Before leaving Yangzhou, Zhang Ning wrote back a letter to Luo Yaoniang.About four months after I left Beijing, I received two letters from her, one was sent to the government office in Yangzhou by the official messenger who delivered the official documents, and the other was sent by an acquaintance merchant on the canal; The money was sent back to the servant who delivered the promotion document.Originally, according to the legal system, servants with official duties were not allowed to bring personal belongings, but out of interests (a letter can charge three to five renminbi, which is a lot of money), this kind of thing is not uncommon, and Zhang Ning is also the same. It was only after becoming an official that I gradually understood these things.

Rereading her two letters with a lamp, Zhang Ning couldn't help showing a smile, and all kinds of scenes of bickering with her appeared in his mind, but she wrote the letter in a well-behaved manner, and he didn't ask him if he was a promiscuous|fucking|woman , and did not write some words that are not on the stage, and there are a few classical Chinese sentences in the vernacular from time to time, which seem to be quite polite, and there is an illusion of "respecting each other as guests".

Zhang Tranquility sat for a while, dipped a pen in the inkstone, held his sleeve with one hand, and a line of "Miss Luo's Elegant Mirror" fell on the paper like flowing water, and then sent out greetings, etc., explaining that he was going to Nanjing. job thing.

... This time I went to Nanjing no longer alone, and brought three followers.After handing over the official documents with Wu Yong, and having a drink, I was given 50 taels of money; the garden "Wu Garden" where Wu Yong lived changed hands, and it is itself a public property.

He took time to go home again, and the uncle and the others still talked about some family affairs.Zhang Ning repeatedly urged: Don’t take money and things at will. If there is no reason, you can’t take a penny. If it’s a holiday or a birthday, you can take it if the value is less than ten taels. Such chores.

No one in the Zhang family has ever been an official. They are afraid that the uncle and cousin will accept any money as soon as they are touted. No one's money is given for free.

Not long after, an official under Hu Butang came to Beijing, and had a secret talk about it, saying that the secret letter was written by Emperor Jianwen, and that the emperor was very concerned about it, and asked him to follow the clues to find a way to find out.Sure enough, the promotion this time was not a piece of cake from the sky, but something he had to do... Maybe he seized the letter of the key person a while ago, and beheaded Peng Tianheng for venting anger for the emperor, which was too much of a show.

Zhang Ning had access to the archives in Wu Yuan, and was busy looking up the archives of the former interview envoy of Yangzhou. Unexpectedly, there were personnel archives in other prefectures, but he didn't have what he was looking for.What's the secret behind this matter?After thinking about it, he simply wrote to Hu Butang directly to ask about it, the reason being that he doubted the details of Biyuan and the two of them; if Hu Butang didn't want to tell, he could find an excuse to cover it up, anyway, it should be fine to ask.

...The official messenger delivered the message very quickly, and Zhang Ning received a reply half a month later.It is simply incomparable with private letters. Luo Yaoniang's letters take an average of one or two months to be delivered.

Zhang Ning took the letter from the courier, tore apart what appeared to be Hu Ying's handwriting, and glanced at the courier who hadn't left yet. He quickly put the letter down with both hands, and asked someone to fetch water to wash his hands. Just sit upright and read.Playing tricks, he thought to himself: It's best to explain the meeting process in detail when I go back, to see how much respect I have for Hu Butang!

Sure enough, the origin of Miao Ge is a bit mysterious.This woman who doesn't even have a name in the booklet is just a prostitute of Biyuan, but Zhang Ning is following her... Although he got some clues from Xie Jun, Zhang Ning questioned Miao Ge's details Mostly relying on intuition, this matter is a bit of a coincidence factor.

In the letter, Hu Ying mentioned that the former Yangzhou interview envoy had been convicted and sent to prison. After interrogation, she asked about their backgrounds.In fact, Zhang Ning only cares about one Miao song.That Miao song originated from a shamanistic sect in Yunnan called "Xiejiao".

The God and Ghost Sect itself was one of the targets of the secret investigation by Hu Ying and his gang, but it happened that Miao Ge had something to do with the messy sect, so there was no problem or problem.After reading the letter, Zhang Ning said secretly that it was not good.

As expected, within a few days, two Jinyiwei school lieutenants and several military attendants came to Wu Yuan, all dressed in casual clothes, and showed the Beizhen Fusi belt badge to meet Zhang Ning.They got straight to the point, the purpose of coming was to arrest people, two people: Xie Jun and Miao Ge.Can Zhang Ning stop Jin Yiwei?Someone came over to say it to save face, because the person to be arrested is a subordinate of the Nanzhili interview envoy, even if you are arrested without saying hello, what can you do with the factory guard?Not only could it not be stopped, but someone had to be sent to help.

After seeing off the captain of Jinyiwei, Zhang Ning sat on the chair in a daze for a long time.

He had seen those people working in the Jinyiwei yamen in Beijing. At that time, he treated Zhou's family of three very politely. No punishment was just threatened; think about the former Yangzhou interview envoy who was arraigned and recruited everything... What kind of treatment will Miao Ge receive if he is arrested and sent to prison?

All of a sudden, it was as if he had been poured cold water on him, and he thought to himself: What on earth am I doing these things for?In Zhang Ning's mind, a slender beauty's skillful posture when making tea appeared, and he felt very uncomfortable for a while.

At the beginning, I was going to be an interview envoy in Yangzhou to get back the handle of Peach Blossom Poetry and eliminate hidden dangers; then the things were brought back, and the situation was chaotic when doing things. This Xie Jun felt that Xie Jun had harmed people and it was not easy to let it go, and Miao Ge was the breakthrough point... and it ended up like this.

It is too easy for people to go too far and forget the original intention.

Xie Jun was punished, but Zhang Ning couldn't feel the pleasure of revenge.Maybe anger and hatred are like this, wanting to take revenge when the anger is burning; but if the revenge is successful, what can be gained?It cannot be empty.

Zhang Ning realized that he was not suitable for this job at all. What kind of Emperor Jianwen and other ministers have nothing to do with him. Hu Ying's team is as dirty as the work of the factory guard.Being a corrupt official is nothing more than greed for some dirty money, but this line of work is often punished with severe torture, and it is really difficult to continue.

Right now, he had no choice but to eat and drink, and it was business to find an opportunity to be transferred from the position of interview envoy of Shenma.Be a seventh-rank county magistrate or something, and in the future, you will be able to get a fifth-rank official, be cautious about embezzling some money to buy a house, and then set up a sideline business for merchants, and forget about it.

So he thought of Su Liangchen, a talented man from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, who was in Nanjing for a while, so he asked him to drink flower wine, sing the wind and watch the moon to get rid of Yin Qi.During the dinner, Zhang Ning occasionally expressed envy for his leisurely tone. Unexpectedly, Mr. Su heard the taste with a flexible mind, and said on the contrary: Ping An's official career is prosperous, if I can change it, I am very willing... Those who are ambitious and want to be successful have mansions in fertile land and a stomach full of songs, songs and poems.

Afterwards, Lao Xu talked to Zhang Ning and wanted to become a tenant, and Zhang Ning agreed without thinking too much.Old Xu said again: "Boss Xie from Biyuan in Yangzhou has been arrested, someone must take care of that place..."

With such a mention, Zhang Ning immediately understood the mystery, and blurted out: "Old Xu wants to do that secret investigation project?"

There was no one else around, so Old Xu nodded: "I was thinking that Boss Xie is from a craftsman background, he can do it and prove that the position does not require a high status. Once I settled down, taking over Biyuan was just a matter of arrangement by the boss... If the host has someone else to arrange, then that's all, I'm just mentioning it casually."

Because the assets under the name of Biyuan are relatively rich in that position, it is better to give it to someone else than to give it to someone else, so Lao Xu said that there is no pressure. Perhaps in his opinion, it is the best of both worlds, and Zhang Ning has no reason to be unhappy.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Ning was not cheerful at all, he persuaded: "It's risky to do that line of work, don't you think Xie Jun has been arrested?"

Old Xu smiled and said: "That's because Boss Xie doesn't know how to handle things. In my opinion, working as an official in Biyuan is much easier and more stable than when I was a military officer..."

Zhang Ning pondered for a long time, his heart flowed to the lower places, and others went to the higher places. It is true that being the boss of Biyuan not only improved his status but also materially. Old Xu's work a while ago was considered righteous, so there is no reason to be wrong with him. Be kind.As for whether Lao Xu will be scrutinized in the future, unless Zhang Ning is unlucky in advance, no one will easily investigate him.Zhang Ning sighed slightly and said, "Alright, if you want to go, I will arrange it for you. Now I have the right to arrange a secret agent from the state capital in my position...Although you and I have not known each other for a long time, but I didn't treat you as an outsider, but to tell you the truth, I have no intention of continuing to be an interview envoy, and I think I will resign after a while, so you can take care of yourself when you arrive in Biyuan."

Old Xu hurriedly asked: "My boss is proud of his official career, he has just been promoted to the fifth rank, why..."

"This fifth grade is false." Zhang Ning smiled strongly, "You don't need to ask too much, I don't want to do that."

Old Xu said: "I still won't go to Biyuan's errand."

"Why don't you go?" Zhang Ning said, "Since you think that position is good, I can continue to do it if there is any. The transfer of officials has nothing to do with the secret investigation. The former Yangzhou interview envoy was convicted and sent to prison. ?”

"At the beginning, I mentioned this matter, thinking that my boss was an interview envoy, and I was also working for you below." Old Xu said, "Now that my boss has said that my ambition is not here, why should I go, it seems disloyal."

Zhang Ning said with a smile: "What about loyalty? I told you a long time ago that the relationship between people is better. If you think that I am okay with people, you don't need to be grateful to Dade. You know it in your heart." Sometimes it’s enough not to add insult to injury. Everyone has his own ambitions, and I won’t stop you.”

"This..." Lao Xu suddenly looked puzzled, "What ambition do I have at this age? But staying with the master for a few years will be a burden. In this case, Wen Jun will entrust the master to take care of it."

Zhang Ning nodded indifferently: "There are countless young talents in Nanjing. I saw the right one, and Wenjun was also satisfied. Give her a home." Seeing that Lao Xu's expression was a little sad, Zhang Ning persuaded, "Life is a gathering." Scattering is normal, so don't worry too much about it."

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