Ping An Biography

Chapter 457 The Battle of Nine Rivers

As soon as the genius was dim, Zhang Ning woke up from the nightmare.When I just woke up, I still remembered the scene in the dream. After a while, when my mind gradually cleared up, I almost forgot the dream in a blink of an eye. It was a very strange experience.In the end, he only remembered a few bits and pieces, as if he had been cut into his abdomen by a kitchen knife, either by another knife or a wide and short kitchen knife. It felt like it was real, and now thinking about it still hurts for a while| tight.

He got up and put on his gray rumpled jacket, and squatted beside a pot of coals in the middle of the room to warm himself.The cold morning wind poured in through the old window paper, making him a little greedy for the warmth brought by this pot of embers; he hesitated for a while whether to go out to inspect the defenses in various places in the city.In the hopeless depression, not only can't stimulate people's potential, but become depressed and lazy.

I don't know what to do next, maybe I should hold back the cold air and go out; or I really don't want to go out because the temperature difference between inside and outside is too big, so what should I do?He didn't do anything, just squatted beside the charcoal fire and procrastinated, as if he could procrastinate for a while.

Yao Ji must be very worried about herself now, and she will be full of worry and pressure for the future; but she can also stabilize the situation inside and outside the palace, and even can still show an awe-inspiring smile on the corner of her mouth in front of people... That's why Zhang Ning is psychologically strong. Can often rely on her.Zhang Ning imagined her appearance, still wearing luxurious clothes every day, and her hair and nails were neatly arranged, and the round feeling made people feel at ease.

But Zhang Xiaomei might not be so calm anymore, what will happen to her, hiding in the room and not wanting to talk to others?Well, it is likely to be so, and her behavior was also the same when the Zhang family was killed before.

At this moment, there were three knocks on the old gray and black wooden door, and then Xin Wei walked in.

Looking back at the room, her gaze stayed on Zhang Ning, and she walked over quickly, her voice a little excited: "I just got the news that General Zhou's new army defeated the Guanjun Beilu in Ewang City and wiped out most of its main force..."

"What?" Zhang Ning stood up abruptly, rubbed his hands and asked again, "Is the news true?"

Xin Wei turned his head and said to the door: "Come in and report."

"Yes." A young man in Tsing Yi bowed into the room. Facing the disheveled Zhang Ning, he looked a little nervous, and hurriedly took out a stack of thin paper from his arms and handed it over, "I met the servant in the Huguang area. Brothers in the province, this is the detailed dossier they gave."

Zhang Ning quickly took it, flipped through and found a drawing with lined text on it, and while he was looking carefully, he heard the young man next to him say, "General Zhou's troops are preparing in advance in the water network area to the west of King E City, and lured the enemy into Go deep, and successfully lure the main force of the Guanjun North Road to the ambush area; then tens of thousands of troops from the Central Army and the Rear Army suddenly crossed from the Yangtze River, blocking the retreat of the Guanjun Army, and surrounded them to death in the ambush circle. The army was divided into two, the inside had no food, and the outside had no soldiers..."

Zhang Ning also saw the tactics described in the dossier, using ditches, walls and camps to build positions, and to use the strengths of firearms to avoid melee combat.At this time, he gradually realized it. Looking at it this way, the quality of the soldiers was not as good as that of the new army in the Beijing camp.Looking at the time when the battle took place, and counting, it was less than ten days before Zhou Mengxiong swore to set off...

"The king really did not choose the wrong person, hum!" Zhang Ning hurried back and forth in the room excitedly, "In this way, Zhang Fu's soldiers and horses are only left in the middle and south roads. There is no exact number of people, but from each On the other hand, it is speculated that the total number of troops will not exceed 6; when Zhou Mengxiong's new army goes south, there will be 2 people, plus the Yongding Camp in Jiujiang City and the Jiujiang Army with more than [-] people, the total number of our troops will reach more than [-]. All of a sudden, at least we won’t suffer any loss in terms of numbers.”

Xin Wei hurriedly asked: "Then are we going to win?"

Zhang Ning said casually: "It's very hopeful." His mind became active again, and he shook his clothes, "Come on, take this item to Yu Qian and tell all civil and military clothes Why are you so wrinkled, Xin Wei, iron me right away, I need to wear it when I go out, and decorate with my dagger... Waiter for pen and ink, I want to write to Zhou Mengxiong, Xin Wei, find one or two more reliable people Come here, come to see me next night...Let Li Zhen come to see me!"

After a while, Yu Qian went straight to the wing where Zhang Ning lived to talk. There were several generals waiting to meet outside; Waiting on the eaves.

Zhang Ning spread out the map on the table, took a ruler to measure several places of interest, and said to Qian, "The first thing to do now is to get in touch with Zhou Mengxiong, but unfortunately Jiujiang is surrounded on all sides, and the risk of correspondence is relatively high. , could easily fall into the hands of the officers and soldiers.”

Yu Qian said indifferently, "You can send someone to notify General Zhou and let him take the lead in occupying Ruichang City; Ruichang is also a relatively important city by the river, and there are carrier pigeons for emergency military information. As long as the carrier pigeons from Ruichang and Jiujiang City By exchanging the pigeons, the prince can use the pigeons to send letters to General Zhou to convey the military plan, so that internal and external cooperation can be coordinated with each other. Even if the pigeons are intercepted by the officers and soldiers while transporting the pigeons, the secrets will not be revealed, and you can try to transport the pigeons many times. We can send letters through letters form to confirm the authenticity."

"This method is good, we will do it tonight." Zhang Ning said bluntly.

Yu Qian said again: "Once General Zhou's army reaches Jiangxi, our first goal should be to break out of Jiujiang City, so as to obtain supplies of ammunition, food and grass, and repair damaged firearms."

"Ting Yi and my hero see the same thing." Zhang Ning tapped the map lightly with a ruler, "I was thinking about where to break through just now."

Yu Qian said: "Only by guessing, I think Zhang Fu will gather heavy troops in the south of the city, because only this side has a wide terrain, which is conducive to the deployment of Zhou Mengxiong's tens of thousands of troops; we can do the opposite, from the land corridor in the northwest of the city Attack, avoid heavy defenses. Just choose the direction to break through based on guesswork. If the attack is unfavorable, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is very likely that the government and army will counterattack and break through the city defenses and fall into the danger of nowhere.

Xin Wei, who was next to her, looked up at Zhang Ning from time to time. She was ironing clothes with an iron filled with boiling water in the room. This kind of thing seemed a bit embarrassing at this moment, so she didn't say a word in silence, but listened attentively to Zhang Ning and others. Talk about big things.

Women are seldom interested in fighting in war, unless it is related to their own interests. Obviously, Xin Wei very much expects Zhang Ning to win in this fighting.After several months of companionship, Xin Wei was the only woman by Zhang Ning's side in this lonely city. She not only helped him by his side, but also occasionally served him in bed. It can be said that she fulfilled the responsibility of a partner; she thought Zhang Ning She is a person with clear grievances and demerits, and she is qualified to share his achievements in the future... The premise is to win on the battlefield.

Zhang Ning said: "Before that, we tried to build the giant balloon to observe the deployment of the enemy's artillery array. Now that we have finished it as soon as possible, it may help our army find out Zhang Fu's deployment of troops."

After hearing this, Yu Qian frowned slightly: "My lord can really make people fly into the sky?" This really challenged Yu Qian's cognition. Yu Qian usually thinks that Zhang Ning is still a trustworthy person, but occasionally he will always come up with some "strange things." Thinking of wonderful ideas" makes people feel like a child's play.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ning said solemnly: "Theoretically it is feasible, and it is natural to try it now."

While speaking, he picked up a pen and quickly wrote an equation on the paper. Water vapor and carbon are heated to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen, and calculate the average formula of the mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen; then use the atmospheric average formula and the planned volume of the balloon to calculate buoyancy.It's a pity that a bunch of symbols are completely equivalent to ghost drawing symbols to others, which is no different from making a fuss. Coupled with his serious expression, it looks a little funny at this time.

Anyway, there was nothing to lose if it failed. Zhang Ning immediately called Li Zhen in and ordered him to sew the silk, cotton, tung oil and other materials prepared a while ago as much as possible.

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