Ping An Biography

Chapter 6 If Life Is Just Like First Seen

Just when the sun came in from the window, Fang Ling's exquisite white jade-like face was glowing with beauty, making Zhang Ning look like the aura of a celebrity's descendant in his eyes.She was surprised: "How did Mr. Pingan guess it?"

"Qiangu Zhongliang, it's so famous..." Zhang Ning blurted out, his expression suddenly changed just after he said a few words, remembering that the times were wrong, Emperor Yong Le hadn't hung up yet at this time, where did Qiangu Zhongliang come from?Sure enough, the ancients said that many good words will be lost. The blame is that Fang Xiaoru is a famous loyal minister in modern times. In Zhang Ning's thinking, this matter is common sense. Do people need to think more when they talk about common sense? ?

Fang Ling's eyes suddenly lit up: "You said just now that your late father was a loyal man through the ages?"

Zhang Ning stood there blankly, his face pale.

Fang Ling asked again: "Mr. Ping'an is scared after saying this?"

"I'm afraid...why?" Zhang Ning forced his composure, and then whispered, "But my parents died early, and I still have a sister who relies on me, do you understand..." Fang Ling hurriedly pressed his lips with her fingertips: "Stop talking, I understand... It would be great if my late father could understand."

Zhang Ning kept silent, and understood in his heart: Fang Xiaoru must pay a high price for being a loyal minister of Emperor Jianwen.At this moment, Fang Ling whispered in his ear: "Just because my late father did not submit, that traitor Zhu Di (Emperor Yongle) wiped out my ten clans, and three of them died, with bloody debts. My late concubine is my late father's concubine." , when the family was broken, she was pregnant with Liujia and fled to the countryside to hide, and was found three years later. Zhu Di ordered his concubine to be sent to the army to fill up the camp|ji, and more than 870 men were forced to sleep every day, and they died of unbearable torture. Fu carried it out the door and ate the dog. This is it.'... I was sent to the Ministry of Education when I was only three years old.

Hearing Fang Ling's words, he knew that this girl was unlikely to say what he said, so he hurriedly followed her way and said, "Your incident is really regrettable and sympathetic."

She frowned and fell silent, as if she was recalling the painful and humiliating experience. After a while, she continued in a low voice: "You were wronged and deprived of fame. In the final analysis, it is because the current emperor Zhu Di is cruel and suspicious. The prince is fat and does not please Zhu Di, but he He was the eldest son and gave birth to a grandson who was loved by the emperor, so he was able to sit in the position for so many years; but the prince was not trusted by the emperor, and the king of Han Zhao peeped at Yu Yu's position and tried to slander him for a long time, so he was named Jian Guo In fact, it is like walking on thin ice. Your matter involves Lu Zhen, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, and I am afraid it has a lot to do with it.

Not long ago, Lu Shilang's son-in-law made a mistake in court etiquette, and the prince did not blame Lu Zhen because he was the Minister of Rites.Someone secretly reported to the emperor that at this time, the emperor was angry and put Lu Shilang in prison, and released him after a few days to restore his post; The case, isn't it very strange before and after?Unfortunately, Mr. Pingan was involved and became an innocent pawn. "

"These...are they true?" Zhang Ning asked her seriously with widened eyes.

Fang Ling didn't answer, just looked at him coldly.

Zhang Ning fell silent and sat motionless in front of the window.His fingers tapped the coffee table lightly and subconsciously, and the subtle movements revealed the tension in his heart.After being silent for a while, he suddenly stood up and said, "I have to go now. Thank you for telling me about this. I will see you later."

"Mr. Ping'an!" Fang Ling looked at him suspiciously and shouted, then stood up.He didn't stop, and the moment he passed her by, he turned his head and whispered in Fang Ling's ear quickly: "You are not suitable for being in a brothel...the current emperor can't really live forever."

Fang Ling recited these words silently in her heart, and when she looked up, his background quickly disappeared behind the screen, and she walked in a hurry.She looked at the screen for a long time, then hurried to the window and bent down to look at the pier by the river.At this time, the sun was already slanting to the west, and dusk was approaching, and the setting sun slanted on the water, reflecting the bright light.

...Fang Ling received a generous guest when it was dark.The guest saluted politely after entering the room, and said in a deep voice: "The cabinet sent me to Nanjing on business. At the same time, Mr. Zuo Yude and Yang Shiqi also asked me to take care of something. I will arrive later today. I wanted to find time to see you at that time." On the one hand, but I can't see anyone, so I have to come back now... How is everything?"

Fang Ling said: "That's not the case. No one is thinking about harming me now, so don't worry about Mr. Yu. I didn't know you were here before, and there was a guest in the room next night. He wrote good words. Here, it's right there." ...the people are also very nice.”

The guest went to the case and took a look: "The characters are good characters." Then he read the life if it was just like the first time he saw it, pondered for a moment and then said: "It has aura, but unfortunately it lacks momentum and mind. It is too small to be entangled in the love of children. Fang Ling argued: "It's not uncommon for people to use their daughter's affairs to express their feelings. This poem can also be used to refer to old friends, friends, and confidants of wise men."

"That's true." The guest stopped arguing.

Fang Ling said again: "He was involved in the cheating case, so he must have been wronged. It's a pity that such a wise man has been unfairly wronged. What can you do to restore his fame?"

The guest hurriedly asked: "Involved in the cheating case in the examination room? Are you talking about Zhang Ning, a scholar from Shangyuan County?"

"Master Yu has also heard of him?" Fang Ling asked.

"It's not just what I heard, this time I received a secret instruction from Lord Yang face to face. Business is an excuse, but in fact I came here for him!"

Fang Ling was surprised and said: "Zhang Ping'an is so famous, even Mr. De Yang, who reads Zuo Yu, knows about it, and sent you to Nanjing to rescue him?"

The guest said in a deep voice: "If nothing like that happened, Zhang Ping'an is just one of the countless scholars in Nanjing, that's all. If he is a bit talented in the local area, he is the only one who is attracted by Mr. Yang? This time it is mainly for Lu The servant came. Lu Shilang had been imprisoned once because of court etiquette. Although he was released in the end, both the emperor and the king of Han Zhao suspected that he had joined the prince. At least he was sure that the prince was wooing him. This time he went out again This case of cheating in the examination room is just to add fuel to the flames, there is no need for rigorous and factual evidence, only the argument is generally reasonable, Mr. Lu has been convicted of corrupt officials; he is afraid that the emperor will hear gossip about Mr. Lu in the future, and kill him in a fit of anger. If so, wouldn't the country lose a loyal minister because of this?

When Mr. Yang learned about the fraud case in Nanjing, it happened that I had a business trip to the south at that time, so he dictated to me to investigate the matter closely and find out the real evidence.Unexpectedly, before arriving in Nanjing, I heard about Zhang Ping'an, who was in danger.Don't think about how to restore his mere fame, just save his life. "

Fang Ling said nervously: "Two days ago, I also heard that he was carried home from the prison, rumors that he escaped death, but he should be fine now, and he came to our side today to deliver the brocade pattern. The government has already dismissed Fame is not punishable by death, do they want to..."

"Miss Fang, what do you think?" The guest frowned, "The government must be upright and upright in handling affairs? Before Zhang Ning put a charge on the confession, if it was a little far-fetched, he could be charged with a canonical punishment. Why did you let him go? It is suspected of killing the verdict, and secondly, the death penalty needs to be reviewed by the court, and there are many twists and turns. Therefore, they made Zhang Ning half dead, and only wanted him to die after he returned. It makes sense; but he will be fine in a few days... I didn't think about it, and they shouldn't have made such a mistake. Anyway, the negligence has been made, and others will try to make up for it, and It's not too difficult to make amends."

Fang Ling said thoughtfully: "No wonder Zhang Pingan ran away in a hurry as soon as I finished talking about the involvement in this case. He also foresaw the danger?"

"I'm afraid that's the case." The guest glanced at the words on the case again, "This person should not be a nerd who can only read sage books, but he is still a talented person. The one who can really be admitted to Jinshi does not just have to study hard."

Fang Ling fidgeted and said, "Ping'an is so dangerous, sir, hurry up and find a way to remind him."

"I thought so too before." The guest pondered, "But after hearing what you said about his reaction earlier, I don't think it's necessary to do anything extra for the time being... The gate of the city is closed tonight, so we can't leave the city. If our people talk to him too early It is easy to be exposed by contact, so try to contact him tomorrow morning, gain his trust as soon as possible and take him out of the city."

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