() At present, he is more concerned about this treasure. If you want to say why, everything is caused by Venerable Hei Ri. This old man has been thinking about this treasure all the time. He was very impressed by that appearance, that is to say, this treasure was of great help to Venerable Heri's resurrection, and he had to pay attention to it.

Han Bai picked up this treasure very curiously. He couldn't tell which level of treasure this treasure was, but its value was definitely not lower than a magic weapon of the fifth-grade gold rank, so he was very rude. I accepted it with a smile, anyway, the owner of the moon wheel is still unconscious now, and when the time comes, it will be no problem to say that the living is dead, and the dead is alive.

In modern times, most people would choose Li's "soul nourishing and refining", Li's "soul nourishing and refining" concept of life and soul, the life of a person is connected with the soul of the weapon, and when the weapon is destroyed when the person dies, the spirit and soul will be damaged when the weapon is destroyed. The result of this kind of alternative casting method is that there are not many magical artifacts left in the world, and even rarer magical artifacts that can be passed down from generation to generation. Once the owner dies, the magical artifacts will disappear.

"If this girl is using Li's Soul Cultivation Alchemy now, it will be troublesome."

Holding this treasure of unknown rank, Han Bai hesitated in his heart. If this moon wheel is cultivated with Li's method of cultivating souls and refining, once I take the moon wheel away and refine it into liquid essence, it will It would be miserable for the girl, once her soul was injured, she would lose her thoughts of Nirvana in the future.

Han Bai was in a dilemma for a while, the moon wheel in his hand was like a hot potato, which was very difficult to deal with.

Han Bai looked at Sui Xing's delicate figure, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth. If the beauty of the country was destroyed in his own hands, it would be considered an unprecedented experience, and perhaps it was not bad.


Han Bai slapped his face vigorously twice, making him numb all over, and the wretched look on his face disappeared immediately, and he finally woke up from the state of a wretched man.

"Damn it, how could you have such a lewd thought."

Han Bai sighed. In recent days, he has been living in the days of calculating and being calculated every day. To the head of "my family".

"No, Li's Soul Cultivation is a method of cultivating magic weapons that has been circulated in the outside world in recent years. Even if this bloody giant tower has such a method of cultivation, it must be in the hands of the four chiefs. It is impossible for the people here to get in touch, that is to say, she should not use Broken Star either."

Han Bai looked at this treasure carefully again, and he had one thing to confirm.

One of the most noticeable things about this moon's brilliance is that it flashes with silvery white light from time to time. The impact came too suddenly, for a moment, caught off guard, Han Bai's body was crushed immediately, and his feet sank into the ground.

"Wow!" In an instant, the man in black on the soul-enchanted moon appeared again, and as soon as he made a move, he made a strange symbol. At first glance, this symbol looked like a certain kind of writing, but Han Bai didn't know about it. Any kind of writing, seeing this sigil, one can feel the turbulent waves beating against the embankment.

"Top." Han Bai's mind moved, the impact of this mysterious talisman on him was very strong, and he had a feeling that if he couldn't resist this round of impact.He is dead.

The powerful spiritual thoughts released by the soul are released with the soul-stirring technique of [Soul Return] as the center, and the released spiritual thoughts are not as sweeping as in the past.It's like a wave that overlaps and adds up, and the divine sense is like a wave that is constantly rolling and flowing in all directions.It is entirely conceivable that once encountering a life with a soul, this divine sense like rolling waves will definitely be like hitting the embankment, and the instant soul-stirring technique will turn into a huge wave and hit the mysterious symbol. The huge wave actually resisted the mysterious talisman, and two strange energies clashed in the sky above the Zifu. For a while, the inside of the Zifu was full of wind and clouds. Constantly alternate reincarnation.

When the crisis approached, Han Bai instinctively moved his soul to resist, and then a mysterious and mysterious feeling came to his heart. He felt empty in his heart, and the method of moving the soul naturally came to his mind. Thinking, the flow turned to the mysterious rune, at the same time, some strange changes took place in the sky above Han Bai's purple mansion. Xia shined, and in a blink of an eye, he set up layers of defenses at the phantom of his purple mansion, protecting Han Bai very tightly.

The black sun's cold flames gave Han Bai a chance to breathe. He made a decisive decision and immediately threw the moon wheel far away, and withdrew all his soul, and no longer dared to detect the moon wheel.

"This mysterious rune is so powerful." Han Bai was very surprised, and it took a long time for everything to calm down. He clearly noticed that his Zifu became more condensed in the process of fighting against the mysterious rune, compared to before. , there is an extremely strong vitality.

"Damn it, fortunately my divine sense has turned into a divine soul, and I can barely use the soul-stimulating technique, otherwise I would have become a dementia by now."

Han Bai patted his chest with lingering fear. If he was not careful just now, his situation would become very dangerous.

"But fortunately, I understand that this girl's soul moon wheel can be directly refined without using Li's Soul Cultivation Alchemy. Well, let's do it quickly while this girl is still awake."

After suffering a big loss, he finally got some information about this treasure, and immediately prepared to refine it. In Li's method of cultivating the weapon, there is a method of reversing the original source, which is He also understands the method of smelting magical artifacts and returning to the original state. At present, he only needs to use water to refine the moon wheel into The essence of the magic weapon is enough.

The more I look at it, the more fascinated I am. The appearance of this soul-enchanted moon wheel is too charming. The phoenix on the surface of the knife wheel is like a real beast, vivid and beautiful.

"What are you doing? If you dare to move my moon wheel again, I will let you die."

It was very pleasant to hear a voice like the sounds of nature, but it made Han Bai feel a chill. He felt that the voice was not joking. These words are fully assured, even if she is injured and dying, Han Bai is extremely scrupulous.

Looking back, Han Bai's face immediately showed embarrassment, Sui Xing was looking at him fiercely, but then his eyes were fixed on Han Bai's hand, because at this moment Han Bai's hand grabbed Yue Yue again. on the handle of the wheel.

Just when Han Bai was about to explain, a killing intent passed through his heart, and he became nervous unconsciously. At this time, the person who appeared next to the deep pit was definitely not a good person.

"Um, Miss Broken Star, you're finally awake. Just wake up. Hurry up and go. The monster wolves are attacking. The outside world is very dangerous. You are seriously injured and cannot be found by them. I will help you."

Han Bai didn't explain why he took other people's treasures to study there, but just picked up the Broken Star and left.

Han Bai glanced at the top of the deep cave. He hugged Broken Star and flew away without saying a word, because if he was slower, he might be approached. He was fine, but Broken Star, who was seriously injured and dying, couldn't stand it toss.


Just as Han Bai soared into the sky, he was stopped in the blink of an eye.

A few black-clothed women who don't know the level of cultivation appeared in front of Han Bai. These people were all pale, as if their vitality was hurt, and they seemed to be in a bad state, but they looked at Han Bai with murderous intent in their eyes .

Looking at each other, Han Bai suddenly became suspicious. The weapons of these women were very similar to the moon wheel used by Broken Star in his arms.

"Put down Broken Star, damn Hua Wuque, do you want to die?"

Seyin looked at Han Bai with a broken moon face, and unconsciously moved the moon wheel forward in his hand, the threat was obvious.

"I have no malicious intentions! I didn't hurt Miss Broken Star, I'm a good person." Han Bai immediately explained, although these women were injured, he had already sensed how vicious his eyes were, These women are all Yuandan strongmen, and it's best not to mess with them if they can't be messed with.

"Sister Suiyue, let him go! I have already obtained the inheritance of the sword domain, don't delay, if the opportunity is missed, if Cheng Wangfu finds out about the changes of the Suixing family, it will bring great trouble to the family, go."

The frail Broken Star didn't finish his sentence. A figure running fast in the distance attracted the attention of everyone present. The general momentum rushed towards him, and the fierceness was soaring. It was obvious that the visitor was not good.

.................................................. .......................

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