() "You are polite, little brother, when you talk about the dignity of the human race, I dare not wait to fight. Hehe, if there is nothing wrong, we will leave first. After all, this is a place of right and wrong. When the Xing army comes, I am afraid it will be troublesome."

Most of this group of black-clothed silver knife guards from various brigades just smiled and didn't say much. Obviously, although they were surprised in their hearts, their good mentality made them shut their mouths well. They knew they shouldn't ask. Don't ask too many questions, just turn around and leave.

And the only woman in this group of supporting sword guards, Tian Ling, stared at Han Bai several times before leaving, her eyes were full of curiosity.

At the other place, a group of monster wolves lying dead on the ground also looked at Han Bai with frowns at this moment, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.Man Ya and his clan brother Man Yin looked at each other, a strange flash of light flashed in their eyes, and finally, Man Ya showed a strange smile, looked at Han Bai, and his eyes lit up.He got up like a normal person, Man Ya didn't forget to pat the dust off his body, he sneered at Han Bai and said, "Hey, boy, I underestimated you before, wait a minute, this matter is not over, today is yours If you win, Grandpa Qiu will definitely avenge you, and you will die miserably, I promise." After speaking, the figures of Man Ya and others disappeared in the back alley of Thirteenth Street.

Han Bai frowned, looking at Man Ya's retreating figures, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. If he was still the same as before, how could a mere second-stage giant elephant bully him like this? He turned his head Looking around, I saw two old men from the Tiger tribe standing in the corner tremblingly.The back view of the old man Manhu trying hard to get up, he is very helpless. In this chaotic era, the sorrow of powerlessness is most vividly reflected here.

"This is a low-grade blood spar. Take it back, and you will have to rely on yourself in the future." Han Bai took out a blood spar about the size of a middle fingernail from his arms and handed it to the old tiger. , After admonishing, Han Bai didn't care about the old lady who was about to pay homage to Xie En, turned around and left without any hesitation.

Han Bai is not a good person, and most of the high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen in the provinces of the Tang Dynasty are well aware of this. Han Bai, nicknamed Nimo, has tens of thousands of evil fruits in his hands. , but every shot is a one-hit kill, there has never been a second hit, and it is not a problem to ransack the house and destroy the family.As for the reason why Han Bai appeared in the bloody giant tower in Tianya Haijiao now, he is very clear.

Because of that bitch, that assassin who was stronger than him, Han Bai's former lover Nalan Yuanhua.

Tianxiong Continent is a huge colosseum raging with flames of war. Every moment, someone will live and die for the country. In the last years of the Middle Ages, a world-renowned killing battle, the Battle of Changshan, took thirteen years before and after. .It was the earliest and largest encirclement and annihilation battle in the history of Tianxiong Continent.In this battle, the Tang Dynasty killed more than five million foreign soldiers from all directions. After this battle, none of the foreign races in the four directions had the strength to fight against the Tang army. It was only a matter of time before the Tang Dynasty unified the Tianxiong Continent.

The seven-year-old Han Bai lost all his relatives in this war, was adopted by a strange old man, and began to receive cruel training with a group of children, with only one purpose: to become the strongest killer.The name of this old man is Old Man Xiaoyue. As for the rest, Han Bai only knows that he was entrusted by a certain prince next to the Li family of the Tang royal family in power to secretly train top assassins in order to assassinate the conspirators and bring down the rebels. strangled in infancy.Ten years later, old man Xiaoyue trained ten killers, including Han Bai.

The old man Xiaoyue ordered them to take action to execute the assassination plan.Ten children who have been trained as professional killers are full of courage and fighting spirit, but they don't know what kind of cruel fate awaits them.For another six years, the ten people whose hands were stained with blood after endless killings were all promoted to the Guiyuan Xiantian Realm, lurking in various industries, silently waiting for the arrival of the next mission.

In the 33rd year of ancient times, it was the [-]th birthday of Li Shiling, the lord of the Tang Dynasty. The whole country celebrated together, and the world was amnesty.At that time, Han Bai, who was lurking in the Imperial Guard Corps of Chang'an City and served as a general of the right army, silently looked at the feather of a dead crow in his hand, feeling an indescribable shock in his heart!His eyes were fixed on that pitch-black feather, he really couldn't believe it, this time the task was actually [Ten Sons Seizing the Inheritance], ten sons fighting, one son alive [Ten Sons Seizing the Inheritance].

That night, the moonlight was as white as ice, exuding a stern and chilly air, which made Han Bai stand on the top of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, looking up at the moon, wondering what he was thinking.

And at this moment, in each of the major cities in the Tang Dynasty, there was a young man holding the feather of a dead crow, indifferent and speechless.

The ten of them are as close as brothers, and there are even a few couples among them, but to be subjected to such an order is really a trick of fate and God's will, and it is really unpredictable.

Task content: "Ten sons compete, one son lives alone, on the top of Tai'a Mountain, old man Xiaoyue!"

No one thought that the first person to fight Han Bai turned out to be his former favorite, Nalan Yuanhua.

That woman, his lover, is also his only love, a woman who made him destined to be crazy for her, Han Bai felt miserable in his heart, he never imagined that he would be the first one to strike at him. The one who promised him to remember her forever, the one who would never abandon her, Nalan Yuanhua.

Han Bai still clearly remembered the first time they met, it was a night destined to perish.

Where there is sunlight, there are shadows.In this world where it is difficult to distinguish truth from lies, where light and darkness coexist and restrain each other.

Where there is light, it may not be swallowed by the forces of darkness, and in the dark and chaotic places, the stories of heroes are often staged.

That night, in the cold winter, the twilight was gloomy, and raindrops fell from the dark sky. The Emperor's Flower Street immediately transformed, bringing a trace of bright red and colorful charm. The Tang Dynasty, the most elegant high-rise buildings, stood in the dark In the rainy night, there are ghosts like giant beasts, entrenched there and releasing an ominous breath.

The River of Feelings flows slowly like a day for thousands of years, how clear and pure the passing river is.

Today's River of Feelings is a little more colorful than in the past. Countless flower boats are flowing continuously in the wide river, bringing bursts of elegant strings and fragrant wind.

Wrapped in a tattered sweater, the young Han Bai carried a wooden lunch box in his hand, and quickly stepped onto the embankment of the Qinghuai River that has a history of hundreds of years.This embankment is 65 meters high and thick and solid. It is the most important place to prevent the embankment from bursting and to discharge floods. In normal seasons, people come and go, but it is the severe winter and the weather is freezing. Han Bo is trying to climb a rock wall, not far from him is a flood discharge pipeline in the central position.

Every section of the embankment is about 30 meters apart. There will be a flood discharge pipe. Xiao Hanbo stopped on the middle floor. Thick layer of straw, comfortably sat down.Uncovering the lunch box, Xiao Han Bai rubbed his hands together, and shouted to the depths of the pipe in a low voice: "Danhua, Daphne, come out, I'm bringing delicious food!"

Hearing the sound, from the depths of the pipe, a small black shadow appeared in front of little Han Bai with lightning speed.The little black shadow didn't wait for little Han Bai to speak, he had already grabbed two sand core steamed buns and threw them into his mouth.She complained vaguely: "Brother Han Bai! Why are you here now? I'm starving to death."

There was a crisp sound of 'pop', and I saw that little black shadow licking the crumbs on the fingertips. It turned out that this black shadow was a very petite girl with beautiful long silver hair .

The little girl blinked her eyes, and asked Han Bo worriedly: "Brother Han Bo, are people outside still arresting me? How long are we going to hide?"

Hearing this, Han Bai took a deep look at the little girl, took out two pieces of cake from the lunch box, carefully removed the exquisite coat and handed it to the little girl, and he took a sip of the boiled water himself. "It may take a few more days. In the past few days, the old bustard has sent people to guard us. We must not go out. Once caught, we will die."

The cold wind was howling, snowballs fell one after another, and in the deep cave, little Han Bai and little Yuanhua looked at each other silently, their eyes full of worry. "When will this kind of life of hiding in Xizang come to an end? Brother Han Bo, why don't we run away, as long as we leave the Empress Flower, Granny Lihua won't be able to catch us outside."

Xiao Yuanhua suddenly suggested at this time, and then looked at Han Bai eagerly, as if waiting for his answer. "Quack quack, you bitch, you still want to escape, you won't be able to go anywhere today." Without waiting for little Han Bai to speak, a vicious remark rose up, causing a huge commotion in this extremely cold night.

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