Prisoner Wife of Violent President

Chapter 23 The Storm Comes

Fang Yuxin went straight to the accommodation. Seeing Fang Yuxin running in in a panic, Aunt Chen grabbed Fang Yuxin and said, "Miss Yuxin, you are finally back. My husband went out to look for you all night last night. I just came back. You are in the room. Yuxin Miss, no matter what happens, you should first let the gentleman, the hero not suffer the immediate loss, you know?"

Fang Yuxin's heart was full of her father, so she didn't listen to these words, and dismissed them casually, hurried upstairs, opened the door forcefully, and saw Nan Gongchen sitting in front of a computer, without any emotional fluctuations on her face, as if a high-ranking demon king was waiting for a traitor.

He said coldly: "You are back, come and sit next to me."

Fang Yuxin mustered up her courage, and when she saw him lose all her courage, only her legs were trembling, and she was afraid to step back and wanted to run out. She knew it was the prelude to the storm, and he was angry because he didn't come back all night. Angry.

Nangongchen stared at her, quickly pulled Fang Yuxin over, let her sit on his lap, frowned and smelled the smell of alcohol on her body, his deep eyes became darker, and he said gloomily, "Did you go drinking?"

Fang Yuxin's body was shivering, she couldn't speak in panic, she raised her eyes to meet the sharp eyes in panic, she quickly lowered her head, and replied hesitatingly: "Yes."

"with who?"

Fang Yuxin felt that she was about to be tormented to death by the hellish voice and the devil's breath. Her palms began to sweat coldly, and her forehead was sweating. Her heart would die of fright when she went down. Just slept in the bar. Really, I kid you not."

"Have you lied to me? I will check it out. If you have lied, I will make you pay. Now watch a video with me!"

Fang Yuxin was afraid to stand up and wanted to run away, because the angry Nangongchen couldn't give herself any good videos? "I don't want to watch it." Turning around, I saw on the computer screen, my father was being tied to a chair, and there were a few big black clothes next to him.

Nangong Chen squeezed her chin fiercely. He didn't see her back yesterday. He was worried that he would go crazy looking for her, so he desperately called her, but he didn't expect her to go to drink. His bloodthirsty heart doesn't allow others to treat him in the slightest. Respect, Fang Yuxin really hit a snag today.

Fang Yuxin was afraid that her upper and lower teeth were chattering, creaking and creaking, her face was pale and she might faint at any time, tears rolled out, and she cried: "Please let my father go, it's my fault, I shouldn't sing against you, I won't If I should disobey you, I apologize to you."

Nangong Chen's sinister eyes revealed a breath of death, and he said coldly, "You yelled at me, didn't come back all night, and came back smelling like alcohol, how can I forgive you? I want to take your father first, Then I want to torture you! Sit down and get ready to watch the show!"

Fang Yuxin was forcibly pressed beside him, staring at the screen, straightened her back, time ticked by, and her heart became a little more scared with time, she couldn't control her whole body trembling.

Seeing her trembling body, like a frightened rabbit in his arms, Nangong Chen softened his heart for a few seconds, but smelling the smell of alcohol waking up the demon in his heart, he can't simply let her go, otherwise what is his prestige?

A devilish voice came from next to my ear, "It's time."

Fang Yuxin's body twitched, and begged for mercy: "Nangongchen, I was wrong, please don't kill my father, please, I promise you to be your mistress, no matter what you do to me?"

"Isn't it too late for you to say these words?" He was like the devil of Fang Yuxin in the main house, sitting in a chair and smiling at her.

Fang Yuxin's scalp was numb, and she followed his eyes to look at the screen. Seeing the black man walking towards her father with a knife, she felt a little better. She knelt down and kowtowed: "Nangongchen, please let my father go, please tell them not to I don't dare to hurt my father anymore, please..."

Seeing Fang Yuxin who was kneeling and begging for mercy, Nangong Chen was shocked, angry and heartbroken. Countless looks flashed across Xie Mei's face, and he picked up the phone: "You can stop."

Fang Yuxin turned her head and saw that they let go of her father, she felt much relieved, her eyes darkened and she fainted.

When Fang Yuxin woke up, she was lying on the bed, shaking her head, surrounded by no one, she was in disbelief, Nan Gongchen let her go so easily, this is not like his style.

She looked around cautiously, and there was really no demon figure in the room, so she couldn't help but relax a lot, patted her chest, and knew that the danger alarm had been lifted.

When she went downstairs, she saw Aunt Chen pointing and ordering her servants to do things, and called out, "Aunt Chen, where is your husband?"

"Miss Yuxin, you are awake, sir is on a business trip to the United States, and he may not be back until a week."

On business trip?Fang Yuxin's heart was full of joy. One week, she could have a week of free time. She sat on the sofa, raised her legs, watched TV in the same posture as Nangong Chen, and asked, "Aunt Chen, is your husband right?" Do you often go on business trips?"

"Yes, sir, you have a lot of business, so you have more entertainment, and you often go on business trips. Does Miss Yuxin miss you?"

Fang Yuxin stood up in shock, and said bluntly: "Aunt Chen, please be careful, I will miss him, I am not abusive, I would be happier if he died in a car accident on the road, so I don't have to be controlled anymore. "

Aunt Chen stopped her and said, "Miss Yuxin, Aunt Chen knows that you are duplicity, but you must not let your husband know what you say, or you will suffer again."

"I know, I'm not that stupid? I went upstairs." Suddenly remembering that I haven't called my father yet, I remember what happened yesterday, and thinking about staying to be Nangongchen's mistress, I feel panic and helpless.

"Mister said that Ms. Yuxin went back to work when she got up."

"Understood." Fang Yuxin cursed Nangongchen, he is a devil, he is not reconciled to death, so Nangongchen will compete with you in willpower, to see who is better than whom?

Dad's voice came from the microphone, "Yuxin."


"Yuxin, this matter is Dad's fault. Dad is obsessed with ghosts, and he will implicate you. By the way, where did you get the money?"

"Dad, the money... I borrowed it from the bank. It's fine! Don't worry about the money, Dad."

"Why isn't dad worried? So much money? Yuxin, dad is bothering you, dad really deserves to die!"

Fang Yuxin stood up in shock, feeling sorry for her father, but she didn't have the courage to say it out, all of this was her own fault, it was her own father who got hurt, not her father who got her hurt.

"Father, the matter is over, you don't have to worry about the money, I just need to pay a little from my monthly salary."

"Father still has some money here, you can pay it back first, and pay as much as you can!"

Fang Yuxin got stuck in her throat, took a deep breath, swallowed tears hard, and said softly: "Dad, I really don't need it. Someone is looking for me. I will hang up first. Dad, goodbye."


Fang Yuxin couldn't help lying on the bed, howling, as if she was crying out her intestines, her tears soaked the quilt, her hands tightly grasped the quilt, she clearly knew who caused her pain!But he has no ability to refute, like a little sheep at the mercy of others.

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