Ping An Biography

Chapter 475 I've Been Waiting For You

The landscape pavilions are shrouded in mist, and a round of orange-red sunrise hangs in the sky between the carved and jade-built pavilions, and the entire Chu Palace is misty at this time.There was an old woman sweeping fallen leaves on the stone path, and a group of maids came from the corridor carrying baskets and boxes. When they saw Zhang Ning, they bent down to avoid the side of the path.Zhang Ning, who was walking slowly, had no choice but to quicken his pace and pass first, because according to the etiquette, these maids would not dare to let Zhang Ning make way.

He was not in a hurry to see Yao Ji, nor did he want to meet the ministers right away.He already knows the resolution of the cabinet, and he should come up with a decision when meeting, instead of hesitating and weighing in front of people.Life is often just acting, showing different selves to different people, that's all.For real thinking, one should calm down and think about it. This is probably why Zhang Ning likes to stay in the room when thinking about problems.

Walking in the corridors of the palace is not very quiet, there are often people coming and going, so he decided to go back to his residence to be quiet first.

Walking into the yard, she suddenly saw a girl squatting on the ground. She raised her head when she felt someone, and it turned out to be Zhu Nanping.Why is Zhu Nanping here?Zhang Ning only remembered now that there was a banquet in the court two days ago, and he brought Zhu Nanping back to let Niang on Tuesday tidy up, and she seemed to live here afterwards.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Ning walked over and asked casually.

Seeing some villains painted with stones on the ground, she immediately wiped them with her shoes, and didn't answer Zhang Ning's question, but just looked at him with her hands behind her back.In the quiet courtyard, there are no relatives or attendants, as if Zhu Nanping is the only one in the world, spending time here boredly.

Zhang Ning remembered the reason why she was taken to the North Palace. It seemed that Yao Ji intended to further hurt and retaliate through Empress Ma's only granddaughter.Zhang Ning could easily imagine that the little niece in front of him was actually in danger at any time, and she would not be pleasing to the eye, anyway, it would not be easy in Beigong.He felt sympathy in his heart, because he never felt that Zhu Nanping was a threat... Even if she is a relative of the emperor and regards herself as an enemy, what ability and threat can a little girl have?

Perhaps it would be better for Zhu Nanping to stay with Emperor Jianwen of Nangong, after all Zhu Yunwen was her grandfather, and the old officials of Nangong had no hostility towards her.

"Nanping, pack your things in a while, and I will personally take you to Nangong in the afternoon." Zhang Ning said casually.I can still decide on this matter, and I don't have to follow Yao Ji's wishes.

Still no response, she just bowed her head silently.She doesn't seem to like talking very much, but sometimes she will talk when she is happy, such as when they first met.But when she lowered her head at this time, the sideburns of that unique hairstyle slid to the front, successfully covering most of her face, and the hair seemed to be a turtle shell.

Zhang Ning didn't want to explain her kindness, didn't want to flaunt how kind she was, so she just did it, and if she couldn't figure it out, don't worry about it.

Since he didn't speak, he didn't bother to force it.He turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly felt strange.The moment she turned around, from the corner of her eye, Zhu Nanping suddenly raised her head, then looked away, her hair slipped down again to cover the expression on her face, her right hand tightly grasped her left arm, as if she was pinching her own arm Meat, such entanglements made Zhang Ning's heart tense.

He stood still, walked back, bent down and tried to look up at her face: "What's wrong?"

After being quiet for a while, Zhu Nanping suddenly raised his head, his face was full of tears, and he choked up and said, "I've been waiting for you... I heard a maid in the morning say you're back, so I've been watching at the door..."

In an instant, Zhang Ning felt something rushed into his mind, and all the thoughts about Zhu Nanping in his mind were subverted. The new logic hadn't been established for a moment, but the vague feeling made him suddenly understand the most critical point.He saw that the fog at the gate of the courtyard behind Zhu Nanping was lighter than when he first came in, as if the sun's rays suddenly rose and dispelled all the haze.The human soul is climbing, spinning into the air, looking at the two people on the ground facing each other for a long time like an outsider.

Not knowing what mood he was in, he put his hands on Zhu Nanping's shoulders to try to comfort her. As soon as he touched her, Zhu Nanping leaned against his chest and began to cry happily.Her thin shoulders were twitching and trembling, and she was extremely sad. Zhang Ning unconsciously kneaded her shoulders with his palms, and said kindly: "It's okay, it's okay."

Without explaining or asking, he has gradually understood all the logical relationships about Zhu Nanping.Just as the sun dispels the mist and the rain washes away the dust, her tears have washed away the hatred and grievances.

This girl who had no mother since she was a child grew up in the Taoist temple isolated from the world, and she didn't even see her father for a long time. She was forced to be shrouded in the shadow of the huge failure of the previous generation.Suddenly someone treats her a little more tenderly, and she regards it as a treasure.

Zhang Ning let her cry in his arms, but his face was indifferent. The duality of guilt and plunder filled his heart with evil.They killed the girl's biological father and locked up her grandmother, and now he ruthlessly plundered the place in the girl's heart that originally belonged to Prince Wenkui.Is it true that the world is full of cruelty and plunder?Whether it is material status or emotional, only the winner is king?

With her soft and slender body in her arms, Zhang Ning smelled the scent of a girl from the black hair on her head.In the morning, he was entangled with his younger sister in the Shahu Bamboo Forest Courtyard but failed to solve the problem, which made him very sensitive, and he had an embarrassing reaction for a while.This is definitely not my intention, the body's reaction does not represent consciousness... Fortunately, this little girl should not understand these, otherwise wouldn't it be embarrassing?

He gently pushed her shoulder away and said, "Let's go into the house first."

Zhu Nanping choked up and said, "Are you still driving me away?"

"No, I apologize for what I just said." Zhang Ning said kindly.After he finished speaking, he held Zhu Nanping's little hand, and walked into the room maintaining a friendly attitude with her.

Zhang Ning sat down on a chair, looked up at Zhu Nanping's eyes, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve pocket and handed it over.Zhu Nanping took it silently, then turned away with a blushing face.

"About the prince, have you heard any rumors?" Zhang Ning asked.

Zhu Nanping nodded: "When grandma was not arrested, she often said in front of me that you killed my father."

"Then don't you hate us?" Zhang Ning asked cautiously.In his opinion, a girl with an unformed worldview should be easily brainwashed by the repeated words in her ears.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Nanping shook his head: "I can't even remember what my parents look like now. I haven't seen them a few times."

Zhang Ning hurriedly said: "I am your uncle, no matter what, I will always be the prince's brother. From now on, you will regard me as your father, and I will take care of you."

Zhu Nanping wiped away his tears, turned to look at Zhang Ning, and responded with an "um".Zhang Ning pointed to this spacious room and said: "This is the bedroom of your aunt and me. I will tell the maid to allow you to come in at any time. There are bookshelves and chess records over there. You can come and play when you are bored. Your aunt will be back in a few days."

"Don't you live here?" She asked timidly again.

Zhang Ning didn't know how to answer for a moment, he had to find an opportunity to accompany Xu Wenjun and Gu Chunhan besides showing his love for Tuesday's mother.In the past, it was enough to fight outside, but when you return to Wuchang, you can't neglect them too much. Women need someone to accompany them.

He observed Zhu Nanping's face again, but for a moment he didn't fully understand the little girl's psychology.Even if her parents are not close to her, the family relationship is obvious after all, so they shouldn't just ignore the grievances like that.But he didn't see anything, Zhu Nanping seemed a little shy at this moment, deliberately avoiding his gaze.

Zhang Ning remembered that there was still something to do, so he temporarily put aside these subtle feelings, went to the desk to get a pen and paper, and settled down to think.His unique way of thinking lists various factors, outlines the relationship between various people and things through lines, and makes inferences and trade-offs in detail.

Getting along in silence like this is a bit deserted.In fact, even if a person is in a high position, he can't be in the excitement of singing and laughing at any time, and he is often lonely.But isn't it also a kind of enjoyment to be so quiet if you have the conditions?Not everyone has the resources to own such a large house and such a quiet environment without being disturbed by mundane affairs.

It wasn't until noon that Zhang Ning got up, threw a few scrawled pieces of paper into the charcoal basin, and a blue flame suddenly burst out.

He went to the door and called Lianxiang, Zhou Yiniang's close attendant, and said: "From now on in this yard, you must not make things difficult for Princess Luocheng. The princess is not here, so you have to prepare lunch for the princess and find someone to wash her clothes. Understand. Yet?"

Lianxiang hurriedly knelt and replied: "Return to the prince's words, this servant understands."

Zhang Ning turned his head to Zhu Nanping and said, "I have something to leave now, so I'm leaving."

He went straight out of the yard, and walked all the way from the corridor to Fengyi Building where Yao Ji lived.When I got there, I found that Yao Ji was about to have lunch, so I could have dinner with her.Yao Ji ordered the maid to add a pair of bowls and chopsticks, and then asked the maid to whisper something in her ear.

Yao Ji looked at him with a half-smile, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.In fact, he doesn't really like eating here. Yao Ji's recipes are too light, while he likes strong and spicy food.

After a while, the maid added a pair of exquisite bowls and chopsticks, as well as a bottle of thin-necked ceramic jug.Only then did Zhang Ning realize that what Yao Ji said quietly just now should be to ask the maid to serve the wine.

The maid came forward to pour two glasses of wine, and Yao Ji waved them away.

"The cabinet office is looking for you everywhere, it seems that you are not in a hurry." Yao Ji said softly.She definitely knew that Zhang Ning had returned to the palace long ago.

Zhang Ning said: "I will see them after I think about it."

Yao Ji nodded and picked up the wine glass, Zhang Ning quickly reached out to pick it up too: "I respect you."

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