Just like returning to school from vacation many years ago, Zhang Ning gradually began to calm down, because he knew that external competitors were intensively preparing for the next action.This kind of self-consciousness is not due to self-control, but a psychological habit formed in the previous life; the competition in modern society is extremely fierce, and he has never experienced a life without worrying about food and clothing before, so he has formed a psychological habit. , Only by maintaining a dedicated mentality non-stop can we survive.Improvement in work and study can make him feel at ease, an irreplaceable dose of psychological comfort.

He is an insecure person. When he was in Jiujiang City, he was constantly worried about what he should do if he failed. He thought about what would happen to Yao Ji and what would happen to Zhang Xiaomei. The best way to dilute such fears.

Without having to do everything himself to interfere with the operation of the bureaucracy, he returned to his previous life.Doesn't look busy, but he's always there when people need him.

Recently, he and Xu Zixin have been walking the closest. This person who has just taken up the post of a minor officer in the Ministry of War has been transferred to Jiangxi, but Zhang Ning has not let him go.I don't know if Xu Zixin can be called a "shipbuilding expert". After all, this young man has devoted most of his life to being a Jinshi, but Zhang Ning can judge that he at least knows a lot about shipbuilding, and he can find a group of familiar experts. , this is enough.

On the school field in the north of the city, Ma Dapeng from the Weapons Bureau and a group of craftsmen leaders are testing a kind of artillery.This is not a new gun. It belongs to the same casting technology as the long-barreled field gun installed by the army, but the caliber is smaller; it has been stored in the arsenal for a long time.When the Ordnance Bureau was developing field guns, it tried to build two such medium-sized cannons, which weighed three catties when used solid. However, they later felt that the caliber guns were too small, too light, and not powerful enough. Heavy artillery weighing nearly [-] jin.

However, the army's artillery is used to equip warships, and the naval fleet currently prepared by the Suzaku Army is an inland river vessel, so it cannot use heavy artillery.Therefore, the choice of the broadside made the two medium-sized long-barreled guns that were put on hold come into use... The flat-bottomed river boat can carry it, and it is a long-barreled flat-fire gun. It seems that all factors meet the requirements.Even if Zhang Ning is not very familiar with the navy, he can understand with normal intellectual imagination. Of course, broadside guns are flat-firing long-barreled guns: the accuracy of wobbling on the water is lower, and the salvo effect is better at shorter distances. The extremely fast exit speed of the gun can cause great damage.

There are only two difficulties. First, to cast a large number of long-barrel cannons again requires a lot of copper materials. No matter how the two provinces of Huguang and Jiangxi are collected and scraped, they cannot meet the raw material demand. At present, the Suzaku Army does not have the technology to cast long-barreled cannons with only iron. , must be copper.Second, how to dispel the rear shock force of the broadside.

The first difficulty is solved for a while, no one can turn a stone into copper, and there is no way to keep a high-pressure gun from blowing up without using copper.But a second difficulty soon loomed.

First of all, Xu Zixin proposed to increase the stability and load draft of the ship from the shape of the hull, flatten the bottom, widen the hull, cancel the buildings on the deck, and make the warship a flat shape, which of course is less susceptible to the impact of aftershock. It will not make the bottom of the ship too deep due to a large number of metal artillery. [

Zhang Ning took a look at Xu Zixin's drawing. He couldn't tell what it felt like. It was wide and flat like a tortoise, which was quite different from the long, narrow and domineering battleship he imagined... Sure enough, there is still some distance between reality and dream.However, he reluctantly accepted it. After all, the construction of the naval division was not for viewing, but for the purpose of inland river warfare. The slender, sharp-bottomed sea-going ships were inconvenient to navigate in the Yangtze River.However, Zhang Ning also made a suggestion to let them put the broadside guns in the cabin below the deck, because Zhang Ning has never seen a wooden ship with side guns deployed on the deck.

Secondly, in terms of broadside design, Xu Zixin's shipyard staff proposed to use hinges and inlaid rails at the gun position to buffer the recoil after firing.Of course, this design does not have any theoretical basis, it is based on experience, even when the matchlock gun is fired, it must be pressed back, and the artillery is the same, an obvious phenomenon.

How long will the buffer hinge track be made, and how much recoil will it bear?According to the craftsmen, we can only wait for the ship to be built on the Jiangxi dock, and then try again and again to gain experience.

This stupid method is too troublesome, so Zhang Ning decided to calculate the recoil directly based on the selected artillery.This is also what a group of people will do on the school field today.

A tent was set up on the side of the school grounds, and a chopping board was supported by two stools. Zhang Ning, a group of officials, and the leader of the Weapons Bureau were either sitting or standing around.There is also Li Zhen and his guards outside.A hundred or so people were messing with something there.

From time to time, there was a muffled thunder cannon, the sound was so loud that it could shake the door panels in the tent.The sound of such cannons can spread throughout Wuchang City, which is also a major feature of this city.Every time the Ordnance Bureau makes a cannon, it will go to the school field for test firing, and it will not be delivered to the army until it explodes; so the common people have been used to it for a long time.

At this time, the muzzle of the test gun was completely level with the flat ground, and the firing range was not far because it was placed at a low height.Zhang Ning chose to completely ignore air resistance and use the parabolic formula to calculate the exact speed of the gun's exit.The horizontal distance of the gun landing, the height of the muzzle center minus the radius of the real quadratic center have been measured; the acceleration of gravity is known.A simple quadratic equation system, first calculate the time through the height, and then use the time and horizontal distance to calculate the muzzle velocity.

According to the principle of conservation of momentum, by weighing the weight of the gun and the weight of the gun, the muzzle velocity of the gun recoil is calculated.Then, through the formula of impulse, it is easy to list the data table between the length of the buffer hinge track and the impulse.

The whole experimental calculation is very simple, even middle school students can figure it out.However, Zhang Ning also encountered a little trouble. The data unit of the acceleration of gravity is meters per second squared, but the length measurement unit and time measurement used at this time are completely different.The scale unit of the Bureau of Weapons has been standardized, and the unit of zhang is nanometers. Although it can be calculated as about one zhang or three meters, it is difficult to avoid large errors... The meter is a common measurement in the modern world, and it has nothing to do with the local size of the Ming Dynasty. No.Moreover, the second, the unit of time calculation, also originated from Western clocks and watches, and the unit used in the Ming Dynasty is completely the same as that used in the Ming Dynasty.

So Zhang Ning had to use tools such as iron balls and hourglasses to re-measure the acceleration of gravity on the tower, using the current unit as the measurement.

For a simple calculation, Zhang Ning spent a lot of effort, and finally worked out the data table after many twists and turns.From this incident, he once again realized how difficult it is to complete a simple technological experiment without a foundational environment.


However, the archives of the Weapons Bureau has another valuable information, that is, the data of the acceleration of gravity.Fully adopt the new data of the weapon round length unit and the "finger" time unit.

At the same time, Zhang Ning's calculation process was also regarded as a treasure by the scribes and craftsmen of the Weapons Bureau.They have already begun to study the various formulas left by Zhang Ning. The symbols and Arabic numerals are annotated in Chinese characters. It is also the result of bringing in the formula to calculate and formulate it by yourself.

Why are the scribes and craftsmen so enthusiastic about the mysterious things that Zhang Ning fiddles with?Just like a school of thought, a disciple of a master craftsman, the apprentices will think that what they have learned from the master is a kind of inheritance...Obviously, it is of great benefit to inherit the mantle of King Xiang and call himself his disciple.This influence stems from positions of power, not academia itself. [

After the Battle of Jiujiang, there was a rumor in the market that some people believed that the king of Xiang met a half-immortal expert in the deep mountains and learned some mysterious knowledge that was not human; The rumors are a little more believable.Even many officials who have read the books of sages and sages believe that the King of Xiang has indeed learned from a master hermit.People always want to deify princes and princes and add some mysterious aura to them, just like the legend of lightning and thunder when Han Gaozu Liu Bang was born.

King Xiang couldn't.The craftsmen and officials of the shipbuilding discussed the structure of the new ship together, and he could always put forward some ideas just right, and after people's pondering, these ideas were always clever and reasonable... For example, placing broadsides below the deck, Xu Zixin's The staff quickly wrote eloquent words to discuss the pros and cons of this design.

But this kind of discussion has lasted too long, because things in Jiangxi are urgent, Xu Zixin needs to take office in Jiujiang immediately, and bring a group of his staff and craftsmen there, so that there will be no problems in a series of preparations.

Yu Qian, who is preparing for the navy ships in Jiangxi, has already sent an official statement.It is necessary to excavate a canal to directly connect Bali Lake and the Yangtze River; build a dock on the bank of Bali Lake, and then divert water from the lake to fill the dock fortifications.Whether there are any problems with a series of projects, Xu Zixin's team needs to visit the site for inspection and evaluation. This group of people includes civil servants, clerks, and experienced craftsmen leaders, and they have a complete talent system directly recruited from Yuezhou.

The design of the capital ship of the Suzaku Army Navy has not yet been completed. Xu Zixin reported to Jiangxi for a final conclusion and then went to the Ministry of War.Before leaving, Zhang Ning urged Xu Zixin to establish a good relationship with Yu Qian, because the money and materials needed for shipbuilding mainly depend on Jiangxi resources, and Yu Qian must make proper preparations.

One day, Xu Zixin suddenly asked Zhang Ning to name the main new ship of the navy, and he proposed it temporarily, and Zhang Ning casually mentioned: "The warship is wide and stable, so let's call it the Ping An Ship."

The people around immediately echoed it, and it was easy for everyone to think that the name of King Xiang used to be Ping An, so naming it after this, of course, they must agree wholeheartedly.

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