Ping An Biography

Chapter 68 1 Out of Immortal Jump

Forest, mist, huts, fences, tents, Zheng Qia got out, and soon asked Peng Tianheng to meet here. It was the Chai Hu's house last time, so far it seems that it is still an unexposed place.

Peng Tianheng, who was sitting on the side, looked devastated, with his brows furrowed.Not to mention that the current situation is chaotic and the situation is worrying, but the large amount of private salt purchased by his subordinates may not be able to be shipped out. The government may have grasped the signs of his illegal salt trafficking activities. With so many brothers under his command to eat, the loss plus maintenance cost is enough for him to drink a pot. There is a knife on the prefix of "se", Peng Tianheng only remembered this now, this time it was really too lightly.

The atmosphere was not very good, and even the Peach Blossom Fairy who came with her didn't act as coquettish and naive as last time when she met Uncle Zheng, she was a lot more serious.

"It must be that slut Hu!" Peng Tianheng gritted his teeth.

Zheng Qia said: "The matter has already happened. It is better to look back than to look forward. Last time I was in a hurry to find you. There was a big matter that needed you to deal with, but now the secret has been leaked. The first thing to do now is to try to make up for it, otherwise you and I will die. Sorry!"

"By the way, what was the reason last time?" Peng Tianheng asked.

Zheng Qia pondered for a moment, and said cautiously: "Now I can only put it down for now. After I was arrested, I was confiscated with a secret letter from above. I have to find a way to get it back. Although the matter was leaked, as long as the evidence is back, according to the official rules With a set of cumbersome rules and regulations, and many civil servants who don't agree with each other, it is difficult for the puppet court to react. So if you get back the secret letter, you can make up for what happened before!"

Peng Tianheng said: "The official surnamed Zhang has no more scruples now, unless he ventures into Yangzhou to rob him, what else can he do?"

"Not counting loss!" Zheng Qia said with a heavy tone, "Your business in Yangzhou will be lost, as long as you make meritorious service, the higher-ups will not ignore you."

"This subordinate understands." Peng Tianheng clasped his fists and said, but he was not very optimistic about Zheng Qia's promise.He is a military officer, and he knows that he has no money and no one is as speechless as a general without soldiers.Especially in the current situation where the old master of Jianwen can't protect himself, as a general, he is stupid if he doesn't have a warlord mentality.

The meeting between Peng Tianheng and Zheng Qia was not long, and soon they each left the fenced yard of Chaihu in the mountains and forests.

... As soon as he returned to his own territory, he immediately summoned several leaders, including Peach Blossom Fairy, and did not mention Zheng Qia's matter at all, but ordered them to send people to guard the water and land transportation points around Yangzhou City, looking for the "Hu family" trail.

Peach Blossom Fairy reminded him privately: "Didn't Uncle Zheng confess that the most important thing is to steal the secret letter from Zhang Ning?"

Peng Tianheng suppressed his anger, and said coldly: "Mr. Zheng has been arrested for many days. It's hard to say whether the thing is in the hands of the surname Zhang. If we act rashly and fail to get the thing, we will startle the snake, and the next step will be even more difficult." .First catch one of their people and find out the whereabouts of that thing."

"I think..." Peach Blossom Fairy wanted to say that he was in a hurry to avenge her personal revenge, but seeing Peng Tianheng's expression, she finally didn't say it, and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Listen to the owner."

Peach Blossom Fairy has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and she understands the situation of her group of people very well. It is true that there is a high and low organization, but it is relatively loose.The Jianwen court has long since collapsed, with no finances and no powerful territory, so why should the old ministers live or die?So those who run the rivers and lakes still run the rivers and lakes, and those who work as slaves or handmaids still have to live in a low voice.Whether it is good or bad depends on one's own ability. Fang Ling lives on both sides of Baoyang Lake because she is rich; Peach Blossom Fairy is living on private salt now, and the importance of Zhuangzhu Peng's words compared with Uncle Zheng's ultimately depends on the interests.

The last time the superiors arranged to assassinate Emperor Yongle, it should also be to use the hatred of the survivors to win over the hearts of the people, so as to maintain the already very loose connection.

As soon as Peach Blossom Fairy left, Peng Tianheng dropped his disguise, showed his anger, punched the table with his fist, and blurted out: "I stripped you alive!"

I don't know why this matter was carried out very easily. In less than two days, the people below followed the trail of "Hu Shi". That bitch first appeared in Baoyang Lake and hooked up with a young student, and then saw her in Yangzhou The major shops in the inner and outer cities spent a lot of money, buying all kinds of silk and silk to make clothes in tailor shops, and spent a lot of money in jewelry shops and rouge and gouache shops.It is estimated that he won a lot of rewards and couldn't bear it and came out to squander it early. He was like two people acting like a little daughter-in-law that Peng Tianheng saw with his own eyes.

The feeling of being betrayed and fooled is not good, and hearing that the woman is still happy and happy, Peng Tianheng was furious, and nothing could stop him from revenge.He also realized that there was a possibility of bait, but it was really uncomfortable not to let out such a bad breath.

So he ordered his men to keep an eye on "Hu Shi" and wait for an opportunity to catch him.

With Zhao Erniang wandering around outside like this, there are too many opportunities and loopholes.She was about to have a private meeting with the young son she had hooked up with at her residence. When the young master saw her wearing silk and satin hanging with gold and jade jewelry, he thought she was a young woman from a rich family.

Unexpectedly, a few strange men broke into the residence suddenly, holding sharp weapons and controlling the two of them.Seeing the murder weapon, the young master turned pale in shock, and said angrily and fearfully, "You are performing a fairy dance? I have no money!"

"Go to your mother's fairy dance." A man cursed, "If you want to live, don't be so stupid."

The elder brother who took the lead heard that he was mistaken for a fairy jumping down, but he was worried that this kid would not be easy to deal with.Although everyone is a desperado with their heads and belts on, it is not fun to kill people indiscriminately. Unnecessary murders are easy to get into trouble anyway.The eldest brother said, "Is it reasonable for you to have a private husband and wife here?"

Zhao Erniang understood eight points in her heart, and ignored their argument, she suddenly wanted to run outside, and then kicked something inexplicably under her feet, and fell heavily to the ground with a "plop", "Help..." just shouted a As soon as I read the word, my eyes went dark, and there was a loud "buzz" on my head, and I was hit.

Seeing Zhao Erniang lying on the ground bleeding from the corner of her mouth, Xiaosheng was stunned, beating so hard didn't look like a fairy jumping, did she really offend a married woman?He knelt down in front of the stool: "Brother, I don't know that she has a family. Those who don't know are innocent..."

"Take it away!" the man ordered, and several people surrounded Zhao Erniang and tied her up, gagged her and covered her head with a cloth.This battle frightened the little student so much that his body trembled.

Fortunately, the men didn't do anything to him, tied Zhao Erniang into the carriage and left.There had been no movement outside for a long time, and Xiaosheng came out with his head poking his head, not daring to make a sound, and hurriedly slipped away to leave the place of trouble.

Zhao Erniang was first placed in a ravine not far from the sea, which was originally a small den for temporarily storing the purchased salt.Peng Tianheng was more or less careful, fearing that Zhao Erniang was a bait, so he didn't deal with the matter immediately; instead, he sent another group of people to set up secret sentries far and near to watch the situation. After a few days without any movement, he gradually felt relieved.This time he paid attention and did not tell anyone his whereabouts, nor did he explain whether he would go to deal with "Hu Shi" or when he would go.

This thing is indeed a bait.

Xie Jun decided to tell Zhang Ning after weighing it up and down. At this time, Zhang Ning was angry in Biyuan.He had an angry and anxious look on his face. The people below really had never seen him behave like this. He used to be unhurried and seemed to be careless. It is rare to see him in a mood.

"How did I explain it? I told you to give Zhao Erniang the reward he deserved, and let him find a place to avoid the limelight!" Zhang Ning pointed at Xie Juan's nose, "You must have deliberately let her go out to show off, she was treated as a I took the bait and was sold by my own people!"

Xie Jun bowed his back, but he didn't seem to realize his mistake, as if it was not a big deal to take Zhao Erniang as a victim; as a decision-maker, the interviewer and his secret agent, there is no need to care about the life and death of a small person.

It was Xie Jun's attitude that angered Zhang Ning. Zhang Ning scolded: "You don't take me seriously for making claims! You will bear the consequences yourself!"

"This subordinate was confused for a moment..." Xie Jun admitted his mistake casually, but what consequences could there be?The most serious consequence would be the sacrifice of Zhao Erniang, how much influence would the loss of a secret agent have; and the overall situation of arresting Peng Tianheng was already a failure, even if the multiple opportunities failed this time, there would be no worse result.

Xie Jun looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. Zhang Ning realized that he, a young official, had indeed failed to completely subdue the group of people below him. What's the use of yelling at him?Zhang Ning was very angry, but he calmed down when he was so angry, he thought to himself: If there is a chance to wear shoes for this Xie Jun, he will know that there will be a price to pay for disobedience.

Zhang Ning simply sat down, thinking with a cold face.

A mediocre person whose eyes are only limited to Biyuan's management, can also provoke Shangfeng on his own initiative?Why?Zhang Ning suddenly felt insulted... the dead old soul seemed to be laughing at himself with pride!

Xie Juan said kindly: "Lord Zhang calm down, the matter has come to an end, and there is another chance to get close to Peng Tianheng, let's..."

"You are right, now is not the time to talk about right and wrong." Zhang Ning said lightly, "You immediately call all the brothers in Biyuan, and they must be assembled within half an hour, and we rush to save people immediately!"

Xie Jun was stunned: "Peng Tianheng hasn't shown up yet, and the current situation shows that he is very likely to be hooked. Wouldn't it be a waste of all our efforts to rush there now?"

"You didn't understand what I said. Who has the final say here? Are you going to disobey?" Zhang Ning said clearly and unhurriedly. He looked back at Zhan Zhuli who had returned from delivering the letter, Miao Ge who was making tea, and the two secret agents. , "As long as I can be the master for a day, I will not be allowed to betray my own people. Thank you boss for doing this, who will dare to work for you in the future?"

One sentence made Zhan Zhuli and others stand in awe, Xie Jun realized that his long-term prestige as a local snake had been hit, and he was very embarrassed for a while.

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