Ping An Biography

Chapter 448 Hazy Fog

About a hundred steps away from the ditch wall fortifications, there was a ditch with a head protruding faintly, and then a round shield inlaid with iron blocked the front.It was early in the morning, the sky was not too bright, and the fog was not big but it affected the sight, although only a shadow could be seen at a close distance.

The man shouted at the top of his voice: "Brothers from the King of Han, the King of Han is the uncle of the current Emperor. Although he has done something wrong, the Emperor still can't bear to kill him because of his family affection, and he is very lenient to the former King of Han .As long as you surrender, the imperial court will definitely forget the past...

Brothers, what is the end of working for the rebels?The British came with 50 elite soldiers, and they have already besieged Jiujiang City. Sooner or later, the rebels here will be wiped out!If you don't come here now, it won't be so easy to talk after the fight is over!What are you waiting for, do you think people from Jiujiang can defeat 50 troops?

Zhu Wenbiao doesn't believe you anymore, so he sent you to eat ashes in the ditch outside the city... They conspired to kill Wang Zhiyuan, and one of you will be next!Not on the same boat, sooner or later I have to settle accounts with my brothers..."

"Boom!" Suddenly a cannon rang, the head shrank back, and the shouting stopped.Unexpectedly, it stretched out again after a while, and before the shield was picked up, suddenly "bang bang bang..." There was a gunshot, and the man fell into the ditch in the blood mist without even a cry.

After a while, countless figures appeared in the white mist.The officers and soldiers did not beat drums, shout, or even march in formation. They moved forward freely and slowly in varying degrees of density.People walked very slowly, even a little cautiously, there was no sound of heavy footsteps, only the clang of iron plates on the armor and the footsteps of the ropes, and almost no one spoke.

A young general walked in the front. He put one hand on the hilt of the knife and held a banner in the other. His back was slightly arched, and behind him were countless long spears with flat ends.The hand holding the flagpole was tightly gripped, and the knuckles turned white from too much effort.Because no one saw him in front of him, he didn't hide his timid expression, his wide eyes were full of fear, and he could hear the sound of swallowing saliva.Thinking of bragging about how brave he is with the soldiers on weekdays, it's all nonsense when he goes into battle, who the hell is not afraid of who is not raised by his parents.

The general finally let go of the hand holding the knife handle, reached into his bosom and took out a pink silk scarf, first put it in front of his nose and smelled it, then wrapped it around his neck indiscriminately.I heard that the things used by women can ward off evil spirits, and hope that they will not be hit by lead bullets. "Fairies from all walks of life, my daughter-in-law burns incense for you every day, and blesses me because of that..." he muttered quietly.

"Bang bang bang..." Suddenly there was a loud gunshot, and the flames flickered randomly in the mist.The young general in the front suddenly poked the flagpole to the ground, stretched out his hand to hold his throat and opened his mouth wide, making a strange sound, blood soaked from the silk scarf and between his fingers, and he fell down on his head.More people fell one after another.

"Kill! Kill..." Someone yelled, and countless people started running forward in a swarm, and the one in the front ran the fastest with no one blocking them.A sergeant rushed up, pulled up the banner on the ground with one hand, left the young general who was still twitching on the ground and ran up.

Shouts shook the sky in the white mist, and a big drum somewhere behind was beating loudly.The sound of the guns also sounded chaotically, and the flames flickered from time to time in the fog.The striker has rushed to the front of the earth wall, but there is a deep ditch in front of him.Those with long guns held up and stabbed at the people on the wall. The muskets in the crowd crackled and arrows flew straight.The people behind the wall were also chaotic, some stood and fired at each other, some were frantically stabbing the barrels with cleaning rods, there was no salvo organization, and more arquebus guns were silent and clamored for kindling.The fog and humidity are high, and the match is easily extinguished. This kind of weather is very normal.

A lot of slabs made of hard bamboo fell down from the ditch and rested on the low earth wall. The officers and soldiers were busy using hammers to hammer the tails and drive the piles to fix them.Immediately, the people drew out their short weapons and rushed over the bamboo strips, jumping behind the earthen wall.The splattered blood seemed to dye the white mist red, the tooth-piercing sound of swords and armor being pulled out, the screams, the terrifying muffled sound of sharp blades entering the body, all in a mess.

"Forgive me! Forgive me..." Someone knelt down and begged for mercy, but a shot was stabbed directly into his chest from nowhere, and then he was trampled to the ground with one foot. "Ah! Ah..." Someone was sitting on the edge of the wall with his mouth open, his face was twisted, his hands were covering his abdomen, and a part of his intestines flowed out in blood.

The rebels almost collapsed across the board, running back one after another, throwing guns, knives and shields everywhere.A few groups of people in the rear array were rushed by the rebels, turned around and ran away without firing a single shot.There were also teams of the Jiujiang Army who threw their weapons and surrendered together, and survived to be killed by the rebels.

I don't know how many people ran for nearly a mile in one breath, and ran directly in front of the second wall.A general on the wall shouted desperately: "The rebellious soldiers can't come up! Squat down in a three-pike formation, and the brothers will shoot back from the enemy!"

But how could the terrified disorderly soldiers form any formations? They huddled together, not knowing where the general was, and people who were not in their own team around them. Can't climb up.Moreover, there was too little time to defeat the soldiers, and soon a large number of officers and soldiers followed.

There were all kinds of voices in the crowd, "Master Jun, please forgive me." "Zhu Wenbiao deserves to die, I won't give him my life..." "Don't shoot, I will kowtow to you..." But soon there was a gunshot The chord sounded, and the crowd had no way to retreat. The more crowded and denser, more people fell into the ditch.The rebellious army had no tools, and they couldn't climb the wall from the deep ditch at all.

At this time, someone rode on a horse and shouted: "Don't kill!"

The strange thing is that when the whole line collapsed, there was still a small group of people forming a tight circle and confronting each other.There were two layers of circular formations, many people were covered with blood and hair, but they were arranged very neatly, with short weapons in front and long guns or firearms in the back. There were only a few dozen people in total.There were sporadic sounds of blunderbusses, and people fell down in and around the circle. The chaotic officers and soldiers avoided one after another, and several groups of people holding blunderbusses came up in line, and put the firearms on the brackets.

A general in the army came on horseback and shouted: "You have no way to live. Surrender to avoid death!" There was no movement, no one fired or answered.

Someone said to the general: "This stock is a real bandit."

The general waited for a while, then raised his hand and waved: "Kill." "Crackling..." There was a burst of gunpowder smoke, and the circle of people in the middle fell apart like a pile of straw blown by the wind.

At this moment, the artillery on the earth fortress on the hillside roared, and in the white mist, black lacquered iron lumps could be clearly seen dancing and flying on the ground.

Zhang Fu, who was riding a war horse, came to the first earthen wall and looked at the countless bamboo strips on the ditch wall. The screams of people and the heavy and muffled sound of shells hitting the ground could be heard not far away, but Zhang Fu was indifferent. , Sitting majestically on the horse does not change color.

"Order the ministries to withdraw after taking away the prisoners!" Zhang Fu said.

A military general with a dirty face next to him couldn't help but said: "We took it with great difficulty, the British Duke..."

"It's a deep ditch outside, and it's unstoppable; it's also within the range of the artillery. Should the soldiers be allowed to stand in the open and receive the artillery?" Zhang Fu turned his head and said coldly.

The officers and soldiers retreated relatively quickly. When the sun rose from the other side of Baishui Lake and the fog gradually dispersed, the people had almost disappeared from the open field behind the wall.Inside and outside a wall, a large number of corpses and scattered weapons were left behind.A yellow Suzaku flag with several holes splattered with blood was sticking crookedly on the ground, drooping in the windless chaos as if dying, a few scattered soldiers slowly walked over, bending down to touch a certain corpse Nose, one of them stepped forward and pulled up the flag and carried it on his shoulder.

Zhang Fu watched from afar. He looked up at the earthen fortress on the high ground for a while, and then looked back at the city wall on the right, visually guessing the possible marching routes of the two sides.

At this time, the role of the rebel fortifications in the periphery has been very small, and it is almost impossible to form a corner, because the fortifications have lost their active offensive situation.If the officers and troops attack the city, flanking the attacking troops from the fortifications means passing in front of the fortifications and exposing the army's flanks to the artillery and army attacks of the officials and troops; Put an army on the left fortification to stare at the rebels outside the city.

Zhang Fu felt that the initiative of the war was completely in his hands, that is, he could fight whenever he wanted, and he could not help his opponent; fortifications.

stick to it.What's the use of defending an isolated city, a city under siege?Zhang Fu could easily imagine that the rebels were waiting for reinforcements.

Jin Yiwei has already sent information, giving an overview of the deployment of Huguang's troops.There are many military camps in Wuchang, and they started to recruit new recruits at the end of last year. It took at least three or four months to find all the recruits. That is to say, the army in Wuchang was just a group of farmers and refugees a few months ago.Such an army, who had just put down their hoes and picked up their knives and guns, should not be comparable to the hereditary military households in the guards.

Zhang Fu thought about adjusting the strategic deployment many times, and now he thought about it again.

Although the Beilu army has many local guards, among them there are the rest of the Shenji battalion and the fifth army battalion, who are the elite of the Ming Dynasty.The main force of the rebel army in Jiujiang has been trapped to death. If the North Route Army is transferred to directly attack Wuchang at this time, will the situation be more favorable?As long as the North Route Army defeats the Xinding mob in Wuchang, it will be able to smash into the nest of the Jianwen separatist regime, and the gang of rebels in Jiujiang will surround them and don't care about their life or death.

Perhaps things are not that simple, Lizhou, Yuezhou and the rebels' land and water camps.If Wuchang can't stand it, the Jianwen regime should send troops back from these two camps.So Lizhou or Yuezhou is empty, should the Sichuan Army and other departments in the north of Huguang take advantage of the situation and move south from the west line?

Changing the strategy will make the situation more complicated, but presumably the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.There is only one disadvantage: when actively attacking Wuchang, the rebels are waiting for work with leisure, and they can also repair fortifications to defend the important areas, which is not good for themselves; while waiting for Jiujiang to besieged, the situation can be reversed. , It became a situation of besieging the city and fighting for aid... The reinforcements will definitely come, otherwise why would Jiujiang guard?The most important thing is that Zhu Wenbiao, the leader of the thieves, is also in Jiujiang City.

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