Ping An Biography

Chapter 407 The Change of Thunder

The troops of the Yongding Camp cleaned up the mess and seized a few people who were hiding in the house.Yu Qian then repaired a letter and asked them to bring the letter back to Jiujiang City.

At this time, people in Jiujiang City were in panic. The scouts outside the city heard the sound of gunfire, and people felt that Wang Shishun and his party were in danger.When the remnant soldiers brought back the letters stamped with the seal of the Jianwen regime, and reported the situation of being ambushed at that time, the generals fully confirmed that the opponent had torn his face.

The person who stayed behind to guard the city was called Song Yi. This person was the younger brother of Wang Shishun's first wife, and he was someone General Wang could trust.Wang Shishun was born in the military, and the military households of the Ming Dynasty had a special status, and they usually married women from military households; Song Yi was also from a military household, but his family background was not as good as that of Wang Shishun, and he was young and made a lot of achievements in military households. His prestige was not enough. Relying on the relationship of brother-in-law to dominate the camp.

When Wang Shishun's sad news came, Song Yi was shocked and angry at the same time, and Dang even wanted to defend the city instead of his brother-in-law, and take revenge against the Huguang Army.This round face, big eyes and bearded man's face turned blue, and his hands were trembling.

A fellow villager who was usually close to him persuaded: "The current situation in Nanjing is at stake, and the soldiers are like the root of the grass, looking forward to reinforcements; we belong to foreign soldiers in Jiujiang City, and we have always been unpopular, and the soldiers will stick to the heart of this place. The war may be disadvantageous." [

Another fellow countryman put it more directly: "There is a saying that is loyal to the ear, but it is not pleasant to say. Brother Song's prestige in the camp is naturally comparable to that of General Wang. You are only temporarily appointed by General Wang to preside over the guarding of Jiujiang City. Now General Wang was killed, and Nanking could not be contacted, will the soldiers deny you or say that there is no way to control the army, so how can we defend the city and go to war?"

Song Yi didn't listen, and said: "Brother-in-law is not here, I am the commander of the Jiujiang Army, who can exceed the authority?"

Then he ordered the battalions to prepare for the battle and take turns to defend the city.

At the beginning, the situation was good. The army of the big camp was an organized force, and they habitually obeyed the dispatch of the Chinese army. When no one was the first bird, some people stood up and disobeyed the military orders of the Chinese army.

... Within two days, the servants of Wang Shishun's mansion found Shao's body in the mansion, and the servants were terrified and reported it to the officials.

The prefect of Jiujiang City has been changed after the city was sacrificed to the Han Dynasty army by military generals, but civil officials with reputation and fame are still appointed as prefects. Usually only civil officials can stabilize the situation of the administrative system.This magistrate is a bureaucrat appointed by the regime of the Han Dynasty, but the interior of the Han Dynasty is not monolithic, and the magistrate and generals can't "piss" in the same pot; after this person took office, he became a bureaucrat because he united and won over the local gentry, so he has a reputation and prestige Only by supporting and praising the Wusha hat can we be stable.

The magistrate is a low-level official, and most of the other officials are local snakes. Both of them have a gap with the generals in the garrison.When this happened, the officials hit it off immediately, and the murder case was originally the scope of the government's authority, so it was necessary to have a fair trial.

The Shao family belonged to the local gentry family, and the officials had known about it for a long time, so they issued cards to the Shao family to let them identify the dead body on the spot.

When Master Shao came to the palace with a sad expression on his face, he saw that the magistrate in red robe had already arrived in person, and a group of officials and servants in green robes had already gathered outside the house.The magistrate asked Mr. Shao to go in and find out if he was a young lady of the Shao family.

After everyone entered the door, the bed inside had been moved, the floor was pried open, and there was a pit on the ground nearly five feet deep, and the excavated soil was piled beside the pit.The pit was empty, and the corpse had been carried out and placed beside it, covered with a white cloth.It was early summer, and the corpse was already a little stinking, and the room was filled with a suffocating rotten stench.

The yamen servant next to him stepped forward and carefully lifted the white cloth. When Master Shao saw it, the miserable scene in front of him made him fall back immediately, and others hurriedly supported him.I saw the female corpse's clothes were disheveled, her hair was disheveled, her body was only wrapped in a obscene garment tied with a silk ribbon, her shoulders and chest were half-naked, as if she had been raped, humiliated, and defiled before she died. It was Shaw who had just woken up and was urged to make up and dress in the future.Her eyes were still open, and she looked like she was dying, and the pinch marks on her neck became more and more obvious as the body gradually deteriorated.All in all it looked very miserable.

Master Shao suddenly burst into tears, and everyone couldn't persuade him.

The magistrate had a stern face of justice, and said solemnly in public: "According to the autopsy, the victim Shao has been dead for more than three days (Wang Shishun was still living in the mansion at the time), the deceased's throat was ruptured, and there were finger marks on the neck. The cause of death is He was murdered. Another servant in the mansion testified that this house was the bedroom of Jiujiang garrison Wang Shishun... Bring the witness and the witness back to the yamen as evidence. After careful execution in the second retreat hall of the mansion, he will go up for interrogation tomorrow. The body will be taken back by his family into the ground."

It is very obvious that this kind of case has been finalized, and the ** Buli Shihui decided that Wang Shishun killed his concubine.

In the public trial the next day, this incident caused even more uproar, and it was the biggest incident in Jiujiang City in recent days besides the military threat.The so-called public trial is a trial in public in the lobby. The famous local students and gentry can not only sit in the lobby to listen, but also raise questions if they have any doubts about the officials; , but you can listen to the excitement outside the yamen, and someone inside will come out at any time to talk about the process and results of the trial.

The result of adjudicating a case in this way is usually relatively fair. After all, under the watchful eyes of everyone, if the leader of a party turns black and white and regards common sense, his reputation will be damaged and he will lose credibility in the hearts of the gentry and common people. How will he manage the place well in the future?

The smoothest part of this case is that it is said that Wang Shishun is dead, so it is much easier to accuse him of the crime, otherwise the magistrate will be really embarrassed. How can we get a general with a heavy hand in this situation?

Song Yi, who succeeded Wang Shishun, reacted too slowly. When he realized the problem, the murder case had already been decided in public.Wang Shishun's reputation was even worse in the hearts of the local gentry and people, and even the soldiers in the camp would not agree with his bad deeds.

But at this moment, the Huguang Army Yongding Battalion had already dispatched troops to approach the city, and the sound of honor guard guns could be heard clearly in the city. The "Governor of Jiangxi" Yu Qian sent people to the city to issue an ultimatum. If he offered the city, he would commit no offense at all. If he resisted, he would bombard the city gate and attack the city immediately. [

The local officials and gentry found out that Yu Qian was born as a Jinshi, and they talked about hoping that the defenders would dedicate the city to avoid war and chaos for the people.The generals in the camp also had a lot of words, wanting Song Yi to lead everyone to surrender... Although Yu Qian lured and killed Wang Shishun, he did not do it kindly, but after all, Wang Shishun had "ten crimes" in his body, and others killed him openly. The murder case revealed in the palace also made people believe that Wang Shishun was not a good bird and that he was guilty.What's more, the Jiujiang Army claims to be [-]. Excluding the imaginary and hard labor of civilians, there are still [-] to [-] soldiers. After all, Yu Qian is not just a civil servant in vain. Could it be possible to kill thousands of people?

Song Yi’s fellow countrymen went to the Chinese army again and said: “Brother Song’s prestige is not enough to convince the people, and he should not be moved against people’s hearts. General Wang’s massacre of the Shao family was a big disappointment. Brother Song was appointed by General Wang to preside over the Chinese army. At this time, I decided to sacrifice the city for safety.”

Song Yi is now a little bit listening, but knowing his identity, and thinking about Yu Qian's cruelty, can he let him go?So he hesitated.

He was also afraid in his heart, so he asked a fellow villager to guard the camp with his own guards to replace the original guards.

Unexpectedly, that night, suddenly there was a lot of noise from people outside the Chinese army raising fire, and some of them shouted: "Slay Rukou child Song Yi, everyone has a way to survive!"The guards and inspectors who guarded the camp saw the flames and did not dare to go up to fight, but they fled.

A group of people with only dozens of people easily rushed into the central army, and there was a mess inside.The leading general of the "Rebellion" Army led people into the tent of the Chinese Army, but Song Yi was nowhere to be seen, and he had already heard the news and ran away. The generals of the "luan" army went to touch the bed, and it was still hot. I knew that Song Yi had left not long ago; but the "ruan" soldiers were few and could not control the Chinese army. righteous.The general who took the lead suddenly felt that something was wrong.

But fortunately, everyone discussed it beforehand, and after being reminded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the leading general hurriedly came forward to shout in the camp to stabilize the people in the Chinese army, and at the same time sent someone to inform the familiar generals who had been in contact with him: the Chinese army has been taken down. , come to work together.

Some generals arrived one after another, and then each went to invite people from the other camps. Everyone brought many subordinates to prevent accidents, and the inside and outside of the tent were surrounded by soldiers.The crowd quarreled for a while, and temporarily took an older and talkative veteran to give orders to the leader and directly occupied the Chinese army.

In the early morning, Song Yi was sent to the army by the gentry and his servants.It turned out that Song Yi ran out overnight to find a place to hide in the city, but there was too much movement in the middle of the night in a hurry, and he was discovered by the squires in the city. People contacted their friends and brought their people in and arrested Song Yi. There were only two people around him. .

The generals who plotted things were afraid that things would change, so they immediately beheaded Song Yi and his entourage; they were also afraid that his fellow countrymen and friends would hold grudges afterwards, so they rushed into the camps of those generals without asking questions, and hacked and killed them with random knives. .

Then the new Chinese army joined forces with the magistrate's yamen to write a book together and send people out of the city to negotiate the terms of offering the city.

Yu Qian was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately wrote back: The officials, soldiers and civilians in the city are all at fault, and they are all citizens of Ming Dynasty. .In order to reassure the soldiers, Yu Qian asked the Jiujiang Army to go out of the city and hand over the key areas of the city defense before completing the surrender without disarming.

The officers and soldiers in the city quickly agreed to surrender, and the general simply unloaded his weapons and opened the door to surrender.Anyway, if the fortress defenses are handed over, it will be the same whether they disarm or not. If the city is gone, there is no food and supplies, can you go back and fight again?

Yu Qian swaggered and led the Yongding battalion army to push into the city gate, lined up and entered the city with guards of honor, without bloodshed.The officials and generals inside and outside the city gate knelt down again.Yu Qian shouted in person on the horse: "Scholars with fame are exempt from kneeling, and they will accompany them to the government office to discuss meritorious deeds and reward them, and discuss major issues together."

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