There is no banquet tonight, Zhang Ning did not drink, but when he came out of Yang's residence, his face was already full of red.It is obvious that Yang Shiqi is quite satisfied with himself, even when parting from a senior member of the court, he did not forget to say, "Ping An's book is good and very talented." The official is not a bird at all, even if it is not easy to nod to you, how can he care about talking in private?All in all, things look good.

Zhang Ning asked himself that he was also an ordinary person, thinking that his family had no background, so he was very happy to be able to make a living in the capital, and the various benefits brought about by promotion and wealth would be reflected slowly... But now he still has to ride Go home with the donkey issued by the Ministry of Rites.

The wind in the capital is strong, and the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month blows directly on the body, making people shiver uncontrollably, no matter how thick they are worn.It would be great if there was a sedan chair or a carriage instead, but there is really no cover for riding a donkey.

As soon as he walked through an alley, he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him. Zhang Ning looked back and saw that Luo Yaoniang was catching up, so he asked the groom leading the donkey to stop, and when Luo Yaoniang caught up, he asked her: "My God!" It's all dark, did you come out to talk about something?"

"I wanted to tell you something at first, but when you asked, it seemed that there was nothing wrong..." Luo Yaoniang looked at him innocently.You could tell she was in a good mood too.

Zhang Ning said casually: "Then walk through this long street together, and you can go back. After all, it is night, and people will see that they have a bad opinion of your father."

"Yeah." Luo Yaoniang smiled.

Perhaps the two should congratulate Zhang Ning and Yang Shiqi for their successful meeting, but they don't know where to start when they meet face to face, Zhang Ning also understands this feeling.Lanterns are hung under the eaves on both sides of the long street from time to time, sparsely, but because the street is relatively straight, it looks like there are rows of lights on both sides, which is very beautiful.At this moment, the scene is somewhat romantic... It's just that the wind is too cold, which really makes people unable to arouse any interest in taking a walk. Zhang Ning just wants to get home early to be warmer.

It just so happened that Luo Yaoniang also said something that spoiled the atmosphere: "Where did you get so much money?"

This Zhang Ning is really not very clear. Even if he wants to explain the truth, he can't explain it in one or two sentences. If he is in the room with a warm fire, he is in the mood to talk about it. Now he is trembling in this situation. .He said: "My hometown is over there. I grew up in the territory of one prefecture and two counties in Nanjing. I always make some friends. I have my own way to raise money."

Luckily, Luo Yaoniang didn't grasp this matter to ask the end. After listening to it, she just said: "My father also said that it is a good thing to make friends with people of good character... But what happened to that Zhao Erniang in your family? You don't care. Why do you need to buy such a big man to buy a slave, I don't think it is a fuel-efficient lamp!"

It is reasonable for Zhao Erniang to ask her to pay extra attention to this jealous jar. Then Zhao Erniang can't be described as beautiful, maybe "feng|sao" is more appropriate, and there is a feeling of provoking yu in her whole body. .

But Zhang Ning had no pressure, and said earnestly: "She used to be one of my subordinates, and now lives with me, but it's not what you think."

"What do I think?" Luo Yaoniang said angrily.

"Some things I don't want to say casually, it's not good for others." Zhang Ning said.

When Luo Yaoniang heard that he was actually protecting that girl, as if they were his own people and outsiders, she immediately said unhappy, "Okay, I'm the kind of person who can't say anything casually!"

Seeing this, Zhang Ning told the groom to go first and wait for him in front.When it was only him and Luo Yaoniang, he whispered: "Peng Tianheng was the mastermind behind last year's imperial meal poisoning case in order to catch the chaotic party at that time. Hand, she was treated inhumanely, almost became a 'disabled person', I let her follow us, just want her to have someone to rely on, I was also responsible for that incident at the time."

"Impoverished?" Luo Yaoniang asked curiously, after all, she saw Zhao Erniang was able to walk and work that day, so there was nothing unusual about it.

Zhang Ning showed a look that was different from the usual gentleness, and said in a deep voice: "The left breast was cut off, and the lower part of the body was tortured with red-hot charcoal, and the body is already too horrible to look at."

Luo Yaoniang froze immediately, as if shivering, and her face changed slightly.

Zhang Ning sighed and said, "Look at her talking and laughing, living her life like a normal person. It's really not easy. Let's not expose her scars, just pretend it's nothing. Because you asked, I wouldn’t tell anyone else.”

"It's very pitiful..." Luo Yaoniang also showed sympathy.The two were silent for a long time, and she said with some self-blame, "I misunderstood you, in fact, you are not that kind of person, it's all my narrow-mindedness! You won't bother me?"

Zhang Ning shook his head with a smile, noncommittal.

Luo Yaoniang looked at his side face, and her mood fluctuated for a while. She could feel that this young face looked clean and handsome, but it was very different from those pampered sons; As far as I can tell, he was so tired that he seemed to be silent all the time.

This street looks very long, but it ends before you know it.When the two reached the intersection, Zhang Ning said, "Let's go back."

Luo Yaoniang blushed and hesitated to speak, and finally blurted out: "When will you find a matchmaker to propose marriage to my father?"

"How about tomorrow?" Zhang Ning said seriously.

Luo Yaoniang smiled and said, "You are too impatient." Zhang Ning kicked the donkey and approached with a small smile, "The last time I went to drink with my colleagues from the former Secretary Department, someone mentioned that there was a man from the north of the capital city. If it doesn’t violate the law, I can’t help but go if it goes on like this.”

"How can you talk to others like this!" Luo Yaoniang rolled his eyes at him, "I don't care about you, I'll go back now." After saying that, she turned her horse and patted her horse and left.

Back home, Zhang Ning asked, "Where's Miss Zhang?" Zhao Erniang, who was getting hot water for him, said, "I'm already asleep."

He didn't say anything, just sat down in front of the brazier, it was really cold after walking for a while, he was busy taking off his shoes and socks to burn his feet.At this time Zhao Erniang said again: "When you were on duty during the day, our wife who didn't come in took the younger sister out to play, and even bought two silk clothes for the younger sister."

"Oh?" Zhang Ning met Luo Yaoniang just now, but didn't hear what she said, so he asked, "How are Miss Luo and Younger Sister getting along?"

"She just doesn't like me, but it seems nice to talk and laugh with my little sister." Zhao Erniang muttered.Zhang Ning persuaded with a smile: "Miss Luo has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, and she is not a bad person. After getting to know her better, she won't fight with you again."

Zhao Erniang said: "But then again, if someone doesn't get along well with my younger sister, I really don't know how difficult it is for that person to serve."

Zhang Ning immediately asked: "Is my little sister easy to get along with?"

"The boss is her brother, don't you know?" Zhao Erniang picked up Zhang Ning's feet and put them in the hot water while talking, and Zhang Ning was allowed to wait on her, anyway, he was paid.She went on to say, "The boss is an official, and most people would bend over to get out of the way, but my younger sister has no airs at all, and is very diligent and helps with everything."

Seeing that Zhang Ning was very interested, she listened attentively, and said: "When there are many people, she is easily overlooked, although she is your sister and a person of status. But once you get to know her well, You will feel very relaxed, and what else..."

"Is it like moistening things silently?" Zhang Ning laughed.

Zhao Erniang nodded: "Also, when I first saw her, I thought she must be very delicate, and felt that there was no one to take care of her, and she would definitely cry; unexpectedly, we soon found out that was not the case, last time several people in the troupe were sick Instead, the younger sister went to take care of them, just like..." Zhao Erniang blushed slightly and lowered her voice as she remembered something, "It's like grass that can grow in the cracks of stones."

It took Zhang Ning a while to remember that he had used Xiaocao's childish stories to comfort her, and the two of them smiled knowingly together for a while.

Suddenly, it seemed that the weather was not so cold anymore, and there was a faint warm breath.Zhang Ning said, "If you want, I can treat you like a younger sister."

Zhao Erniang said softly, "Maybe I'm a little older than my boss."


Zhang Ning started a very regular life again. In the morning, he put on his official uniform and went to the yamen for duty, and when he came back in the afternoon, he occasionally got together with three or four friends.It's about the same as the days when I went to work in my previous life.

As an official in the capital, there are opportunities to advance in the center of power, but on weekdays, the first thing to do is to behave well and have a good evaluation. Only when it comes to critical moments does someone help to speak.Zhang Ning himself is a relatively well-behaved person, and he is quite diligent in his duties.Because in the Ministry of Rituals, a lot of knowledge about etiquette needs to be learned on the spot, and he often reads books in his arms during this time.

In fact, every line of work is not simple. It was only when he became the head of the Department of Rites and Systems that he discovered that various rules and regulations can be so complicated... Just like he once went to a chemical factory before, he realized that the production process of a few reaction equations requires countless Pipeline valves, the technological process of dense stacks of paper.

Fortunately, all kinds of institutions in the Ming Dynasty tended to be perfected. Zhang Ning didn't quite understand it, but it didn't affect the administration. There were a bunch of officials in the Department of Rites and Systems. As long as you asked more and more people, there would be no problems.In fact, the people who are most familiar with the work itself are not the officials, but the officials; the officials are the officials who are in the water. If you do this job today, you may be promoted tomorrow, and the officials may stay in the same position for decades. More familiar than at home... If the government's yamen lacks countless officials, the entire state machine will be paralyzed.

Zhang Ning found that he was a decent official, at least he had a good relationship with the people around him, and the cooperation was smooth, and he was a fast learner, usually studying hard, at least he could roughly understand what the people under him were doing; There is a colleague who is worse than him. The Jinshi who has just passed the examination can only make fuss about the four books and five classics. He can't do things without people, and his official position is a mess.

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