Ping An Biography

Chapter 419 Casting Spells to Suppress Evil

Outside the big tent of the Lizhou military camp, the guard at the door was dazzled by the light reflected from the breast shield facing him. He couldn't help squinting his eyes, and saw clearly that the people who came were General Zhou Mengxiong and others. He became tense and straightened his body.

"Ding Ding Frame" There was a noise of metal collisions, and a group of generals in armor and armor followed Zhou Mengxiong into the big tent.Zhou Mengxiong was very satisfied when he saw the awe on the faces of the guards.In the army, everyone from the generals to the soldiers feared him, which was exactly the prestige he needed to establish; people would obey only when they were afraid of themselves, and the soldiers would not dare to raise objections even if it was an occasional unreasonable request.Against these reckless people, sticks and majesty are the most useful and simplest things.

So sometimes Zhou Mengxiong thought, Zhang Ning should not be a good general, if he fought in the self-government army himself, maybe a group of soldiers and horses would turn into a terrible situation.Because Zhang Ning's temperament is too gentle, he can't restrain a large number of soldiers like that at all. The so-called forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. Don't show any color to see if they will go to the house to Jiewa!

However, Zhou Mengxiong secretly had to admit that Zhang Ning, the son-in-law, was a good leader, and if he wanted to check and balance and control the forces of all parties, he couldn't succeed only by being stern.There are fewer idiots in the group of people with higher status in all parties. It is easy for everyone to see whether a person is just superficially fierce but actually has no means.

"Salute!" A loud shout was heard suddenly.All the generals stood still one after another, raised their arms straight, and looked seriously at Zhou Mengxiong who had just walked in the middle.

Zhou Mengxiong just nodded and waved for everyone to separate and look for their own seats.

What Zhou Mengxiong was holding in his hand was the order from Wuchang that he had just received. He walked back and forth in front of the public seat above and did not go up. He just stood below holding the military order in both hands, and bowed towards the top. He bowed, and then said: "Xiang Wang Ling." He knew it well, and he had to do it well so that no one would go to Wuchang to make irresponsible remarks.

He naturally has no strength and name, and he has no intention of harboring disobedience, and at the same time he wants to be restrained by himself.He controlled neither the most nor the most elite people in the army. There were Yao's father and son in Yuezhou, and Yu Qian and Wei Bin in Wuchang and Jiangxi.Not only that, after the establishment of the six cabinets in Wuchang, all local financial powers have been taken back. Now Lizhou Daying wants to launch a war to prepare grain, grass, materials and military expenses, and must obtain a decree from the Ministry of Household Affairs; Exceeding authority to order the government.The firearms were also allocated directly from Wuchang, and the ammunition came from the workshop of the Changde Weapons Bureau. Zhou Mengxiong, the yamen in these places, had no right to get involved.In less than a year, the separation of powers has been basically completed, how dare he easily support himself?

Zhou Mengxiong put his mind away, looked at the words on the paper carefully and said: "To be a soldier of the country, the war is not for oneself, but to raise troops is unjust..." Zhou Mengxiong felt that the order was drafted by Zhang Ning himself when he read the first sentence. Because it is very similar to his argument.Zhang Ning was born as a literati, and many articles and government orders were written by him, and he wrote things with a clear mind.

After receiving the order from the Ministry of War, Lizhou began to prepare to march into the Miao area of ​​Wuling Mountain. One of Zhou Mengxiong's relatives, Li Wenda, volunteered and received the military order.Two posts of soldiers and horses were assembled, and the number of each sentry was about 750 people, plus the orderly soldiers and cooks, the number of people was nearly 2000.Zhou Mengxiong thought that the number of people was not too many, and if there were too many people, the roads in the mountains would be difficult to get supplies, and he was afraid that King Miao would not be able to afford the food he needed.Then he agreed to cooperate with the Miao envoy, and ordered Li Wenda to march southwest.

The information in Miaojiang is blocked, and the old man and the Suzaku army are colluding, but the Miao people know nothing about it.When Li Wenda of the Suzaku Army crossed Luxi and sailed westward by boat, the old man suddenly declared at Laer Mountain that he wanted to accept the canonization of Emperor Jianwen of the Ming Dynasty.There was a sudden internal dispute.

Not long after, the Miao people discovered the Ming army and a group of Miao army leaders on the Wuxi River. Only then did they realize the seriousness of the matter. The old man Miao Wang obviously had planned it in advance.However, the old man insisted that the Ming army who came was to protect the envoys of Jianwen, and ordered all ethnic groups not to harass them.

Shi He and other leaders objected to professing ministers to the Ming court. They made a lot of noise but they couldn't do anything for the time being. They couldn't gather a large army in a hurry.At this time, it was midsummer, the busy season of farming, and most of the soldiers went home to take care of the farmers. It would take one or two months to gather a large army.

The old man was naturally in the mood to argue with them. Anyway, with the passage of time, the guide would be able to bring the Ming army into the mountain.He declared in the stockade that the Ming court wanted to seal the Miao king, and from now on it would not directly intervene in the affairs of the Miao border.Many elders of various ethnic groups present were not even clear about the situation outside, nor could they tell the difference between Jianwen Xuande.But at last someone understood, and Shi He immediately pointed out that even if he wanted to submit to the Central Plains Dynasty, he should accept the canonization of Emperor Xuande in Beijing, not Emperor Jianwen in Wuchang. He also said that Emperor Jianwen was a rebel at this time, and Miao Jiang had something to do with him Not only is the relationship not a long-term solution, it may backfire.

The old man wanted the emperor of the capital to give him a gold book, but I'm afraid it was wishful thinking.

Fortunately, reason is not the most important thing. The current manpower that Shi He and others can use is not enough to form an absolute advantage over King Miao's henchmen. In the case of the most terrible infighting, many people who were flattering before are unwilling to bleed and die. Order the name of the Miao people.Many people who followed suit began to make friends with King Miao in private.

However, Shi He and other leaders who supported the Shiren Sect all their strength knew that they were coming for them, and there was no way out. The conflict became irreconcilable as the news of the Ming army got closer.The leader Shi He thought that it would be difficult to get support for directly raising troops against King Miao at this juncture, so he hastily decided to deal with the invading Ming army first.

Shi He gathered the helpers from his family and Wu Jiama's family, and waited for work in the dangerous area of ​​Wuxi River with weapons, preparing to use the steep mountains and rivers to harass the Ming army and continue to consume its strength.This tactic has been tried and tested repeatedly. In the early Ming Dynasty, many crusades against the Miao people suffered from this kind of hardship. In addition, the unfamiliar terrain was not acclimatized and failed several times.

But this time was different from the past. The Ming army had the support of the Miao people. The Miao King's people not only directly sent people to act as guides and forwards, but also were responsible for scouting information and providing a large amount of food, herbs and other materials.Li Wenda's department had received the news of the Shiren Sect gathering troops in advance, so they changed their strategy of passively sticking to the route along the river and took the initiative to attack.They went ashore at a place called Dupan Mountain, led by the Miao vanguard, and rushed to the village.

There was no suspense in the Battle of Dupan Mountain. The Ming army climbed the mountainside below the mountain stronghold. They did not approach the crossbows and bamboo poles of the Miao people to shoot. Using the three-round shooting tactics to attack head-on, the Miao people scattered like birds and beasts.The rebels fled into the mountains by virtue of the familiar terrain, but at this time King Miao's troops arrived and dispersed into the mountains for guerrilla warfare. The rebels were defeated in the first battle.

Li Wenda entered Laer Mountain smoothly, and the troops were stationed in various cottages on Shirendong Mountain. These houses were built by the Shiren Sect, and they had already scattered and fled.In addition to the soldiers, there is also a group of Taoist priests in the army, who are very lively playing and playing every day.

After Li Wen arrived at Laer Mountain, apart from meeting King Miao, he was busy repairing the stele first, engraving his great achievements on it.Then let the king of Miao recruit the mountain people from far and near, and ask the Miao people to preach among the crowd every day.They say that the giant stone man in the cave is an evil god, and if he does not do good things, it will only bring disasters. Only by letting the Taoist priests do the trick and invite the great gods from the Lingxiao Temple to seal the evil gods, can the world avoid disasters.

So Li Wenda and the generals drank the rice wine given by King Miao in the cottage, told the Taoist priests to do the ritual every day, and at the same time ordered the soldiers to quietly bury gunpowder in the ground below the entrance of the stone cave.After seven or eight days like this, Li Wenda declared that he was going to rape him.

A group of Taoist priests beat gongs and drums and sang all the Taoist scriptures for a long time, and then an old Taoist went crazy and danced in front of the crowd, saying that he was possessed by a god.I saw the old Taoist pointing his wooden sword towards the entrance of the cave, chanting words in his mouth.Everyone was watching in amazement, when they suddenly heard a deafening bang, the ground shook suddenly, earth and rocks flew in the gunpowder smoke, and the entrance of the stone cave collapsed amidst the smoke.All the mountain people were stunned, and many of them bowed and kowtowed vigorously.

After Li Wenda finished this work, he asked King Miao to build a temple on the mountain and enshrine the image of the Yellow Emperor in it, so that the evil god could be restrained for 1 years.King Miao and some knowledgeable leaders knew that it was the gunpowder explosion, but at this time they decided to do whatever they could, as long as they could bluff the people.

After a period of time, Wuchang really sent the golden book of edicts canonizing King Miao, and ordered the Bai family to inherit King Miao's hereditary succession.Li Wenda was named General Wulue by Emperor Jianwen, and became famous in the first battle. From an unknown commander, he directly became a famous general.

Afterwards, when Zhou Mengxiong was drinking and discussing with the guests, he got up and said something, saying that there are often wars in the mountains and border areas, and the reason for this can be seen.Indeed, the reason for some local rebellions was that the border generals colluded with the officials to force the border people to rebel, and then the border generals sent troops to quell the chaos.

However, this great victory did not have much repercussions in Wuchang, but the courtiers said a few words of congratulations when they met in the cabinet.Zhang Ning asked Xu Wenjun to send the victory report to the palace for Bai Fengjiao to review in person, and then left the matter behind.

What really worries people is not Miaojiang but Jiangxi.

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