Ping An Biography

Chapter 437 Encirclement and suppression

"Look at the British Lord, there is Shizhong Mountain. Su Dongpo in the Song Dynasty wrote the world-famous "The Story of Shizhong Mountain." The county magistrate of Hukou introduced the mountain again.It is really a coincidence that Yu Qian visited Hukou County not long ago, and everyone came to the lake to watch the scenery, and this is the place where they stood, perhaps because of the good view of the hillside here; perhaps now on the land of the British Gongzhangfu Station, Yu Qian's footprints are still left.

The magistrate's stooped appearance was extremely downcast. He didn't expect to be exonerated, but only hoped that he would not offend this famous nobleman and be killed on the spot.

There was a conflict in Hukou County this morning. One of the Suzaku Army committed suicide and wanted to inflict hatred on Hukou County, causing heavy casualties to the officers and soldiers. At this point, the county magistrate was afraid of offending Zhang Fu, so he chopped it down with a knife. In his current situation, if he was cut, he would be cut.The county magistrate thought to himself, as long as he is not dead right now, maybe there is still a chance of life... As a county magistrate, it is his basic duty to protect the land and the people for the emperor. There are 77 county magistrates in Jiangxi, and most of them surrendered to the rebels after the successive fall of Nanchang Mansion in Jiuzhou. Perhaps the court didn't want to kill dozens of officials at once.

The British prince obviously despised the county magistrate, he didn't hide it at all, he ignored it, and only cared about the surrounding mountains and rivers.

Zhang Fu's face is round and his cheeks are a bit fleshy, so he looks less angular, but the wrinkles and the weather of the sun and rain make him serious and steady, like an old captain at the helm.

After a while, the aides started arguing behind, and one of them said: "The law of war states that the siege of the city is reserved for the purpose of waiting for the enemy to have a chance to flee and make it easier to pursue. Jiangbei's army went south so quickly, which is equivalent to blocking the rebels." If there is no retreat, they will definitely fight to the death!"

Another said: "The British gods have a clever plan, and they saw the right time to surround and kill those traitors!"

Zhang Fu frowned, Xin Dao scholar just loves to talk, black and white can always come up with an argument, if my Ming Dynasty is all governed by a group of scholars, what will happen?The saliva flying in front of my eyes is the proof.Even a few books of the Four Books and Five Classics, they can chew out different tastes. Just such a group of people, who return their mothers, are thinking about fighting for power all day long, wishing that the old heroes would go home and farm.

Zhang Fu immediately stopped their dispute: "The military order has been sent out, do you want me to change the order every day or take it back?"

The tone was not good, and several staff members hurriedly bowed and shut their mouths.


At present, the deployment of the three-way army of the official army has undergone subtle changes. The central route army has reached the near left of Hukou County, the navy has controlled the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake, and the "rebel" navy in Jiangxi has disappeared; In Duchang County, you can cross Poyang Lake with naval ships at any time, and go ashore at any ferry on the west bank hundreds of miles away; the North Route Army is mobilized from Huangzhou Mansion to go south and prepare to cross the river by boat.

Xingyuan, the governor of Jiujiang City, learned of the movement of the Huangzhou North Route Army in time.Zhang Ning immediately took out the map and took a look. The soldiers deployed everywhere were already intuitively clear, and the officers and soldiers were clearly encircling... This is a real encirclement and suppression.

He took the ruler and measured it.The scale of the ruler is very accurate. It is a tool after the Weapons Bureau unified the weights and measures. However, the drawings are very rough, and an approximate distance can be estimated, and the error may be measured in tens of miles.

Everyone around looked dignified, which made Zhang Ning feel a huge pressure on his head.Hearing the news that the North Route Army went south, it was only one day before the water battle at Poyang Lake; that means that Zhang Fu had already made arrangements before the battle, and it seemed that he had already determined that Poyang Lake would be won... Zhang Fu's use of troops was indeed ruthless. There is no room left for them.If the Suzaku army wants to take precautions against the situation at this time, it has to be done before the water battle in Poyang Lake, but before the battle, who wants to think that Poyang Lake will change hands in half a day?After all, there are more than 200 warships deployed there, and artillery arrays are also deployed on both sides of the lake mouth.

However, Zhang Ning still has a choice right now. As long as he doesn't carry too heavy luggage, he can get out before the Guanjun North Road crossing the river poses a threat.But this has to lose a lot of things, such as the food that has been hoarded in Jiujiang City after a long period of preparation, and more than 30 long-barreled cannons weighing thousands of gold.That's all for food, the 32 heavy guns are Zhang Ning's possessions accumulated after several years of scraping copper materials, which is really painful.

Before the outbreak of the war, some people inside and outside Wuchang criticized Yu Qian for directly abandoning the eastern front of Poyang Lake.Now it seems that, let alone abandoning the Eastern Front, we should consider whether we should directly abandon Jiangxi Province from the very beginning; even if we directly abandon Jiangxi, the difficulties we face may not be as easy as we are now... If we look back further, today's The situation was doomed after the King of Han was destroyed and the defense line of the Yangtze River was fragmented.

When Zhang Ning raised his head, he suddenly saw all the civil and military people sitting in the hall looking at him. Many eyes looked at him like this, which made him feel an indescribable feeling in his heart.Obviously this is the time to make a decisive decision. No matter which path you choose, it is better than hesitating, otherwise you will not be able to run away when the time comes, and you will not be fully prepared for the battle.

Thinking of encirclement and suppression, Zhang Ning naturally thought of a certain great man of later generations who had successfully gone through several encirclement and suppression campaigns. He had dabbled in the basic strategies, tactics and processes, but he could not replicate them... In the current situation, If it is copied, the most likely consequence is not to go around the "enemy rear", but to become a bandit and be completely squeezed out of a powerful area.Without sufficient economy, Zhang Ning's development path from beginning to end would not be able to continue, everything from gun supply to military system would have to be overthrown; and there would be no room for survival in the face of a unified dynasty.

Zhang Ning was not a military strategist by birth, and his tactics are very clear: fight hard and fight head-on.

Looking around, he finally said, "We don't need to run around anymore, we will stick to Jiujiang City and wait for reinforcements."

There was no sound in the hall, and he asked again: "What else do you have to say, now... By the way, I won't leave. Without Yongding Camp, I have no place to go."

Finally, someone choked out a cliché: "The prince should preside over the overall situation in Wuchang, the capital, and there is absolutely no need to stay in this tiny place..."

"Forget it, it's useless to talk about it." Zhang Ning waved his hand.The man's face turned red immediately.

Wei Bin stood up and said: "The last general has followed the prince since Shimen County, and now I am willing to lead the Yongding camp to fight the prince to the death!"

Zhang Ning nodded: "Only when the Wuchang court is here, you will be the military masters respected by the people. Only when your house and land are in your hands can you feel at ease, and those who brought the old and young wives and children to Wuchang, or those who have made a fortune to find favors." Wife, life at home can be nourished because we have power in our hands. There will be no eggs under the overturned nest. If the entire Wuchang regime is gone, how did you return to your original state immediately after being poor and destitute? Can you keep your life? Say two."

All the generals said one after another: "Wish to fight to the death!"

Zhang Ning waved his hand, and said to Qian: "Send Yang Ge's adopted daughter back, what are you girls doing in this kind of place?"

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