zhang Ning had no choice but to remain serious, pretending to turn a blind eye.

Yang Shiqi blushed, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Zhang Ning: "It's an honor!"

"Master, please." Zhang Ning stretched out his hand and said respectfully.

Yang Ji shouted: "Father, I have received my father's autographed letter, so I followed them to Huguang." Yang Shiqi said kindly: "I will talk about it later." Yu Qian was also very respectful: "Student pays homage to Yang Gong." Yang Shiqi hurriedly responded, "Okay, okay."

At this moment, the general Zhou Zhong shouted: "Welcome Mr. Yang Gong, the chief assistant, into Huguang!" After the salvo, the smoke filled the air, just like setting off the largest firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

Then there were three rows of infantry in the city and they fired three salvos in turn. The huge noise echoed inside and outside the majestic city tower, and the momentum was very loud.This is not only to increase the atmosphere, but also seems to be showing off force.

"Play music! Salute!" Zhou Zhong ordered again.

The musicians behind the guard of honor immediately blew the flute, followed by the guzheng, a slightly vicissitudes but beautiful melody floated into the air, and the soldiers below all raised their hands to hold the military salute, and paid attention to Yang Shiqi.

Yang Shiqi and Zhang Ning walked side by side and watched the military appearance of the guard of honor along the way.His wrinkled face was glowing red, and even though he was used to seeing the ups and downs in the world, he couldn't help showing excitement; just like the courtesy Zhu Heng received at the beginning, Yang Shiqi also felt emotionally charged by this meeting, and it was hard to resist.Unlike all the etiquette, this kind of etiquette makes him feel that he is the protagonist, and everything is for the importance of himself.

A group of people ostentatiously walked for more than a mile, and then got back into the gorgeous carriage that had been prepared, and rushed into the city.

Zhang Ning was in the same car with Yang Shiqi and others. Although they looked at Luo Yaoniang many times, they only nodded their heads.He said to Yang Shiqi again: "My mother has prepared a few tables of banquets in the palace, especially for Yang Gong to clean up the dust. The students also prepared a mansion in the city in advance. If there is something wrong, I hope Yang Gong will forgive me." [

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