Ping An Biography

Chapter 413: Shame Before the Snow

After the city of Nanjing was taken over by the government and the army, the order was good, and the investigation of crimes was going on. So far, more than 500 people have been beheaded, but these things have little to do with ordinary people and low-level soldiers.

The most prestigious man in the military should be the British Duke Zhang Fu. At dusk that day, he had just entered the city from the south city on horseback. A new stone tablet was erected outside the city.Zhang Fu stayed in front of the stele for a while before leaving.

After recapturing Nanzhili, the elite soldiers of Xuanda and the First Division of Jingying who were in the south of the Yangtze River could attack Jiangxi as long as they stationed troops as far as the southwest border of Nanzhili, except for some cities and towns that were blocked by dangerous mountains and rivers.If the Jiangnan garrison can successfully enter and control the Jiangxi area, it will be able to respond to the north and south of the Beijing camp on the north bank of the Yangtze River and attack Huguang from top to bottom. The situation looks very optimistic.

The time was approaching the time of You Shixiazhi, but the place Zhang Fu went to was still the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies in Nanjing.Some honorable and meritorious officials in the army also came to meet one after another. Everyone regarded Zhang Fu as a leader in the army and respected him very much.The people present included Zhu Yong and other hereditary military officials and nobles, as well as several officials from the Fifth Army Mansion... Marquis Xue Lu of Wuyang was not in this kind of occasion. It had been a long time and everyone was not used to it; Because Lu was defeated in the Battle of Yuanshui, You Guan was roughly stripped of his title and demoted to a commoner. It is the emperor's grace that he is still alive. Of course, he can no longer enter and leave the Five Army Mansion.

Cheng Guogong Zhu Yong who was present here also caused a lot of embarrassment. He was impeached by civil officials many times, his reputation was ruined, he was dismissed and recalled several times, and his official position was in jeopardy.Anyway, the princes in the army are not having a good time now. Fortunately, Nanjing won the battle, and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. [

As usual, Zhang Fu had to walk back and forth in front of the topographic maps. He might have been familiar with these maps, and looking at them had become a habit.

"There is Dabie Mountain to the north of Jiujiang City and the north bank of the Dajiang River. Most of the Beijing camp can only go to the west of the mountain to threaten Huguang; the Nanzhili soldiers can only enter Jiangxi from the southwest and enter the west bank of Poyang Lake to echo the north bank of the Dajiang River. For some reason, taking advantage of the victory to regain Jiangxi should be the top priority." Zhang Fu said this to everyone.

Immediately, someone echoed: "Jiangxi was only invaded by bandits a month ago, and the land has not yet been trampled. Let's take advantage of the early army to suppress the territory. There should be eight|nine chances of winning."

Some people are more imaginative, "I heard that the bandit army used Qian Qian as the governor in Jiangxi, and held great power in one hand. Yu Qian was accidentally captured by the bandit army last year, but he did not make any serious mistakes during his tenure. Why don't you ask the emperor to pardon his faults and see if he can do it?" Persuade him to change his mind and serve the emperor again? If he can win over Yu Qian, Jiangxi is in his bag.”

Zhang Fuzheng said nothing, he was noncommittal to the suggestions of the nobles.Upon seeing this, Zhu Yong said: "Schemes and tricks are the business of civil servants. Let's just fight the battle well."

This sentence may have been appreciated by Zhang Fu. He turned his head and cast his eyes on Zhu Yong, and said: "I just returned to Nanjing today, and I happened to bring a few people here. I planned to pay attention to it tomorrow. Now that I have come to this point... Come, bring someone up."

The soldiers standing straight outside the door responded loudly: "De Ling!"

Zhang Fu said again: "Knowing yourself and the enemy is a must on the battlefield. If you want to fight against bandits, you must know how to use them. Usually, the old man thinks that there are only two things that matter to the winner or loser. Whether the army is just and strict, whether the orders are enforced and prohibited, whether the soldiers are brave and good at fighting, the strength is decisively superior to that before the battle; after that is the right time, place and people on the battlefield, deceitful schemes, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages and other on-the-spot matters.

From this point of view, it is very strange that the three sentinels of Shenji Battalion almost wiped out their entire army in the battle of Jiujiang City.I have been in the army for a long time, and I have a clear understanding of all the ministries of the Beijing camp. The veterans of the Shenji camp are good at fighting and obey the law.In the Battle of Jiujiang, there was neither the fact that the enemy was outnumbered nor the deceit of ambushes. Why?The bandit army is newly formed, and it can only be formed for two or three years at most. In terms of combat skills and experience, how can they be the opponents of the Beijing camp? "

Zhu Yong fought against the rebels and was defeated. He immediately said: "The rebels have imported sharp weapons, and our army can't approach them."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fu shook his head and said: "The matchlock guns have been equipped in the Shenji Battalion. The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion have learned how to use firearms for a long time. How could this alone be the reason for our army's disastrous defeat?"

At this moment, there was a sound of "cracking" iron ropes being dragged outside the lobby, and then two dirty men in prison uniforms were escorted in by sergeants.When the two saw Zhang Fu, even though they were prisoners, their attitudes were very respectful for a while, and they hurriedly kowtowed to the ground: "The crime will wait for the Duke of England."

The military veterans present had already recognized the two prisoners, who were the military attache who was fighting in Jiujiang.They were punished and sent to prison because they were defeated and lost their troops. In addition, the two eunuchs who supervised the army at the third post of Shenji Camp did not end well. I heard that one of them was directly executed by the court, and the other went to Fengyang. Shouling went.

The most recent confrontation between the government and the rebels was the Battle of Jiujiang led by these two criminal generals, which happened not long ago in the spring of this year.After their defeat, they were first interrogated by the Ministry of War, and then captured by Jin Yiwei. They were also "forced" to write confessions for their defeat, but the focus was on confessing their mistakes, and no one carefully interrogated the underlying reasons for their defeat.This kind of thing is only valued by military personnel, such as the British Duke Zhang Fu.

The guilty general was still detained in Yangzhou, but Zhang Fu sent people to Nanjing after requesting an order.

At this time, Zhang Fu asked them to recount the process of the battle in front of Zhu Xungui and the senior officials of the Fifth Army Mansion, as well as some sensory perceptions of the general before the battle.Sin will focus on describing the guns and guns raining down like rain, and the tragic situation of being flanked by cavalry after the camp was shaken.

Zhu Yong commented: "The thieves' army is powerful in firecrackers. When they march, they are not afraid of death. When they get close, they go crazy and kill. They are like a wall of fire, and they are unstoppable when they rush forward like a wall."

In addition, some people say that the Jiujiang First Battle Shenji Battalion suffered from the lack of cavalry, but the official army is not short of cavalry, and even has more and more elite troops than the bandit army, so this weakness can also be avoided.

Everyone was discussing, and when they turned their heads, they saw that Zhang Fu was sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, as if resting his mind, and he closed his eyes and said nothing, so everyone gradually fell silent. [

At this moment, the bell from upstairs in the distance rang.Zhang Fu opened his eyes, raised his sleeves and waved them: "You time has passed, let's go today." Then he ordered: "Come here, take off the shackles of the second general, and arrange him to live in the Fifth Army Mansion." Down."

The general hurriedly said: "The second crime will be a crime jointly condemned by the three judiciaries. Our Five Military Governments have no power to pardon their crimes, let alone release them. If they take the opportunity to escape, how can the British government report to the court?" Can anyone explain it clearly?"

Zhang Fudao: "The old man believes that they will not run away, even if they are sentenced to death, they are still soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Will the warriors of the Ming Dynasty escape privately?"

The second general was moved, and he fell on the ground and said, "Britain has shown us the kindness of knowledge and encounter, how can we repay the kindness?"

The shackles of the two generals were unshackled, and they were placed directly near the courtyard where Zhang Fu lived. Only the British Duke has such prestige and heart to get along with the capital criminals.

The next day, Zhang Fu met with the criminal general again in the corridor of the Fifth Army Mansion, and privately said: "I thought about it again last night. "Shooting", is there any reason to collapse first? You mentioned that the camp was shaken after the shelling, and I thought that the artillery of the bandit army might be more powerful than the imperial court's new Hu Zun artillery."

After hearing this, a criminal general suddenly said: "As the British Duke said, when the general thinks about it, our cannons hit a hole in the past, and the cannons of the bandits were very accurate. When they flew sideways, a blast was a bloody road! But how can it be done? , but the last general doesn’t know anything about it…”

Zhang Fudao: "The old man will report this matter to the emperor, so that Jin Yiwei can verify it. In addition, according to what you said, the tactics of the firearms soldiers after contacting the enemy are also problematic. The enemy's timing."

After he finished speaking, he sighed again: "If after the defeat, we just arrest people and take the blame, instead of taking the opportunity to gain wisdom and sum up the lessons, how can our Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers defeat the enemy when they encounter a strong enemy?"

One of the criminal generals with a thick beard said: "So many people died in the Shenji camp, we know that we cannot escape the guilt, and we only hope that Master Wang will march to win in the future, and we will be ashamed."

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